War partitioning

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(This file is written with an assumed worldstate of April 0099. Not all elements of this have come to pass yet.)

War partitioning is a system by which it is determined both which conflicts are acceptable to sell arms into and which businesses are permitted to sell into which conflicts. Under war partitioning, certain potential conflicts have been smothered, such as flashpoints in Britannian Canada, continental Asia, and the Balkans. Others, such as South Britannian uprisings, Area 11 conflicts, and certain Zeon remnant organizations, have become hotter, better-armed conflicts.

War partitioning is a practice undertaken by the Benerit Group and adhered to by several non-Group businesses and organizations. While similar forms of war profiteering have been undertaken in the past, the level of geographic bounding and "winner-picking" (or, in some cases, "winner-pointedly-not-picking") done under the war partitioning system is mostly a uniquely modern invention. (It does have earlier, less bureaucratized antecedents in the actions of Cerberus Garde in the beginning of the Universal Century.)

War partitioning as a system is largely seen as an overstated problem and a political talking point rather than a practice with clear, measurable effects, in large part due to discreet sanitation of the news by the Gaia Sabers organization. It is unclear what would happen were the partnership between the Gaia Sabers and the Benerit Group to break down.