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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2022-12-03: Welcome Home, Renais''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Sayla Mass, Character :: Anti, Character :: Roux Louka, Character :: Leina Ashta, Char...")
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Latest revision as of 11:08, 4 December 2022

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        >There's plenty of room at our place.

        That reply, a not long ago, led to another surge of business in Villa Mass. Buer, in traditional fashion, has chosen to find a comfy couch to hide under during the chaos. Foras remains the agent of chaos he always is. Instead of moving trucks, though, GGG has provided the transport. And rather than movers well...

        For her part, Sayla has been helping with carrying smaller things, now she's no longer in a cast, and coordinating and directing people. Renais room is already partially furnished- bed, wardrobe, desk. There's room for a heat pump to be set up, but it hasn't been yet. Indeed, Sayla's requested a hold on installing for the moment, until everything else is in.

        After a while though, Sayla takes a breath. "Alright, given we're a room of chronic overworkers, I'm calling for a break."

        Sayla Mass, chronic overcaterer- though less chronic between two Ashtas and an occasional third cat- has had a charcuterie board set up on a patio table, along with Lemon Granizado- a traditional icy lemon drink- water, and juice. Coffee, it seems, is en route.

        Both cats are now at the table, expectant.

        Sayla, for one, lokks pretty damn happy, sipping the cold drink in the summer heat, watching the movement around the house, the business, the people. And for the newtypes... her feelings actually match her face.

<Pose Tracker> Anti has posed.

        Go somewhere.

        Anti turned and left the Starbows, in that ruined city, corpses hanging about the debris. He turned and left with no comment and no protest.

        Wherever you like.

        He's free.

        And freedom feels so heavy.

        Time passes, and he is on Earth, again. He is in Spain, again.

        He wanted to come back here.

        He did not know there was a flurry of activity; nevertheless he has seamlessly integrated himself into it, appearing out from the street after leaving two months ago and carrying boxes from here to there. He's copying what everyone else is doing. It probably helps.

        One of those boxes, particularly large, is empty now. Anti pokes at it with a finger. He leans into it. He topples into the box, and it rattles shut and clonks on the floor, thud, thud, thud.

        The top flap of the box peeks open, as that white-haired boy peers out with his single, baleful eye, now firmly trapped inside a box with his usual stern expression.

        He is not in any hurry to leave.

<Pose Tracker> Roux Louka has posed.

Roux Louka lives here now. Will she regret it? Only time will tell. Being on Earth is definitely a change, especially the time when you look up on a clear night and suddenly realize that only 14.7 pounds of air stand between you and the void that craves your death.

But you should live there.

Look, it's a philosophical thing.

Roux is both intact physically and relatively tall. What's more, she has been glad to do some shit after the cosmic horror aftermath of that particular accursed wedding, and has been assisting with moving in boxes. Right now, she is emerging from the kitchen towards the patio, carrying a red lemon granizado of her own.

She observes another guest - a skinny young boy, in her estimation, kind of like Mondo in physical dimensions but not in moral dimensions - examines a box. Leans into it... topples.

Roux slurps her drink.

The boy peeks out. Roux gives him a thumbs up and a wink~! And proceeds out to the patio. "It's nice to do this stuff in an organized manner, isn't it?" she observes to Sayla, gazing out towards the optical infinity of the horizon.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Despite being newly out of the wheelchair, Leina doesn't shy away from heavy lifting, in fact some people may need to actively tell her no when it comes to some of the heavier furniture.

Eventually however, a break is taken for all of them

Leina comes in with a tray full of coffee cups on plates with a stirring spoon at the ready, already poured, balanced on a single hand like a server. Renais is the most likely to recognize the mellow aroma. It's Island Blade, imported from Side 1.

Which is one of the brands she suggested for import.

She passes them out one by one - even stopping to ask Anti in his box, ('Want to try some?' and if he says yes then offering his own cup and warning, 'Sip slowly, its hot, and you may think it's bitter.)

