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(Created page with "*'''Log: Please Gift-Wrap This Planet''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Liu Mei Wang, Character :: Tieria Erde, Character :: Sho Muramoto, Character :: Elisa Kafim,...")
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Latest revision as of 18:03, 16 July 2022

  • Log: Please Gift-Wrap This Planet
  • Cast: Liu Mei Wang, Tieria Erde, Sho Muramoto, Elisa Kafim, Yuliana Dispersal, Ujico Issa, Li Yao
  • Where: Penthouse Suite, Orbital Ring
  • Date: 2022-07-09
  • Summary: Neo-China's most treasured celebrity is having her most special day! Liu Mei Wang's birthday parties have been excessively lavish affairs the last few years, with fireworks and holograms galore, and so many are waiting in anticipation for what she'll be doing next...
    Which is why it came as a surprise when she publicly announced she was pursuing a more low-key affair with close friends and associates, privately renting out a penthouse suite...
    Which is actually a decoy for her REAL party, to which she has sent invitations for her favorite promising colleages within Celestial Being's networks. What are friends and business partners when you're going to be re-shaping the world, anyway?

<Pose Tracker> Liu Mei Wang has posed.

For as long as she can remember, Neo-China's up and coming darling Liu Mei Wang has insisted her birthday be lavish affairs. And when one is set to inherit an upper eschelon of society's positions, gatherings celebrating such things are intended to be more than just a gathering of friends. If such an occasion is to take place, a communal gathering of the wealthiest and their progeny in one place, it is going to be made an entire gala - a spectacular showing that transcends the celebration of one individual, and becomes a high class conference of wealth.

        High up in Neo-China's most scenic viewing platform overlooking the Earth itself, that very gala is commencing. Anyone who's anyone is at this multi-story conference in their utmost finest, surrounded by cameras, giving stories to the press...

        ...anyone, except the person this was once a party for.

        In a much, MUCH less opulent, far more out of the way property, facing outwards with a huge-window view of tonight's half-shadowed moon, a slightly...humbler gathering is arranged. Formally, this is a somewhat out of the way 'conference room' of an attached, middle class hotel typically used by traveling businessmen who actually oversee things like lunar and asteroid mining businesses - the sort of place that attracts virtually no attention when people begin congregating. It's a room that's typically hosted keynotes and small hobbyist gatherings. Any opulence here is in the form of being subtly and spaciously furnished, with tables on every wall. (it's zero-gravity, so you can float around freely.)

        Settled comfortably right up against the enormous glass, framed by the moon, sits this gathering's hostess - Celestial Being's ever-helpful financier, Liu Mei herself. She's dressed in a slightly clingy white qipao for the evening, with a vivid green emerald on a pendant, and a gold diadem across her forehead, the center angled subtly downward. (yes it's a not-that-subtle Gundam-themed dress. fight her about it) In one hand, a glass of wine she...is steeling herself to actually drink. This very moment is actually going to be her first sip of alcohol, ever. In the other hand, a small microphone barely larger than a teacher's pointer - not one that makes her voice boom, but one that makes her easier to hear across the room.

        "...To all of you who've arrived...it means a lot to me that you're here. I trust your routes didn't have security problems. Please don't worry about being overheard in this room - I've had everything checked for any bugs or listening devices. The only ones you might need to be wary of are each other.~ ...But hopefully by the end of today, we'll be more on the same page to avoid any internal conflicts like that, hmm?" Punctuated by a merry, inviting little wink - to think someone with so much sway over the checkbooks can be this casual...

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

Tieria sighs and stands as far away as he can from anyone else, holding a glass of water. That he would be invited to such a frivolous event, and that the nature of the invitation meant he had no choice but to attend. He had initially intended to go in his normal cardigan, but Sumeragi wouldn't hear it and insisted on gussying him up like some...mannequin. All she was able to get on him before he managed to wrestle free was a pair of black slacks and a white button-up with a pair of loafers. "It'll do good enough for Miss Wang," she said. Tch.

He takes a sip of his drink as the host speaks. Internal conflicts...The only issue here was a complete inadequacy to follow VEDA's plan! His hand tenses and threatens to break the glass before he relaxes his grip, putting the fingers of his free hand to the bridge of his nose.

This was going to be a long night.

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho had for some reason been invited. He was unsure why. That he was here and obviously not fully an adult probably spoke of another child soldier. His sipping of a simple, non-alcoholic drink probably said a lot as well.

The teen's just floating a bit, looking a little lost. As if trying to place faces with voices he only has heard in the network. To make sense of some of this craziness. Internal conflicts does seem to make him look curious, then frowning a little. "Mm... some internal issues are to be expected, I gues." He says more to himself than the others around him.

And he might agree with Tieria if that long night bit was voiced.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

"Ah, but of course we would come," says one Dr. Elisa Kafim, dressed today in a lovely green dress with a wrapped style and thin straps at the shoulders, which show off her muscular arms and an asymmetrical hem that accentuates her long legs. She has somehow mastered the art of zero gravity in heels, and has no difficulty with the wine glass that she sips at in time with their dear financier.

"Ahahaha. Of course we are all among friends, yes? There were none of these 'problems.'" She gestures expansively, pleasantly; indeed her expression is one of obious cheer. She appears to be in a good mood.

"I do so enjoy the venue thus far."

She is of course, not alone...

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        Captain Yuliana Dispersal, a star saboteur -- er, ace, very above-board ace, definitely not someone who destabilises anyone or anything -- of the REA, organises a little stop-over in her schedule out of Sri Lanka. Coincidentally, it's by one of the orbital elevators. She excuses herself from her Nega Force by giving them all individual marching orders, taking special care to occupy her resident intelligence agentpuzzlemaster, Parminder, with a particularly difficult infiltration conundrum.

        And so, having ensured her deniability, Yuliana goes to the one place no one would ever guess Yuliana would be:


        Maybe Verdiska likes space better. You don't know. Have you actually asked the combat agent they've added to their ranks recently?

