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Pilot Setsuko Ohara
IC Information
Full Name: Setsuko Ohara
Callsign: Star-3
Gender: Female
Species: Natural
Age (Birthdate): 19 (September 3)
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Height 5'4
Job: Bad Luck Magnet
Homeland: Dublin
Awakening: 3
Primary Unit: Virgola
OOC Information
Origin: Super Robot Taisen Z
Factions: G-Hound
Player: Almacia

Setsuko Ohara has the dubious distinction of being a two-time survivor of colony drops. Born in Sydney but growing up in Dublin after her home city was destroyed, Setsuko was later orphaned in the Dublin drop. Perhaps it was no surprise that she joined the Federation military to prevent it from ever happening again. Setsuko qualified for the test pilot squadron Glory Star just in time for its first live battle, which went poorly. The two surviving members of Glory Star, Setsuko and Toby Watson, have since been transferred to the Dreisstrager at the personal request of Commodore Fikes Blackwood. Setsuko is anxious and has poor self-confidence, and is somewhat diffident, but possibly because of this tries very hard to live up to what people believe of her. She makes time to help with other people's problems, often at the expense of dealing with her own. While she's proud of being a member of Glory Star, she constantly worries whether she really deserves to be there - or on the Dreisstrager - and whether she's a burden on her companions. As a member of Glory Star, Setsuko pilots the new-model mobile suit Virgola, designed as a general-purpose unit for all situations and armed with the modular weapon 'Gunnery Carver'.


(Coming soon!)


Setsuko is a member of Glory Star and has all the fancy resources you'd expect of a G-Hound test project. She has been posted to the Dreisstrager and has (theoretical) access to those resources too.


Friends and Allies

Denzel Hammer: Star-1 and the former chief of Glory Star. Killed in action. Setsuko still tries to live up to his expectations.
Toby Watson: Star-2. Also on the Dreisstrager. He's a little older than Setsuko, and he's important to her, both as a member of Glory Star and as a person.

Rivals and Enemies

