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(Created page with "{{Log |cast=Asciel Colette, Gary Biaggi, Rau le Creuset, Ryoko Subaru, Calas Zelinn, Lily Jung, Lucine Azul, Yuliana Kafim, Rita Bernal, Sophia Mayhew Castellan, Michiru Tenjo...")
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Revision as of 17:48, 16 January 2023

<Pose Tracker> Asciel Colette has posed.

        The failure to secure information leaked to Celestial Being has had Colonel Wilbur Garland pacing in down time - grousily calling various contacts to mitigate the damage that might happen if the intel he thinks has gotten out does. ...In some way, he wonders if he's in over his head - and the sound of centuries-old musicals can't drown it out...

        "Hiiiiya there! You seem a little distressed. Times like these try the souls of many men~" The oh so energetic voice of Chrome's representative irks Garland greatly, creasing his forehead as he rubs it tightly.

        "There's a mole somewhere who may have details on our contract - and unfortunately they're liable to let it slip to the public at whatever's the worst possible moment. It's Celestial Being meddling, and if there's one thing they excel at, it's timing for maximum havoc."

        "Celestial Being, hmmmmm..." Asciel's visage is merely a static badge emblazoned with "OWL" now, so she can't quite tease with her face... "Unpredictable ones. You should have gone all out in stopping them - being too careful and too strategic can turn against you. If you let them escape, it's only because you didn't secure the points they could escape to enough. Or...are you going easy on them?"

        "There is no 'easy' here. But I'll keep your observation in mind. You're forewarned that you may well find yourself exposed in the public." And with that, Garland clicks his phone off, throwing on his jacket and making his way to the Saratoga's bridge...

>He's so perfect for this. Feed him just a little bit and he soldiers on like he's got the upper edge. Director Brando, you picked so wisely for this little stunt. He genuinely thinks we're the ones with something to lose here, it's precious~

        +++SIDE 6, CORDOBA COLONY+++

        Over the last few weeks, as the conflict with ZAFT has escalated, protests in neutral and Federation-aligned colonies have as well. The very real inflamation of war in space will naturally reach their front - and citizens in Cordoba in particular are taking en masse to the streets, demanding peace talks be taken seriously.

        ...the Colonel has a different tack on this incident.

        "We've received word that the increase in illegal activity in numerous colonies is being directly inflamed by terrorist funding." Colonel Garland shares numerous documents of a few somewhat familiar Zentradi meeting with particular leaders among the protestors. . . some seem a bit like they could have been faked, if you peer at them. Others are a little more definitive. "The Black Rainbow in particular has an active strike team stationed in this colony - it's clear they intend to turn this public activity into an overthrow of Federation offices. Many of the rioters are known members of the Space Revolutionary Army, and negotiations have already been leaked revealing plans to defect and join ZAFT. Our task today is simple - we smoke out the Black Rainbow, and wipe them out."

        "...Operation - Singin' in the Rain - commence!"

Rita Bernal teleports in.

KTS: Lily Jung has deployed in RMS-119 EWAC Zack - Pink Psyco Test Type.
CHANSYS: No channel with that name or alias found.
KTS: You have not deployed a robot. (see +deploy)
KTS: Rita Bernal has deployed in RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex <Unicorn Mode>.
Mobile Weapon Team teleports in.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has deployed in ZGMF-600 GuAIZ.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has deployed in bEXM-29 Gardnova Galaxia Custom.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has deployed in ZGMF-515 CGUE.
KTS: Gary Biaggi has deployed in AEU-09Y812 Enact Custom.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has deployed in AMX-014R Reben Wolf.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has deployed in Tiandong Annihilation Custom Mk. II.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has deployed in SVM-01 Union Flag Sophia Custom - Flight Mode.
SCENESYS: Liam 7-020 has posted scene #258, 'Echoes of Trevelyan', at 19:00 EST on 01/20.
KTS: Lucine Azul has deployed in eEXM-17FT Alto Flight Type.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Someone, somewhere , must have decided that with Captain Langley missing and therefore unavailable to use as a tool to punish AEU officers by giving them chaperone duty that the next best thing was assigning them to crowd control in the colonies. Of course this meant the officer that rubbed people the wrong way the most got first dibs on such an assignment which is why Gary Biaggi is here in space, running crowd control.

         The ENACT stands infront a crowd of loud protestors as they shout and complain and a few bottles get thrown at his unit, <"I just want to confirm, no matter how much of my units paint they scratch I can't step on them right?"> The federation channel buzzes as he approaches the idea of simply doing what needs to be done to disperse the crowds.

         Another bottle hits the unit's chest as the contents run down the chest and Gary sides, he misses Asuka at least chaperoning her was fun.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

It seems the intel on ZAFT being involved is confirmed, as a strike team makes its way through access corridors towards the colony's interior. At the head of the team is a custom painted white CGUE, the infamous unit piloted by the equally infamous ZAFT ace, Rau Le Creuset.

        As the plain walls of the corridor whoosh past his screens, Rau reminds the rest of his team about the objective, <"The colony's population is attempting to rise up against Federation rule. And you can be sure the Federation isn't going to take this lying down. We've received word that they're already working on sending in a 'peacekeeping' force to subdue the protestors. And I'm sure it's going to get bloody quickly.">

        The whooshing corridor panels suddenly give way to open air as the ZAFT team rushes out into the colony's interior proper. The CGUE comes to a brief stop, its head looking over the colony. It then stops towards a part of the city where plumes of smoke are starting rise. Rau continues, <"It seems it's already started. Our objective is to protect the colonists and drive back the Feder-*cough*-Federation-*coughcoughcough*"> Apparently Rau is having some troubles? He manages to finish off, <"*cough*-Stop them from crushing these peoples' freedom!">

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

This doesn't sit right with her. For starters because Side 6 is supposed to be Independent.

But also just because she's a Spacenoid, born and bred, she feels like a traitor, hunting down Sleeves sympathizers.

Even if she feels the corpse of Neo-Zeon should stay in it's grave.

... She's a dog of Nergal now, and she knows it.

"Time to suck a little Vacuum."

A red Aestivalis is in position in the Gravitational Catapult, within Ryoko actually sighs, and looks up.

"That's not the only thing that will suck about all this." Ryoko mutters, the other pilots know she gets like this any time they're on a mission against people rather than Jovians.

"<Subaru, Aestivalis - Launch->"

"HOLD UP!" A screen comes on, with Uribatake's face, "This looks like it'll be an extended operation! We can't have you functioning on just reserve power!!!! We'll need your gravity wave antennas online!"

"<What the hell? You know how long that'll delay things if we take the Nadesico inside the Colony Docks?!>"

BGM Change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBlFHuCzPgY

~24 minutes later~

Ryoko has her head down upon the console of her Aestivalis, "<Are we inside yet?>" "<Almooostttt-!>" Minato tells her cheerfully as she steers the Nadesico near an opening door in the Colony Docks before it halts. "<Okay! You kids be good out there!>"

Ryoko Subaru raises her head and speaks like the life has been sucked out of her, "<...Subaru Aestivalis Launching...>"

The Gravitational Catapult sends a Red Aestivalis flying out into the Colony, "<GEEZ could that have taken any longer!?>"

Minato's smiling face appears in her cockpit. "<Of course! Would you like to me go half speed next time?>"

Ryoko seems to attack her image aggressively by how close she presses her face to it, "<Don't you dare! If I'm forced to sit there listening to Akito singing the Gekiganger theme FOR ANOTHER MINUTE then I won't be held responsible for what happens next!!>"


KTS: Ryoko Subaru has deployed in Aestivalis - Zero G Frame (Ryoko Ver.).
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has changed loadout.
<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

Calas Zelinn does not, these days, often get out in a mobile suit. More than was the case for a while--she was an instructor for some time--but now she primarily works on the Socrates, supporting the crew of definitely ZAFT officers. In something like this, though... In something that could easily become a bloodbath for colonists...

<"Objective acknowledged. Zelinn, going in!">

She jets down in her GuaIZ, looking over the colony, and darts towards the plumes of smoke. Her black unit will be very obvious against the colony's 'sky' when she gets in--it is meant to be.

She doesn't have a lot to say yet. But she does notice the coughing...

"<Le Creuset. If you need to pull back, I'll cover you.>"

He's coughing a lot. So, just in case.

<"If not... then let's do this.">

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Riots and rebellion. With things turning so tense as of late, Lily Jung has recently been requested to attend to matters at Side 6. Though she's been trying her best to lay in a contact with the Sleeves, she still has her loyalty to ZAFT, and will do her best to assist them in what they need done.

<"Understood, Le Creuset."> Lily Jung answers as they crew gets past the internals and come out into the colony proper. Notably, the Psyco Zack's weapons remain locked against its back. However, she has concerns. The presence of an armed response like this might just be the kind of excuse the Federation is looking for.

As they get closer to the smoke plumes, that concern quickly grows. Things have gotten this bad already? The Thrusters soon activate, and slow the Psyco Zack's descent as they get closer to the streets, before halting closer to the protests...

As Lily looks at the angry voices, and brings a hand to her face. Softly biting the soft flesh on her index finger's knuckle. Worry is so easily seen across her face.

Should she say something? CAN she say something?

Her heart tries to reach out. Hoping... hoping that somehow, they would be enough of a shield for these people. That the Federation will somehow not take their presence as a sign for start a battle amongst these people.
BBSYS: Post 587, 'PARADIGM BULLETIN' has been published to IC Resources by Roger Smith.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "Ryoko...." > Ryoko isn't alone. Literally. Lucine is going out too! But, noticably, she's not in her trusty Dianthus. It just... didn't feel right.

        Also, Ryoko's not alone in looking like a dog at the end of a tightened leash. Somewhere, Mars is still there, its colonies holding on for dear life, and she.... well, it's not as if she was active before this. < ".... Well, if we just do what's needed and go home, then the sooner we'll be back... and..." >

        'HOLD UP!'

        < "...... You know, maybe, this is a good thing? It's nothing we can help, and... maybe... it'll be over by the time we get there..." >

        ~24 minutes later~

        < "He's... getting better at the key changes...." > Lucine says, as if that helped at all. < ".... I need to... just start singing at the top of my lungs next time.... make it so that he'll... take a break..." > Maybe that's something that makes more sense when you get the nanomachines. They're supposed to make you a little more hot-blooded, right? Nevermind she's never really had any evidence for or against that, but it's enough for Lucine to call it off entirely.

        Lucine shifts back in her seat. < "..... what does 'let's go passion' mean anyway....? Are they calling for people to go passionately? Or is it the construct of passion? There's not a lot of romance in that show, though, not as much as in the comic books I found stashed in one of the break rooms...">


<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        A shadowy phone call --

        "Yes. They're on the move... I doubt they suspect my involvement, yet. My reputation provides me with excellent insulation, and I've ongoing joint projects with G-Hound to lend me credibility, besides." Her reputation as a saboteur, that is; given her destabilising actions in Helmajistan and other vulnerable nations, few people would guess she has split sympathies. (And, of course, she is helping Captain Castellan clean up Khanka... supposedly.) Yuliana -- or, in this conversation, 'Verdiska' -- glances aside, sotto voce. She has to pay attention to her surroundings, making contact like this.

        "All right. I'll continue monitoring the situation from the inside." A brief pause; the shadows shift. "I hope you appreciate the danger I'm placing myself in... they move to make war, and they're not being subtle. A series of unreasonable actions like that lend no one to moderation..."

        Her gaze veils. "Yes. Yes, I suppose it is more than I've offered you prior. But the Federation has done an unforgivable thing," to her, "so... perhaps I'm more ready to punish their perfidy, now." She's not really going after the people who hurt her, but...

        Sideways motion is still a form of progress.

        "Understood," she murmurs, with a slight dip of a nod. "All right. I'm going dark."

        The handler on the other end receives no further communication; there's just no safe moment to slip away.


        The Nega Force is assisting Colonel Garland in his efforts, here. They offered their assistance. Given their expertise in special operations, they're a valuable resource!

        She's sure to commit those documents to memory.

        Yuliana's emerald Tiandong 3 -- an REA wanzer -- is a rather small unit, but it still towers over anything built for human size. (Equipped with axe and flamethrower, with a cannon set into its shoulder, it's also more heavily armed.) Its cameras cast over the angered masses, and the Federation units deploying in the colony.

        A small icon on the corner of one of her displays indicates that it's all being recorded to file.

        "Confirmed, Lieutenant," Captain Kafim confirms, over Federation radio. "Even if they're idiots, we don't have orders to flatten them." Yuliana has no love at all for Spacenoids, of course -- but even she has some base common decency.

        You just don't step on civilians in your warsuit.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Faster than belief, a golden shape darts into the Colony. Keeping to the high skies, the Phenex looks down on the crowds forming. Anger rises from the people, shimmering in the air like a heat mirage. So much stands to be lost for these civilians. There isn't an easy path forward. But she can at least keep them safe in the battle to come.

Every living soul shines in the Phenex's eyes, but a few glow a little more brightly than ever. Lily and Lucine, as they approach, inspire the Gundam to come to a halt so she can observe them. Which side will they take? And of course, one mobile suit has absolutely nothing to offer the Phenex. Yuliana. Her friend.