Coffee all passed out she puts down a carafe of creamer and sugar caddy, a wink sent Renais' way, she heads back to the kitchen, and returns with the Press to be at the ready for refills.

Seating herself she picks up her own Granizado, and a bite of cheese from the charcuterie, before washing it down. "Even smoother than your move in, I think." Leina asides to Roux with a tease. "Gonna bet Judau has at least three unpacked boxes in there."

No she hasn't been in their room, it's just an educated guess.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Renais is moving to a new place! 3G was quick to offer their transportation help, and Alouette was more than happy to come along.

Although just providing transportation assistance might be enough for some people, Alouette certainly doesn't mind moving a few boxes. She's stronger than she looks, don't you know?

For now though, she's taking a break, as Sayla kindly requested. A face she recognizes comes out to pass out the coffee. Alouette favors Leina with a smile before accepting her own cup. "Miss Ashta! It's good to see you again. Thank you very much for the coffee." She's only spoken to her once, but that conversation happened just a few days before Bujack clawed its way into her.. it's hard to forget. Seeing Leina again is a reminder of sorts of the hope in the world they talked about.

Coffee in hand, Alouette takes a seat at a nearby table and slowly begins sipping, taking in the rich flavour. She takes the opportunity to watch the Villa's surroundings. Is that a cat sitting in the box or a very small person? On closer inspection, she recognizes him as Anti, although she never much had the chance to interact with him. Even if he's been pushed away too, she's glad that he found a home in this villa as well.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Bringing Guy Shishioh to help you move is cheating, as demonstrated by the several times today he has been seen just fully holding a dresser over his head.

As for getting Renais' things from temporary storage over to here in the first place, well, a green JET PLANE is currently sitting over on the road leading to the villa, its (not that big, honestly...) cargo compartments swung open. ShouRyu is here. PorcAuto is around as well, of course, moving cases strapped to his roof. You couldn't *STOP* him from showing up to help Renais with moving.

Guy, for his part, emerges out into the open, having jumped a sofa over a wall and deposited it in the waiting area. He is apparently trying to be helpful. Still, when break is called, the Chief of a recently restaffed GGG Green finds himself a seat on the patio with a Granizado in hand. "Well, Renais, if the pick was between this and Orbit Base, I can't say I blame ya," he laughs. His eyes scan across the house, apparently with fascination. An easy smile, like always.

Ah, and here's Leina. "Leina! Good to see you up and about."

...also: "Did... did one of the cats just fall in?" He wasn't looking.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais' apartment wasn't exactly the most packed thing in the world, even before she moved to Tsutsujidai; for most of her life, she's travelled light. As a result, a lot of the boxes are books, furniture, and various equipment (marked FRAGILE, with a doodle of an angry >:(-ing Renais on the side).

There's one box, marked 'VIDEO', that Renais insisted on taking for herself. She's shooed everyone else away from it, insisting on it despite its relative lightness; she's got it over one shoulder when she hears Sayla call for a break.

She sets it down beside the table, briefly searching, and finding a double-walled cup for her granizado. She smiles at the sight of Anti in the box, happy to see him again--and happy to have a cool drink.

"Bonjour, Anti. It's been quite a while... didn't expect to see you here, but I'm glad to." She peeks over the rim of the box, adding, "I trust you're finding the accommodations to your liking?"

She takes a seat, and a few items from the charcuterie board, chewing on pancetta and cheddar.

"Uhm... thank you all for helping," she tells them, looking a bit awkward. She's not used to having so much attention, nor so much help.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Buer, hearing Anti topple into the box, turns to look and then walks away from the table to give a chirrup at the box. Another chirrup, then she turns to Sayla and Leina and lets out a 'mrrrrroooowwwwww'. Sayla looks over at Roux, as she starts to pile up a plate, "It is. Would you believe this is the first organized move I've had?" She's relaxed and casual, though. "I feel like Guy's the expert there though." Sayla's humour preference is still a little dark.

