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Revision as of 06:54, 26 May 2022

  • Log: 2022-05-17: An UnNERVing Reunion
  • Cast: Orpheus Zevon, Kaworu Nagisa, Asuka Shikinami Langley, Alouette Kaas
  • Where: Off the coast of OCU Japan
  • OOC - IC Date: (April 30) May 17th, 2022 (0096)
  • Summary: With the Jama Empire's attack on Japan halted, the truce between NERV and Black Knights concludes, though with the realization that Kaworu is the pilot of an EVA begins infiltrating the NERV supercarrier once more only to find faces beyond Kaworu's that are familiar and not so

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

Several hours after the conclusion of the battle with Jophiel all sides began their respective retreats. A battle well fought even with all that had transpired, and with it an end of a would be truce between a certain group of 'Mysterious vigilantes' and Nerv. Even with the battle over this crossing of paths had not concluded. Not for one person at least.

<"I'll be going radio silent for the for the next several hours. I'm leaving the Byakuen at the following coordinates. If you haven't heard back from me by sunrise, assume I've been KIA and retrieve it as necessary. Also, give me anything we known about Nerv and its staff. . .">

His decision had been abrupt. Even now he was sure to be getting a lecture when all was said and done, especially considering rather than retreating with the Byakuen, a high priority piece of Black Knight tech, he had simply left it hidden and informed the others to keep an 'eye' on it. There was little to no context to why he was doing what he had done. If anything the actions he was doing now could have been considered not just outright nonsensical but suicidal. To attempt to infiltrate a Nerv facility was outright foolish, but he had seen what he had and now there was simply no turning back. He had to confirm it with his own two eyes.

The process to infiltrate would have been no easy task. There was perhaps twenty-four hours at most in which to find that person, and even if he could there was no telling what could get him caught. A case of identity fraud, a stray camera? Even with the mightiest of powers there was always a limit.

The young man with blonde-hair running down his shoulder found himself letting out a sigh as a certain something caught his eye. "I guess that'll be the best way to get in. . ." Another long groan left his lips as he left his KMF to return to the battlefield in the dead of the night. Before him lay a body wearing what was left of a NERV agent. Was he a pilot? Medical staff or an agent caught in the crossfire? He had no idea. All he knew was this man's face.

In the hours that would come, that young man would so brazenly walk the halls of the super carrier as if it were his own home. With all but a dirtied uniform upon his person, and a NERV uniform cap covering his head he roamed the halls and no one seemed to stop him. He listen to the banter of joy at the success of the defeat of the angel from the crew, and with it he'd overhear the losses with it, and those that had come into harm's way. A scowl upon his face, biting into his lip with such sorrow that he could feel any moment that he'd draw blood from it. Yet to those before him all they could see they 'masked' dawned upon his face.

It's only in due time that infiltrator finds his target after a bit of information gathering.

"Kaworu. . ." The voice of a stranger, or perhaps the voice of an unfamiliar staff member called out to the Eva pilot. The face of the one calling out his name the same as the one who lay dead on the battlefield, now left in a hollow grave. He knows that the young man was so use to finding him even when he said nothing of the sort, and yet for the briefest of a moment the sigil of a bird appeared within one of the eye that gazed upon him before fading in the briefest of moments. Perhaps a sign of the unsettled feelings within the person before Kaworu "Where is she. . .?"

There were no greetings, no pleasantries, no warnings, no whispers or hints beyond it. Though perhaps, that abrupt manner of speech that broke through the facade in this moment, that leaked through his mask was simple enough to let it be known who it was and the feelings riddled within him upon asking that question. Already waiting for him as if expecting for him to bring him to where he so clearly desired.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        A voice sounds at the Fifth Child's back as he walks through the halls of the HMS Over the Rainbow. He's still wearing his plug suit, though now there's a metal wristwatch around his left wrist. No need to leave it behind for safety's sake now that he isn't about to deploy again. He turns, having come from the main office of the medical branch to ask after the conditions of the others pilots and heading towards the visiting room. He spots that NERV faculty member that stares him down with a poker face.
        And then he smiles.
        "You should be more specific when you ask questions," Kaworu chides gently. "Even with your abilities, the mind can't interpret information it doesn't have."
        Despite saying so, he turns. "This way," he adds. "I was just about to pay her a visit myself."
        Then, without looking back, he resumes his trip to the medical room where Alouette rests. It won't be long until he knocks gently on and then opens that door. And what he and his 'guest' see there...

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Asuka would have considered being relatively uninjured after an Angel battle a mark of pride in the past. As she was triaged in as GREEN and was declared part of the walking wounded, she found she just couldn't feel good about it.