Options are considered. Decisions are made. If she must, she will divert her shields from protecting the crowds below to use them to guard the heroes the Phenex has chosen. Their role in preserving the future comes first. It has to.

Looking down from on high, the Phenex's spirit reaches out, touching those she believes in. They are not alone, and they will not be harmed here.

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

The Hyperion has been called to assist, and Captain Castellan has elected to send her finest ace to assess. She senses prey afoot. Prey beyond the likes of Colonel Garland to oppose.

But every glimpse she gets of them takes them more firmy into her net.

Sophia's personal Flag is on the lines, Linear Rifle in hand and the captain's signature Linear Cannon mounted to its side, already silently siphoning power from her suit to charge the coils. Sophia sits in her cockpit, arms crossed, raking her Geass across the field. Seeking connections that will lead her to her targets. To Celestial Being, to the foes in the shadows. To Garland's own secrets.

"Commander Castellan," she announces. "On scene, Colonel."

The Flag's facial mask lights up, an emblem like a bent-winged bird over one eye. ...Probably just something she came up with.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

When Miss Calas agreed to this operation, a few others on the Socrates put their heads together to converse. A simple debate. Which of them would go with her, in a show of solidarity. Eventually it's decided, Michi will go along. Himeyuri is in a safe, secure place right now, so personal attention from her bodyguard isn't needed. She has time to simply... work in her private lab for a while.

Also, she just really wanted to go. Imperialist fiends, trying to subjugate colonies with open force? That has her blood BOILING. So she will be the immovable fortress that defends these souls. And the sword that strikes down tyrannical rule. To that end, she's once more brought her personal machine. The intimidating form of the Galaxia, despite its soft blue paint scheme. Despite its bulky look... The landing it has is gentle and precise.

To herself, with no outgoing transmission, she's preparing for the fight to come. By serenading herself with a certain song. One to keep her spirit at its peak. "Let's Gekiga-In!"

And then flips back on communication. "<Tenjou, ready to engage!>" If the Federation is looking for a fight... They're going to find more than they bargained for.

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has placed a bucket with capacity 1!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has placed a bucket with capacity 1!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has joined Yuliana Kafim's bucket!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has placed a bucket with capacity 1!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has placed a bucket with capacity 1!
KTS: Lucine Azul has joined Rau Le Creuset's bucket!
<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        In one of the artificial mountain valleys surrounding the primary urban hub of Cordoba Colony, the leader of the Black Rainbow, Timoshie Daldanton, has more than realized he's between a rock and a hard place. The Critical Path corporation funded his expedition out here - and they have, at this point, completely cut off all transmissions. He's stranded here, with nowhere to go but success at overturning and urging on a coup.

        And the Federation response has been much faster than anticipated.

        He's been had. He understands it now - the silver lining to the good bargain Manfred Brando offered was that the Black Rainbow was but a pawn to be disposed of on some unfathomably huge board.

        "...Captain Daldanton. We have a holdout secured. I'm sure we could take a much better gamble if we try to hide out and wait for a better opportunity," one of the younger half-Zentradi recruits addresses. Morale is low at the encampment, to be sure. Most of the men are staring into their hands.

        Tightening his topknot, Timoshie holds his eyes closed, deep in meditation. But internal peace only goes so far. There is an external reality to now consider.

        "...Our position is untenable. Our cause is held in only our own tragically small hands. The sun threatens to set..but out there. The people who are facing the barrel of the Federation's guns - the ones that have come for us? ...At this position, we are not left with the consideration of what will achieve our dreams - what will achieve our own prosperity. There is only our code as warriors! To fight for the future - and to fight for the future of those who cannot fight. We cannot cower away while the weak are left to clash swords with the enemy which has already arrived! The Black Rainbow must be a light that glimmers even in the darkness of space - a refraction of our blade swinging in an arc before oppressors! Those of you who have some dream of your own may stand behind...those of you who must protect the dreams of others, you shall come with me!"

        And a last cry of defiance echoes fiercely enough to scatter the birds.

        Perhaps Rita sees it first - this rallying cry of unfounded hope gleaming from the woods. Perhaps Sophia sees it first - a stray thread in the web being woven by distant spiders - no, a troupe of insects caught in it, holding together despite their dire predicament.

        <"Let's Go Passion, you say? What a bold, but simple idea! It is a pure, and vivid expression of determination - to listen to the roaring fire in your heart above all else! The Black Rainbow shall go into passion! Those who stand with justice, our blades are here to defend you!!"> A black and pink colored Reben Wolf twirls its double-edged beam saber triumphantly skywards as it surges into the outskirts of the city - Daldanton and his companions raising their metaphorical flag to gain attention . . . but holding back, slowing down as soon as they are noticed. A hasty shot from one of the wrist guns towards Gary's Enact is a clear declaration to come get it-!

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Gary Biaggi with Wrist Beam Gun Disrupting Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lily Jung has placed a bucket with capacity 1!
KTS: Lily Jung has left Lily Jung's bucket!
KTS: Mobile_Weapon_Team has deployed as a Boss for 2 opponents.
KTS: BSYS: Lily Jung has cleared their bucket.
KTS: BSYS: Mobile Weapon Team has cleared their bucket.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has placed a bucket with capacity 2!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Rita Bernal has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team rattles Gary Biaggi, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Gary Biaggi fails to react to Mobile Weapon Team's Wrist Beam Gun Disrupting Shot, taking 2100 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has engaged Gary Biaggi!
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

"<He is absolutely NOT getting better! Get your ass into formation Azul!>"

'... what does 'let's go passion' mean'

"<Why are you asking me!? Do I LOOK like I'm an anime fan? Ask Hikaru sometime-!>" And instead the Black Rainbow answers!? "<Are these Sleeves sympathizers OTAKU!?>" Ryoko complains in disbelief.

She didn't grow up on anime on Side 3!!! Why is this a thing! Why this!!!!

Before she can reorient on it though, she sees the Gardnova speeding in, and the Red Aestivalis spins around to suddenly fire several three round bursts of semi-automatic fire at it, muzzle flashing.

"<What the hell are you doing here!? Don't tell me you're here to defend these Otaku Sleeves Wanna-bes!>"

Her Aestivalis moves to try and flank, aiming in a manner where she'll at least not damage the Colony.

"<Got no quarrel with ZAFT! But Neo-Zeon needs to be put down for good!>"

KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Michiru Tenjou with Semi-Rapid Rifle!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        <"I'll--*cough*-be fine. Go!">

        Rau pulls his helmet off, coughing a few more times into his hand. His other hand reaches out, quickly opening a compartment in his cockpit and pulling a bottle of pills out. He takes one out and quickly downs it, before leaning back and taking a few moments to calm himself. Glancing at the hand he had been coughing into, he notices the splatter of red on the glove.

        Rau squeezes his hand into a fist, "Not much time left..."

        For now though, Rau has to complete the current mission. The further pressure of the colony's populace crying out against the war should help escalate things. Especially as this battle makes things worse.

        And it's already started, the Black Rainbow forces on site firing the first shot. That's more than enough provocation, even if it isn't directed at them specifically. Rau sliders his helmet back on... Time to add to the chaos.

        The white CGUE blasts forward through the air again, its mono-eye searching out some prey. The first target to fall under its gaze is Lucine's Alto. Looking to escalate and draw the Federation forces in further, Rau quickly moves to engage. The CGUE darts to the side to gain a better firing angle, its arm quickly raising and firing off a burst from the machine gun in its hand.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Lucine Azul with MMI-M7S 76mm Machine Gun Maneuver Shot!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

As a rule, Calas is not a very talkative or effusive woman... But she appreciated that the others on the Socrates sent someone with her. Not because she fears fighting alone, but because it shows something of the bonds there that have started to grow.

She will protect them if she can.

The rumors of the golden Gundam have only been rumors for her so far. Perhaps it will remain so... but probably not.

But it's not as if she intends to let civilians be caught in the crossfire if she can help it.

Which means...

<"All civilians">, Calas's voice comes over loudspeaker. "<"Evacuate. The Federation's hostilities will be opposed here.">

Is is a little bit of a spin? Sure. But she'll give them the chance to do it, too. Flying directly into the Tiandong's line of sight, she makes of herself a hopefully tempting target. It might be enough. But in case it isn't...

Over direct band radio to Yuliana, Calas transmits, <"I'd fire first, but you see, with such an empty belly I can't quite muster the energy.">

KTS: Calas Zelinn targets Yuliana Kafim with Pass!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim fails to react to Calas Zelinn's Pass, taking 0 damage!
KTS: [Lucky] Rau Le Creuset's Newtype Flash activates, and luck goes his way!
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to charge.
KTS: Lucine Azul partially guards Rau Le Creuset's MMI-M7S 76mm Machine Gun Maneuver Shot, taking 5820 damage!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou blocks Ryoko Subaru's Semi-Rapid Rifle, taking 3225 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

With a burst of hope and a flash of violent intent, it begins. Azure flame ignites in the sky, revealing the golden armor of the Phenex. She soars into a dive, racing toward the crowd. Twin 'wings' at her back detach from the Gundam and overtake the Rebel Wolf's shot. They offer no protection to Gary, but hold out flat above the crowd, shielding them from the aftershocks of the beam striking the Enact.

Descending slowly, the Phenex resonates with protective might. Psychic words reach out toward Daldanton and his comrades -- if they're sensitive enough to hear them.

You're endangering everyone here. Stop, now. This isn't going to go the way you hope for.

Returning to the Phenex as soon as the crowd is safe again, golden shields hover above her shoulders. Placing herself between the crowd and the Rebel Wolf, she stares them down. It's a threat display, the same way a bird might flare out her feathers to frighten a predator.

Waiting for the Rebel Wolf's next move, light bathes the surrounding area in a beautiful aurora of green-blue-pink. Scintilating irridescence rises from the machine and soars toward two companions of the Gundam's beloved spirit. Energy settles in and around Lily and Lucine's machines, strengthening them. The pilots may find their partners more capable, the next time they must attack.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Mobile Weapon Team with Pass!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Lily Jung
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Lucine Azul
<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

The hairs at the back of Lily's neck rise. This subtle prickle, as her spirit expands. A feeling of being watched. At the back of her mind, she feels almost like she heard the sounds of a bird.

She hasn't spotted the Phenex at all. But as its spirit reaches out, Lily asks quietly to the cockpit at large;


Just a single word, as her gaze scans the crowds for a moment. But she knows, she will not find Rita in the crowds. So instead, the machine brings its hands towards the cockpit. Mimicing the motions of Lily Jung herself.

Her Haro chimes in with; "Lily, I did not understand that query! Lily, I did not understand that query!"

Words that go ignored by the young woman. For she knows where she is. Rita is within her heart.

A place of warmth, flowing over with energy.

~"Thank you."~ She whispers. Even if she cannot see her yet, knowing that she's 'here with her' helps a lot.

But then...

A shot rings out. Movement in the forest. Her head tilts quickly. A single shot. Her heart stills for a moment. It takes just a single shot. It always just... took a single shot.

Immediately, she reaches out, the Zack quickly moving into place, as she maneuvers it right in front of Sophia's Flag. Trying to prevent her from going in. The systems on her Zack immediately activating, and the sensors on the Flag will start going wild as intense ECM waves combard the machine.

The pilot in front of her... bears connections. It bears many. More notably, each and everyone are strong connections. Unlike normal people she might come across on the street, who have many a few strong friends, and then a lot of faint threads, this girl makes intense and immediate bonds. A new 'young' one shows a beautiful pale one reaching into the skies. Reaching towards Rita. New, yet somehow, dense already. And as that light descends upon the Zack, and the pink lights of her own Psyco System start activating, that bond starts to grow before Sophia's very eyes.

<"I will stop you if you move!"> Lily calls out to the Flag pilot.

KTS: Lily Jung targets Sophia Mayhew Castellan with Designate L1!
KTS: Lily Jung has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Rita Bernal
<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The ENACT shakes as the beam weapon hits the ENACT armor, it isn't enough to be a one shot disabler but it is enough to make enough alarms in the cockpit go off that Gary gets annoyed, "That was not a bottle." Flicking switches and strapping himself in he is quick to get into a more battle related mindset as he eyes the Reben Wolf, "Oh look the neighborhood puppy came out to play."

         On federation channels Gary speaks up to his fellow pilots, <"Enact has engaged a rather flamboyant Reben Wolf, going weapons free. Maintaining melee weapons only, oh and I will try to watch my step."> Gary ends before he bursts into a bit of a cackle, as the ENACT draws it's blade rifle and it shifts into blade mode. The ENACT raises it and points to the Wolf.

         On open comms the pilot of the Reben would hear Gary, <"As an acting peace keeper for the colony I am to inform you to shut down and come out with your hands up."> If Gary had any intention of following through on that action though he sure as hell doesn't show it as he charges forward and slashes down with the blade rifle trying to end this quick and dirty.

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Mobile Weapon Team with Blade Rifle - Melee Strike!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Rita Bernal's Pass, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team partially guards Gary Biaggi's Blade Rifle - Melee Strike, taking 2730 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        One of those cameras diverts its attention from the crowds to look up -- the Phenex coming into view. "Rita," the Federation soldiers might hear her breathe, before she cuts her radio.

        Hands falling from that switch back to her clutch, her fingers tighten, around it. "What is she doing here?!" She demands of herself, speaking to the solitude of her cockpit. "Of all the damn places...!"

