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(Created page with "*'''Log: I Don't Understand How a Heart Is a Spade''' *'''Cast:'''Banagher Links::Banagher Links, Ujico Issa::Ujico Issa> *'''Where:''' Barcelona, Spain *'''Date:''' 2...")
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Revision as of 03:44, 31 December 2022

  • Log: I Don't Understand How a Heart Is a Spade
  • Cast:Banagher Links, Ujico Issa>
  • Where: Barcelona, Spain
  • Date: 2022-12-26
  • Summary: Somehow, a vital connection is made.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       Two days...
       The trick is that Ujico has already made all of her plans for the party. The [recipes] were chosen days ago and the [grocery order] put in. A photograph and [schematic] of the kitchen were requested and received. She has planned everything she possibly can, down to the last garnish.
       And because Ujico hasn't yet learned how not to completely overthink everything when she's stressed, she's constantly haunted by her own 'what-ifs'.
       And now she doesn't even have Christmas to think about to distract herself!
       (She had a very nice Christmas back at December-02 with her father. That's not the point.)
       But she /does/ have a rail card with plenty of money on it, and two days to kill before she has to brine anything. Celestial Being's favorite(?) alien girl has thus taken to the streets of Barcelona, because she saw a television program about it once and was strangely fascinated by the art of some of their oldest architecture. It's all swirly and loopy!! They don't really have anything like that in the PLANTS. It's all shiny and modern.
       She's wearing a puffy black coat over black pants and white boots, a pink muffler wrapped around her neck and chin, and her hair and horns are starting to catch a few snowflakes. She's plastered (kind of rudely) to a bookstore window, one leg stuck out behind herself for balance. She's going to leave a faceprint at this rate!

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Having an income, a real income, not part-time job income, is really kind of amazing. While Leina and Audrey are busy preparing for the upcoming gala, Banagher decided to go into the city, Haro in his arms. Maybe some nice new tools to work on customizing Haro? Leina got him an amazing starter kit for Christmas, and all his decent stuff got left behind on Industrial Seven.

After a few hours, he's got a backpack full of brand-new equipment. Banagher can't help but feel pleased with himself. Wearing one of his Christmas-gift outfits, he actually feels fashionable for once in his life. Maybe there's more to life than just tossing on a hoodie and jeans. White pants cover a Haro-covered sweater, which is in turn covered by a nice blue peacoat and a blue plaid scarf.

Glancing at his phone, Banagher nods to himself. He should be getting home soon. Maybe he'll pick up some food. Stretching his arms above his head, the young man smiles up at the snowflakes. "Haro, isn't it amazing? Real snow..."


With frantic movements, Banagher opens his backpack. Haro isn't in there. He isn't anywhere.

"Haro!" He calls, ignoring the weird looks it gets him. "Haro, where are you?"


With soft crunching noises from the snow... something approaches Ujico! Roll, roll. It's a Haro, lime green and clearly extremely loved. He's even wearing a little scarf, clearly custom-made.

"Hello! Hello!" He calls, bumping into Ujico's boots. "Pick me up! Books!"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       There have got to be thousands in there. [Real books], not the normal datapad kind. Ujico has a few in her apartment, even though they're not practical, because they're just--
       *bonk bonk*
       She looks down, lowering her back foot to the ground as she does so. "Uh--" It's a Haro! "Hello," she tries, after a second of processing. She looks back and forth along the sidewalk, quickly. Is it a prank? Are there fully autonomous Haros now? Ujico isn't really up on the latest robopet trends--
       Wait. First of all, it said hello. You should return a greeting when it's given. Things click into place. "Hi," Ujico tells Haro, blinking owlishly down at it for another moment or two. Then she bends over to pick it up carefully, dusting a little snow off of its outer shell. "You can't see, huh." Because it's [small].
       She turns Haro in her arms to see through the window glass, careful not to accidentally mess up its scarf. How did a Haro get a scarf? Can Haros hold jobs? Do Haros understand the concept of money??
       There's a little panic somewhere in her head, but mostly curiosity. It feels like there are so many things Ujico doesn't know.
       "Do you want to go inside too?" she asks, tugging her scarf down a little bit. "They're still open. I just didn't want to blow all of my money, but..." If a Haro wants to be taken inside of a bookstore, who is Ujico to resist fate?!