        A pleasant green cocktail dress wraps around her neck like a scarf, one long sleeve falling down her right arm; her left arm, muscular and defined, is bared, to show her dark skin and the scars of war. The dress cinches at the waist, only to fall down to her ankles -- she's wearing flats, personally.

        Yuliana has a glass, herself, as she stands beside the other woman in green -- she's drinking water, even though she looks to be nearing thirty. "For what it is, it's quite nice," she agrees, on the venue, and takes a sip.

        "It's so good of you to see to the little operational details," she inclines that glass to Liu Mei, with a smile. "Listening devices are such a pain, aren't they..?"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Parties are something Ujico has dealt with before. A lot of people all in the same place... Sometimes it's a real challenge, especially the formal ones. If, by some strange hell-miracle, she'd gotten an invitation to the Fancy People Party (ahahahaha no) Ujico would have politely RSVPed 'no'.

        This party, however, is something different. She'd classify it as a Gathering Of Comrades (With Birthday Cake). The fact that Ujico has actually barely met any of these people in person is a technicality at best. They're after the same goal. They should form stronger relationships. So a social gathering is a great idea.

        She thinks she's dressed appropriately - a black velvet sleeveless dress with a square neckline that zips up the front and stops somewhere above mid-thigh. There's a bright silver ring for a zipper pull, and she's wearing brand-new combat boots (the kind made for fashion, not actual combat. Actual combat boots usually don't have sparkly laces). With her hair up in space buns and no make-up, it's... really an outfit for a different kind of party. But Ujico tried her best, and she was assured (by a salesperson) that too casual is better than too formal.

        "Zero-G is really the best," she remarks cheerfully to herself, andlooks around. Target one: Liu Mei Wang, who must be congratulated on her birthday. Target two: The punchbowl, because Ujico likes punch. Plan cemented firmly in her mind, Uji gently kicks off of a potted plant and floats towards Liu Mei.

<Pose Tracker> Li Yao has posed.

        Li Yao had only came in to the party a few minutes before the Liu Mei stood up to speak, slightly hunched over and holding something wrapped in brown parcel paper. Dressed in a black silk Changpao, traditional chinese martial art long robes, with a chinese dragon embroidered on it that wraps around the robes so the green head rests on the shoulder. The fancy looking robes are intended to hide the casual black slippers he has on.

         Moving towards Liu Mei he nods his head to the hostess, "Thank you for the invitation. I was quite surprised to have received it." Taking a moment he gestures to the brown package before setting it on a near by table, "Heard yoou were a lady with everything but I doubt you got one of those." With a chuckle he leaves the package beside Liu Mei on the nearest flat surface and moves toward the buffet. As for the package, it contains a folding fan made of titanium and silk. A little examination would find a hidden dagger in one of the titanium edges.

<Pose Tracker> Hayato Jin has posed.

Why the hell is Hayato Jin, infamous Getter-2 pilot, NISAR captain, and all around intimidating guy at this party? No one knows.

Well, Liu Mei does. Because they share the same job - Observer.

The man is dressed classy, with light, vibrant colors that strangely fit him, as he floats with some amount of ease (he's an Earth guy, but he's fought the Titans) towards...

Ujico and Liu Mei. The former, more particularly. He recognizes her voice, and his question may both seem odd and introducing.

"How is your pet moss?"

And then, he turns to Liu Mei. His very posture and demeanor are rough and fearsome, but his words aren't meant to scare. "Hayato Jin. Congratulations. Are we going to be discussing tactics or just building cohesion?"

Whether or not he brought a present: currently unclear.

<Pose Tracker> Liu Mei Wang has posed.

Tieria's tension earns a tranquil, yet somehow wry little smile, drifting in the Meister's direction and nudging his glass with the tip of one finger. "Now now now. The tension in every inch of you is about to crack the air itself in half. You already seem to have an unvoiced frustration - I brought so many people here to help clear the air a bit on our future operations. Something on your mind?" Despite indeed saying that there's nobody listening in - she still seems to pick her words diplomatically and carefully. It never hurts!

        The ever so merry duo of Yuliana and Elisa do emit a spot of...wariness in Liu Mei. The ambitious and cheery type is a territorial animal, and anyone can see a bit of guardedness in her body language. Nevertheless, one quick practiced breathing motion later, and Liu Mei's poise is right back, taking a caaaareful sip. How bitter and sour. Don't let that show. "One day, these accomodations will be a little more upscale, but alas, there's far too many people who'd take notice and cause a fuss. All the same, I've already heard that both of you have been plenty busy - have any big thorns in your side given you headaches?"

        Sho and Ujico attract a little more attention - the younger types not directly affiliated with the Gundam projects - Veda's most direct fingers given the riskiest and most deniable tasks. Sho gets a much more direct pull on the ear, and her cattiest little grin. Liu Mei is ABSOLUTELY pulling the 'how teasable is the high school boy' litmus test. "They're really not to be expected. After all, the big man upstairs is talking to all of us, and surely their calculations are perfect. If we're in a pickle amongst ourselves, well...wouldn't that imply they're imperfect? That they picked poorly? Think of me as taking on a liiiiittle bit of an HR role. Have you made enemies? Allies? Love interests?~ That goes for you too," Liu Mei passes to Ujico - oh no she's pulling it TWICE OVER. "The stars have always been more romantic than sensible, after all. That's why it's so easy to move, once you realize it." In demonstration - Liu Mei gives an agile little twirl in mid-air. The art of zero-g motion is well mastered!

        Li Yao earns an especially warm smile, with Liu Mei immediately dipping down to retrieve her gift. "Awww, you really shouldn't have. The fact that you did means the invitation was already more than worth it. This wasn't really about a gift for me, but I'll humbly accept it. ...This sense that we're all here for a common purpose is more than enough of a gift." That said, she does immediately take a fancy to the fan, flashing it over her face to just barely hide her little grin.