        Kicking at her console, Yuliana grouses to herself -- and makes sure to capture footage of the Reben Wolf entering the fray.

        She's not here to make the Federation look good, so she hasn't told the civilians to clear out -- but there's a puff of a sigh when Calas thinks to, a wordless expression of impatience.

        There's no external sign of the way she records Calas's declaration, or the way she swoops in; Yuliana is a smart enough saboteur not to make it so obvious. But there's still that little circle, in the corner of her console's displays, to let her know she's getting the feed down.

        Switching her radio to a direct band with Calas, Yuliana's voice is haughty as ever: "Ah, I see the Spacenoid rats talk to each other. Do you have so few able hands amongst you that you all know each other, I wonder..? Well, I'd hardly be the sort to draw implications..."

        But the Tiandong 3 does, at least, shift in its boxy frame to move towards the GuAIZ. She's never been one to resist temptation.

KTS: Yuliana Kafim targets Calas Zelinn with Demoralize!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: [Lucky] Calas Zelinn's Survivor's Guilt activates, and luck goes her way!
KTS: Calas Zelinn successfully accepts Yuliana Kafim's Demoralize
KTS: [Spirit Defense] Calas Zelinn's Cold Pragmatism activates, and her spirit endures.
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        On one layer, Lucine sees the influence of Genkiganger reinvigorating a new crowd of warriors. It's just that they're the warriors she and Ryoko were sent here to deal with.

        On another layer, Lucine feels the touch and breath of communication. Other newtypes?

        Then, it's joined by a warmth Lucine instantly recognizes, even if it comes with a rising feeling of dread. Turning her head, Lucine spots a flash of gold. < ".... That's...." > The Phenex. Rita.

        No, she doesn't want Rita to see her like this!

        She switches to a private band between her and Ryoko. < "... Ryoko, this is bad. Please, avoid fighting that gold Gundam, even if we get ordered to go after it. That's piloted by... someone who--" >

        The Alto suddenly tries to bank left, Newtype instinct taking hold, but Rau's shot aims true, throwing the craft off-course.

        ".... Ngh..." One of Lucine's eyes opens. "... I may be a bought dog right now, but I'll show you we can still fight!" Wheeling around, Lucine aims her own Module Cannon at Rau's white CGUE and fires.

         That craft. Should it ring familiar to her? It's definitely a custom model.

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Rau Le Creuset with Flight Module Cannon Sighted Shot!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

A familiar machine appears on the field. One piloted by, as Michi recalls, the girl who sent Hime into a state of catatonic shock on their first meeting. She never did fully explain why that was... No matter! The two of them have history, and... as Michiru was thinking about that, she's fired upon.

Galaxia raises an arm to catch the shots. Better they hit the well-armored limb, than strike the central block. Though that too is heavy defended. "<I came to defend the people of this colony! To ensure they aren't mowed down, as the Federation is so keen to use as a solution to every 'problem'. But what is an Otaku, exactly?>" She's never heard the word before. Despite the dialect of her home, some words simply don't exist there. Hopefully the point of her question gets across.

Still, even if these two, with their fated rivalry, are speaking with some degree of friendly terms... She still shot at the Galaxia. And that can't go unanswered. In a colony situation, she can't use her best moves... It's just too dangerous. But she CAN use the classics. Galaxia comes screeching in after the Aestivalis, fists practically on fire as it swings out a blistering punch! "<Galaxia Fist!>" Not quite a Gekigan Flare... No, she couldn't open up with something like that so casually. But if the situation calls for it, she won't hold back.

KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Ryoko Subaru with Heavy Fist!!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru parries Michiru Tenjou's Heavy Fist!, taking 960 damage!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has engaged Ryoko Subaru!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset fails to react to Lucine Azul's Flight Module Cannon Sighted Shot, taking 5340 damage!
KTS: Lily Jung designates Sophia Mayhew Castellan, making her easier to target and opening her to indirect fire.
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

The Phenex is something marked, but beyond a strange tingle of pressure she mistakes as simple the stress of the battlefield, she doesn't feel anything more-

Ryoko catches sight of the white CGUE, engaging- "<LUCINE! FORGET THE GOLD GUNDAM! That's Rau Le Creuset! ZAFT's top ace! Fall back!>"

She's about to fly over there to help, when Michiru comes in close enough that her way is blocked off.

"<You think I don't know the Federation sucks!? We're not here to mow down Civs damnit! GET OUT OF MY WAY!>"

Right now in her eyes there's a borderline sense of panic, because Lucine is going up against one of the top pilots in ZAFT. The Galaxia comes at her though, and Michiru might be shocked to find the Aestivalis comes in, and like a boxer, swings up the curved armor on its forearm to catch the punch, knocking a direct blow into a glancing one.

A sheath opens up on its leg, as the Aesti pulls the knife and begins trying to stab it in, and rake it down the Galaxia's armor.

"<AH!? Why are you asking a stupid question like that!>" Ryoko says as she tries to carve her up. "<Otaku are just Anime obsessed WEIRDOS!>"

She'll definitely have to apologize to Hikaru later for that one.

KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Michiru Tenjou with Rather Immediate Knife!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        The other members of the Black Rainbow halt in their tracks upon the sight of the Phenex descending. The usual 'a Gundam!'-type cries emerge - indeed, if there ever were a Gundam among Gundams, a light that seems to be the purest form of that idea which threw such a wall before aspirants like them - it'd be this one.

        But Timoshie is resolute - and both hands deploy their sabers, the golden light brimming at each end. "You come here cloaked in the light of valor - radiant like the sun. And yet even your light cannot illuminate the fact that this is the only path forward. To retreat would be to perish a long, agonizing death - to let those who would seek freedom fight alone! This world is a harsh one where backing down is a choice not afforded to too many. For tomorrow...is something we can only grasp with honor and justice! Gundam! You shall be split in twain!"

        A leaping slash upward arcs towards Rita - devoted fully to this triumph, dedicated to his cause - and once landing, Timoshie diverts and lands a second rearing swing towards Gary's Enact - aiming to cleave off the Mobile Suit's head. "The peace you seek is a false and empty one - a peace that forces others to suffer in silence! We shall assure the destiny of all who gather here - we shall secure their safety for the sake of all spacenoids!!"

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rita Bernal with Fixed Twin Beam Sabers Combo!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Gary Biaggi with Fixed Twin Beam Sabers Combo!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou fails to parry Ryoko Subaru's Rather Immediate Knife, taking 4410 damage!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has engaged Michiru Tenjou!
KTS: Rita Bernal successfully Evades Mobile Weapon Team's Fixed Twin Beam Sabers Combo
<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

Spacenoid rats... Calas doesn't give in to the bait, but it reminds her of the past. It's a little more personal.

"I'm afraid so," Calas replies gamely to Yuliana. "They even got me out of retirement..."

Calas looks over the displays in her cockpit, keeping an eye on Michiru's position in particular. She's engaging. All right, then.

With the civilians cleared--or at least far enough from their units to be clearing--Calas drives her GuAIZ in hard. While some are trying to protest still...

Well, Calas will try to keep the fighting away from them. Accordingly--

Driving the GuaIZ in. Calas moves with that bladed shield first, whirling around to try to get behind her and slam the Tiandong in the direction away from the protestors. ...At least, while she's a huge JERK according to the intel Calas received, she doesn't seem interested in stomping civilians.

So Calas slams into melee... and there is a terrible, tangible Silence. It's unsettling--she isn't so Awakened that it particularly impacts her abilities, but she feels it nevertheless, a flicker of nothing at all. She frowns, within her cockpit. But it won't stop her; regardless of what she 'feels', she 'knows' what she must do.

"Does it hurt? Knowing that we want to be free of you?" Calas wonders on tightband to Yuliana as she slams her unit forward, hands already on the controls to maneuver around.

KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn targets Yuliana Kafim with MA-MV03 Composite Shield Bash!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        It's pretty easy to recognize that the Alto's pilot isn't with the Federation specifically, Rau having tracked its launch from the Nadesico. A ship well known to be connected with Nergal. Still, said pilot shows some skill, firing back at Rau with the beam cannon.

        Rau's hand freezes for a moment, before he's able to force it to move.

        The CGUE's reaction is briefly delayed, but it moves to avoid the beam fire, unfortunately still taking a shot across the side of its torso.

        Rau frowns, "Tch... Still haven't recovered..." This may make things tough.

        Deciding to comm the Alto, Rau asks, <"You're with Nergal, right? I suppose that makes you think you only have a passing connection to this war?">

        The CGUE's thrusters burn bright, pushing the machine higher as it brings its left arm up. The gattling gun integrated into the attached shield spins up, spitting a stream of bullets at the Alto. Some of which are bound to miss and strikes along the surface of the colony behind.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Lucine Azul with M7070 Shield+28mm Vulcan Barrage!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Gary Biaggi parries Mobile Weapon Team's Fixed Twin Beam Sabers Combo, taking 705 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has engaged Gary Biaggi!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim fails to parry Calas Zelinn's MA-MV03 Composite Shield Bash, taking 3150 damage!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has engaged Yuliana Kafim!

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Sophia does, in fact, see it early. It's tough - the Geass shows more of a person's nature than the things that influence them, per se. But she can see someone in there who doesn't belong - threads that do not scatter to reinforce the general web. Others, new influences reaching out to connect.

"There he is," Sophia grits. She has no intention of pulling a MS-scale weapon on the civilians, but she does need to take action. "I think I see the target. I'm going."

Sophia announces this. Her eyes scan across that blazing golden light of the Phenex, and she thinks she sees flecks of gold on another space entirely.

...She nearly draws her blade there and then, and the distraction costs her as a Zack slams down in front of her.

Interesting woman, she thinks, distantly. But.

<<You will try,>> Sophia replies, and then raises her Linear Rifle.

But that's not what fires, as the much larger linear *cannon* pinned to her Flag's side ignites, belting a hyperspeed slug downrange to knock Lily's Zack aside.

KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan targets Lily Jung with Linear Cannon Main Charge!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Rouse Spirit Command.
KTS: Lily Jung fails to evade Sophia Mayhew Castellan's Linear Cannon Main Charge, taking 5100 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul successfully evades Rau Le Creuset's M7070 Shield+28mm Vulcan Barrage
<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "Sending a retired soldier to fight me... it's the height of foolishness!" Yuliana declares, brave or stupid.

        She looks over the civilians, as they flee from the conflict, to the machines clashing in the colony. A moment of distraction which costs her, as the GuAIZ forces its bladed shield into her space. The Annihilation lifts its chained axe to try and redirect the strike, but it hammers into her wanzer's armour, anyway.

        It is, at least, heavily armoured. For some reason.

        She has to shift her own grip on the sticks by her seat to work them all; there is rarely a point in her battles where she's still enough to simply grasp a clutch. "Frankly," Yuliana replies, "you simply don't matter that much. Why would I weep for the descendants of outcasts and criminals? Were you but silent, I daresay I'd never think of you at all!"

        She takes up her flamethrower, instead -- and one might think she'd try to get some space, using a short-ranged weapon like that. But there's a bayonet affixed to its end, and the horrific truth is shortly revealed as Yuliana stabs it towards the GuAIZ. Breaching her enemy's armour does make it much easier to overheat, but... she's getting hit by the blowback of the flames, too.

        (Her armor gleams, with the heat, and it may become obvious that she's specifically reinforced it to deal with this sort of damage.)

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Gary is confused , all the comm chatter is talking about freedom this and peace that, and Gary chuckles to himself as he catches the twin blade with his own blade, reducing the damage to a few close shaves. Nothing that can't be buffed out alater back at the hangar. Meanwhile he can only hope to stoke the fire of his opponent, <"Excuse me but speak of peace, but here you are causing the small fire that the riot was to fall into a full blown battle. This sure seems like you are the one who is seeking a false and empty peace or die. ">

        Gary does take notice of the Phenex, another Gundam has appeared, " Must be a gundam bargain bin somewhere in the colonies." At least this one is apparently sided with the federation, perhaps if they are lucky they could get a few more, who knows maybe he will pick one up someday.

        For now though he is happy with his ENACT and it's high manueverability. The ENACT appears to feel similiar as it works to move in towards the Reben Wolf bringing it's blade toward the wrist of the Reben wolf, working to try and disarm the unit's weapon eeven if only for a moment.

KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim targets Calas Zelinn with MULS-P Bayonet Flamer Heat Warper!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Mobile Weapon Team with Disarming Strike!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim rattles Calas Zelinn, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Calas Zelinn parries Yuliana Kafim's MULS-P Bayonet Flamer Heat Warper, taking 720 damage!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has engaged Calas Zelinn!

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

<"I will!"> Lily answers excitedly, as Sophia raises her Linear Rifle. She doesn't know what kind of pilot Sophia is. She doesn't know what kind of elite she might be. But, she will try!

The Psyco Systems start revving up, but before she can even respond, that Linear Cannon fires. The hyperspeed slug immediately TEARS into the nape of its neck and at its shoulder, causing the entire left body to spin back and for the Zack to be thrown down the street like a ragdoll!

At the last moment, she manages to have the Zack slam its foot down in the streets, halting just before it could possibly crash into some protestors.