Watching other pilots from the battle receiving the quick designation of RED or YELLOW she finds that a weight lifts off of her chest when she sees that none of the pilots at least were given a BLACK designation after their experience in Jophiel's crushing maw.

"It had never bothered me before..." Asuka wonders quietly to herself at the change from yesterday to today as she sits in a chair in the corner of the infirmary - letting the stretchers be used for others as they got treated and sorted to various rooms. The idea of casualties in a battle is just something she felt different about. The idea of casualties being listed as the people who have come into her life - and leave it just as quickly.

Once they could spare resources, they did a full body scan just to double check her status, and then she was given leave to discharge herself from the infirmary. Her plugsuit had been taken off for the final medical exam then whisked off for maintenance. Thus she was in an infirmary gown with loose fitting scrub pants and a pair of slippers as she hadn't brought any casual clothes for the mission. That too felt uncomfortable, like she was in a costume meant for someone who was injured.

Her footsteps take her down the hall just with a loose plan to go back to assigned quarters, take a shower, and TRY to sleep until they could go back to Tokyo-3. That plan didn't quite work out because as she's about to cross a certain room. She spies Kaworu heading towards a room.

At first wondering what he's doing... it occurs to her after a moment's thought.

That's right, people are supposed to visit the injured.

Without a word, she watches him... then eventually approaches up towards his side as he knocks in the door. "Hey, Fifth String." She tries to make it sound casual, even if she wasn't feeling that right now. Her pride wouldn't allow her to show vulnerability or even the idea that she might want to look in on who he's visiting, especially to him. "Making the rounds so you can dot your i's and cross your t's in the report?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Kaas has posed.

Alouette is not in a bed, or a chair. Instead of a fan of her white hair and flashes of color underneath as she walks over her own steps furiously, Alouette's 'hair' is in tightly braided rows along her scalp. The orange and blue colors winding brightly through out and ending higher between her shoulders than it normally falls.

        "-fucking-things-they-just-jab-into-me. Makes-my-skin-crawl. Now-I'm-not-just-hearing-but0fucking-feeling-voices-and-that's-jsut-fucking-perfect-grape-on-top-of-the-white-stuff."

Alouette is speaking really quickly while no one is in the room, or at least it appears that way. No one seems to be in the room, until someone enters, and that is just how they find her. wrapped in burn dressings from navel all the way up her chin, and all the way down her arms, including her finger tips. A nurse earlier earned a glare from Alouette after making a joke about auditioning for a new mummy movie.

Looking closer, one might notice a tic with her right hand. Opening, spreading her fingers, almost painfully stretching them before closing into a fist. Alouette's pupil dilation is also inconsistent with the light in the room. Coupled with her mummy appearance, and certain lighting, she might look crazed or deranged. Reading her chart would tell a different story. One written in what it doesn't say. In place of medications it only says, Patient history derived medication plan.

        "If-you-want-to-know-call-with-a-letter-they-make-stamps-for-letters." Alouette growls in frustration. "I remember, I promise, I won't until I'm ordered to. I-will-say-sorry-just-let-her-be-okay... the-crawling-under-my-skin-IHATEIT...Why... Someone is-"

The door opens behind Alouette...

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

"If it was the others perhaps, but you were always quick enough on the uptake. . ." Again that voice spoke as if it had known Kaworu for ages. Though even with the 'mask' he allows a show of annoyance at that chiding remark to display."At the very least if you can smile about all this she's well enough." The time they spend wandering the halls is quiet at first. It's only after he's sure that the halls are so empty that he even dares to mutter the question that's been on his mind. "How long after I left were you two taken to NERV?"

It was a reasonable question. After all, to find oneself in the hands of that group only to end up in NERV? When one thought about it, it perhaps made sense. Yet, seeing it for what it really was still had left a foul taste in the young man's mouth. He'd wait till the two made it to the door, listening intently the entire time till they reached the door to the room in which Orpheus finds himself stopping. Here was another person he hadn't spoken to in years. Another person he had abandoned. Another person that he had let down by letting her die. There's a level of guilt building in him, though ultimately he knows to accept his shame with dignity opening the door to what was before him.

What he watches is. . .A sight. The sight of a familiar girl, walking the room and uttering such frantic words. Yet, despite Kaworu's smile alluding to what he assumed was someone on the road to recovery the bandaged girl before him has the words tremble from his lips.

"Alouette. . ."