        Said fan instantly gets tested for its viability for self-defense on Hayato, but in that 'hoh, I can tell you're a man of war' sort of way. If he's literally at all aware of Liu Mei's motions he can see her thwapping him with the metal side of that fan - not the blade, of course - from a mile away. "You're -definitely- an impressive sight here. ...Mr. Jin, right? It's a pleasure to meet you outside of covert little texts!"

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

Tieria's sharp eyes dart to Liu Mei, biting at the corner of his lip as he chose his next words wisely. This woman...got on his nerves. But it was true that she was an important asset to Celestial Being. He would have to be at least somewhat tactful.

"Oh, no. Nothing. I'm having a wonderful time, Miss Wang," he lied.

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

The suddenly being put on the spot has Sho just blinking for a few minutes, then turning red. "Um... some allies, probably a few enemies... ah... what? L-love interests?"

Answer: High school boy very teasable if put on spot.

That has Sho looking at Liu a bit. "Um... none. Well, some at the academy I go to while still a student and all. Not a lot that I can actively date with ahem..." He motions at where they are and what is going on.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa doesn't seem to notice the guardedness out of Miss Wang, or the wariness for that matter. She keeps up the same blithe smile as before. "It's so best to avoid too much untoward notice," Elisa agrees, and then says, "Ahh, not at all! The resources afforded to us have been most helpful in making new friends and avoiding such troubles!"

She sips her wine; she likewise doesn't seem to notice the sour or bitter nature. Or mayube she just likes them.

She smiles at Ujico. And then to Yuliana. "Yes..."

"Ahahah, are we already starting the dramatics?" she wonders of this dating talk. "How delightful!"

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        Yuliana looks past her glass, to the null connections. Hmm...

        She glances sidelong, to Elisa, with a mysterious smirk. "It would be impolite to impose, I'm sure," she murmurs, and the edge on impose might communicate exactly what sort of impropriety she's speaking of. Of course, she'd hate to be an improper guest.

        (Regardless, the melee range around her -- currently, a radius of about six feet, plus the twilight which extends past the edges -- is a psychic dead zone; connections and the emotional information of the room go dead, beside Yuliana, replaced with absolute silence. There is a warning radius around her sphere of influence -- a hush in the air, or perhaps the word is vertigo -- which may help warn Newtypes away from accidentally falling in.)

        She turns her smile back to Liu Mei, entirely too warm. Nothing to be wary about -- see? She doesn't even call any attention to Liu Mei's very first sip, as if it were entirely natural, and she's done it so many times before.

        "You've been entirely gracious," Yuliana agrees, on the heels of Elisa's reassurance. "But far be it from me to involve operational talk in your birthday party, mm..?" It's awfully convenient for her to sideline those concepts, when Yuliana still hasn't retrieved the rogue Athrusa for Celestial Being.


        The children get to talking about their dating lives, and Yuliana laughs, fingers lifting to splay across her lips. "Wonderful," she agrees with the Meltrandi's assessment, standing close to her.

<Pose Tracker> Li Yao has posed.

        Li Yao looks up from finishing his plate and speaks up in regards of Tiera, "Heard from the grape vine they got played by those hound folks. Bet he is still grumpy about that." There is a toothy grin as he takes his plate over to a table and begins to pick at it.

         In a way this is nice and relaxing time to be sure, in another this the first time Li Yao had seen so many Beings in one spot and well he was doing his best to measure them up. Certain folks get a longer stare then others. In the end his eyes stop on Hayato Jin for the longest of time before tsking to himself and shaking his head, "Pity."

        Continuing on his eyes rest on Yuliana, the so called heartless void of the REA, among other nicknames that people have given her. The old man tilts his head left and then right as if trying to get a better look at her but no matter what he can't get a real read on her. Finally he speaks up, " So what covert things that we can't talk about has everyone been up to?" Seemed like the easiest way to break the ice.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        She is approached by a giant bear of a man with interesting sideburns and a familiar voice. Oh, it's the man from the radio! And his name is Hayato Jin. "Ujico Issa," she smiles back, drifting to a stop. Space magic! "It's doing well. Thanks again for your advice!" She's no closer to a proper name for it, but it's not like moss has a lifespan to speak of. She can afford to take her time on a capricious whim.

        Speaking of capriciousness, the birthday girl is a veritable whirl of social graces. Something a bit like jealousy wells up like a spring, but Ujico's expression doesn't change. "Happy birthday, Miss Wang!" The present she'd brought is wrapped nicely, in bright paper, and handed over at an opportune moment. (It's a shrinky-dink kit; Ujico thinks those are fun and something Liu Mei probably wouldn't buy for herself.)

        The whirlwind of teasing about friends and dating and the magic of spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace washes over her. "None for me, thanks," Ujico waves the idea off, horns glinting shiny black in the party lights. "Super busy!" Ujico did not foresee being asked about her social life. She may have bitten off more than she can chew here.

<Pose Tracker> Hayato Jin has posed.

Hayato eyes Liu Mei's motions the second she moves to draw the fan. The fact she's not using the bladed part means he doesn't flinch even a little. He's dangerous enough on his own that he feels it wouldn't be a problem if she DID, but he doesn't need to show weakness needlessly.

Sho gets a response from Hayato, of all people, as he's being teased. "If you're that sensitive to soft words, you're a liability. Steel yourself."

Ujico seems to handle it better, so she doesn't get bullied.

Li Yao gets a glance, and a turn. "I observe - the fight is yours. NISAR's current projects are moving smoothly." He doesn't elaborate, and it's clear he won't unless given a good reason to.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

Tieria turns his glare over to Li Yao, his hand beginning to tremble. How dare...how dare this man mock him like this?

"The only thing I am 'grumpy' about is the failure of our tactical forecasters to see through such an obvious stunt!"

Nearly being downed by...that annoying man had certainly bruised Tieria's pride, and he was certainly still reeling from it. This was why he hadn't wanted to come. The last thing he wanted to see for a while was...other people.

"I played my role to the best of my abilities. I will not take the blame for the shortcomings of others."

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho was about to respond a bit, then he looks over to see who said what and blinks. And apparently the surprise of seeing a Getter pilot here of all places was something that made Sho steel himself, "Yes, sir."