        She walks over with Anti's plate, extending it to him- but ready to set it down if he's not ready to take it from her hands. Buer chirrups approvingly. "Welcome back," Sayla says, softly. "And thank you for your help. It's appreciated."

        "I don't know, Guy, we don't have the elaborate secret bathhouse." Sayla's glare is playful, mostly. She has a villa, she can't judge. She's going to anyway. At Guy's question, Buer mrows. It is unsure if her response was helpful or sarcastic.

        "You're help is appreciated too, Miss Pommier." They'd only spoken over encrypted comms, but the young woman kept to her word. "A friend of Renais and Guy's like you is welcome any time. I look forward to getting to know you."

        Sayla takes a soft cheese to cleanse the palate before going for a taste of the coffee "That's excellent, Leina, thank you." Sayla breathes out contentedly, before she finally decides it's time.

        "Welcome home, Renais." Sayla's voice is full of warmth, making the statement, making it 'official'. "Leina and I put together a housewarming gift for you." Sayla reaches under the table, to pull out a briefcase, marked with the logo of Photon Power Labs. "I asked Koji and Sayaka to put something together for you, and they were more than happy to oblige." She hands it to Renais.

        Inside the case, should Renais open it here, looks to be a black body suit, with light metals runing through it- that connect in the ways the cooling coat does, but far less intrustively.

        "Leina wanted to show you the next part herself."

<Pose Tracker> Anti has posed.

        Anti grunts, with a curt nod punctuated by the flap of the box, as Leina stops to ask if he wants some coffee. He reaches out from his box to take it, and sniffs at it. His hand extends, holding that cup, to let Buer sniff the coffee, too, before he pulls it back towards him again.

        He takes an experimental gulp, and makes a face like the cat who just licked a lemon, with a stark expression and an open, twisted mouth. He stares at the coffee as if it had just personally betrayed him. He smacks his lips, once, twice.

        And seeing everyone else drinking the coffee, the copy-cat Anti takes another sip. Sipppp. Nosewrinkle. Frown. Sip, sip. He finishes it, puts the cup down inside his box, and reaches out from his box to take the plate Sayla offers him. "Mm," he nods, firmly, to her, with a wordless grunt which might communicate his feelings anyway. His heart is strange, still, but -- he wanted to come back here.

        He stares, intense and withering, at Alouette when she looks to him. So too does Roux's wink get a moment of intent focus. He glares at Guy, for a long moment...

        "Anti." The word is a singular issue, and it must be his name. "We fought." He was the boy in the Devil Gundam's child, Death Knight; he was also himself, attacking Tsutsujidai with Dirivier.

        He doesn't issue the introduction with any particular resentment, though; it's just a fact he lays out before he goes back to investigating his plate of snacks. OMPH NOMPH NOMPH, though he looks up, face all messed from the food, to look up and nod to Renais. "Bonjour." His French is -- not actually horrible. Did he copy Renais's delivery...? Perhaps it's a mercy, the way he returns to snacking afterwards, instead of staring at her too long.

        (He's not displeased to see her, though. She helped him even when she was in trouble, after all.)

        He watches the gift delivery with his usual quiet intensity. Giving people things... he understands this a little better, now. He wonders what the difference is, between here and Tsutsujidai. He watches.

<Pose Tracker> Roux Louka has posed.

(Roux definitely told Leina to sit her ass down at least once.)

Here, now, she just makes a :/ face at Leina's pretty accurate if somewhat lowballed guess, and slurps her drink without further clarification.

But then there's other people. Guy Shishioh! "You know," Roux says, stepping forwards to advance towards him with a smile, "I bet you get this a lot, Mr. Shishioh - but I wanted to just say I'm a huge appreciator of everything that you've done for Earth. I've heard about you guys for a long time! I'm Roux Louka, I'm a professional pilot--"

She's Networking too hard, and she segues off. There's Renais. "Don't worry about it," she tells Renais. "It's sort of like a big apartment building, isn't it? I mean, not really, but KIND of." She swirls her drink with the straw, feeling the cool of the metal. (Of course it's not plastic.)