He cuts through her words and makes his presence known. Only, in this moment the 'mask' comes off. Before Alouette's eyes is the face of a familiar man, a face she had known so well. Of emerald eyes and golden hair. A face that had usually been in an eternal scowl looked at her like a parent would their child at the sight before him. He doesn't even allow her to say anything before he makes his way over to her, his eyes reviewing over her wounds frantically before one hand reaches for that tightened fist. The hand is warm. . .It's not an illusion. Not a trick of her mind, not something that they've given her to make her think she's seeing what she wants. It's right there in front of her. . .

"I'm sorry. . .If I had known they were going to. . ." His hand around her own tightens slowly. "I swear on Euliya's grave I'll--"

"Hey, Fifth String." A voice cuts in again, though with such bolsterous noise that it cuts the tension like a warm knife through butter. "Tch. . .Now of all times. . ."

In the heat of the moment he finds himself thinking of what form to take. The same one as before? If so he was too caught up in the moment to think of it. His eyes drifted to the room trying to find a face. Perhaps the nurse or the doctor, but no images of them were on the desk, or nearby. There was the image of Alouette from her charts but two of them would obviously be a problem. . .That was, until he saw another patient chart. There was no time to debate it, no time to know just whom this person was. . .The two still in the room would watch as Orpheus' eye would glow a deep purple, the sigil of a bird embedding itself into his pupil and before their eyes the figure of the one they had known from all those years ago was fading and in his place. . .

As Asuka kicks in the door, she finds Kaworu along with none other than Shinji Ikari appearing just as she just recalled as he went off the battlefield. Every bruise, every scratch, or lack thereof was upon his frame. His gaze at her arrival the same one that he'd have given to her at such an impromptu greeting. The only thing probably out of place was that well. . .His hand was so tightly squeezing around Aloutte's own.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "Unfortunately, Alouette has only recently arrived at NERV's main branch, and her time as part of the Britannian military forces have been unkind to her," Kaworu replies, smile fading. "As for me, I was sent away shortly after you left."
        This isn't a good place to discuss the details of that, so he doesn't include them. However, he does add softly, "Were you worried about us...?" But then he chuckles a little. "Heh... I needn't ask."
        There isn't any response when Kaworu knocks, but there *is* quite a bit of frenzied muttering on the other side of the door. Perhaps he knocked too lightly. He hadn't wanted to disturb her if she was resting, after all... He frowns, remembering what the doctors had told him about her condition, but opens the door all the same.
        As he steps to one side and lets his companion in, a voice sounds at his back. Kaworu glances over his shoulder at Asuka. With the door opening in her direction and himself also in the way, it seems she didn't see who walked in first. Good... That'll give him a little time to try to shoo her away. He'd like to let Orpheus and Alouette have a little time together.
        "If you'd like to think of it that way, I won't stop you," he replies. "I'm looking in on Alouette specifically, so if you'd prefer to leave, you can feel free." Given how much Asuka claims to dislike her, knowing that much ought to push her away.
        So Kaworu enters, shutting the door behind him and keeping his hand on the knob just in case. He pauses when he actually takes in the sight of Alouette, wrapped up in bandages as she is. His expression hazes with concern--and also with a bit of strain as Orpheus's Geass activates, and he takes on the form of one Shinji Ikari.
        No, Kaworu is not happy about this *one bit*. Enough so that his grip loosens enough that Asuka could barge in with ease if she so chose.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Immediately irritated by Kaworu's reply as he no doubt is about Asuka's, "Am I putting you in a bad mood?" She asks, pointedly - knowing she likely is - before replying in a way to try and purposefully get under his skin, "Maybe I should stick around then."

That way she could at least just check and know how badly injured she is without... anyone knowing that was her intent.

The sudden storm of stream of consciousness cursing that comes from the room takes Asuka aback, as she lofts a single eyebrow in disbelief. "Honestly didn't think she had it in her." She notes as Alouette curses worse than the most foul mouthed AEU pilots she's ever ran across.

"What kind of drugs did the staff give her?" Still she glances in the room, catching sight of how she's so bandaged up so thoroughly as she paces around like someone on stimulants rather than pain killers.

Then she double takes because there's Shinji in the room, holding Alouette's hand, she hadn't noticed before. "What... what are you doing in here Daddy's Boy?" And then those startled blue eyes seem to zoom in on his hand in her hand - why does she feel annoyed by that???

That causes her to barge right into the room and through Kaworu's loose grip on the door before she even thinks better about it and strolls up to him in a gesture that she hopes will convince him to break contact just from the sight of charging up to him. "Tck." As she clucks her tongue, "Didn't realize you were so touchy-feely with Tako-atama." As Orpheus likely catches immediately that that's her nickname for Alouette. 'Octopus-head.'

