2024-10-11: Another Cog in the Machine, World Gears Turn

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  • Cast: Rikka Takarada
  • Where: Nouvelle Tokyo, Takarada-Shinjo Residence
  • Date: U.C. 0099 10 11
  • Summary: Two Friends two years gone visit an old companion, shedding light on situations, and bringing mysteries of their own. The Clock has started moving, and they can't afford to take their time any longer.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

It's a cool, calm day in Nouvelle Tokyo. It's the kind of day when Rikka would like to be out taking a walk... but her medication has decided that today's more of a 'staying in' kind of. It's fine - she's at the tail end of it, at least, and she is feeling overall better because of it. It does mean that she's home to receive company at the Takarada-Shinjo residence.

It's a cosy little place not too far away from the Nouvelle Tokyo Institute of Technology, the college Rikka and Akane both go to. It's small, but the two of them have made the most of the space they have - with little personal touches here and there, making their influence known.

There are also toys and structures that suggest they have a cat - but he is currently napping in the loft.

Rikka, at the moment, is currently settled into the living room couch. She had, just before, been watching TV - but has just recently turned it off, leaning back and finding herself with not much to do at the moment.

Fortunately, the front door is inviting, for anyone who happens to be interested in visiting at the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students have posed.

        "We shouldn't bother them, I still disagree with this approach." A certain two meters tall burly man with a gentle demeanor says as he walk down a hallway, toning his voice down to make sure to not bother the neighborhood. His tight suit would give much more of a neat impression were it not for half of his face and neck being covered in thick armor, and his shoulders nearly bulging the poor cloth.

        "Oh, can it. We're already here!" snarked a voice much less reserved, and with a definitely higher pitch. Blonde twintails bobbing as he walked, a much shorter individual trudged along, needing two steps for each of the giant. "We were taking it slow, and trying to respect Gridman's wishes, but LOOK!" He pointed towards an enormous black figure in the distance, visible from anywhere in Nouvelle Tokyo. "GIANT. KAIJU. RIGHT. THERE. This is literally our job that we are NOT doing right now!"

        Max and Borr hadn't seen their old companions for the last two years, but that didn't mean the Neon Genesis Junior High Students were doing nothing. It was just... difficult for them to act, for various reasons. Still is, but they need to move now, before it's too late.

        "Anyway, Vit is doing gridman-knows-what to get information, Calibur is still trying to track Yuta down, and we came to see Rikka and Akane to get up to speed. A job is a job, ain't it?" said Borr while stopping right in front a particular door. It wasn't that hard to find out where the two lived, asking around.

        Of course Max knew it was for good reason. They've been trying to solve the little problem between Gridman and Yuta Hibiki on their own, but the situation won't let them take it slow any longer. "It's for that reason that I'm here, but I wish our first meeting in two years were in better circumstances and we could give them our congratulations and such." With that said, Max knocked upon the door in front of them. "Miss.... Takarada? Miss Shinjo, are you home? I know it's a sudden visit, but Borr and I, Max, need to ask for your assistance."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

There's a knock at the door and Rikka stirs, sitting up. In a way, she's thankful for it - she could use something to focus on right now.

"I'll be right there!" Rikka calls - and then she hears the voice on the other side of the door. That gets her attention, causing her to bolt up from the couch and hurry over to the door. Even since the Neon Genesis Junior High Students had devoted themselves to looking after Yuta there hasn't been much opportunity to meet with them, much to Rikka's regret. They may not be fighting alongside one another anymore... but she still considers them important people to her.

If they're coming here now... this sudden visit must be important. "Max! Borr! It's been ages..." Rikka greets, offering them both a smile as she opens the door for them. Still... she nods, her expression going a bit more serious. "Alright. Akane isn't here right now, but I can pass a message along to her."

Rikka steps aside, then gestures to the couch.

"Come on in, have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" She asks. If either of them have any requests, she'll head to the kitchen and bring them out. For her part, she lets the two of them have the couch and for herself, instead, she settles onto her cushion situated next to the sitting room table.

It's fine - even with them sitting on the couch she's close enough to eye level with Borr, and she was never going to match Max's height anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students have posed.