The girl quickly calls down towards them; <"Quick, get out of the streets!"> As the twin rifles suddenly flit forwards from its back, releasing, and form these 'craw like claws'.

<"You're really good!"> Lily then calls back. Or maybe, she's just not a fantastic pilot herself.

"I can't use my rifles here..." She whispers to herself. "I need you to be careful!" Asking the Longblade Rifles as they rapidly clamber down the street, catching a lower position, while the Zack itself gets into a defensive stance.

The 'crab like' walking remote weapons use thrusters to dash from spot to spot, trying to outflank the Flag, before sparking thinner Megabeam Particles, splashing them towards the Flag like a flak assault! Spreading highly charged fleks of energy that quickly fall off and before they reach the air have already died down again!

KTS: Lily Jung targets Sophia Mayhew Castellan with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Psyco Option!
KTS: Lily Jung has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Dread and humilation echo from Lucine -- the Phenex glances her way, concerned. What's wrong? Why is she so upset? Gentle worry is sent her way. Not so much words, or anything tangibly expressed, but a Newtype as strong as Lucine will understand.

Lily. I'll keep you safe.

The Phenex responds quietly, echoed words just for the young lady. Indeed, she keeps her promise -- one of the Gundam's shields races out after Lily is hit by Sophia, prepared to help take the next hit. it orbits around the pink machine, certain to dart out to protect Lily from any angle.

The other shield is sent toward Yuliana. It spins around her playfully, the trailing kite-tail flared out behind it. A clear message, one pantomimed between friends. Like a game. I'll protect you, it says. Yuliana's anger is lost on the Phenex, as the golden bird is blind to her -- but she knows, Yuliana is inside the Tiandong 3. That's her friend, and the Phenex's heart soars higher to know she's nearby.

It seems Timoshie is as blind to the Phenex's words as Yuliana is, which brings a moment of sadness. If words will not reach them, perhaps the Light of the Resonant Plane will. Again, the Gundam is cloaked in heavenly radiance, but this time, it takes on a dire hue. There is no sorrow in the miraculous energy building within the Phenex's grasp, only the detached determination of an experienced soldier.

Reaching its peak, the Phenex raises an arm, launching the auroric power toward her enemy. It burns the air itself, the otherworldy fire from this Bird, and if it makes contact -- it surely will be known.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Mobile Weapon Team with Coronal Aurorae!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Having her opening strike caught, that's indeed a surprise. The pilots she's faced up until now have tended to be unprepared to fight her up close. Most have preferred a longer-range encounter. Really, that's to be expected. Most military fights would be that way, right? And she's far from a 'proper' sort of pilot. Even when she's using regular ZAFT machines. But this is how it should be! The person she'll fight at every turn, to determine the fate of the PLANTs... They HAVE TO be somebody who can take her hits. Who can go toe to toe with her, on her chosen field!

Her eyes come into focus, blood rushing and sharpening her senses...! Anyone who could see the look in her eyes would call them frightening. Intimidating. Definitely intense. A knife sinks into the Galaxia's body, ripping straight through its armoring and shredding something inside. She gets a warning from the systems, and painful feedback racing through her. But none of it matters in the moment. Because this is exactly what should happen.

"<You might not be! That's true! But can you say that for everyone else? Can you tell me for certain!? That nobody on that side will hurt them? That they'd be treated with HUMANITY, if we don't intervene?>" And that's the essence of why she's here. Because even if a few of the Earthling people are kind. Are understanding and caring. That's not the forces in power. They'll just be stamped out the moment they aren't convenient tools...! Even a cursory look over the battlefield shows it. The way some of them fight with no care to their surroundings.

She's not mad at Ryoko, not in the least. The two of them are both doing what they think is best. And in that spirit, Michiru is going to show her something she didn't, last time they met on the field. "<GALAXIA PIERCING FLARE!>" There's no way to misinterpret what this attack is, once it's in motion. The hands of the machine unfold, transforming into a pair of claws. As per her recent modifications however... The left-arm claws swivel together, taking on a shape more like a tapered blade. The machine backs away slightly, leaking sparks... And with the regular arm stretched out before it, the Galaxia lunges forward! She's been pushed to use this move sooner than she's expected, but this is all quite fine. The right claw reaches out during the lunge. Looking to grip onto the Aestivalis. To gain purchase and pull it in for the followup. For the piercing thrust of the left arm's blade-like configuration...

The blade that definitely wasn't just a mistake in repairs, that Michi is running with for lack of a properly heroic sword.

KTS: Michiru Tenjou has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Ryoko Subaru with Dual Claw!!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru fails to Parry Michiru Tenjou's Dual Claw!, taking 6600 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Michiru Tenjou's Villainy Will Never Succeed! activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has engaged Ryoko Subaru!

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Ryoko's exclamation jostles Lucine. Her expression over the video feed seems embarrassed, as if the gardener had just been caught stealing from Howmei's kitchen. < "... Aha.... That explains some things.... But Ryoko, turning my back would be unwise. This craft can only go so fast." >

        It's not an excuse, completely.

        < "Ryoko... it'll be okay. Focus on your side of the fight, and be ready. When my craft is doing badly, use it as your chance to back out, alright? No one is going to tell us we didn't do our job if we engaged one of the top fighters, will they?" >

        The light in Lucine's eyes says otherwise. Now that she's in the thick of battle, and she's managed to get this far, she wants to keep chasing it.

        Lucine's heartrate speeds up as she hears the unfamiliar voice coming from radio. < ".... If we had a personal connection, it would potentially make things worse for you." > The light of gunfire catches on Lucine's eyes as she looks up through the cockpit, straight at the Rau's white craft. < "But engage me all you like, if it suits you." >

        As Rau may or may not have calculated, the spray of bullets miss the Alto completely.... and hit the colony beyond. "....!" Lucine.... didn't consider, when she shot.
        Rita's gentle concern feels even worse, when it hits her in that moment.

        "Ngh!" Ryoko just might see Lucine do the opposite of back away, like she had been doing before; instead, the Alto's thrusters fire and she rockets straight towards the white CGUE, spear in hand.

        < ".... I have to keep the shots down to a minimum!" > she yells, over their comm link. < "Our missed shots will hit the colony!" >

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Rau Le Creuset with ExAMACS Spear Swing!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rita Bernal rattles Mobile Weapon Team, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team partially guards Rita Bernal's Coronal Aurorae, taking 4800 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Rita Bernal's Destined Meeting activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Gary Biaggi rattles Mobile Weapon Team, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to parry Gary Biaggi's Disarming Strike, taking 2250 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Of course. What chance do I have against the Federation's best? With only the most modern technology?" It's petty, sure. Calas is fine with that. She does, however, expect the axe to be what's used to defend. And indeed for a moment it is.

But the heavily armored Wanzer has a different approach for her. Calas can nearly ignore the taunt; she knows full well what she's the descendant of, actually. Nearly. But a flamethrower?

A flamethrower, in close quarters? "Are you mad!?" Calas snaps off over the radio to Yuliana especially, as she spots that armor gleaming. But she's quick on the draw; despite that continual Silence, Calas is able to drive her shield into the flamethrower and knock it mostly but not entirely aside. "That's half-suicidal! Do you not care about yourself, either?"

Calas continues to drive forward with her shield forward, though it's likely to start melting or bending under the pressure if Yuliana doesn't turn off that flamethrower. But she doesn't need arms to act.

The extratensional arrestors--the bladed whips that snake out of the back of Calas's unit--swing wide, extending out to either side of the Tiandong to pinch from either side at the weakest points she can guess at, blasting with short-range beams once they get in close.

"Or is it just that no one would miss you if you didn't come back?"

KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn targets Yuliana Kafim with EEQ7R Extensional Arrestor - Pincer!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset rushes into the attack!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset partially guards Lucine Azul's ExAMACS Spear Swing, taking 2025 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has engaged Rau Le Creuset!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Foresee Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan fails to evade Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Psyco Option, taking 5600
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim rushes into the attack!
KTS: Calas Zelinn rattles Yuliana Kafim, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim partially guards Calas Zelinn's EEQ7R Extensional Arrestor - Pincer, taking 4200 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Calas Zelinn's Instant Calculation activates, causing Designate L1!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has engaged Yuliana Kafim!
<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        His opponent chooses to wield a spear. An effort to save damage to the colony perhaps? Fine, Rau is happy to oblidge.

        As the Alto charges towards the CGUE, spear at the ready, the CGUE stows its machine gun and reaches for the large sword attached to its thruster pack. As he prepares to meet the attack Rau say, <"Well then. Perhaps it would interest you to learn that Blue Cosmos... Of which numerous Federation ranking officers are a member of and driven by... Is actually primarily led by people in the private sector.">

        The CGUE's thrusters fire, pushing the CGUE towards the Alto in an attempt to more rapidly close the distance and throw off its opponents expectations. Rau continues, <"Including industrial magnates. With holdings in some rather large companies.">

        The two machines cross, Lucine's getting the first strike it, though slightly lessened by the sudden rush. After the pass, the CGUE quickly spins around, blade swinging with it as Rau finishes, <"Companies like Nergal!"> The sword streaks towards the Alto for a heavy blow.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Lucine Azul with MA-M4A Heavy Sword Disorienting Blow!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

Lucine tells her to focus on her side of the fight, that noone will tell them they didn't do their job, "<Who cares about that!? I don't give a damn what some bowl-headed ADMIRAL thinks when it comes to doing our job or not!>"

She's sees Lucine's Alto do the exact opposite of falling back, "Damnit Lucine!" Her only concern now is making certain she gets out of this alive.

It's not an easy path to get there though, as Michiru shouts her Galaxia Piercing Flare!

"Why does she shout all of her attacks!? Is it contagious!?" She assumes this is Akito's fault but the transformation into claws catches her off guard, as the tapered blade lunges at her.

The claws catch ahold, and while she twists away from the blow, it sinks deeply into the Aestivalis' waist, sparking as internal circuitry ruptures.

"<OF COURSE I CAN'T ACCOUNT FOR THEM ALL! You can't either when your side attacks Earth!>"

It's movement now partially hamstrung from the waist down. The Aestivalis tries to recover with something as simple as a right hook, aimed at the Gardnova's head, trying to smash some of its sensors.

"<You think I want to be here!? I signed up to fight the Jovian Menace - not ZAFT!>"

Certainly Ryoko has no idea that she's fighting a Jovian. She assumes they're all just unmanned automatons until you get to Jupiter and fight the actual Lizards.

She wouldn't sign up to fight people, that's just ridiculous.

KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Michiru Tenjou with Standard CQC <Normal> Punch!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to retreat.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset rattles Lucine Azul, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to react to Rau Le Creuset's MA-M4A Heavy Sword Disorienting Blow, taking 3700 damage!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has engaged Lucine Azul!
<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

The high-speed mode of the Flag jets away, blasting away at speed to try and slip away from the assault of the beam weapons. She moves fast, but it just doesn't quite work, and a beam slams into the center of the body and scatters in each direction, spattering like hot oil.

The Flag's legs swing down and the faceplate gleams with threads of light. Lily's call earns her a huff of a breath from Sophia.

Sophia swings up her Linear Rifle then, scooting sideways with the plasma thrusters to keep herself moving while pummeling the Zack with coilgun bullets. Her eyes scan the field, glancing about swiftly. Keeping an eye on their enemies.
Sophia Mayhew Castellan transforms to SVM-01 Union Flag Sophia Custom

KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has changed loadout.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan targets Lily Jung with Linear Rifle Rapid Mode!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou blocks Ryoko Subaru's Standard CQC <Normal> Punch, taking 2450 damage!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has engaged Michiru Tenjou!
KTS: Lily Jung successfully evades Sophia Mayhew Castellan's Linear Rifle Rapid Mode

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        The overwhelming radiance given off by the Phenex is enough to cow several of Timoshie's squadmates - he himself gives a rugged 'gwaaaah-!" as the Reben Wolf just barely endures its light, the Zentradi warrior turning up the polarity diffusion on his helmet's visors. It's almost enough for Gary to sneak in a decisive, hand-maiming blow - but he pulls away just quickly enough to make it away with just his saber knocked free - the emitter gouging a gash into a set of tramways before flickering away.

        "Like I will wait for your governments to do your heinous deeds in these colonies! It is clear to all who find their homes among the stars that Earthnoids cannot be trusted here at all, lest you leave a foul curse like that at 30 Bunch! My sword is a warning - a message that you shall flee and never interfere in our affairs again!" Timoshie's breathing heavily - he's well aware that he's equipped with a heavily beam-fire loadout in the tender environment of a colony, so instead - a hatch opens on one shoulder, and a volley of missiles surges out as he tries to pull Gary and Rita away from the houses and complexes at the colony's core - an act slowly encouraging fleeing civilians to emerge from shelters - some cheer on the valiants of ZAFT, some are relieved to see the Federation's officials quell this . . . it's not an easy situation in the slightest.

        Timoshie can't stop leering at the Phenex all the same. His breathing steadies. He can hear the intent a little better if he focuses - if he calms.

        "...Gundam. You who always arrived clad in a 'hope' that leads to an unchanged tomorrow for those who call these places home. ...The art of acting purely in response to whoever fires first will ultimately not defend people. War itself is the art of manipulating who even must aim the first bow, after all."