He hums to himself, then looks over at Li Yao. "Not quite covert. I fought that Behemoth thing that attacked Tokyo a while back. Mostly because it was a bunch of crazy fanatics behind it. Also the Vajra." He shrugs. "Oh, and I have some information to pass on to higher ups whenever I find out more of how it works and how... covert we might be able to be with it."

Sho is at least forthcoming on that. They are allies, right?

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        The 'heartless void of the REA', huh?

        Yuliana meets Li Yao's eyes, and smiles.

        She touches Elisa's arm, in a brief but significant moment -- sotto voce, "he's an old associate, you know," -- and with that, Yuliana closes the space between herself and the disgraced Gundam Fighter. One might note that Yuliana isn't actually very good at moving in zero gravity -- she prefers to stay closer to the ground, thank you. She will not be floating like some sort of ridiculous cloud.

        Space! Ugh.

        "Covert things... like the supply chain through Azadistan, mm? I checked up on it during a little errand the other day," she says, with cheer. "They're awfully stubborn, but information is information, regardless of one's openness." Yuliana, of course, is closed. Even if Li Yao manages to stay out of her grasp, there's no way to read her.

        She laughs, behind a hand, as she glances sidelong to Tieria. "Ah," she asides back to Li Yao, "but you're already making friends, I see, in your classic fashion." It's a shade cruel, and perfectly deniable -- which mirrors the way she helped him when she was offering mechanical assistance to the Gundam Fight.

        Yuliana, you see, doesn't like Newtypes very much. Even Gundam Fighter Newtypes.

<Pose Tracker> Li Yao has posed.

        Li Yao doesn't run from Yuliana, he is old and stubborn and would sit here finishing the food if the room lit on fire damn it. So instead his reading of people gets limited to that of normal peoples abilities, watching for facial expressions and all that. Looking over at Yuliana he smiles, "It has been a while hasn't it Yuliana? Tell me did that mechanic ever walk again?"

         There is a pause as he stuffs another bite of food into his mouth and swallows before he looks at Hayato, "As you and the other veterans in the room should know. War is everyone's fight, this isn't the sandbox where you can just pick up your robot and go home. Maybe a few more years from now you will learn that, then maybe you will stop playing in the shadows. In the meantime perhaps teach Mr. Erde how to lose gracefully." Yao's vicious words are given with that same pointed smile before he returns looking at Yuliana.

         "It really has been to long, and yes well you know I was always the most popular of fighters back in my time. It's why I prepared all my meals myself. So what about you? How have you been? Found yourself someone? Ready for that little bit of peace and life in the country?" Compared to the others there is almost a gentleness with the words he gives to Yuliana, not barbed like with Hayato or Tieria.

<Pose Tracker> Liu Mei Wang has posed.

Liu Mei's smile inverts into a tight, pouty little frown at Sho. "This isn't some ancient era where you'd spend years going to war and only ever contact your loved ones if you made it back alive. You're on short-form assignments, usually stuff that can be handled within a week at most, aren't you? Don't neglect to set aside some time for fun. For warmth. We don't have any sort of policy against pursuing that kind of thing, you know~"

        Li Yao and Tieria get a bit fussy at each other about That Incident, and Liu Mei pinches the bridge of her nose. "And this is the exact air clearing I was hoping for! Now now, Li Yao, no teasing Tieria about that." She closes her eyes, in this almost uncannily sagely posture and bearing. "...now that we're more active, now that the world slowly understands our ways...incidents like that are to be expected, frankly. Unfortunately, with the way we operate - we have to make sacrifices in our forecasting. Yes, it's incredibly useful...but the utility is in allowing us to act quickly. Accuracy inherently goes down. That gives rise to an obvious protocol, doesn't it?~"

        Liu Mei brings her pointer-microphone a little closer to her lips, to make this point a bigger punctuation point to everyone.

        "When an operation goes wrong, our priority shifts to intelligence gathering, and making an expedient, but graceful exit. ...If you want to, make anyone who tries to take advantage of us think they've caught us, but always prepare explosive countermeasures to punish their arrogance. Our public image remains one of our greatest assets - always remember that."

        In the middle of this - Liu Mei does pass through the slightly draining, odd aura Yuliana emits. She doesn't immediately notice - it's but a slight downcasting in her stomach. Easy to chalk up to: not taking wine that easily, and taking a stand on a serious subject. She takes another sip from that odd zero-g wineglass to acclimate herself to this substance.

        Liu Mei unwraps Present #2 from Ujico, using the little blade in her fan to slice open a seam in the wrapping, rotating the box in a classy little zero-g spin to observe its contents. "...A very cute offering. But are both you two really focusing so much on all this - the directives from up above - that you don't give yourself time for other pursuits? ...I get this odd feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is a trait intentionally pursued. Hmmmm..." Suddenly, her thoughts of 'fixing' this, and giving Sho and Ujico a more avid social life, are put into question. It could be important to the mission...

        Hayato being a brick wall to the teasing little strike makes Liu Mei all petulantly pouty for a second. "Tsk, no fun~ I'd have hoped you'd pull some amazing zero-g combat reversal on me. Or has it been too long? I guess you're in a slower pace of life, ever since the defeat of the dinosaurs..."

<Pose Tracker> Hayato Jin has posed.

"There's a difference between frontline and support." Is all Hayato says to Li Yao, not playing with the provocation. He DOES take provocation from Liu Mei, though.

"First, you're not a threat to me. I have no reason to 'combat reversal' you."

And then, Hayato gets intense. "Slower pace of life? Hardly. The dinosaur menace isn't defeated."

He can't pace in space, so he floats to the center of the room. "Musashi was never that thorough in life. It'd take more than eradicating one city to purge them all. They're still out there. And the next generation will wipe them out. I'm training them myself."

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

Tieria closes his eyes and lets out a loud sigh, downing the rest of his water. If this night didn't improve fast, he would be forced to get an actual drink.