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Thankfully, a Haro on the move leaves tracks in the snow. Banagher runs along them, heart pounding in his chest. If anything's happened to Haro--


Haro cutely waves his little wing flaps at Ujico. "Wheee!" He cries, in his mechanical voice, as Ujico picks him up. The little creature seems to greatly appreciate being able to see through the window. "Books! Books!"

Does he want to go inside? There's a long moment of processing. He wanted to see the books so that Banagher could learn how to upgrade him...

"Banagher!" Haro cries, suddenly. "Oh no. Banagher!"

While visually remaining nearly the same action, Haro's waving of his flaps seems distressed now. "Banagher! Banagher!"

Skidding around a corner as if summoned, a young man with fluffy brown hair appears. "HARO!" he shouts, seeing his companion in someone else's arms. "LET HIM GO!"

Banagher charges Ujico. Leina might show him up when it comes to running, but adrenaline and panic are damned good motivators.

"Banagher!" Haro calls, from Ujico's arms. "It's okay! It's okay!"

Winglets flap urgently, and the young man slows and halts, just before crashing into Ujico. Was he planning on tackling her, before Haro spoke up? Golden eyes look from the bright green Haro to Ujico. "...what's going on here?"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       Ujico freezes when Haro starts to flap. Partially because she might drop him, and partially because... it's cute...!
       "...?" What's a bana-ji? Is it a monster? Or a fruit, maybe? [Fruit kaiju] comes unbidden to Ujico's brain and she chokes on a sudden chuckle. It's not okay to laugh when people or Haros are distressed! Even if you're not laughing at them!
       "What's bana-ji?" she asks it, trying to gently pat the top of its shell. It's kind of hard when Haro keeps moving! "What's wro--"
       A sudden awareness strikes her, as Banagher beholds his best friend being haronapped. A sense of alarm- no, danger! Nothing as dramatic as a Newtype flash, it's the oddly human sensation of being [targeted]. Ujico looks up, hears a shout and sees a boy start to charge her!
       Perhaps understandably, she panics a little bit.
       "NUWAAY!" she yelps, twisting to one side with Haro clutched tightly to her body. A leg rises up, the chunky heel of her combat boot ready to plant itself in his chest and shove him back--
       When Ujico slips and falls onto her back, on the sidewalk. "Whoulf!!"
       Haro is unharmed! Great success!

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.


Banagher cries out, reaching for Haro -- or Ujico? Someone..! It's an effort to help, no matter how futile it proves.

Ujico hits the ground. Banagher winces. Despite his fervor in charging Ujico, he still doesn't want to see anyone crack their spine on a sidewalk! Hurrying to her side, Banagher's eyes, admittedly, check Haro over first. But Ujico is a quick second. "Hey, are you alright? That was a hard fall. Do you need me to get a doctor..?"

"Banagher! Banagher!" Haro chirps, happily.

Clearly, this must be a Banagher. A young man dressed in very fine clothing, which is a humourous contrast to his untamed hair. Golden eyes are kind as he reaches out, though he's clearly a little wary still.

Haro rolls off Ujico's chest and into Banagher's legs. "Sorry! Sorry!"

"That's alright, Haro." He picks up the little companion, holding it close to his chest with one arm. "Just don't run off again, please. What were you looking for?"

"Books!" If a robot can be enthusiastic, this one sure is! "Nice lady!"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       "I'm okay," Ujico says, and then actually thinks about it. Catalogs her body - the ache of her shoulderblade, the chill of the wind slipping up beneath the hem of her coat. But her arms move, and her legs move, and she didn't hit her head. "Yeah, I'm okay," she confirms, nodding. Of course, she's still ass-over-teakettle on the sidewalk, but being okay is a good first step.
       But more importantly, 'Bana-ji' doesn't seem inclined to rush her anymore. Shouldn't she be the one charging people like a bull? With the horns, and all?
       Ujico can't help it anymore and bursts into laughter, covering her face with her hands until she can stifle herself. "Aheheh... I'm, I'm sorreeheehee..."
       Great, now he's going to think she's a thief /and/ a nut. ...Oh well. Ujico can't help what other people think, not really. She lowers her hands enough to look up at him, eyes green as grass. "You're his friend, huh," she smiles, and starts pushing herself up off of the sidewalk. "He wanted to see inside the window and asked me to pick him up. But I'm kind of clumsy, and..." And the rest was history, like they say. She dusts the snow off of her coat, turning around in a circle while trying to reach her back before eventually giving up on it. "How do you spell your name? --Oh, wait, I'm Ujico."
       She gets Earth things mixed up sometimes. "I've never held a Haro before. I didn't know they did the..." she pauses for a moment, before flap-flapping her hands a bit. "The that."