Just check in and leave she told herself. Now however, she finds herself... not wanting to immediately depart and give them privacy.

"What's that about? Don't tell me she's going to be showing up at our place more often?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Kaas has posed.

Alouette stands straighter and stiffer than the hairs on her neck. She turns on her heels and what she sees steals her voice for the moment. The second closest Alouette Kaas has come in her life to a stroke. A ghost standing in the room and all color drains from her already pale form. The tic of her right hand frantic until... another hand wraps around it, and there is a stillness. But the rise and fall of her chest rivals that of a horse on track.

Asuka. Shikinami. Langley. She is in the room chiding Kaworu, and suddenly Shinji is before her. Terror is written across Alouette's face. While normally she could have intuited the situation better, felt it out, so to speak, the Tako-atama girl is compromised in thought from the cocktail of Fentanyl, Mood Stabilizer, and anti seizure medications. Alouette looks once from Shinji to Asuka, before she is moving to put herself between them. Alouette makes a protective posture, her arms out slightly.

        "NO! Please! It was my error. You don't need to hurt her. I will accept whatever punishment they sent you to deliver. Please!" Alouette delivers this plea, but her eyes are cast to the floor, deliberately avoiding Shinji's eyes.

This whole turn must absolutely look insane on it's face. Alouette's countenance only makes it look worse. Why is she trying to guard Asuka from Shinji?

        "Nagisa, I don't understand. I said I would apologize. Please don't do this. It's my fault, not hers. I kissed her. I... care about her so, please just let her go. What ever it is, I will pay it." Slowly Alouette looks up from the floor, into Shinji's eyes, and then towards Kaworu.

        "Asuka, I'm sorry."

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

Had he been worried about them? If Orpheus had been asked that question at that time when they left the answer probably would have been. . .No. At that time, at that place, there was only so much one could do in that place to save oneself, or the ones they loved most. It was only in the years to come, in the time in which he had lost that love that his regret on what he failed to do lingered, made him perhaps more sympathetic to his loss, to the things that the one he lost cherished, and the loss of those that cherished her back. Orpheus didn't say anything immediately to Kaworu in the moment to which he had undone his Geass, but the look on his expression, his real expression was that of such a soured look to hear what had come of her.

All a sudden he's become the center of attention as the redhead all but locks-in on him. A realization that his person of choice had apparently not been the best to reduce attention grabbing. If anything, he's clearly garnered the most as she decides to break into his personal space. That voice. . .I remember. . .It's the noisy one. . . While the real Shinji might have backed away at the moment she bothered to get so close to him, this was in fact not the Shinji she knew. This was someone who had gone through enough in his life that a little bit of a face-off didn't deter him. He'd find himself simply staring right back into her gaze unperturbed. Though. . .At the very least in her eyes, that unperturbed gaze likely looked more something along the lines of a scared still expression to which was the reason that he wasn't moving. Yes, that would surely be the reason that Asuka's mind could accept why he might have just stayed there. Yet. . .

"Why?" The boy in front of her mumbles the question before he repeats himself, "She's like this because she tried to help you. . .And this is how you treat her?" The look on Shinji's face is. . .Disappointed? Sad? What would be the expression that Asuka would imagine as he said such words of concern and compassion. What was the face that Shinji Ikari in her mind made when he asked such a question? Cause under the hood, there was a slow bit of seething beginning to build up. It was one thing for Alouette to have been harassed by the Order, by Britannia, by NERV, but even by her own comrades on the battlefield? The ones she had fought for. . .? It was a good thing that the Geass had kept the veil over Asuka's eyes, that he didn't let loose the true emotions conveying so that it smeared the more compassionate demeanor that Shinji was known for.

This hadn't halted his more aggressive actions though. He found himself leaning forward towards the redhead, his face beginning to scowl, though for her all she could see was the innocent face of the one she had called 'Daddy's Boy' beginning to intrude upon her own personal space. It was at this time perhaps something seemed different. Maybe it was simply that Asuka caught up in the moment could only assume this would be what he'd do next, or it was simply the Geass melding his own feelings slightly into the mask that she'd find such a passionate stare gazing back into her own. He was all but waiting for a sincere answer as to why she'd go out of her way to say such things, and if the answer wasn't sufficient enough perhaps he seriously would end up- -

Before further action can take place, before his eyes can be met with an answer an obstruction occurs from none other than:

"Alouette. . .?"