"...Either way, we managed to get out of the situation just fine. And I suppose it was seen as important to protect our intel, even if it managed to be a false alarm."

As Liu Mei opened her presents, Tieria realized that he hadn't brought one in. No matter. As if there was a point to such nonsense. If you wanted an item, just get it for yourself. It's not as if Tieria even had a birthday.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Ah, a misunderstanding! Ujico is really good at those! (Causing them.)

        "She's right, you know," she tells Sho, despite not having been asked for her opinion on it. "It's really important to enjoy the non-fighting parts of life. We've got to have a good work-life balance!" All those books in her room aren't going to read themselves. The moss in its terrarium isn't going to water itself.

        Ujico watches Liu Mei open the shrinky-dink kit. It's not like they're close enough for Ujico to have any idea what Liu Mei would actually enjoy, so a whimsical gift seemed appropriate instead. "But I'm here, aren't I? Making social connections. Celebrating my comrade's birthday." Isn't this work-life balance??

        "Anyway," she continues after a moment's consideration. "It's fine to enjoy things that aren't relationships. Like model kits, and craft projects, and reading. ...I guess you really shouldn't lean too far in any one direction, though," Ujico admits.

        And then Intense Radio Man Hayato reveals that the dinosaurs are not truly dead and Ujico turns to watch him rant. Old people are having a barbed argument nearby (Tieria, though probably about her age, is putting off some intense Angry Grandparent energy) and she tries to ignore it.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        Yuliana laughs, easily -- too easily -- at Li Yao's introductory question. "Certainly not," she assures him, and leaves the question of just what she did to that mechanic back then to implication.

        She sips her water, as she listens to Liu Mei try to reassure the tension between Tiera and Li Yao. "One cannot underestimate the importance of one's image," she agrees, sly, because her day job is still REA Operative. "Nor the importance of intelligence. If you understand your enemy, you can defeat him before he even realises he is in danger. And if your public image is untouched, he will have no recourse to claim you injured him."

        Which is all entirely reasonable advice to give to the next generation.

        "I do remember you declining my cupcakes, yes," Yuliana asides, to Li Yao, and fails to mention the part that she brought him some after she noticed his caution. "Quite a shame! They were delicious." And not, implicitly, poisoned. She laughs, again, finishing her glass and reaching over to put it on --

        over the --

        on the --

        A scowl briefly crosses Yuliana's face as she wrangles with how to release an object onto a table in zero gravity, before she just leaves it floating there and turns back to Li Yao, smile affixes again. "Oh, I think I've had more than my share of time in the old country," she says, breezily. "Though I suppose I'm not opposed to settling down... making a place for myself..." Her hand comes to rest on her cheek, head tilting, merrily; her bangs scatter, over one side of her face, showing a glance of the scar beneath. She grows a shade wistful, as she muses: "Hmm, I may well be a combat friend in this day and age..."

        (Boyevaya podruga, she says; it's translatable as 'combat friend', but it's a phrase to suggest a wife who is at her partner's side in any situation they may face.)

        She turns her amused attention to Hayato, as he speaks of the dinosaurs, and how not extinct they are. "You hardly need to tell me," she remarks, and grows a shade more serious in the telling. "I remember New Yark. I was... occupied, at the time," fighting the rest of the Federation, "but if I were on site there, I'd hardly be speaking with you now."

        Yuliana smiles to Li Yao, and steps -- bounces -- ugh, away from him, to get closer to Liu Mei, instead. "We've brought you a gift," she assures her, as if it requires assurance, taking a long box from her sleeve and handing it over. It's wrapped finely; inside is a hairpin, with three silver and black feathers affixed. "The dove who shed these feathers is more extinct than those dinosaurs were," she tells her, with a shade of gravitas. "So do treat the memory of their wings kindly, won't you?"

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho, looking considerate, 'floats' over towards Hayato. "Mr. Hayato? Sir, I was wondering if I could ask a few questions? My name is Sho Muramoto."

He's at least trying to keep a straight face, and not do hero worship for a legendary old guard hero type. That, and he looks just a tad nervous. "I pilot one of the EXM-A9 units if you are aware of them?"

The floating is certainly harder than he likes to stay in one place for Sho it seems as he has to actually stop himself with a foot.

<Pose Tracker> Li Yao has posed.

        Li Yao grins at Yuliana, " If I remember correctly, I offered to make a second batch with you and you laughed at the idea before saying something about being out of ingredients." There is a chuckle before he picks up a piece of meat, "It has been nice to be a nobody, for a bit.." There was going to besome explanation to follow it up but Hayato's firey aura catches his attention. So much potential there, so much waste.

         "If the last few years have taught us anything it is that nothing is truly ever gone. At least you are preparing for their return, instead of sitting back waiting for Char whatever number we are on to show up. " Yao simply floats there after his comment taking the moment to eat his food and listen to the rest of the party, and partially to recover from hanging out in the void of Yuliana's.

<Pose Tracker> Hayato Jin has posed.

"I am, vaguely. What do you want?" Hayato answers Sho, calming down (it's hard to tell what 'calm' is) from his dinosaur decree. Hopefully nobody starts it back up!

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho has to stare just a bit at how quickly Hayato calmed down. Then he rubs the back of his head. "I, um, was wondering since you had some experience and my unit is mainly a melee or long range, if you could give some advice on taking on opponents larger than your own machine? I believe I did just fine in the two times I did bring it out, but it felt, ah. Out classed in a lot of ways? Especially against the Behemoth."

Teenager asking old schooler for combat advice. Very much so. Sho is doing his best to look serious and all.

<Pose Tracker> Liu Mei Wang has posed.

"Tsk, it's not about whether or not I'm a threat, I just wanted to see first-hand what kind of moves you might still have," Liu Mei rolls her eyes just a little bit at Hayato. "...And sure, I guess some of them still probably exist, but there's probably no more entire -empire- of them, right? They're just isolated pockets of dinosaurs, I thought. Maybe about as organized as, say, all those Zeon remnants."