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rita Bernal with Eight-Tube Missile Pod Barrage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Gary Biaggi with Eight-Tube Missile Pod Barrage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rita Bernal successfully Evades Mobile Weapon Team's Eight-Tube Missile Pod Barrage
<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "Hahahahaha...!!" Yuliana laughs, outright, at Calas's response. Oh, it never gets old.

        She loves this thing!

        "So long as I kill you first," Yuliana explains, with a horrible, too-sharp grin, "I'll always get away with it!" It's a particular philosophy, without regard for her own life, which is necessarily common in the REA.

        The arrestors cracking out to either side of Yuliana snap in -- but one of them meets that golden shield, rather than the Tiandong 3 itself. "I don't need your help!" Yuliana snaps, glaring to it, even as she can't quite avoid the beam which follows.

        She exploits the gap Rita creates between her side and that grasping whip, regardless, to bring her flamethrower to bear -- and plunge it forward, into the GuAIZ, rather than retreating. The heat output of this attack is enough even to overwhelm the defenses she's set up against herself, because even with all her preparation, she can't ever completely defend against her own bloodthirst.

        "No one would miss me?!" Yuliana demands, over the flames, anger entering her voice. "You know nothing at all! I'm married!"

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

A shield! A shield protects her from a follow-up shot, and Lily's heart beats fast. A golden shield, with beautiful feathers. She doesn't need to turn around. She doesn't need to look at its origin. Instead, within that cockpit, her heart reaches out. Like a hand, offering a perch for a bird to sit upon.

"Thank you for helping me."

Her gaze then lifts up, as the Flag shows itself capable of transformation and getting away at high speeds. Lily's mouth hangs open for just a moment, impressed at the speed of the flag, only for that Linear Rifle to swing towards her once more, while those coilgun bullets tear across the ground. The Zack begins to skate back, diving between the streets.

There's something strange about the way the Zack is moving though. This strange unnatural sense of awareness. Its thrusters keeping it aloft, but there's still protesters down there. Waves of wind being flurried around, but the Zack keeps avoiding the busy streets, ducking down the less busy ones. Avoiding the bullets, and guiding Sophia's shots away from the buildings.

The Longblade Rifles follow, flying down different streets, until they finally meet up and dock at the back of the Zack - at which point hte machine lifts up from street level and rockets straight up towards the Flag, trying to slam its body into her machine, before turning around. The Longblade Rifle funnels spreading out, firing a spray of those same short-lived particles, before the second suddenly transforms, and rockets towards her like a sword aiming to pierce through the bottom of the Flag.

<"Just be careful with the central pillar when you're firing, okay?!"> Lily is clearly assuming a 'Federation' officer might not be as familiar with the things to be careful of when fighting within a colony. Which is... maybe a bit insulting. But it comes from a good place. She wants to make sure that neither of them make a mistake here.

KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim targets Calas Zelinn with MULS-P Bayonet Flamer Burnout!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lily Jung targets Sophia Mayhew Castellan with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Blade and Beam - Repel!
KTS: Lily Jung has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim rattles Calas Zelinn, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Calas Zelinn parries Yuliana Kafim's MULS-P Bayonet Flamer Burnout, taking 1230 damage!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has engaged Calas Zelinn!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her vulnerable.
KTS: Gary Biaggi fails to intercept Mobile Weapon Team's Eight-Tube Missile Pod Barrage, taking 3780 damage!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Foresee Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
Yuliana Kafim has paged Asciel Colette with, 'did you see my query btw'
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan parries Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Blade and Beam - Repel, taking 720
KTS: Lily Jung repulses Sophia Mayhew Castellan, forcing her to disengage.
<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

Yep. She's nuts. Calas is sure of it. ...Worse, she's serious about it.

"Is that how it works, then?" Calas is admittedly given some pause by this attitude. She hasn't fought this kind of person in... years. Not that she's known about, anyway. And yet--

The Golden Gundam is helping her. Helping this Federation pilot. And yet, she also seems to be helping Lily Jung. "...Golden Gundam," Calas says over a wide band radio. "What is your intention here?"

It's worth asking. But she doubts she'll get an answer...

That gap, though--the flamethrower is pushed towards the GuAIZ once again, and only its heavy, cutting-edge armor stops it from melting already or warping under the sheer heat. But it's affecting Yuliana's Tiandong, too...

This time Calas uses those two whip-like Arrestors again to slam towards the flamethrower, knocking it aside so that she can weave in underneath with her shield. She rushes in, hammering away at Yuliana's unit.

"Married, huh? My condolences to your spouse. I'm sure they must be perfectly nice, other than their taste in women."

The glib words are a cover; the truth is that, while Calas is a professional, will fight on despite her anxiety... this 'nothingness' is unsettling her. She doesn't like it at all. She imagines this might be part of why she's such a difficult opponent to deal with...

But Calas's black GuAIZ betrays none of that worry.

KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn targets Yuliana Kafim with MA-MV03 Composite Shield Claw Rush!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine's portrait over her private commlink with Ryoko is focused. < ".... the Nadesico already has the Federation on its back because it went to Mars. It's barely been a year; they're not going to kindly forgive because you got a few crewmembers for all your efforts." > As well as many who were dead because the Nadesico came, but Lucine... skips past that. < "... Just... get ready, Ryoko. I'm making the best of this, just like I did on Mars." > Her smile is the last thing Ryoko will see as her commlink turns off, Lucine now focusing on a very difficult battle.

        And it might be a short face-off, at that.

        < "There's no such thing-" >

        Lucine's helmet thumps loudly against the side of her seat from the impact of the CGUE's blade.

        Her eyesight is still spinning.
        < "..... There's... no such thing.... as a blue cosmos. Whoever came up with that idea... didn't know flowers." >
        As if this was a fair rebuttal, from the pilot of the drifting Alto. < "... I don't consider them anymore than they would consider what a cosmos would actually look like." >

        Suddenly, the Alto nimbly casts off to the side in a flurry of activity, its pilot trying to make her last possible action count.

        < ".... It was the Nadesico that came to help when it counted for me." > Lucine's tone darkens, as she comes at Rau with a spear. < "_Not any of you_." >

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Rau Le Creuset with ExAMACS Spear Swing!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim fails to parry Calas Zelinn's MA-MV03 Composite Shield Claw Rush, taking 3080 damage!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has engaged Yuliana Kafim!
<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Aiming at the Gardnova... at Galaxia's head, is pretty simple. It's basically just a part of the central body, jutting up slightly with a square mono-eye at the front. The only problem is, aside from that lens it's just as armored as the rest. And when she right hooks, Galaxia headbutts the fist to put the brunt of the hit on the armored top, instead of slamming into the sensor. It still dents in the head, and causes a camera glitch. But nothing permanent. Despite the sparks of further damage. "<I can't, you're right. But I can take responsibility for what happens when I'm here.>"

But what she says next. That catches Michiru. Pulls her out of her emotional high, just a little. "<Jovians? You enlisted to hunt Jovians?>" What does the Federation know? ...Are they aware of Jovian Leadership? Do they know... A hundred questions rocket through Michiru's head. She needs to talk to Hime about this... But the Socrates is nowhere near the battlefield today. Just herself and Miss Calas. But maybe she can probe this woman for more information. Sure, they won't tell her everything. But it's a good start. "<What is this 'menace' like, exactly? What do you know about them?>"

She can't let go of the fight either... Her mind may be elsewhere, but linked into Galaxia, she'll operate just fine anyway. It does however, mean when Galaxia's right arm detaches, to fling itself at the Aestivalis as a rocket punch... She doesn't announce it this time.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Ryoko Subaru with Rocket Punch!!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset parries Lucine Azul's ExAMACS Spear Swing, taking 1350 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has engaged Rau Le Creuset!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru blocks Michiru Tenjou's Rocket Punch!, taking 4730 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Michiru Tenjou's Villainy Will Never Succeed! activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has engaged Ryoko Subaru!

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The ENACT attempts it's best to shoot down as may of the missiles as it can but in the end it is caught up in the explosion and dealt more then just some superficial damage. In fact some of the armor around the legs and arms have been turned to nothing more then slag. Gary suffers through the bumpy ride but the ENACT keeps standing as he laughs, " This pup is crazy, I kinda like him."

         Even if Gary does appreciate the opponent infront of him he hates the hypocrisy of the words and speaks up over the comms, <" Hey moron, for a dumbass who wants to see the colony be free, you are sure doing a good job wrecking it. If you want to give everyone the ultimate freedom I am sure you and your fellow warmongerers could come up with a better way, like destroying the colony itself."> Gary tosses out some words, and looks forward to see just how the enemy will react.

         In the interim the ENACT moves forward it raises it right arm to strike with the blade rifle but instead of following through with the swing the ENACT keeps flying forward raising it's knee to jam the knee right into the Reben Wolf.

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Mobile Weapon Team with Feinting Strike!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        Rau's eyebrows raise a little as his opponent goes on about flowers. Perhaps his last strike hit them just a little too hard? Regarless, he replies to Lucine's assertion that the Nadesico was there to help her, <"Perhaps.">

        The Alto lunges at the CGUE with its spear, but the CGUE brings its sword up to push the spear to the side, causing it to only cut a graze across the CGUE's arm.

        <"Or perhaps the Nadesico itself is just a pawn in someone's game. To be used as they see fit and then discarded.">

        The CGUE lunges at the Alto, sword sweeping to try and knock away the spear to prevent an effective counter. It then spins the sword around, raising it up with the tip pointed menacingly towards the Alto's center.

        <"Be careful not to get buried along with it.">

        The CGUE plunges the blade down towards the Alto.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Lucine Azul with MA-M4A Heavy Sword Combo!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

Michiru asks a question, and Ryoko is startled in this moment of high tension, "<What!? What does that matter! They're just big dumb Lizard aliens on Jupiter sending scores of bots and unmanned ships at us!>"

She was incentivized by Nergal to join, but the primary draw was supposed to be that she wouldn't have to fight PEOPLE anymore!

... Funny how that worked out for her.

The Rocket Punch detaches as she answers, and Ryoko's Aestivalis puts out both of its hands, and shockingly, tries to CATCH it. It plows into the Aestivalis, and appears to be overpowering it with ease, knocking it back, its thrusters unable to provide enough counterforce.

Until that moment it stops, a shimmering grey barrier in place, the Aestivalis' hands partially mangled.

Lucine's focus doesn't seem to convince Ryoko at all. "<Screw their forgiveness! There's more important things Azul! LUCINE!>"

Ryoko keeps the grey distortion field up, and despite the mauled hands, draws it up as if in a punch.

As Ryoko snarls into the comms, voice pregnant with anger and desperation, "<Get out of my GODDAMN WAY!>"

And with that, the Aestivalis launches itself straight at the Gardnova, thrusters burning bright. Trailing a shimmering field behind it, it's fist raised, as the distortion field concentrates on that single point, as she tries to crash into right into it

Michiru would absolutely recognize that it looks like the Gekigan Flare the way it's delivered. But it couldn't be right?

'Earthlings' would have no appreciation for that sort of thing, but more importantly...

... she didn't call out that it was.

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Sophia can't see the surge of Intent between Phenex and Lily - that's not how her powers work. So she's quite surprised indeed at the way the Zack is able to keep itself aloft, as the shields interfere. "What is this," Sophia mutters to herself. Her eyes cut down to the side, but the golden mobile suit appears to be attempting to stop the gathering crowd. Good, alright.

She's being lead away. She decides she doesn't have a big problem with that, not with her Flag's mobility. Her attention snaps back down to Lily. With a flick of the wrist, her Flag's free hand draws its Sonic Blade from the wrist compartment. It's barely a knife, but when Lily's beam sword blasts at her, her sonic blade ignites with reactor plasmas, a makeshift blade allowing her to knock the incoming longblade rifle-sword away.

Then she drops her grip down to the linear cannon, lofting it up to level the huge barrel straight at Lily's Zack.

Three shots. Each one fit to knock a hole the size of a truck in anything it hits that isn't an armored Mobile Suit. The air sings with an electric buzz as each roars forth.

KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan targets Lily Jung with Linear Cannon Burst!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Michiru Tenjou with This Is Not the Gekigan Flare Shut The Hell Up!!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lily Jung has activated the FOresee Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul retreats from the attack!
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to react to Rau Le Creuset's MA-M4A Heavy Sword Combo, taking 5060 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has been defeated!
KTS: Lily Jung has activated the FOresee Spirit Command.
KTS: Lily Jung fails to evade Sophia Mayhew Castellan's Linear Cannon Burst, taking 4380 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to retreat.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Gary Biaggi's Feinting Strike, taking 5640 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "If you have a reason to fight, there's no reason to hold anything back! Caution is the coward's shield!" Yuliana crows, with abandon.

        How she's survived this long might be the real question.

        Yuliana's flamethrower is knocked aside, and she lets it drop -- her weapons are, of course, attached to her unit -- in order to take her axe up again. There's only so much she can do to block that shield, though, so perhaps it's lucky Rita's shield is here just the same.

        "I won't permit a lowly creature like you to even speak of her--!" Yuliana yells, as she throws her axe behind the GuAIZ. Did she miss, at this distance...? No -- with a tug of her chain, it becomes clear that Yuliana deliberately meant to entangle her with her own chains, as she attempts to lodge her axe into its back and loop the connected chain around her.