There's a bit of shock at the gesture. Such that for once both the expressions upon the face of Shinji Ikari and Orpheus Zevon were in perfect sync. He's at a loss as to what to say. She cared for this girl? She. . .Kissed this girl? He can't even process the expression on her face as Alouette refuses to look him in the eyes. He can only try to garner some sense of the situation as he looks back to Kaworu as if he could possibly shed some sort of light on what was going on. Though ultimately, her gaze returns back to him. . .As she utters an apology to Asuka, it's Shinji's gaze that steels itself in the redhead's direction before ultimately letting go of Alouette's hand and stepping back from the two. "I. . .Didn't mean to make you upset. . .I'm the one who's sorry. . ." Again, Orpheus turns to Kaworu. The one who clearly knows what's transpiring to make for some way to resolve this matter before it turns dangerous. . .

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Momentarily put at a loss, Kaworu turns his stare from Alouette to 'Shinji' finally to Asuka as he steps away from her entrance. Is Alouette trying to protect Orpheus's true identity from her? Or is she so drugged up that she can't tell reality from what she may well be assuming are hallucinations? Or is it something else entirely? With the drugs she's on, she shouldn't even be up, let alone pacing around cussing.
        But then, her physiology isn't *quite* human, is it... Perhaps the doctors miscalculated how it would affect someone with the mixed DNA she has. Kaworu certainly did.
        Either way, there's nothing to be gained by stressing her out further. Whether she's trying to be tricky or being sincere, staying will likely only exascerbate the problem. Best to take 'Shinji' and leave. (Or try, anyway.)
        "I understand," he thus replies as he regains his composure. If she really does believe what she's saying, he'll have to apologize to her later and explain nothing like what she's suggesting was intended or going to happen. For now, he lets 'Shinji' apologize and stretches an arm out between him and the others. "Come. We should give them a little alone time, it seems."
        Pulling the door open, he flicks his eyes towards Asuka and Alouette, then locks his gaze back on Orpheus: a silent sort of 'let's get out of here, I'll explain later.'
        Whether Asuka or Alouette *let* them leave is another matter, of course.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Shinji's 'Why?' and his subsequent question does make her feel bad, as it'd only just sank in how everyone got hurt for her sake, and more importantly that that fact does matter to her. The more he leans her way, the worse she feels. Then it takes on a new feelings, and Asuka looks genuinely a bit flustered the more he stares at her. "W-What the hell are you staring at? And what makes you think I care about that?" She says with a slight raise of her chin in an attempt to seem disaffected. She really didn't think she'd talk to Shinji so soon, she's still processing how she feels from all that happened during Jophiel. So she's trying her best to act normal, but it's hard for her right now.

Asuka is more and more weirded out by Alouette's scattered behavior. What's she going on about punishment? Why's she this all over the place? She can't really make sense out of it or why Alouette is getting between her and Shinji.

"What the hell are you babbling about? Hurt me? Those drugs have really knocked a screw loose..."

Then the insanity seems to escalate further, as she crosses her arms over her gown as if it were her shield against it, looking even more irritated until she invokes the kiss. Then Asuka looks flustered for a short time. "What the... w-why are you going on about that now!?" And then... the apology.

Asuka is thoroughly ruffled by the wild shifts in emotion so soon after an emotional battle, but tries to shore up her defenses with a cold stare, then looks away. "What are you apologizing for? You think I actually care about that?" Asuka tries not to think of that strange... experience during the kiss. "Who cares if you were playing some weird game to try and assert dominance? It didn't work did it?"

Kaworu in particular would know that she's not being genuine on this, he heard how freaked out she was not long after, as it did hurt her - so mixed up about her own inhumanity and the dividing line between her and actual people. However she's since normalized it to dull that pain... because it's easier to assume that it was some meaningless thing. If she gives Alouette that power to get under her skin and stay under her skin - then she's lost whatever play for dominance that went on.

Kaworu however, indicates that Shinji should take their leave. And she should let them go. She's not feeling... ready to face him. However she also doesn't particularly want him to, she finds, surprised... and gropes for a reason to keep him here like she's blindly flailing. Her eyes moving side to side in rapid thought.

"You think I don't see what you're up to right now? If you want to keep playing your weird dominance games, it's no concern of mine." As she waves a hand Shinji's way, "Go ahead and kiss Daddy's Boy right now for all I care!"


WHY DID SHE EVEN SAY THAT WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER? Well it's likely it'll keep him here a bit longer at least.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Kaas has posed.

Alouette attempts to grab the hand of the Second Child to pull her along depper into the two patient room. Her intent to move her from the door as she next grabs the handle bars for the bed. A quick stomp on the brakes and the wheels are free, Alouette ramming the bed against the door in an attempt to keep everyone here while she struggles to make sense of things through a medicated confusion and shocking reunion.