The question of the Gift arises.

Also Anti, who seems *way* madder than Roux thought. She sips her drink again. (It's running low, fast.)

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina tries not to be too curious about the box labeled 'VIDEO' that Renais is carrying.

(She also sat her ass down when Roux told her to.)

Roux gets an 'I knew it' face back at the state of their room.

Leina was extremely upset about Alouette, as well as Renais, it was a struggle not to just march up to Akane and give her a piece of her mind.

She took extreme personal offense at the idea of their resolve being ripped out of them shortly after they found it.

In the end she's glad she didn't. And Alouette gets a sunny smile from her at her presence.

"You're so welcome. And if I might say... C'est bon de te revoir Alouette."

Before she grins at Guy's remark, "Right back atcha Guy. Feels like I got back in mine the moment you got out of yours."

She seems to take the event in good cheer at least.

Before her lip curls in and there's suppressed laughter over him asking about the cats...

(She decides to let Roux network without comment, amused that she was apparently holding back the time they were in the same space before.)

Anti's coffee attempt, she doesn't laugh at him as he makes that face, just smile a little. But he keeps going... and when he finishes.

"So, what'd you think?"

Her head tilts at Sayla, "Elaborate secret bathhouse?" Then a glance at Alouette and Renais as if to confirm.

As Sayla tells Renais to welcome home, Leina's already putting her coffee mug down, and standing up in anticipation of this moment...

... as Sayla brings out the black body suit. "Just follow me if you don't mind. And bring that along, you'll need it~"

It's a playful tone, as she bids Renais to follow her.


And upon her return, Leina has her hand on the door frame, as she calls out to everyone, "Presenting, the perpetually fabulous - but now even moreso - Renais. Cardiff. Shishioh.~"

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais gives an impressed, approving nod to Anti's reply.

"There's a bathhouse on Orbit Base," she explains to Leina with a grin. "Rather cushy, really. Personnel only. It's not exactly *secret*, though!"

Her cheeks go red at Sayla's 'welcome home'. She's... a little bit overwhelmed, not sure where to look, not sure what to say. Instead she occupies her mouth with coffee.

But she's even more at a loss when her gift is presented. She opens it, and... stares. She runs her hand along it, silent as she traces one of those subsurface veins up to a shoulder port. "This is..."

It's easy to intuit exactly what it is. Her eyes are already watery when Sayla informs her that there's more-- and she decides it's best to figure out what to say when she's seen it all. (Not that she has any idea at the moment.)

She accompanies Leina upstairs, and they manage a smooth transition into the bodysuit; it's at that point she's presented with... clothes. Her heart leaps more than a little...

And what Leina presents is a pretty young woman in a long-sleeved, white, button-up blouse and a black, high-waisted suspender skirt. A loose, violet bow is tied at the collar. The fit accentuates her substantial bust, and the bodysuit achieves the effect of a pair of black leggings.

She does a little twirl as Leina presents her, face beet-red from embarrassment and attention. "Thank you... thank you so much," she says. "I can't tell you how much this means to me."

It's like being freed from a cage. She'd forgotten what it was like before--to wear normal clothing, to not be burdened by the clothes she *must* wear, the only clothes she's been able to wear since she became a cyborg.

The way she felt at being able to pick out an outfit, to have that freedom... every Newtype at the villa would have felt it. A psychic squeal of joy, accompanied for Leina by the bright glow of her G-Stone.'.

There are tears running down her cheeks.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy cracks a grin. "I'm told it's technically more of a day spa," he replies, rather than deny anything about Orbit Base's bathhouse. He helps himself to some DELICIOUS LOCAL TREATS instead.

No, that wasn't Buer who went in there... ......Oh. "Ah. So this is Anti. I don't think I've seen this face, before."