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Banagher breathes out in relief. "I'm so glad. I have /no/ idea how to do first aid."

This close to Ujico, Banagher notices those horns for the first time. He can't help a quiet, "Woah." from escaping his throat, then blushes. It's not polite to stare..!

Thankfully, Ujico breaks into laughter, not seeming to notice his interest in her horns. Banagher tilts his head, looking down to Haro for answers. The little robot simply continues flapping his winglets. Hmm. Waiting politely as Ujico laughs herself out, Banagher offers her a hand as she begins to stand.

"Yeah. Haro and I have been friends for years. He's really important to me." Working up a smile, Banagher looks straight into Ujico's eyes. So green! They remind him of Leina's, just a bit. "That sounds like Haro. He doesn't think things through all the way. Oh, uh. B A N A G H E R."

Why does she want to spell his name? Is it some kind of cultural thing? A greeting?

"Um, how do you spell your own, Ujico?"

Thankfully, the conversation returns to Haros. "Oh yeah, they're capable of so much! Mine's a special edition, so he can do all kinds of things. I'm planning on modding him soon to give him a bit more capability. I'm thinking some hands, maybe some glowing stuff..." Banagher looks down at Haro. Hmm. He did say Ujico was a nice lady... "Would you like to hold him some more?"

"Ujico!" Haro chirps. "Ujico! Books!"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       He helps her up! He must be a nice person, after all. Huh, he's got unusual eyes... Amber-gold. They're [pretty].
       If Ujico caught him staring, she doesn't show it. Honestly, she's still a little unbalanced - but not in a bad way. It's good to have something new happen. "No wonder you ran straight for him. You thought I was stealing him." Ujico would do the same!! Probably with a lot more incoherent yelling. Yes, she can see that happening.
       "Oh, it's 'Banagher'!" she 'pons' a fist into her open hand, a gesture she's seen before and likes. Understanding. "Mine's like it sounds, mostly. U J I C O." She tugs her scarf back into its correct place around her neck. There, all better.
       A special edition? How can you tell? She leans forward a little to look more closely at Haro. ...Well, she /does/ really like the color. "He can have hands??" Can Haros be trusted with that much responsibility?! ...Well, humans can, so it's surely fine for Haros. "Oh-- if it's okay? Just for a minute. I don't want to take your [friend] away."
       "He said he wanted to go inside, right? I was thinking about it..." As in, looking for an excuse. "Are you good at technology stuff? If you're going to mod him, you'd have to be, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that." Banagher says, ruefully. "I'd do anything for Haro. He's, well. He's really important to me, like I said."

You don't exactly go around telling strangers about how a robot was the last gift your dead mother gave you. "Really important" is probably enough.

Banagher smiles, adjusting his own scarf as Ujico adjusts hers. "Nice. It's a pretty name, I haven't really heard anything like it before. Mine's pretty unusual too." It's easy to feel comfortable around Ujico. She's so friendly and non-threatening. After all the people who have been after Banagher lately, it's nice to meet someone he can trust.

"Yeah!" Banagher grins, excitedly. "They can come out of the little flaps right here. But you sacrifice a lot of internal space. I might have to get rid of his projector. I don't know yet, I'm going to experiment."

It's sweet, how much more enthusiastic the young man gets when it comes to Haros. With a nod, Banagher offers Haro to Ujico again, and the little creature seems utterly thrilled by this development. As their hands brush together, feelings echo from Ujico. Banagher tilts his head as though he's listening, staring up into her green eyes.

She really does like Haro. So much approval and affection, with just a hint of... envy? Banagher blinks. "Hey, you know, you can buy a Haro at a lot of places. They're not too expensive. I can recommend you some shops, if you'd like one of your own."

"And, yeah, let's go in! I was going to pick up some guides on modding." Banagher holds the door for Ujico and Haro. "I'm pretty good at this stuff, I was in school for engineering before my life got -- complicated." A long pause. "But my girlfriends have been encouraging me to do things important to me, despite everything. So -- the modding."