        The alarms in her cockpit are all singing, of course, but the Tiandong 3 isn't the only thing which has heated up in this conflict.

        Even so, Yuliana keeps finding moments to divert her cameras from the GuAIZ to the wider battle and its effects -- and this close, Calas might well be able to notice the way they turn and refocus. Her attention isn't entirely on her opponent. Just where is she looking?

KTS: Yuliana Kafim targets Calas Zelinn with MULS-P Grappler Axe Acrobatics!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim anchors Calas Zelinn, forcing her into close range.
KTS: Calas Zelinn blocks Yuliana Kafim's MULS-P Grappler Axe Acrobatics, taking 3820 damage!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has engaged Calas Zelinn!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim begins a Formation attack!
<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Lily's Zack tries its best to move. But for Sophia, it may be starting to get apparent just how much the Zack is being outclassed by her modern Flag. What's more, the pilot in front of her is still getting her 'wings' so to say. She's making beginner mistakes for a pilot.

She's aware of the world around her, but that doesn't mean she has the instincts burnt into her yet on how to best maneuver. When the barrel levels towards the Zack, the first shot misses, as the Zack spins around it beautifully, but the second and third slug straight into its body. One of the shots in fact ripping one of the legs off of the Zack, sending it faltering straight down towards the ground, to crash amidst a park beneath Lily.

The girl gets the scare of her life, her heart beating fast in her chest!

Rita might pick up on a moment of fear... then...

Light. Hope.

As the girl bites down and grits her teeth!

<"Looks like I still have a lot to learn!"> As the girl stops moving for a moment, reaching out...

The weapons coming to halt alongside the Zack, as flecks of pink light start coming off of the Longblades and the thrusters of the machine.

Within the cockpit, she closes her eyes for a moment, trying to get a better handle on herself. Lifting her hands off of the controls for a moment. Various screens within the Zack activating. Coming to life, showing small lines and graphs, taking in more readings for the future.

As the Longblade Rifle on the left begins to start Suppressing Fire towards the Flag, as the Zack zooms in from above - avoiding putting herself in a line of fire where Sophia would be forced to fire into buildings - and once again tries to reach her with her blade, trying to cut at the machine's thrusters by passing by and cutting sidewards as the Longblade flashes to life with its magenta radiance.

KTS: Lily Jung targets Sophia Mayhew Castellan with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Blade and Beam - Combo!
KTS: Lily Jung has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Foresee Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan fails to evade Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Blade and Beam - Combo,
taking 2550 damage!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou fails to parry Ryoko Subaru's This Is Not the Gekigan Flare Shut The Hell Up!, taking 8160 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Ryoko Subaru's In the End All I Do Is... activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has been defeated!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has engaged Michiru Tenjou!
<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"It's because I have a reason to fight that I fight carefully," Calas answers, her voice cool. It's easy to be cold in this 'nothing', really. "Aggression helps. But alone, it only takes you so far. As you'll see."

The shield batters across the flamethrower, and Calas smiles grimly as she dodges back the axe. "Really?" she asks. "Your wife," she says, 'i'm touching you', and then--

Ah. The axe loops around. Its heated blade bites hard into the GuAIZ's heated armor, and while it doesn't impact the internals, it's still a clean hit. Calas narrows her eyes. The chain is looped, and she's stuck here for the moment--

But this is where she wants to be. --So she think. But then she sees the camera turning, refocusing... Some sort of trap? Or something else?

Regardless, Calas can't just sit here waiting for a finishing blow. Instead, she rears back, and the beams at the bottom of her shield light up. She surges forward, slamming the clawed part in first, following up with a slash from that thrust. "But because I'm 'cautious', I think after I go back to my ship I'll take some leave. See my husband and kids."

She then blasts down at the chain aiming to cut the chain and knock Yuliana's Tiandong off balance.. "Call me a coward if you like. But I'll protect my people by living, not dying--"

She cuts off as she registers Michiru's unit taking a big hit. "Tch. I've got no more time for you." She shoves out with her shield again, harder.

KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Calas Zelinn targets Yuliana Kafim with MA-MV03 Composite Shield Combo!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Yuliana Kafim partially guards Calas Zelinn's MA-MV03 Composite Shield Combo, taking 6080 damage!
KTS: Yuliana Kafim has been defeated!
KTS: Calas Zelinn has engaged Yuliana Kafim!
<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Timoshie is relentless, and the Phenex seems to look on him with pity, inclining her head as she looks down at the Rebel Wolf.

You are being used.

She's never been a part of any governments, not really. Forever doomed to experimentation and testing, the Phenex was only launched once from the cage of her captors. None would ever launch from that cage again, as she tore it apart with her own wings.

But that rage isn't present today. The Phenex is calm, if disappointed. She darts to the side, avoiding another blast of missiles, then reaches a hand up after them. Blue light consumes each explosive and lowers them gently to the ground, where they lie harmlessly. Harm will not come to this colony.

Clad in hope... The Phenex turns her gaze back to the Rebel Wolf. Nothing she offers will change Timoshie's mind, and none of her actions seem to turn him from his path. Most would be horrified upon seeing the Miracle Light turned against them, but not this man. With regret, she raises her arm again.

Radiance builds. Inner luminescence grows, and grows, and grows, blinding in its strength, sacred in its power. This feeling, this pressure, it's enough to bring any witnesses to tears. Otherworldly and resonant... something not of this life.


Yuliana falls. The Phenex's power vanishes, extinguished like a snuffed candle. The Phenex flies straight at the Tiandong 3. Halting before her, she faces Calas straight on, one wing hovering at the Phenex's shoulder. Slowly, the Phenex approaches Calas. There are no weapons in her arms, nor any attached to her body. She simply reaches out a hand, placing it on the enemy machine. Should Calas have any ability to hear psychically at all, she will be visited with the echoing words of a young woman.

Yuliana is my friend.

With that, the Phenex releases Calas and swerves back to Yuliana, there-and-gone in the space of a heartbeat. Oddly, the Gundam faces the downed machine and spreads her arms out, as though protecting Calas. She shakes her head, and glances up and away. Another pantomime, a cute little game between childhood friends. Don't fight anymore. It's time to go.

Once Yuliana listens...

Lily. The golden Gundam turns her head toward the Zack. Abruptly soaring into the air, the Phenex crosses the battlefield, then dives down to the side of the young pilot. A hand is placed on the Zack's shoulder, and strength flows into the machine. Lily is granted a vision of the next few moments of the battle -- allowing her to adjust her attack or defense as she sees fit.

Disaster continues to strike this battlefield for the allies of the Phenex. Lucine is defeated, next, and the Phenex is not needed to save her. Instead...

Rau Le Creuset will find his path blocked by a radiant machine. Two wings join her now, hovering at her shoulders. Azure fire engulfs the Gundam. A threat. A warning. If he had been paying attention to the battle, he may realize the depth of danger he finds himself in.

KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Foresee Spirit Command targeting Lily Jung
KTS: Rita Bernal targets Mobile Weapon Team with Magnetic Midnight!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to charge.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team partially guards Rita Bernal's Magnetic Midnight, taking 1860 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Rita Bernal's Destined Meeting activates, causing Sparkle!

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Such a bright-eyed youth. Taking such a battle as this lightly--


...Sophia has no special intention to kill her, anyway. She flicks her Defense Rod into its spinning motion, and swings it up to bat aside some suppressing fire. That does keep her defenses busy enough that when she moves to juke aside from the incoming thrust from Lily, it can't quite go; she loses a wing to that, and a thruster with it, and Sophia hisses a curse in response. Got to keep it up... While Lily's thrusting past, Sophia swings her Flag around, yanking down the fire control on her linear cannon and then releasing a high-speed shot on the Zack as it skids away, bursting out fast! Sophia, for her part, settles the Flag's stick-thin legs on land for a moment, and takes the time to recalibrate her thrusters for the lost components.

KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan targets Lily Jung with Linear Cannon Yellow Charge!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lily Jung fails to charge.
KTS: Lily Jung partially guards Sophia Mayhew Castellan's Linear Cannon Yellow Charge, taking 3088 damage!
KTS: Lily Jung has activated the FOresee Spirit Command targeting Rita Bernal
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "They're an environmental group... named after a flower that does not exist, and cannot exist." >

        'Or perhaps the Nadesico itself is just a pawn in someone's game. To be used as they see fit and then discarded.'

        'Screw their forgiveness! There's more important things Azul! LUCINE!'
        'Be careful not to get buried along with it.'

        The blade comes down, and pierces dangerously through the layers of the Alto, nearly skewering Lucine herself.

        ".... I should have seen this coming, as a Newtype...." Red flashes across Lucine's screens. "..... but as an Azul, I can't let go when I've had that first bite."

        Ryoko comes to Lucine's aid in that second, and the Phenex flashes in front of Rau. "..... Rita? Wait, Rita, please be careful!"

         So says the girl in a compromised Alto.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Rau Le Creuset with Pass!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset fails to react to Rita Bernal's Pass, taking 0 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

It's not a killing blow. Had Rau aimed it that way? Or had Lucine managed to shift her machine enough to avoid such. It's hard to tell. At least, right now. As Rau still has the opportunity to go in for the kill, if he wishes.

        Until, Rau finds his path blocked.

        Rau narrows his eyes at the sight, having only been partially aware of the machine that had been fighting that Black Rainbow leader.

        Rau's mouth turns to a frown... Gundam. Those annoying machines. Always sticking their V fins into situations where they're not wanted.

        Rau starts coughing again, but takes a few breaths to try and hold it back. He then realizes... That's right. The Gundams are just another sin of this world that humanity has created.

        As blood slowly trickles out of his mouth, Rau growls out, "Gundam..."

        Shifting its sword to its left hand, the CGUE retrieves its machine rifle with its right. It then ignites its thrusters, blasting forward towards the Phenex as it raises that rifle and fires repeated shots at the flaming machine, despite that danger it is in and the fact it is greatly outmatched in power.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Rita Bernal with MMI-M7S 76mm Machine Gun Suppressing Fire!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Monstrous lizard aliens. Is that what they told her? Michiru wonders. What her rival here would do, if she were to hear the truth. But she can't. That would jeopardize the mission on multiple angles. Not to mention blow their cover. And that... would put Hime in more danger than anything. For her sake, that's a risk she can't take. So she falls silent. Unusually so, for the talkative woman.

So of course, seeing what just looks. SO familiar. On instinct, she tries to use the Flare Reversal, seen in only a single episode to counter the maneuver by swinging out a kick to throw off the attack, then spinning into a similar punch... But there's a reason it was only seen once. The enemy machine was designed to specifically counter that finishing move. And besides. That wasn't really Gekigan Flare. Similar... but missing its soul. ...Not for lack of trying on Ryoko's part though. She'd make for a magnificent Gekiganger pilot, with her burning passion and care for her teammate.

So as the hit connects, Michiru transmits a few words. "<Go, protect your friend. And treasure that fire in your heart.>" And in a shower of sparks and an explosion, Galaxia is rocked across the field. It's battered and broken. Nearly wrecked. Both arms are dangling, and the chest is caved in. But it can manage enough to retreat from the field. With a renewed respect for the woman she faced off against, even if she isn't there yet... Michiru is certain, this one will understand in time.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

It may seem like Lily is taking this battle lightly by her words. But she's having a rough time. Her heart is beating fast in her chest. Sweat is dripping down her back within her normal suit.

But her words, her spirit, both are bright! She will not falter. Not when she has friends with her. Not when she has so much more she needs to do in this world. Within the cockpit, Lily's blue eyes shift as Sophia swings her Flag around, preparing to fire upon her position when...

Glow. Warmth.

"Rita." Lily whispers her name again. That golden machine comes to halt next to her. And within the cockpit, Lily places her left hand onto her own shoulder. A gesture that the Psyco Zack mimics, placing it onto the Phenex's hand.

Strength. The stars. For a moment, she sees that vision. The shot that will come right for her machine's head, which will disable it. But what lies beyond that moment?

Instead of hungering for what lies beyond, Lily instead uses that moment in time to answer Rita. "Don't worry, I will keep my promise." As flecks of pink join around the Phenex's hand and Lily's machine. Such a small expression of psycoreactiveness. The Zack is, compared to the Phenex, like a mouse to an elephant.

But it's enough that, as Rita pilots away, a 'ribbon' of pink follows her for a moment. A hint at a miracle. A hint at what they found together on that beach. A ribbon that disappears by the time she gets to Lucine. But for a moment, it was there. For a moment, Rita could see how Lily would approach the situation...

As the Zack suddenly hits the thrusters, and the energetic girl tries to rush towards Sophia, instead of just moving to the side. The shot tearing across the side of the Zack, ripping off armor. Lily having miscalculated how far she needed to move to the side, even with the future having been shown to her. But it's still enough to bring her closer...

The twin Longblade Rifles flashing to the sides, forming a position across from eachother... before suddenly creating a loud FLASH of light. Forming almost a 'capsule' of Megabeam energy. Trying to create two streams of energy that counter one-another, with Sophia at the center. Enough power to hopefully halt her flag!

KTS: Lily Jung targets Sophia Mayhew Castellan with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - High Emission!
KTS: Lily Jung has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

The silence is unusual, but it's not what she's focused upon. It's getting through her opponent, right now an obstacle. As much as she tends to like her after the Vajra invasion, right now she can't think of that.