He can match a good stare-off. Real J vibes this kid has. Instead of imposing on his antihero charisma zone, Guy just favors him with a nod. "Guy Shishioh. Pleasure's mine."

He stands, then, to help himself to Snacks, because you can count on Sayla to get the good stuff. This is, perhaps, when Roux intercepts, and he meets her iwth a grin. "Roux, right?" he prompts. "We met at Sayla's birthday earlier in the year, I think. I guess the wine was flowing by then." But still, he lets her have a proper Brave grin out of him. "It's all about getting back up. Anyone can do it, but someone's gotta be out there showing people they can. If I can do even that much, I'm happy."

Then he half-pivots, to watch Sayla's gift...and then Leina's, and waves as they flit away.

He has returned to his seat with crackers and cheese by the time the girls return. Even HE could feel that disruption in the Limpid Channel, like a great stone dropped into the sea of intention. So he's already smiling before he can see her, but it only gets bigger when he does.

He keeps it simple. He knows she has trouble with too much attention. He offers her a gentle, "Congratulations, Renais. You look amazing."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"I personally don't mind the atmosphere - or should I say lack thereof," she giggles for a moment, joining in on Guy and Renais' short conversation. "But here is very nice too. And it seems like you have a lot of very nice housemates." The people too of course, but after she says that she smiles at Beur the kitty.

"Of course! Renais has always been helping me so I want to be able to help her too," she responds, at Sayla's thanks.

As they've only spoken over those highly secured comms, Alouette takes a good look at Sayla herself. Of course she knew about Sayla as a "hero of the One Year War" - but when she heard her voice, the only trait she could assign to it was "stressed". So the fact that she looks genuinely happy is very notable. "I'm glad to see you so well, Miss Mass." She smiles, the sunlight gleaming from her eyes. "And I look forward to it too - Guy says a lot of nice things about you, you know." That smile turns more into a grin.

Alouette gets a very different type of regard from Anti - a big ol' stare. She's not sure what to make of it, but she doesn't seem particularly bothered by it. Reminds her of how Ikumi used to look at her.

She does attempt to break the ice, though. "Alouette," she introduces herself simply. They may have fought, as Anti mentions to Guy, but it gets a mental shrug from Alouette. Just because they fought doesn't make him her enemy, she knows well. "It's good to.. meet you," she settles on - she kind of doubts Anti focused on her very much in that battle.

"Absolutement!" she beams at Leina's own French response. And if Sayla is fine with her staying as much as she wants, well... "Here's to many more meetings," she tips the drinks.

And then the conversation turns to the GGG bathhouse-slash-day-spa-slash-whatever, and Alouette smirks. "Well I certainly didn't not miss it after my vacation..." She adds.

And then, Renais' gift arrives, she takes a moment to go upstairs which leaves Alouette wondering what it might be.. it's even better than she could've imagined. "W-Wow.. you look gorgeous. And beautiful! I'm really happy for you!" She scans the outfit up and down - it's elegant and cute both. "You know Hana and I always wanted to be able to ask you to come clothes shopping." Wouldn't that be a fun day out? For now though, she gives Renais a little bit space to avoid overwhelming her - she can practically feel how red she's gone.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Sayla can appreciate Anti's feelings, and if he feels comfortable where he is, Sayla's not going to push him. It's a big step forward from hiding on top of a wardrobe. Buer does sniff at the coffee, but doesn't lick. She only cares to steal Sayla's coffee. She is interested as to how he'd react.

        ...Wait, since when could Anti speak french?

        Sayla chuckles at Roux's attempts. "She's underselling it, Guy." Sayla pauses. "Apartment building isn't what I was going for, honestly." Sayla falls quiet for a second, before Alouette compliments her. "Does he now? Hopefully I won't disappoint." It's starting to feel a bit like the good parts of the old days.