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       His hand touches hers as Banagher transfers Haro to her care, and he looks into her eyes. It's nice, and it makes her nervous. He's really friendly! He's a human. It's fine, Ujico tells herself. It's okay to make friends with someone. It's what you want, remember. He can't see [too deep].
       "He's got a projector?" Just how many things can Haro do? "...I wonder if he can read audiobooks to you," she muses. "I don't use them a lot, but they're nice to relax." She holds Haro securely in the crook of one arm, where he won't bounce out. "--Buy one?"
       The idea hadn't really occurred to her until a few moments ago. "Huh. Maybe!" Would Franklin get jealous? Do mosses have feelings? ...Franklin doesn't care if she brings home another friend, Ujico decides quickly, partially for her own sanity.
       He holds the door open and Ujico hurries (carefully) inside. It's so much warmer in here! The bookshelves aren't as old as the building itself, but they're real wood (or look just like it). It smells a little bit musty, a little bit like coffee and tea, but mostly the shop smells like [books] old and new. Ujico takes a deeeeep breath, delighted. It's comfortable in here. Quiet, but not silent. She hugs Haro a little closer.
       "I wasn't really cut out for school, but it's really important to explore the things you love doing. Your girlfriends are right!" How many does he have? Do they know each other? "In my case, it was my dad that encouraged me. --I mean, he still does, but he did, too. He gave me my first datapad when I was little, and told me to look up anything that interested me. And then he encouraged me to try new things, even if I might not be good at them."
       She's... kind of just standing there, entranced by the shelves as they talk.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Talk of Haro helps Banagher ground himself again, after sensing a bit of Ujico's emotions. "Yeah, he can record video and audio, he can play it back, he can take calls, project video..." As Banagher brags, Haro flaps his winglets proudly. "As for buying one, yeah! At most electronics stores, but if you want something special, online is the way to go. You can get one assembled already, or build your own."

"And then there's modding!" A little laugh. "But that's a whole other conversation."

As they enter the bookstore, Haro chirps, "Books! Books!" once again. He seems to appreciate Ujico's hug, tilting in to acknowledge the gesture.

"Oh, thank you." Banagher blushes a little, kicking the snow off his boots. "They're both wonderful. Leina actually has a Haro of her own, too! Both our Haros are friends. They team up when the cats chase them. Anyway, um." Banagher looks a little self-conscious. He doesn't usually say this much! "Your dad sounds really great! I'm glad he's still in your life." A lot of people aren't that lucky.

Glancing at the signs attached to each towering shelf, Banagher points at one toward the left-most wall. "Electronics. It's gotta be there, right?"

"Books!" Haro chirps. "Mods! Hands!"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       Haros must have an entire community dedicated to them. Kind of like cat fanciers, or model kit people. She can see why. They're like a little person, all your own. [Safe]. "Do people mod their personalities too? Or are there voice banks, if you want a certain sound? I saw a video where people use those to make music."
       It hadn't been quite the same as Sharon. The music was often good, and there are a few songs that Ujico keeps on her phone, but... Sharon had had a soul.
       "They don't get jealous of each other?" she asks. (Wasn't there something about the name Leina? Maybe it's common in Europe...)
       Ujico has forgotten half of the names in the Celestial Being dossiers and debriefing after their attempt to make alliances with Mithril and the Black Knights, among others.
       She carries Haro, following Banagher to the electronics section. "He is. He adopted me when I was really little - I was practically a baby." She isn't entirely certain that he was /ready/ to raise a child, but he did. "...I don't know if there's a right way to ask this, but I'm really curious - how many girlfriends do you have?" Ujico sincerely isn't judging: she's just never met anybody with more than one partner before! "If it's rude to ask just forget I said anything!"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

There are indeed full communities of Haro-lovers. Banagher helps moderate one of them! "Yeah, you can mod voices no problem! Change what language they speak and everything, or their accents... As for personalities, you can, sure, but." Banagher frowns slightly. "It's in a weird spot ethically. When you have a Haro for long enough, it really starts to become its own little person. I don't think I could ever do that to my Haro."

"Hark! Hark! Hello!" Haro announces, at the mention of Leina's Haro.