Alouette feels the sting of embarassment too. Asuka's evasion and dismissiveness burn the weird octopus girl's cheeks an orange red, revealing itself in a tight hex shaped honeycomb pattern under her skin. She looks at Asuka to answer her as best as she is able considering.

        "What they put in me, makes everything pancakes. Makes it so, I can still feel my arms. It's very confusing. Like hats. Promise me Asuka Shik- *sigh* Promise me Asuka is safe. " Alouette requests of both Kaworu and Orpheus.

Alouette looks to them, for any more. Her legs feel like cement and is having difficulty moving now. Fear. Fear is taking hold. The ghost of a brother appears suddenly, and like a ghost is about to disappear just as quickly. The memory of when he left and everything after... after... He wouldn't just appear only to disapear again would he? Was cruelty the point? Heavier and heavier, Alouette starts to lose balance and leans against a wall.

        "Zeddy... Nagisa, I didn't know. I had a feeling, in here," the girl places a fist against her abdomen. Then she looks at Asuka. "After we fought to a standstill. It was just a feeling. For her, and it made me do that... thing you don't want me to say. I know, the contract, is to be alone. Asuka doesn't have to be alone. For that moment I wasn't either."

Alouette casts glances at each person, in a lingering silence. She shoves off the wall, and grabs the bed. Carefully undoing the brakes this time, she rolls it waay from the door, finished with holding everyone hostage, and not wanting to think of what punishment that may incur. She looks at Shinji.

        "I want to ask why, but I know why. Did you come just to abandon me again? Or do you two go out for tea and ignore little sister?" Tears slip down her cheeks, but she refuses to make a sound of crying.

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

It was rare to see Kaworu of all people to be at a loss of words. Though it likely spoke to just how wild this situation had turned. This was one of the rare times he was conflicted. He wanted to stay and talk, he wanted to tell Alouette all the things that have happened, just as he had Kaworu. Though with Asuka in the way of this. . .'Family Reunion' it made things difficult. If she was just gone, out of the way things would be simpler if he could just. . . It's then before he can finish the thought that Alouette does the unthinkable and locks all four in the room and before he realizes it she's calling his name again, she speaks of this girl, and then. . .Of the contract. . .Of being alone. The words that hit him hardest. The vows of the contract known as Geass. Even if Shinji's expression is still confused by all that's transpiring, there was something that slipped out. The balled up fist shaking ever so violently, a fist that truly wasn't Shinji's but of the one known as Orpheus. A fist that knows of that vow all too well.

He can only watch as Alouette tries to express her story, her words. What's happened to her? Pancakes? Go out for tea? What had they done to her when he was gone? What was the way to respond to all of this? As she pushes the bed away again, allowing them to leave there stands the choice. . .Does he leave her again before things become more chaotic, as the timer on his geass dwindles away. . .Or does he stay. . .?

"Euliya always wanted to tell you this. . .So I'll say it in her place. . ." 'Shinji' began making his way over Alouette calmly before placing his hands on her shoulders firmly. To Asuka well. . .It almost looked like he was going to do what she had more than suggested for Alouette to do instead. He leans in looking like he's about to--Whisper. He leans in and a voice rings in her ear. "Believe in your own power. . ." As he say those words in his own voice, he'd gaze into her own. The symbol of Geass showing ever present in Shinji's eye, in view of her alone. It was his way of telling her to use it. If he couldn't tell her the things he wanted to. . .He at least wanted her to see them. Perhaps. . .She'd be lucky and see the year that he and Euliya spent together, the time in which in that small happiness they talked about the days they regretted not saving those others. How Euliya spoke of her, of Kaworu every day wondering how they were. . .Or perhaps she'd see the day she passed. The day that Orpheus had become an enemy to the Directorate. Perhaps she'd see the day that he swore to destroy those that had stole Euliya from this world. Or the day that he had found Kaworu all those months ago in their reunion and explained it all to him. And even went as far as to tell him that. . .If he got in the way of his revenge. . .He too would be his enemy. Regardless of the memory she'd see. . .She'd realize one cruel truth. . .For one reason or another. . .He would end up having to leave her again.

Still in that whispered tone he continued to speak in his voice for her alone. "I won't lie to you Alouette. Not to you. . .I won't keep a promise that I can't keep. . .But even if I'm gone, I won't abandon you. . .If you truly need me. . .I'll be there."

        The face that pulls away is still that of Shinji Ikari. His time running shorter and shorter and he knew it. He looks to Kaworu in this form with a small smile, an indication that their time was running short. Which meant there was going to be one more thing that needed to be handled.