        Literally no judgment to Tieria - Liu Mei knows well that she shouldn't have expected a present. His being here - his sheer status as a Gundam Meister, is enough. "Hehe, you're terribly diligent, Tieria. And it's nice to see that the Virtue can work so well even in a hairy situation like that. That's why so many of us are counting on you." Her biggest, most earnest smile falls on the Innovade - the sheer bluntness and logical sharpness is terribly charming.

        "I think you could actually help Tieria out a little bit in that regard, Ujico." Liu Mei ponders, glancing back and forth between the amusing shrinking toy, and the dour Meister. "I think our dear Meister doesn't get out enough or have anything to occupy his time other than his work. Maybe you should share your favorite book?~"

        Present #3! And this one has Liu Mei's eyes patently -sparkling- at just how pretty and elegant the hairpin is - immediately affixing it to one temple, and perhaps slightly obscuring the subtle Gundam aesthetics she has going on. "...dear me, isn't this a luxurious present? Where in the world did you even procure the beautiful feathers of an extinct bird...? ...I'll cherish this dearly. It even matches this wonderful little fan." She gives it another flourish over her face, to conceal a merry little giggle. Oh yes. An Aesthetic is forming. She's already imagining the dresses that'll go with this...maybe something jet black to accentuate the silvery highlights...

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        "Because I was, dear," Yuliana assures Li Yao, smiling. She was not, in fact, out of ingredients, though she did certainly divest the rest of them to things other than cupcakes. Like omelettes!

        She smiles, broad and gracious, as Liu Mei immediately appreciates their gift. "My Viridesca and I have our means," she assures her, with a shade of mystery. Just as Yuliana uses the name 'Verdiska', during Celestial Being operations, so too does Elisa use 'Viridesca' -- though perhaps that's implicitly obvious, given the two women in green entered together. (And this isn't the first time Yuliana has cast a gaze to her, from across the room. It's so nice to attend a party where she doesn't have to pretend they're strangers!) "You're a fine recipient for such a gift... we do hope you spread your wings." Her smile seems entirely warm, but...

        Well, maybe being wary of the women in green isn't entirely uncalled for, even if Yuliana means no harm to the shining gem called Liu Mei.

        She hears Hayato and Sho's conversation, though, and decides to demonstrate her dedication to the peace and prosperity of this party by offering a spot of advice. (While trying to make her way over without looking too much a fool. Ugh! Space!)

        "Darling, if you're concerned with defeating units larger than yours, you really ought to ask a wanzer specialist!" She laughs, and leaves the implication of who that specialist is in the air. "You may not realise it," she gestures, with long, curled fingers, "but you've asked two distinct questions, my boy."

        She gestures upwards, lifting one of those fingers. "Firstly, if you're taking on an opponent who is physically larger -- melee is a fine place to stay. Your small size allows you to grapple onto the opponent, which can make it difficult for them to dislodge you, depending on the articulation of their suit's limbs. In addition, if the enemy strikes you while you're attached to their chassis -- they run the risk of damaging themselves, you see? Not to mention how easy it is to strike fuel reserves or stress points... or the cockpit, if it's that sort of battle." She doesn't look terribly disturbed by offering this advice to what is, by all accounts, an impressionable school-age boy.

        (He's old enough to pilot. Yuliana has long had to dissociate the concepts of childhood with the actual age of majority, given the amount of child soldiers she's fought beside -- and against. It's a tragic occurrence, but there are some things which can't be taken back.)

        Yuliana lifts another finger, rather than dwell overlong on that. "Secondly, if you're fighting in a unit which is outclassed -- you need to be more cunning than your opponent. In a fair fight, the machine with more improvements will win. So, what are you bringing to the fight?" She asks, and gestures, with her hand, to Sho. "If your mobile suit isn't up to standard, it's up to your skills and tricks to close the cap. Knowledge of the machine you're in can help you get the most out of surplus stock... and of course, a willingness to be daring goes a long way."

        She looks to Hayato, with a sly smile, and presses him: "Wouldn't you agree?"

<Pose Tracker> Hayato Jin has posed.

Hayato was going to give very simple advice in response to Sho's question. Yuliana gives basically exactly what he was going to say in more detail, as he replies.

"Well said. I would add, explicitly: Cheat often. Honor has no place on the battlefield."

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho hums a bit. He didn't expect someone else to butt in. He looks at Yuliana carefully. He adopts what might as well be a thinking pose, a hand on his chin as the other moves to support his elbow. It takes him a moment before he responds.

"What about if they have vastly superior numbers and firepower? I will admit that is one concern of mine recently. If it was not for an allied unit of ours, the vajra would have tore mine apart. After I landed on their ship's hull through the fire they were sending out."

That it was recommended to stay in melee has him perhaps looking more thoughtful, "I honestly did not consider sticking... oh, wait, that thing had an energy shield up. Hm.... maybe I just did not have the right weapons set for it. I do have too many to choose from that the higher ups want to test out in the field."

He blinks a few times before looking at Yuliana. "I am glad I am not like my ancestors, then. Or at least as not as honor bound as they were. Ah, I do not believe I caught your name, miss?" That's directed towards Yuliana specifically. "And thank you both for the advice. Perhaps I will be a better pilot because of it."

<Pose Tracker> Li Yao has posed.

        A scoff could be heard coming from Yao before he counters Hayato's words, "Honor is the only way to true victory." Yao takes his empty plate with him as he floats back towards the drink selection and begins to peruse it. " Without honor even if you achieve victory you didn't truly win. It is only when you keep your honor do you know that the victory is truly deserved." Yao spouts all of this off despite his history.

         As he waits for a reply he begins to shuffle through bottles of wine and other things, leaving some of them just floating behind him as he continues to dig for something before he finds it, holding up a bottle of Huangjiu " Ah ha."

         Turning back he looks at Sho as he fixes himself a drink, "Don't scoff at your ancestors' honor boy, honor is something you can have when you have nothing else, and you are the only one who can cause it to be loss." Yes this is the kettle warning the pot but that is beside the point, only like half the room probably knows what he did.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

The Innovade rolls his eyes at Liu Mei's compliments. True as they were, it was an obvious attempt to get on his good side.