"As long as nobody's ignored, Haros do great in groups. They can keep each other company while you're busy." Banagher walks down the electronic aisle, running his finger along the spines of the books. So many interesting titles...

Ujico asks about his girlfriends, and Banagher glances back at her. "Oh! Of course, that's fine. I have two girlfriends, Leina and Audrey. They're both dating each other, too. We all love each other -- a lot."

Another soft blush dusts the young man's cheeks. He tries to disguise this by pulling out his phone, swiping through pictures until he turns the screen toward Ujico. Three young people smile up at the camera, dressed in formal clothing. Banagher is there, clearly, in a tuxedo. His wild brown hair has been somewhat tamed. Leina Ashta is on one of his sides, short brown hair and sparkling green eyes, winking cutely. The girl on Banagher's other side must be Audrey. Warm blonde hair is cut into a pretty bob, falling just to her own green eyes. Her smile seems a bit mysterious.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Banagher's voice is sweet and soft. "They mean everything to me."

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       She hadn't considered it fully, it's true. After all, it's one thing to change yourself - it's completely different to consider changing someone else. "Oh, I see. They evolve on their own, and [become] on their own. It would be like brainwashing to change that, wouldn't it?" she frowns, and hugs Haro a little tighter.
       "Imagine a community of Haros though! It'd be chaos!" she brightens. What's the word for a flock of Haros? A herd? Ujico thinks about what it would be like, to have one in her apartment. She's never really interacted much with the Haros on board the Ptolomaios. Do they chat to each other when they're off-duty? Do they miss Lockon's Haro when it's away?
       Ujico scans the shelves while Banagher scrolls on his phone. Huh, a lot of these books are really... really... really technical. What's a semiconductor? But a slightly-battered spine catches her eye, and she reaches up to pull it off the shelf. 'Haros And Us: A History of History's Most Popular Electronic Toy'. Banagher holds up his phone before she can open it, but the face peering out of the screen grabs her attention.
       Leina Ashta. It's her, the girl from the meeting! The one who'd asked so many questions, who hadn't trusted Celestial Being's intent but had decided to work together towards a better future while Tsutsujidai is still missing. Leina had cared, brightly and loudly, about the world and its people. She finds herself smiling. "You all look so fancy! And so close. I'm so happy for all of you."
       The warmth radiating from a digital image, the warmth in Banagher's voice when he says how much he loves them. It feels nice. Ujico is glad she met someone like him today.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Another little emphasis floats across Ujico's words. "Yes, I think so too. Haro's got memories, likes, dislikes, all that stuff, all on his own! I want to protect that part of him."

Banagher laughs at the idea of a community of Haros. "I've seen videos from people who have a dozen of them. It was /total/ chaos. Some people make choirs of Haro, or use them for more technical reasons, but... One's enough for me."

"I'm perfect, I'm perfect." Haro chimes in, smugly.

Complimenting Leina and Audrey is a sure way to Banagher's heart. He beams at Ujico. "Thank you so much! We were going to a wedding together. It -- turned into a disaster, but the beginning was nice."

"Ah!" Banagher says, walking up to Ujico. He pulls a book from just below her shoulder. 'Modding Haros: A Complete Guide', reads the book. "Hey, this is perfect! Haro, what do you think?"

Holding the book up to Haro, the little robot leans forward. "Hmm. Hmm." Haro intones, as Banagher flips the book around for him to read the back cover. "I like it! I like it!"

"We'll get it, then." Banagher holds the book close, smiling at Haro, then up at Ujico. "Was there anything you wanted to find?"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       A choir... Haros can sing? Is there anything Haros /can't/ do? Ujico knows what she's going to be watching tonight on her flight north. Haro videos.
       "You're perfect. You're perfect," she echoes back at Haro, mimicking its cadence and pitch. "Weddings are like that sometimes," she shrugs. It probably wasn't all /that/ bad. Normal weddings don't get crashed by ... just what /was/ that woman's deal, anyway? Maybe someone got food poisoning.
       She holds Haro where it can see the book Banagher picked out. That... looks like a very technical one, too. But he was an engineering student, so it'll be okay.
       "Oh, actually... I wanted to check their recipe books. And I like to look at how-to books, but I'm traveling right now so I guess I shouldn't buy too many things at once." Still, the idea of an actual Spanish paella, from an actual Spanish cookbook... "Lllllet's just take a little peek." Weakness, thy name is Ujico.
       After moving a couple of aisles over, she scans the shelves for anything that stands out. There are plenty of used books here, so... Ujico carefully hands Haro back to Banagher and goes to a knee on the floor, tracing her fingertips across the spines. The one she wants would be...
       There. The spine is [nearly broken]. She pulls it gently free from the shelf, turning it over to look at the cover. "'Tita Carmen's Treasured Recipes'." The cover is a little stained. Ujico flips it open, searching for something - there! "See the stains on the pages? Someone liked this enough to use it over and over again." Lifting it to her face, she sticks her nose right in it and takes a deep breath. Spice-smell. Herbs. "This one," she smiles, and closes it with care.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Haro looks absolutely thrilled at this praise! Winglets flap with delight, and he plays a little triumphant sound. Banagher laughs to hear it. "Wow, he really likes you, that's his favorite sound effect! I don't even hear it all that often."