The last person that Shinji's gaze falls on is Asuka's. His expression less worried than before as he once again intruded on her space. "It's fine. It's not like that. She's family. So. . ." At this time, Shinji truly does something rather. . .Unfamiliar, out of character, and well. . .Something she'd never expect of him in a million years. A hand would go to her cheek and rest there. He'd turn back towards Kaworu for a moment and well. . .He'd nudge him in Alouette's direction before his gaze stared strongly back in Asuka's own. He'd lean in closer. . .". . .Please. . ." The two were so close she could feel like any moment he might just-- ". . .Protect her." The last words trail off into an unfamiliar voice and with that voice she feels like something hit her, only to then feel Light-headed. . .Sleepy. He'd catch her in the moment and in doing so. . ."Time's up. . ." Shinji Ikari had faded, and the one before the two was simply the blonde-haired young man once more as he held Asuka in his arms. He holds her up and brings her to the bed to rest before turning to the two of them. "When she wakes up, tell her she passed out on the battlefield or simply knocked out dead tired afterwards and you took her back to her room. I'm sure it'll be more believable than what happened in here. . ." Though he reaches into his pocket for a moment as hands Kaworu some sort of receiver. "Should the day come that either of you two want out of here. . .If there's a day you need help and don't know where to turn. You call me and not Britannia, not Nerv, not the Blocs, not space itself will keep me from finding you. . ."

He stares at the two one last time. With this, it was all but assuredly his way of leaving them again. His way of letting them know that forever his reason he was going to be gone again to complete his 'mission'. He'd be gone once again in just a few moments as he'd walk through those doors. . .But just as he turns around. . .He simply takes a seat in one of the chairs in the infirmary as he lets out a rather . . . Sarcastic sigh, "Oh no, my Geass hit its limit. Looks like I'll need to wait another hour or so before I can get out of here. . ." His expression was still what they remembered, not the least bit of a smile to it. . .But, as he looked their way. . .He'd use his foot to pull up the closest two chairs so that they'd be beside him. . .If they wished to sit with him. . .

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu *does* know that Asuka's not being sincere, but when is she ever? The more important thing is that Alouette... is in *quite* a state. If she's going to be upset no matter what, then that equalizes his choices somewhat. However, he's not the only one with choices to make, and Alouette yanks Asuka back and shoves a bed frame into the door, functionally locking them all in.
        For a moment, Kaworu shuts his eyes. When he opens them, he's relaxed. He's already accepted the situation, and that Asuka is going to end up learning more about all of them than he would have ever liked. If his plug suit had pockets, he'd have tucked his hands into them; as it stands, they hang loose at his sides.
        "I promise the Second is safe. I never had any intent to harm her, and I don't understand why you think otherwise," Kaworu tells Alouette calmly. "Nor did I bring him here to hurt you. The Second's presence here was unanticipated." And undesired, he doesn't add. It would likely just upset her more.
        After that, though... he lets 'Shinji'--no, Orpheus speak. Asuka might try to goad the two into a kiss, but she has no grasp on the real situation, and in fairness to her, has no way to. He stands by as Orpheus invites Alouette to use her Geass on him. It's a kind thing to do. That's one kindness Kaworu can't afford to extend to her.
        Orpheus gives him a little smile. Kaworu gives him a little smile back. He steps forward towards Alouette and Orpheus moves towards Asuka. A moment later, Asuka collapses, unconscious but unharmed. Kaworu, having used his body to block Alouette's line of sight of the moment, turns to look over his shoulder.
        "We don't have a good relationship, so I don't think it would be *that* believable. But I'll at least confirm what she does and doesn't remember," he replies, looking at Asuka as Orpheus lays her on one of the hospital beds. He accepts the receiver and looks down at it in his palm.
        "Thank you," he says softly. "I hope Alouette can leave with you, one day. But I must stay to the very end."
        Nonetheless, Kaworu smiles again, at Orpheus, at Alouette, and back again--and then laughs softly as Orpheus's Geass 'runs out' and he seats himself. He pulls up a chair and sits with him, legs folded elegantly. "I suppose I should as well. Alouette is putting a lot of strain on her body by being up and pacing around." He gives Alouette a knowing look. "I'd best watch over her to make sure she gets some rest... whether that's on a bed or a chair."

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Asuka keeps her arms crossed as she regards Alouette as if she were in a clown suit busking for cash in the park by juggling fishbowls while riding on a unicycle and spewing forth the philosophy of Charles Vi Britannia. "You're out of your mind right now." Asuka feels a weird impulse, to just, go hit the call light. Get a nurse in here, try to get her to rest for her own good. It's not normally something she'd think about unless she were in some stretcher beside Alouette, listening to her rant and wanting her to shut up...