Contact is made, and - 'Go, protect your friend. And treasure that fire in your heart.'

Words she'll be grateful for soon enough, once she can take the time to think on them. Part of her will perhaps even wonder if the rival pilot flubbed the defense on purpose to let her go to her.

She knows she has gravity attacks after all.

Ryoko blows right past the falling Galaxia in her partially mauled Aestivalis, right towards Rau, and Lucine's falling Alto.

The IFS gauge suddenly gets to burning, filling with the heat of her desperation.

The distortion field doesn't drop, right until the moment that its fingers get within range.

That's the moment it does, only to latch on and thrusts forward to pull her off the blade, and the Aestivalis takes off as fast as it can with its burden back to the Hangar bay of the Colony.

She only barely notices the Golden Gundam blocking the CGUE's path, covering both of their backs, and while she's grateful, like before there are things that are more important.

For a while, Ryoko is just breathing, and trying to get her distance but then-

"<D-DUMBASS! What would've happened if Liam came back to find you IN A BOX!? Don't you EVER! EVER try to pull something like that AGAIN!>"

Ryoko's comm screens seem to be curiously down if anyone tries to hail her, there's no visuals, just audio. It must be the battle damage.

"<After we get back you're running laps around the hangar until we SWEAT this stupid complex out of you! AND IZUMI WILL BE COMMITTING PUN CRIMES YOUR WAY THE WHOLE TIME!>"

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        "Being used..." Timoshie grimaces at Rita - is the situation he's gotten himself in so blatantly clear to even the Federation's enforcers - "...So you've come all this way largely just to mock me!? I fight today because there is no tomorrow - because I know well the ones who claimed to believe in me were full of falseness! ...The only thing left is to see the will of the people rising up here enforced - for that, I would give it everything, even if I must stand alone!!"

        ...But for as much as Timoshie blusters, the incessant aura Rita gives off - that calmness, but sadness at the same time - it makes him stumble. It dissipates his resolve so easily - movements going sluggish.

        He's been used, and thrown into this fray with no way out - how can he keep on standing? Even he doesn't understand anymore. . .

        ...leaving Gary's last thrust in one that tears a deep gash in the Reben Wolf's midsection, forcing Timoshie backwards a step. The world begins to tunnel inward. He can only see two things - the fierce, high tempo Enact, and the brilliant gold Phenex. Everything else is blurry - faded, dissolving.

        "...whether the people here see me as a savior or a demon, one way or the other - I will purge your wretched government here!! UAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH-!!!" The Mega Beam Cannon at the Reben Wolf's heart begins to flare up - and Timoshie roars in defiance, surging right into Gary's path, verniers on utterly full power. This is the one who must fall today - no matter the cost to himself. This callousness is that of the Titans, surely - that of all those who cast aside the inheritors of space. The light surges out - seeking to muffle its entire force from doing any damage by being as close to the Enact as possible - - -

        But the Gundam - that is the light they wrap that heinousness in. They who would condemn millions and then create a hero. Timoshie can't stand it. Can't stand the sight of a Gundam more brilliant than them all.

        And so, contrary to his intent - in the middle of purging the Reben Wolf's reactor, Timoshie arcs his upper body around, cutting a swathe into the surrounding hills as he twists to aim that brilliant particle cannon towards Rita, eyes going bloodshot from the g-forces...!

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Gary Biaggi with Mega-Beam Cannon Full Focus!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rita Bernal with Mega-Beam Cannon Sweep!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rita Bernal fails to evade Rau Le Creuset's MMI-M7S 76mm Machine Gun Suppressing Fire, taking 4050 damage!
KTS: Rita Bernal fails to evade Mobile Weapon Team's Mega-Beam Cannon Sweep, taking 2775 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi blocks Mobile Weapon Team's Mega-Beam Cannon Full Focus, taking 4275 damage!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan blocks Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - High Emission, taking 3360 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        Is it easy to be cold, in nothing at all?

        Where there is no warmth, Yuliana burns.

        Why is that?

        "There is no defence which cannot be broken with sheer aggression!" Yuliana insists, with all the confidence of the berserker.

        She is more angry, though, when Calas mentions her dear wife again: "SILENCE!"

        Calas thrusts her shield straight in through the smaller wanzer's armour -- size isn't on her side, today or really any other day, relatively speaking. Yuliana's cockpit screams with warnings as her primary weapons system is compromised.

        With that damage, she can't do much to save her chain. The Tiandong 3 staggers back, as Calas pushes her away. "You--!" Yuliana bites out, teeth grit to a snarl. "Don't dismiss me so easily! I'm not--!!"

        But the Phenex flies down to get between them, and as Yuliana rights her wanzer, she yells: "Stop it! Stop... helping me!!! Me! All I ever did was hurt you, you stupid--!!" The worst part, of course, is the way Calas can hear the way her voice chokes up just the same.

        The Tiandong 3 forces itself forward -- but it's the Phenex which meets her, before she can even try to figure out how to bring the GuAIZ down without her weapon system. Its fists twist and curl, and perhaps, for a moment, it considers rushing the Gundam itself. "What if I grabbed you, right here, right now? Could you even survive, beside me? The way you are now..! Can you hear me?! I cannot HEAR YOU!" She screams, all pain, with a strange thread of betrayal.

        "Even so... even so, you're still telling me to get out of here..?! Rita--!"

        Yuliana blinks, heavily, against the tears. Stupid.

        She switches to Federation channels, to report: "I've sustained too much damage. Minovsky's Woman, retreating from the engagement." And she does, and Rita makes sure she can.


        "Wow," one of the mechanics remarks, when she gets out of her suit, "this thing's busted."

        "That does tend to happen," Yuliana remarks, sour. "Lend me your tools. I'll make sure it's stable for transport."

        "What, you? You don't wanna relax? We can do it," the mechanic replies.

        "I'm not just a pretty soldier face," Yuliana says, with a lopsided grin. "Besides, my blood's still pumping. Give me something to do, okay?"

        Working on her own machine, of course, means that Yuliana can extract that sensor data without rousing too much suspicion.

        The next day, Celestial Being receives a sanitised set of data -- she's stripped out all the identifying information, as well as she can, but she's included as much footage of the Federation entering a Federation colony to fight as she can without it being immediately sourceable to her own unit.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

     < "Ryoko...." >

    Is... Ryoko crying? Is that why her screen's not showing?

    Pilots shouldn't cry because they nearly got killed. Otherwise they'd all be crying, all the time.

    < "....." > So it's okay, because Lucine doing all the crying now, because she thinks Ryoko is crying, and she's crying, and it doesn't matter of Ryoko is crying or not because Lucine's never heard her that level of angry, while feeling all that concern. < "..... I didn't... think about that at all..." >

    Now her comm screen is going to voice only, with soft sobs being all the clues anyone listening in to their feed would need. < "I'm so, so sorry, Ryoko!!" > she says, through tears.

    Being faced with the possible consequences of her tussle with Rau, Ryoko's care and concern, her punishment, seeing real proof of Rita's existence and her coming to their rescue--

    Why does Lucine feel... so happy?

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

Calas does not burn. ...Not in the way of fire, anyway. If she burns, it is in the way of liquor.

"It's unfortunate that you think that way," Calas replies flatly to Yuliana's insistence. she does not again mention her wife, though--the twice was good enough for this. But the matter of dismissal? Well. Yuliana's Wanzer armor is clearly damaged. Calas starts to rear back her shield, to finish the job--

But something happens. Readying the arrestors as the Phenex comes close, Calas watches the Phenex face her--but she draws no weapons. She brings forth no attack. All she does is place a hand on the GuaIZ. ...It puts her in a vulnerable position, if Calas chose to retaliate. But this veteran has some psychic receptivity. Just enough. So she learns that this pilot is Yuliana... and that Yuliana is the Phenex's friend.

...Calas has seen her allies attacking the Phenex. But it's helping Lily Yung, too.

Calas errs on the side of mercy for the moment. Particularly when she hears Yuliana call out to the Phenex. To someone... within it? A pilot?

The presence she felt?

She doesn't say any more to either of them. She just frowns in her cockpit, thoughtfully. It had been fun to taunt her, but... That fun is a little hollow, now.

Ah, well. Yet another hollow moment on the pile.

Calas maneuvers the GuAIZ, damaged but unbroken, away from the street on which they battled. She makes for the Galaxia, switching weapons for her beam rifle in case anyone takes shots at them while Michiru retreats. She remains for now, though--until the rest of the ZAFT contingent pulls out, with beam rifle at the ready. "Zelinn here. Covering retreating combatants." Calas says this over the ZAFT frequency, and does exactly as she says. Anybody who goes after those retreating gets a shot!

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The mega-cannon full powered energy beam kicks up dirt and mixed with the light of the blast, the ENACT looks like it is consumed by the attack. The dust and smoke clear with it clear that the ENACT stood before the might of the weapon and took it head on, as their is no damage to the colony behind the ENACT. The ENACT itself still appears to be functional as well, however it's left arm, the one that had the standard delfection rod is gone, a slagged stump right below the joint.

         The first sound to come from the ENACT is laughter over the comms, before Gary's voice speaks up <" The hero of this colony, ready to slaughter everyone just so the federation can't have them. Look around. Go on, find one of their faces and LOOK AT THEM! Their face will tell you what they think of you."> Gary shakes his head, this one may have had potential at this point but in the end this pup had gone feral. Those colony saviors better send him a thank you letter, and a damn fruit basket.

        The right arm of the ENACT grips the blade rifle and lets the thrusters build before launching from the same spot it took the beam attack, leaving behind a bit of slagged metal where it had it been standing.

         The mobile suits thrusters are pushed to their limits as Gary moves towards the Reben Wolf in a serptine pattern, <" The answer to the question is that you are a murderer. Just. Like. Me."> With the last word said the ENACT thrust the rifle towards the feral pup with every intent to end him.

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Mobile Weapon Team with Blade Rifle - Piercing Thrust!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team parries Gary Biaggi's Blade Rifle - Piercing Thrust, taking 1920 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

This battlefield is a mess, Sophia decides. It's hard to focus, almost. And she swears...she sees unusual tones of gold. It's not the Phenex, it's something else but--

She can't turn her full eye on it. Not while Lily's coming at her with two lasers. "Remotes," Sophia mutters. She can't sense them; the Connections that bind objects require much more intimate bonds than this.

She spins up the Defense Rod. It's enough, just. She can't quite completely disrupt the megabeam containment, but the whirling blade scatters one of the I-Fields, resulting in a more 'traditional' blast.

Damn good thing beam coating's come as far as it has; the shot sends her back, smoldering at the edges, her Defense Rod visibly smoking, but she's alive but for some superheated armor.

Yuliana retreats. Sophia watches her go, the walking void in her eyes. But things still wind toward it, devoured by that hungry maw that should be her spirit. Something winding down from the PHenex. Hate, geysering toward her from others she knows.

Something else...she knows this one. What is this...

The control for the Linear Cannon pings, loudly. Charge capacity full. She shakes her head out and focuses the weapon on Lily, the barrel blazing and crackling with electric blue light.

<<"You will need more than hope to stand against these tides, girl,">> Sophia says, coldly.

Then she fires, a shot that makes a horrid zzztPANG as it shatters sound barriers on its way to core completely through the Zack.

<<"Bring your conviction, or your tombstone!">>

KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Trick Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Trick Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan targets Lily Jung with Linear Cannon Maximum Charge!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Foresee Spirit Command.
KTS: Lily Jung fails to evade Sophia Mayhew Castellan's Linear Cannon Maximum Charge, taking 6240 damage!
KTS: Lily Jung has been defeated!
KTS: Sophia Mayhew Castellan roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her vulnerable.
<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

A golden burst of energy races from the Phenex, taking the form of a brilliantly-glowing little bird. It soars after Lucine, catching up to her and circling her destroyed machine once. It enters the cockpit and spreads its wings for a moment, then bursts into light. The Phenex is confident. Don't worry, Lucine. She can do this.

Rau is in a bad way. He, too, is viewed with pity by the golden machine. Though she doesn't know exactly what's happening to him, she knows enough to worry. Even as Rau fires upon her, the Phenex reaches a hand out. Words, should Rau be open to them, echo in his mind.

You don't need to fight anymore.

Unable to dart out of the way this time, one of the Phenex's wings moves in front of the machine gun's spray. It turns back some of the attack, but golden armor splinters and cracks, leaving radiant shards falling to the ground.

Lily believes in her, just as the Phenex believes in Lily. Bonded by their gold-and-pink threads of fate, the Phenex's vision glows ever brighter. The path forward opens before her, all she has to do is shape it.

Timoshie. Consumed by an anger she's seen so many times. Hopeless and desperate, spurred on by love and justice. How cruel this world is to force a man full of care into trying destroy himself -- and others. He must know he can't defeat a machine of the Phenex's caliber, and yet...

No words will reach him, now. His fate will be the one he chooses.

The attack Timoshie charges is too fearsome. It would destroy the colony if the Phenex evades it, and so, she holds still. Turning away much of it with her shield, again, the golden Bird is struck. More fragments of light and aulic finery fall, feathers torn from a sacred bird.