"I only do what is needed to accomplish Veda's great plan. And of course, the Virtue is one of our best machines."

He blinks at Liu Mei's second statement. Get out? Occupy his time? These weren't things he was intended to do. But...his role is to be a new beacon for humanity, yes? Then it would make sense...no. Veda has told him nothing regarding this.

"The concern is appreciated, but not necessary. As long as I perform my duties adequately, my free time should not be of concern."

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Privately, Ujico adds 'Dinosaur Empire' to her endless list of subjects to look into. She basically only knows what she learned in history class. But maybe a birthday party isn't the right place to ask for dinosaur lessons - today is supposed to be about Liu Mei Wang! And socializing!

        So when the birthday girl suggests that Ujico go and socialize with him, Ujico can't really find a good reason to argue - not that she'd planned to, really. Yuliana's gift is received (and even Ujico, who isn't really into luxury jewelry, can't help but be impressed). "That's a really, really amazing present," she smiles at Yuliana. It's a bit like being smiled at by a robot, if the robot were very cheerful and totally human. Or... wait for it... an alien. She can only aspire to be as in touch with people as Yuliana must be. It's a real skill!!

        "It's not a bad idea, really," Ujico muses, because despite his Anger Vibes, Tieria is in a fairly quiet area and the glasses make Uji think that maybe he's the intellectual type, and might actually enjoy talking about books. "Happy birthday again, and thanks for inviting me to your party~"

        With a little wave to Liu Mei and Yuliana, who seem to know each other, Ujico spins and lightly kicks off of the floor, floating towards the purple-haired Meister. ...Yup, he looks grumpy. "Peace, okay," Uji tells him before he can fuss at her, hands raised in a show of non-aggression. She's totally aware that he probably doesn't want to talk to her (yet. Ujico is optimistic in general).

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        Yuliana smiles to Ujico, just the same, as she compliments their gift. "Why, thank you," she purrs. Like an alien... hmm... yes, that is the trick, isn't it?


        "Hmm? My name is Yuliana," she introduces herself to Sho, graciously, and entirely because Li Yao already named her back there, "but please do refer to me as Verdiska on the field. It would be rather complicated if my personal quest for the absolute equality of man were to... be communicated to my daily life." Her jealousy-green eyes lid, and her smile is a knife: "Of course, we're all friends here, so I needn't be concerned about such things, mm?"

        She laughs, fingers to her lips. "As for fighting vastly superior numbers -- well, I'd take Hayato's advice, being frank. If that won't serve you... theoretically speaking, I suppose it's wiser to run, but I've been a soldier too long to stand by that advice." Her grin grows a touch savage, as she suggests, instead: "Fight like hell."

        Even now, she still has logic like that...

        Yuliana looks, sly and sidelong, to Li Yao. "My, my, my. Advice on grace from the disgraced... now, you wouldn't be trying to live vicariously through the poor boy, would you? Heheheh," she chuckles, looking back to Sho with a sly smile. "It's your choice, of course, which path you'd rather choose. If you're enraptured by tales of honour, now, who am I to stop you?"

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

Tieria sighs, having already lost the battle, he supposes. He crosses his arms and turns his head towards the young girl with her hands up, letting out a scoff.

"...Ujico, was it? I'm not the kind of person who likes to waste time."

Hey! Tieria had remembered her name! That was something, at least! And he wasn't yelling at her! Progress already!

"Books, was it? Tell me what you will, then."

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho looks thoughtful, then shrugs, "I am not of a mind to follow honor so much. I do value it, but... there are times to throw it out if you want to survive. Especially when we do not field armies, but powerful units either in pairs or singles usually."

He looks to Yuliana, "Thank you, Yuliana. Hm. Verdiska. I have just been using the Zanbato as my designation. I never did like code names or such. Just calling me by my unit would be enough for me."

He shrugs, then looks to the two veterans, then something clicks as he looks at Yuliana a bit more carefully. "I take it from your advice that you might be a melee specialist as well?"

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        "If you don't like wasting time, why are you here?" Ujico asks, though she has the good sense to keep her voice lower than usual. She doesn't want to upset Liu Mei by implying that her party is a waste of time! "--It's just that you don't seem to be enjoying yourself," the alien in the room adds fairly quickly, before anybody can get the wrong idea. Hopefully.

        She settles in beside him, but at a respectable distance of three or four feet away, and turns away from him to look out at the other partygoers. "You don't really want to hear me say anything," she interprets cheerfully. Ujico does a lot of things cheerfully. It's generally considered inoffensive. "Why don't you tell me something instead?"

        She does not elaborate on what she wants to hear. Ujico didn't actually have anything particular in mind. (She does sort of hope it's books, or maybe moss-raising techniques, but recognizes those as low probability.)

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

"When one of the biggest beneficiaries of your organization invites you to a function, one finds it hard to say no, despite my best efforts. I swear, she could have chosen any one of the Meisters. She probably invited me specifically because it would annoy me."

Tieria leans back against the wall, crossing his arms and pondering the alien's request. What did he have to talk about? Liu Mei was right in that he really didn't have much else going on other than work.

"I should have asked Lockon to attend in my place. That man would be more at home in a setting like this. He's the most sociable and easy-going of the Ptolemaios team."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Dispersal has posed.

        "Oh, in my day job, certainly," Yuliana responds to Sho's question about her specialisation. "But my melee style is... hmm... we'll call it 'memorable'." Is that the word she's using for the zone of absolute psychic silence around her? "So you'll find I sortie in ranged units, when I'm offering our dear friends here my assistance."

        She smiles, and adds: "Honour is an extremely useful concept. If you know your opponent is truly honourable, you can be assured of his behaviour. And if your opponent is conditionally honourable -- well, a little pressure in the right places, and..." Yuliana snaps her fingers, demonstratively. "... if you remember nothing else, know that battles aren't fought by mobile suits, but by the people inside. The power of their machines means nothing if the person crumbles."