"Weddings seem really complicated..." Banagher murmurs, thinking back to that day. They never even got to the refreshments. "Hopefully the next one I go to will be better." That's a pretty low bar... As long as nobody gets shot in chest mid-ceremony, it'll be better.

Banagher nods at Ujico's choice, following her to the proper aisle. Haro is transferred back over to Banagher, who gives him a quick hug. Watching as Ujico makes her decision, Banagher looks a little mystified. She really wants a used, dirty book?

"Oh, stains are a good thing in recipe books. That makes sense! The more it's been used, the better the dish must be..." Banagher nods, seriously, as though a puzzle has just been solved. "Can I smell it too? I've never seen anyone appreciate a book so messy. I'm curious, too."

Should Banagher be allowed, he'll take a deep breath just as Ujico has. The smell makes his golden eyes fly open -- wow, that's strong! "I was on a meal plan at college, so I've never done much cooking, but -- wow. Treasured Recipes... They really must've meant a lot to the author."

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

       Has Ujico learned a special Haro Secret? Can she be trusted with this knowledge?!
       "I work part time in a restaurant, and the chef said he would help me learn to cook. So when I asked him what recipe book to start with, he gave me a few general titles, and then told me this piece of advice." She gladly opens the book up again and holds it up for him to take a whiff. She was a little afraid he would call her weird!
       "The best recipe books get used over and over again. Their spines will be messed up from lying flat on a counter, and maybe they'll have notes written down from other cooks who have used them. If you cook their recipes, it makes a [connection] no matter how long it's been since the dish was last prepared." It... had sounded a lot cooler when Chef had said it! But that's what Ujico loves the most about people - when they love something enough to bare a little of their soul about it.
       She takes another sniff before stacking the cookbook together with the harostory book. "And now my suitcase is going to be full," she hums, pleased.
       The light coming in through the glass windows is orange, slanting in between the buildings older than the Universal Century. "I guess I should get back to the airport before my flight leaves. I'm going to a holiday dinner." She hesitates for a moment, like she wants to say something and (again) isn't quite sure /how/.
       How did it go in that movie? "...Want to trade numbers?" Ujico offers, and congratulates herself inwardly. Yes! Said it like a normal human! "If it's okay, I might want to ask more questions about Haros. But your girlfriends don't have to worry! It's not for dates!"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"A restaurant. You know, I've met so many cool people who work in restaurants. You're definitely one of them." Banagher smiles. "I can tell you really care about what you do."

Banagher nearly sneezes from the strength of those dried herbs. He manages to keep it together, but the smell is definitely going to linger with him for a while.

"No wonder you knew which book to grab right away! It's like solving a mystery. You're connected to all the past chefs..." Banagher places a finger on the book, as if looking to feel that connection to the others. "This is a great little bookstore. I'll have to bring Audrey by...

As Ujico notices the sunlight, Banagher does too. "I should get going too. I hope you travel safely, Ujico." He smiles at the idea of trading numbers, pulling his phone out again. "Yeah, of course! I'm always ready to talk about Haros. And maybe you can give me some cooking tips?"

The warmth of a new connection keeps Banagher cozy on the way home. Haro's buzzing about Ujico on the short ride back -- he'd waved his flaps until his new friend vanished from sight.

"That was really great. I'm glad you found Ujico." Banagher says to Haro, hugging him tight. "But please don't run off like that again!"

"Okay!" Haro chirps. "Okay!"