        Leina gives Renais her debut, and Sayla watches her enter. "Renais, you look beautiful." Maybe she can't tell her how much it means, Sayla can feel it. And even if she couldn't, she can see those tears. She walks over to Renais, pausing. "Leina had a special request for your gift, actually. And those two managed to do it." Sayla looks to her ward. "I think you'll both appreciate it."

<Pose Tracker> Anti has posed.

        Anti watches, stern, from his box, with a sharp nod here and there. A noncommittal grunt, about the coffee. He's still making his mind up about that. And to Renais, he says, simply: "Good." He's happy for her, but he wears his same intense expression, beholding her outfit.

        Since when could Anti speak French? This is a secret he hides in his box, where he stays, and dwells, and watches from within. He is one with the box. The box is his home now.

<Pose Tracker> Roux Louka has posed.

"Oh my god," Roux laughs at what Guy says: "You're right! Haha, gosh. How rude of me. I hope you won't hold it against me." Her eyes half-lid for a moment as she stirs her drink. (Wow, Roux thinks bitterly to herself, good job, me. This is transient, but might be noticed by Leina, or perhaps Sayla.)

But then they are presented...

For a moment Roux thinks almost, what's the big deal? It's pretty fashionable --

-- but it's liberty --

-- from --

The details aren't known to Roux, who hasn't dug into it. It wasn't germaine, and she's not being issued briefings on everyone. But it is clear that this is a relief. A mercy. A delight; a liberation from prison.

"You look AMAZING!" Roux says to Renais, eyes going wide. "Wow!! Who was the designer?? Do they have pret a porter??" Roux says, turning towards Sayla immediately, reaching over to clasp her shoulder.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Personnel only? For a moment there she was about to insist upon taking Alouette and Mamoru's invitation as soon as possible, but...

... she'll still take the invitation as soon as she can, but it's a shame that incentive can't be there.


Leina presents her, beet red, and feels that sense of freedom, that psychic squeal of joy, it's good for the soul, the way it washes over her.

Healing even, the idea that Renais is able to enjoy this now, to take this step forward. To know that this did some genuine good for her, after so much bad for her. Her own eyes shimmer a touch.

"Well... I can't tell you how much this means to me that you're here with us now."

Sayla mentions the special request and without missing a beat, she steps towards Renais, "...and... that I can finally do this..."

Leina's arms wrap around Renais without fear, the shorter of the two young women embracing the taller in a warm, tight hug.

As she adds, more quietly, "... and keep doing this, whenever you need it from now on..."

(She's definitely gonna ask Alouette later if she can join in on that shopping trip - and give Roux the designer's name, but right now she's not giving up this hug for anything.)

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais has no idea what to do with the compliments, so she just... smiles, and takes a bow, her brain racing a mile a minute, entirely in circles, accomplishing very little of use.

She steps forward cautiously, a look of surprise on her face at Alouette's desire to go clothes shopping with her. "I- I'd absolutely love that." It's been years since she's had the opportunity, much less the ability, to do that. Not since before she was modified.

She smooths her skirt a bit, and takes a sip of coffee. Being like this-- just standing here in these kind of clothes, with others... there's a sort of euphoria spilling off of her. She doesn't even realize she's smiling.

And Roux gushes, asking who the designer was, if they do pret-a-porter. If she could go any more red, she would.

"W-well, um. I suppose the designer was me. The, ah... the gift was clothes, and I put together an outfit. And... I don't." She shrugs a little, and stiffens--looking very much like a deer in the headlights--as Leina hugs her. But... slowly, she wraps her arms around the girl in return, very cautious to make sure the glove over her G-Stone hand is on securely.

She clings tight. She doesn't want to let go... and she's half expecting to wake up from this dream at any moment.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy puffs up a bit at Alouette's praise. "Orbit Base is high security! Lotta staff stay up there for years, so it needs to have some creature comforts. Hatsunos still refused to teach anyone how to make their Tropical Burger, though. I think they were worried they'd never see Hana again."