Yuliana rages and screams. It's familiar to the point of nostalgia. The Phenex reaches out for a moment, so wishing to embrace her friend, but-- Yuliana is right. If she were to make contact with the void, she wouldn't survive. I can hear you, I can hear you. There's no point in broadcasting it -- the only ears she wants to reach have been deafened to the only song this Bird knows.

The Tiandong rages. Yuliana is crying, and the Phenex's beloved's heart twists. What can she do? What is there, but--

Raising her hands, the Phenex forms the shape of a heart. It's clumsy, Gundam fingers aren't quite that flexible, but the message is clear. She holds it out as close to Yuliana as she dares. Another message. Another pantomime. One more game.

Yuliana escapes.

Turning back to her agressors, the Phenex again ignites. Hands fall down to her sides, then raise. One arm toward Rau, one arm toward Timoshie. Palms up.

There is no movement, for a long few heartbeats. There is only the light, and the sacred fire of the Phenex. Gathering strength from the twin worlds she soars through, transcendent in her beauty and power. Miraculous. Incandescent. Radiant.

The light that saved the world from the falling Axis shines again.

Emanating from the Gundam, it incompasses every combatant in range, flooding into their machine. For most, they simply hear the voice of a young woman. Sweet, breathy, earnest.

This life isn't all there is. Again and again we're reborn.

Green-blue-pink. Gold, gold gold. Gilding every surface with holy revelation.

The love you've lost will not be gone forever. It's waiting for you. Someday, we'll live without hurting each other. I'll guide everyone there.

For Rau and Timoshie...

The light of the resonant plane engulfs their machines. Mystical fire rages. Without remorse, without patience, without any semblence of holding back. A conflagration of sacred power. Tearing, burning, destroying... The Phenex's head tilts back in ecstacy, the joy of a prophetess.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Mobile Weapon Team and Rau Le Creuset with This Life Isn't All There Is.
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset fails to react to Rita Bernal's This Life Isn't All There Is, taking 7800 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Rita Bernal's Destined Meeting activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has been defeated!
KTS: Rita Bernal roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her vulnerable.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Rita Bernal's This Life Isn't All There Is, taking 6500 damage!
KTS: Rita Bernal roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her vulnerable.
<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

<"I knew I recognized that shine!"> Lily chimes as the beam coating repells part of the assault, smiling brightly. <"I'm glad!"> The positive young woman chimes, only for the linear cannon to be pointing at the Zack.

<"Ehehe... no chance you'll let me get away scott free huh?"> She remarks, right before that crackling blue light blazes towards the Zack! The two Longblade rifles rapidly retreat, serving to partially shield the machine. But the actualy shot TEARS right through the Zack's head, ripping all of its sensor capabilities apart!

The unit topples through the air, flailing like a fallen bird, crashing down towards a park, only to hit the thrusters at the last minute.

Her communications are broken at this point, she can't really answer Sophia with some kind of smart-alleck response. Not that she would anyway. Instead, she lets out this long sigh. "We are still alive, Kuma. Come on, let's head out so we don't get in Rita and the others' ways." Before the machine jumps back, and retreats towards the exit of the colony. Hobbling, wobbling, and flying like a drunken bee.

KTS: Lily Jung's RMS-119 EWAC Zack - Pink Psyco Test Type has been disabled.
<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

As Rau presses his attack against the Phenex, he feels someone pushing pasting his defenses which had already been weakened by his current state. In his mind he hears it, a calming presence telling him he doesn't need to fight anymore.

        That presence. That voice. It's her...

        Rau's hands shake on his controls from anger.

        "What do you know...?"

        "WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?

        "Be reborn? Hah! What hell that would be. I will end this. All of this. And then want nothing to do with it again."

        Rau prepares to attack again, but his machine is engulfed in light! It rips the machine apart, limbs and weapons torn to shreds. No matter what Rau tries to do with his controls, nothing can stop it. Until finally all that's left is the CGUE's torso, barely holding together.

        Rau slams his fist against the side of his cockpit. This machine wasn't strong enough. He needed something stronger.

        He needed It.

        But It's not ready yet... Soon.

        Rau relaxes a little, before activating his comms, <"All ZAFT forces pull back... The situation is untenable."> The heavily battered CGUE turns, its few remaining thrusters beginning to push it back towards the access corridor head back outside the colony.

        Rau glances at the screen showing his rear camera and the Phenex displayed there. He hopes this is not the last time they meet... He wants a chance to finish this.

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        Heartbeat after heartbeat. Acid and base. The blood of the eternal Zentradi war-life rages in Timoshie Daldanton, a fact he has always assumed is inescapable. How long has he been searching for a reason to sate this? How long has he been at war to find a purpose for it all? How often has he seen this very blade aimed at his heart?

        All he wants to do - at Gary claiming they're both nothing but murderers - is to honorably and valiantly [do exactly what he's being accused of.] The purity of nothing in the world mattering but victory - earns Timoshie a blade-gun lanced RIGHT-
---The Reben Wolf is torn from heart to shoulder. Fire erupts and leaks out in fluid arcs. A rapidly burning reactor shell spins free, gouging a valley into the roadway below.

        The Mobile Suit is still.

        ...and then its hand twitches.

        "...you'll need . . . more than that . . . you damned bloodhound . . . to triumph over epochs of warrior instincts! TO TRIUMPH OVER A LEGACY OF FIGHTING TO THE BITTER END - AGAINST THINGS MORE FOUL AND HOSTILE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE-! Countless ancestors of mine have fought their whole lives ... in the endless expanse of the cosmos ... for the sake of all life...today...I must...do...the sa-"

        But then, the unimaginable light claims what must seem like the whole world.

        This, perhaps, is a taste of the foundational awakening many of Timoshie's kind felt at the Zentradi War's end. The instinct to fight into eternity - to take pride - because that is all that existence was - - -

        The aggressive influx that there must be something More.

        ...it tears into the very idea of one's latent hopes and dreams.

        Suddenly, the world is not just him and his opponents amidst the endless expanse of darkness. How could it possibly be just that? The world is not just the imminent surroundings of what he deployed to protect - - - the damage wrought by his charge evident. The losses incurred by his allies grave - including the aid of so many of ZAFT's greatest valiants.

        The lives of countless before him seem to speak - in a familiar, yet harmonic resonance.

        ...there's so much more. There's so much more.

        The steel titan Timoshie has clad himself in crumples from the unfathomable willpower emanating from the Phenex - like it was little more than a tin can. The gaping hole that is the side of his cockpit blows a painful wind over a great gash in his side - his breathing heavy now that he realizes the danger of going on with such injuries.

        ...but diligently...he tumbles from the side of the Reben Wolf - and breathlessly, for the first time in his life -

        His hands are up.

        "...it is clear now. I . . . tire of all this. I have let my anger at former allies cloud my judgment. ...there is no path onward, I have fought for far, far too long. ...no...if I am to have this thing called 'vengeance' - maybe 'justice' - . . . then I will ensure -some- serpent pursues them."

        "...If I cannot win, I will make damned sure YOU lose, you conniving cowards of Chrome and Critical Path-! Not as though...hrrrk...you entrusted me with...much in the way of ammunition to you-"

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Otherworldly auroras... fade. The Phenex lowers to the ground, allowing her kite-tails to trail along the blasted surface of the colony. Rau does not earn another glance. Yellow eyes are fixated on Timoshie. One step is taken toward him, then another. Slowly but surely, the Gundam approaches her fallen enemy.

She isn't thinking of the lingering enemies on the battlefield, secure in her power and foresight. Instead, goes down to one knee and lowers her hand. Blue radiance lifts Timoshie, carefully moving the man into her palm. Straightening, the Gundam holds him close to her chest. A hospital must be nearby. It'll be a simple thing to deliver him to their front doors.

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

One must be willing to kill any enemy between them and victory, but...

Sophia watches it all unfold. IS this victory?

Regardless, Lily doesn't make her press the issue, and Sophia doesn't push to murder her once she's disabled. The Flag flips back into flight mode and roars away, corkscrewing up to a higher angle to view the scene with. That gold Gundam, what IS that? It seemed to feel something toward Yuliana, some kind of...affection, or, something. ...also she's seeing it do heart-hands in her replay monitor. And it's doing some sort of Foul Space Magic.

She's outside that aurora, peering down on it from afar. Sophia scratches her helmet in lieu of her head. "Is...is that her wife?"

She shakes out her head, because at least she knows one thing: The leader's going to blow himself up, and might just take half the colony with it. She clicks the Cannon back to charge mode and switches back to standing mode, but before she can even get the Rifle up, the Phenex intervenes.

"...no," she says, and lowers her weapon. "I suppose not."

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The ENACT feels the effect of the attack from the Phenex to, thats the problem with your not ally ally using a big attack on your target when you are in melee range too. The ENACT itself is now dealing with a B.S.O.D. , Gary could haven sworn that wasn't even a thing anymore. More importantly that damn so called federation ally was taking the pup, after everything Gary could only imagine what trouble him staying alive would cause, besides he told Gary that he didn't have what it takes to do it.

          As the Phenex extracts Timoshie, Gary works to extract himself from his cockpit, the door blowing from the ENACT as he slings the supplied assault rifle over his shoulder, steps out and grabs on to the side of the unit scaling to the shoulder.

         Ali reaches the top of the shoulder and smiles from under his helmet " You were wrong about one thing, all it takes to stop you is these fangs." Gary says as he trains his sight on the enemy and begins to squeeze the trigger.




The rifle shots echo in the air as Gary finishes the mission.

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        Perhaps this would be a nearly religious experience for Timoshie Daldanton.

        A glowing golden beacon of ephemeral hope - of transcendance from this mortal domain - all gently scooping him up into safety and sanctuary. Who can claim they've been saved - in every sense of the world? How many people touch miracles?

        The Zentradi warrior tumbles to his knees and goes as low as he can in Rita's hands, eyes closing as he conserves his energy - trying to prevent too much loss of blood. Simply being near Rita fills his meditations with a certain dreamy quality - different from the iron they once were.

        There is more than just this life. What even would be beyond it, after being so gracefully pulled from it-? That would be for each step tomorrow.

        For one moment, Timoshie's eyes open and gaze upwards at the dreaded face of the Gundam.

        The next - his body is riddled with holes pushing him forward. Each rifle shot gouging him out further, deep into vital organs. He tries to scream in agony. Only a choking noise comes out - barely anything amidst the thrumming of the Gundam's engines.

        The Phenex's upper body is splattered with his blood.

        ...there is more than this life, is there?
        ...What kinds of lives are possible - what kinds of lives are aspired to?
        Why, of all things, would a savior protect this one?
        ...why...does it crumble...

        it's something that doesn't truly need examining to the ephemeral blue bird. she is cursed [blessed] to be anchored to this world. a swirl of sanguine intent spirals from where a man once was. it filters into the endless beyond. it calls for him, and there is nothing onward but for him to dissolve into it. there, past the ticking of time. the space meaning nothing yet everything to his kind. to all kinds.

        the candle flickers out.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.




The Phenex closes her hand,

but it's too late.

She feels him die.

In her hand.

In her soul.

Kneeling again,

lowering her hand.

Blue light,

gently places

Timoshie Daldanton

at the feet of his machine.

And she turns.

The Phenex knows the culprit, she can feel him. She doesn't need to look at him, not really, but she wants to. Again, blue fire ignites around her golden body. The pressure she gives off is immense, cracking the ground, shattering nearby windows. Rising into the air, one moment, she's directly in front of Gary in the next. His rifle is destroyed, psychically smashed into bits in the space between Gary's blinks. She lifts him, with no kindness, half-crushing him as he's brought before her enormous face. Before her yellow eyes, so still.

Fingers twitch at her side. Gary's arms and legs are pulled straight out. Is she going to dismember this man in the middle of the street? She considers it. She lets him hang in her grasp. If she could still breathe. If her heart could beat. The motions would be quick with rage and pain.

In the end.

The Phenex twitches her hand again. Gary's trigger finger slowly, slowly bends backwards. Cracking one joint at a time, so he really feels it, she drags it out. When his fingernail meets the back of his hand, she releases him, letting him fall...

Only to catch him, again, with her azure strength, three feet above the ground. Then he's dropped again, and abandoned.

This isn't her purpose. She's strayed too long.

Flames ignite around the Phenex, as she looks to the sky. Still bloodstained, the Phenex soars into the darkness of space, a great booming noise the only thing left in her wake.

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Sophia sees something form, in her Geass. One bond, a flash of instantly-woven threads.

Killing intent isn't a bond in and of itself. But...

She can practically see the bullet that transforms Gary Biaggi from a man who wants to kill a target, to The Man Who Killed Timoshie Daldanton. The final red line that ends a man.

She sees another form, between the Phenex pilot and Biaggi, an instant, simmering hatred.

But Phenex does not transform that bond into one of endings, though more of that strange magic works against him, seen only through the zoom-in PIP on her cockpit.

Sophia closes her eyes and the world of bonds is gone from her when they reopen. She watches the Phenex roar away, no words on her lips.

But in the end, she's the highest ranked person here who isn't the Colonel, so it's on her to call the shots. "Ringleader's down," she announces, "This is Castellan, we have a wounded pilot down there, get a medic over there. I'll take word back to the Colonel."

The Flag shifts to flight mode and blasts away.

Their damage is done. This is somebody else's field, now.