        Yuliana adds, cheerfully: "Or if he could never bring himself to enter his machine at all! Now -- do excuse me, darling," she waves a hand, still smiling, and turns to -- float, ugh -- make her way back to check on her companion again.

        For all she's smiling so cheerfully, she does seem happiest when she's beside Elisa.

<Pose Tracker> Liu Mei Wang has posed.

        "There are very few of us in this world who achieve all too high an efficiency rate on their entire lives," Liu Mei chimes in, drifting between Ujico and Tieria for a moment. "I'll have you know, Tieria~ That I had sent out invitations to all four of the Meisters. It's not a special bother to you in particular, so don't go assuming that you're being singled out. And really..."

        A genuine curiosity fills Liu Mei's eyes. "...What are you under the impression would happen if you refused? The idea that this is some sort of obligation in your eyes tells me a lot about how you see me in the grand scheme of things. Maybe I'll have to topple your expectations a little better some time~"

        Yuliana's combat advice does flicker imagery in Liu Mei's mind - a murmur of "So it isn't a strict disadvantage if we develop smaller mobile weapons", and a pondering of "It's true, a big problem with ranged combat is that size directly correlates to output and firing effectiveness, especially in space". There's definitely a lot that runs through her mind regarding the R&D side of this, even though she's not even remotely an engineer!

        She does have to more sharply stare at Yuliana at all the egging of Li Yao though. "...I'd request that you not goad the 'disgraces' of this man, especally in these circles. We need him just as we need you - and his past is irrelevant to our current goals. It's difficult enough that history will only remember his failings, and not the grand work he'll do here for Veda's grand vision - for Aeolia's, yes? The wisdom of the past remains useful today."

        "In any event..." Liu Mei slips her communicator from her sleeve, poking at a few messages, then grouses, "Aaaah, my little diversion is coming into question. I'll need to get practiced in successfully coming off as having been sick for the past few days, and there's a few calls I have to make as far as why I'm not where expected." With a swift mid-air spin, and a last forceful downing of her wine glass, Liu Mei drifts backwards from her congregation, striking a classy little leaned sideways posture, and giving her cheeriest wink. "I'll be in touch with the lot of you often. It was a pleasure, for each and every one of you, and I'm terribly glad I celebrated this day here. Be well!~" And with that, she floats on towards the exit - where, once out of sight, she unveils just the slightest little sigh and vents out the tension of keeping up appearances.

        "...well, they're not too bad."

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        "...Do you really think Wang Liu Mei would have stopped funding us just because you didn't attend her birthday party?" It's an honest question; Ujico doesn't know Liu Mei well. She doesn't know many people who are richer than god or better-connected. And she doesn't know Tieria or how he thinks.

        She floats comfortably there, feet a few inches off of the floor. It's much better than on Earth, where gravity weighs everything down. He mentions a name, and Ujico recognizes it vaguely from briefings. It's true that she isn't part of the Ptolomaios crew, but she was given information on who she would be backing up when necessary. "Lockon. Good name for a sniper," she nods approvingly. "Funny though, snipers in books and on television are usually portrayed as the loner type. I guess it really is just a trope, after all."

        "If you didn't come to the party, what would you be doing?" Ujico asks, looking over briefly to judge Tieria's emotional state. Still grumpy, but less prickly, she decides. "I'd be checking my terrarium, or maybe catching up with some of the people I work with. We have a Food not Bombs chapter that makes meals for people," Ujico offers. "...Or I'd be reading." Because it's the truth.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

"...I do what is necessary for the plan. And sometimes those duties don't involve the battlefield. Obviously, you won't stop funding us due to one missed RSVP, but professional relations are important. Professional."

Tieria casts his gaze up to the ceiling. These questions...honestly weren't things Tieria thought about that often. This is why he never liked to leave the ship. Other people were...bothersome. He just didn't understand them, no matter how much he tries. He'd much rather be left to his own devices, in peace with his own mind.

"I suppose if I wasn't here, I would be conferring with Veda regarding what our next mission would be. Maybe training. Or sleeping."

<Pose Tracker> Li Yao has posed.

        Perhaps it was the discussion of honor, perhaps it was acquiring a bottle of Huangjiu. Either way Li Yao knows how to not overstay his welcome at a party. A bottle in hand and a shove off the ground he floats through the air towards the door. "It's been fun everyone, looking forward to doing this again next year." With a snicker and a laugh he opens the door and float off to go enjoy his booze in piece, or with Sumeragi perhaps. She was always good for a drink.

<Pose Tracker> Sho Muramoto has posed.

Sho hums, glancing at his wrist and a watch. "I should get going myself. Preferably before I miss my shuttle. I do not want suspicions on the whole student thing, after all."

He sighs, shaking his head, "Oh, and I would be interested in seeing such a style one day, Miss Yuliana. Something memorable might be just the kick to get me out of the rut I have with my family's own."

He starts drifting towards the doors.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Liu Mei drifts between them on her way out, confirming what Ujico had suspected. Even if professional relationships must be maintained, it's not like it isn't a universal thing - everybody made time especially to come here today, even Liu Mei herself.

        "When you get back to the ship, imagine how comfortable you'll be," Ujico suggests, apropos of nothing. "Because you came out here, and were exposed to uncomfortable things." It's gotten Ujico through difficult things before - the thought that relief will come, and the knowledge that she'll be grateful. "You pajamas will be softer than before. Your dinner will taste better because you're eating it someplace familiar." Or, it'll just be a familiar foodstuff.

        Ujico has nearly managed to float upside down by now, and rights herself with a twist. "Thanks for indulging my curiosity," she tells Tieria with a smile. It's still a bit awkward, but less alien than the one Yuliana saw. "I'm going to go get some punch. Maybe we'll get to work together sometime soon. See you~" She waggles her fingers at the Meister before floating towards the buffet.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

Tieria says nothing else as Ujico floats away, standing there in his newfound solitude.

...Quite bothersome all this was indeed. At least Miss Sumeragi would be happy.