At Leina's disappointment, he asides, "I'm sure the Chief can make arrangements." It's him. He's the Chief. He will make the arrangements.

Guy, because he is feeling comfortable enough to sass, adds, "I promise, Sayla, only the funniest rumors."

As for Roux, he chuckles. "Courage is everything," he replies, with total sincerity. "Even for something like that. You were with AEUG after the battle at Jupiter, I remember. Those were some bad times, but...glad you got out OK. Seems like we'll be seeing a lot of each other now, huh?"

As for Renais...His hand finds his hip. He snuck in his turn right after the battle against Bujack, so just stands by smiling happily at the sight of his cousin getting an honest to goodness hug from someone who isn't in an insulated suit.

"There's gonna be a line for those," he says, warmly. "A lot of people have been rooting for you, Renais."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"Can't say I blame them," Alouette replies at Guy's musings about Kitchen Hana. Now she wants a Tropical Burger again... She also softly chuckles at Leina's visible disappointment about the bathhouse being personnel only, and Guy's subsequent reassurance to make arrangements.

And to Sayla, who hopes she doesn't disappoint, Alouette simply looks over at Renais, in her lovely new outfit, and Leina, embracing her. She's already provided Renais, and so many others with such a wonderful life - how could that be called disappointing? "I don't think you have to worry about that!" She states, cheerfully, but also matter-of-factly.

"Then it's a deal!" Alouette exclaims when Renais says she'd love to go shopping together - and when she mentions she was the "designer"... "Looks like you already have quite the eye for fashion, too," she adds. After that, she goes silent for a few moments, just.. watching as she gets to see Renais happier than she'd ever seen before in both time periods she knew her.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Roux's hand on Sayla's shoulder is a surprise, but she doesn't have time to respond before Renais answers. "There you have it," Sayla says, looking back over Roux's shoulder. "Leina took care of providing the wardrobe and Renais made it her own." She's not going to make too many nudges right now, but... "Sounds like the two of you could talk about it, though." Roux's decently fashionable herself.

        The resounding joy and excitement and freedom. It falls into her heart so strongly. This wasn't how she expected to reach it, but this is what she wanted in this house all along. It's what she wanted back in Cheyenne, too. And now it's here, with room for more.

        "The funny ones, hm? Now these I'll have to hear." They're both comfortable enough to sass right now, old friends trading soft barbs. Alouette tells her she doesn't have to worry about disappointing her and Sayla... heartens again. "Thank you."

        Something occurs to Sayla. "I'll be right back."

        Moments later, she comes out with something. A camera and a tripod- the former from the late 0070s. The model an old friend swore by. "Photo time, I think. Renais in the middle, Leina and Alouette either side." She has skipped to first names already, lining up the shot. It's been a while, but she can still get a shot. "Roux, would you stand behind Alouette? Guy, can you go behind Leina and Renais- about there?" That should... Leave just enough room for her. "Anti if you want to join us, can you go in front of Renais? You don't have to, though."

        She picks up the remote and, realizing she can say it. "And do squeeze in, everyone. You don't have to- but we can and in this case I think we should."

        This feels like another excellent housewarming gift. For all of them.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina can feel Renais stiffen up, can feel that almost air of disbelief from her... before the hug is joined as she clings to her, and lets her cling back.

Eventually though, at Guy's comment, Leina's grip on her loosens just a bit, she doesn't yet let go.

And Leina tilts her chin to give Renais this silly, but affectionate grin, "What do you think Renais, should I cede to the next in line?"

She winks at her, "I don't mind shamelessly holding it up but it is a long one."

Finally releasing her, she then asides to Alouette, "And if you don't mind another on that shopping trip... I'd love to come along." There's a wryness in her grin, "...sounds like Roux would too."

Sayla comes back with a camera, "Ah! Great idea!" -and Leina takes her position, scootching to adjust, and then... squeezing in more at Sayla's direction, and putting an arm around Renais from the side.