... she is annoyed, but she's finds she doesn't want her to get hurt worse right now. Ultimately her pride forces her not to. Instead looking at Kaworu as he tries to actually deescalate her. It doesn't help her think she's any less crazy at the idea that Shinji was brought here to hurt her though.

"Zeddy?" Asuka's face screws up in confusion, because 'Nagisa' at least makes sense. Asuka actually looks towards Kaworu and Shinji like she doesn't even know and seeing if they do. However, the rest of her words start to actually make some shade of sense, as she uncrosses her arms. "... You're really obsessing over this..."

Is that why she kissed her? Because Alouette was lonely and thought she was too and thought it would turn into some makeout session in the sims? Asuka feels her head spinning at the idea that Alouette might have a crush on her. It's unravelling the way she tried to normalize it to make it meaningless.

"...it's weirding me out..." Asuka's starting to look even more flustered, "...t-this is just the drugs talking." What the hell even was it she felt when Alouette kissed her? She's so mixed up right now emotionally.

When Alouette starts moving the bed and locks them in the room, Asuka just gives her this look between the two, "Sister? What?" Asuka keeps looking at Shinji and Kaworu - HOPING it's just the drugs. Because there's no way she's blood related to either. The other alternative is something that her brain is just NOPING OUT on on the idea of Kaworu and Shinji calling her their imouto in private.

Asuka starts giving Shinji a curious look though as he starts to approach and invokes a name she's never heard. And Asuka finds herself going a little pink from the tips of her nose to her cheeks. What can she say now? She dared the two to do it. To break it up right now would make it obvious that she cares. So she just watches, a bit weirded out by the strange situation. This is a bolder Shinji than she's ever seen before.

"Great, now we're locked in while he's whispering sweet nothings into his ear." She tries to sound as sarcastic as possible. Ultimately though, there's no kiss. "Chickened out? How unsurprising..." As he pulls away, and advances on her after looking towards Kaworu. "Fami- what!?" After her initial shock, she's just stunned. It makes zero sense, she wonders if there's a practical joke being played on her. Reality feels upside down.

And that's when Shinji's hand contacts her cheek, the touch causes her to recoil just a centimeter or two, easy enough for him to touch her cheek again if he wants. "W-What are you..." That starts to trail off as he says 'Please'. Then 'Protect her.'

How Asuka would have reacted is difficult to say. Probably at least real good odds of slugging him as she'd think he was messing with her. There's not even any time for it to register though before that wave of lightheadedness hits her. Shinji's face is spinning in her vision and then her vision is dark as she goes limp in Oz's arms.

It's honestly a huge relief that this was all a dream...

... however, perhaps those words will stick with her anyway, against all odds.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Kaas has posed.

While the progression seems to spiral Asuka's thoughts further and further out sense and reason, For Alouette, things seem to resolve into ground that is at least firm enough to stand on. Shinji, leans in with a whisper and then contact is made, her skin to his. Like the static discharge between to people when ions build up, there is a moment. Within the eye something stirs and neural patterns shift.

Alouette sees the last moments with Euliya.

Orpheus sees running from his perspective. He feels afraid, hiding from searchers. He's covering his ears as he makes a dash for a large door. It's heavy and blocked. Hands fall off of ears to try to open the door, but as soon as those hands fall away, a woman's voice. "[gold]Alpha Kilo, it is time for your treatment."Orpheus feels dizzy, and stands upright. His body begins moving on it's own, and his voice speaks without him, but it is Alouette's voice. "I like my treatments." Orpheus moves in a daze towards a room and the memory fades.

Tears run down Alouette's cheeks. From the exchange. From being rescued out of this situation by Kaworu and Orpheus. She looks at Asuka as she is laid down, and then takes a seat with Orpheus and Kaworu.

        "I'm Sorry."

Alouette savors the moment with her family that she is able to steal. She wonders if she can bury it, hide it so no one can take this one from her. Her tears dry and she starts to smile, and after three quarters of an hour, a nurse comes to the door.

        "Excuse me. I need to check vitals. It looks like what I need isn't in here. I need Alouette to come with me."

Alouette nods, and stands. Carefully, for reasons they know, she gives them delicae hugs before following the nurse out. Afer the door is closing the nurse walks next to Alouette.

        "ALpha Kilo, It is time for your treatment.

        "I enjoy my treatments," the Tako-atama replies hazily.