The smile that needs to be asked for in this picture does not need to be forced at all, it's already there.

When 'Cheese' is called for, Leina inevitably thinks of Plums.

Blame Judau.

<Pose Tracker> Roux Louka has posed.

Roux wasn't kidding. It's a great outfit - she might not wear it, being more into aqua tones - but she'd want something similar. But perhaps she was preparing the shot for this exact reason. To raise the mood. To evoke a compliment.

But it seems that Leina doesn't have to introduce her to a designer at all. Or rather --


Roux's mouth hangs open slightly at the words even as Leina goes in to embrace the woman who she has only rather recently become full acqauinted with. Roux stares at Renais for a moment in shock; not terror, but *astounding*. "You designed that all yourself!?" she says, her hands hanging slack at her side for long moments.

She turns towards Sayla. "The funny what?!"

She sweeps a hand through her hair. "You're bringing a great talent here -- oh, right, right - sure, of course (Hi there,)" Roux says to Alouette, "(Sorry if I'm being rude, but I guess we'll chat - you're with GGG too, right?)"

And despite having gotten past that part of her life, Roux still throws up a V-sign for the photograph.

<Pose Tracker> Anti has posed.

        For long moments, Anti stares at the camera cluster.

        Finally, at just the moment when someone might wonder if he's too camera-shy, he gangles his way out of the box -- that's the verb for him, he's VERY lanky even though he's VERY short -- and takes up a position in front of Renais, as Sayla indicates.

        He still hasn't figured out smiling, though.

        And there's appetiser on his cheek.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette enthusiastically nods when Leina offers to come along on the shopping trips. "That sounds like fun! No objections here." She smiles and then looks over at Roux, positively freaking out about Renais' fashion skills. "Seems like it!" She laughs.

And then Sayla brings out the camera, as everyone scrambles to take position. Alouette finds herself in front of Roux, who strikes up a conversation. "(I don't think it's rude.. but yes, I'm Alouette Pommier, one of GGG Blue's operators. And.. it's nice to meet you, Miss Roux.)" Roux is one of the few people present she never got to meet beforehand, so it is good to get the chance to talk.

But before she can say anything else, the camera prepares to flash. Alouette manages the widest smile she can and the camera prints out a lovely screenshot of a lovely memory.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

"Mn. I suppose I should," Renais replies to Leina, still sounding choked up, eventually and reluctantly letting go.

There's a very slight cringe at Roux's reaction. "Well, I'm not sure I'd say 'designed'... I put it together," Renais admits bashfully, as if to diminish the achievement. "It's been a long time, but... I remember I used to love clothes. That's all."

She smiles at Leina, then looks back at Roux. "But I'd very much like to go clothes shopping with you, if Alouette and Hana wouldn't mind." --ah. Time for a photo!

She steps into place, and as Sayla directs the others to squeeze in, there's a moment of discomfort, edging on alarm-- but she remembers things are different, now, and she relaxes.

Renais Cardiff has had a lot of good days, lately... but today might be the best of them. She has a home. Family. And thanks to that family, for the first time in many years... she can have human contact without fear.

When it's time to snap the picture, her smile is as warm as the rest of her body.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

It's the kind of nonsense banter Guy used to trade with Hyuuma, or Goldymarg, dear friends who feel comfortable lightly teasing. And seeing Sayla rise to it effortlessly brings an even bigger smile to his face.

"Brilliant work, Sayla," he says. "Seriously. No idea when I would've thought of Koji and Sayaka for this." He watches Leina and Renais hug with a warm, fond smile. "It's what this is all about. What we're doing, all of this. Even little miracles are possible if we all work together."

Oh, she went to get a camera. "Oh! Great!"

Being the tallest person here who isn't a motor vehicle, Guy sidles up as directed, back row, behind Leina and Renais.

When he smiles, it's as wide as it's ever been. He doesn't need that heroic, bold slash of a grin. He can just be happy that this moment came.