        "No, I must apologize for the sudden visit...." Max said while scratching his head, bowing slightly - both in apology and to walk into the house. Carefully taking his shoes off and setting them aside, the man politely stepped in and took a seat on the couch. He'd offer to take the floor himself, but there was reason for the arrangement. "Ah, no, that won't be necessary. we'll try to be brief. But first, once again, congratulations and sorry for coming in unannounced."

        Borr quickly took his shoes off and stepped in, from behind Borr. "Hey, it's been a while, Rikka! I wanted to show up before but these slow molasses and Gridman wimp insisted on trying to solve this by themselves, so we've been absurdly busy!" The blonde shortie took his seat by Max.... or he was going to, before getting annoyed with Max' height and smacking the man on the... forearm, really. "Come on, man, take a seat on the floor, can't you see that you're just towering over everyone, what if you leave a mark in their couch!"

        ....after fifteen seconds of awkward silence, Max moved down as requested, though he cleared his throat in an attempt to continue the conversation - Borr took the whole couch for himself, by the way - "Ahem. As I was swaying.... let's get this out of the way first. If you're wondering why Gridman hasn't showed when the circumstances are rapidly deteriorating like this - it's because he cannot at the moment."

        "Yeah, the red-haired wimp is depressed and took way too long to say something he should have said like an year ago." added Borr with his usual snark. He was clearly pissed at Gridman. Very much so. "The thing is, we all - and by all I mean all four of us and Gridman - lost track of Yuta about two years ago. Like POOF. Vanished in thin air. Even though we said we'd keep an eye on him, hah, the only thing we knew was that he was alive. Hah."

        "...though Borr is putting it more aggressively than I would, he's not wrong in the slightest." Max added with a sigh.

        It would be a long conversation indeed.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It's alright. It's just good to see you both again." Rikka replies, shaking her head. She nods, then, and offers Max a smile as he congratulates her. "Thank you."

With that, she turns her attention to Borr.

"It has been." She replies - and laughs, just a little. Borr's attitude is the same as ever, it seems. She nods, though. So it's a problem they and Gridman have been trying to solve on their own... she frowns consideringly, briefly glancing toward Max when, at Boor's prompting, he takes a seat on the floor instead.

"He can't?" Rikka repeats. "I thought he might've just been busy with things in the Hyper World..."

But it sounds like there's more to that, and it sounds like Borr is annoyed at Gridman because of it. Rikka listens, then. So, they've lost track of Yuta...

"...I see." Rikka murmurs consideringly. "Is that why you've come to visit? I'm worried, too... so if there's anything I can do to help, let me know."

She pauses for a moment, then.

"...I've ran into them a few times, though. It seems like Yuta may have done some soul-searching since you last saw them." Rikka says. "Most recently, Akane and I happened to see them in Senegal... we just happened to run across each other."

She thinks a little further.

"It seems like Yuta's started a business of their own undertaking freelance work - I think they called it 'Snag Solving and Similar Services'." She explains.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students have posed.

        Max was listening to Rikka's tale calmly, though Borr's frown was increasing with every word - those blonde twintails were never one to hide his feelings, especially when said feeling is anger. "....I see. Them it is increasingly probable that Borr's conjecture is correct, Yuta Hibiki has actively avoiding us."

        "I. TOLD. YOU. There's no way we can't find someone for two entire years when we've been searching for them from the Hyper World and on foot. Dangit, if Gridman hadn't hid that from us, we could have concluded that ages ago!" Borr smacks Max at the top of his head... albeit barely, even with one on the floor and the other on the couch.

        "Senegal.... and Snag Solving and Similar Services... honestly, I can understand why Yuta Hibiki would be... angry at us, and that was part of the reason why we gave him space, but perhaps we shouldn't have." The usually collected Max lets a sigh escape. He's definitely weary with the situation.

        Clearing his throat once more, he faced Rikka. "This... should stay between us. Of course, you can tell Miss Shinjo and any of your closer comrades, but this is definitely information that shouldn't reach anyone out of that scope."

        "Annoying as is, we're all at kind of an impasse, and Gridman dropped a bomb on us that we can't really ignore." Even Borr had lowered his tone as he said that - for Borr to lower his tone, the information really must be important, or at least the Neon Genesis Junior High Students consider it so. "I'll let Max explain though, I'm getting angry just remembering it again."

        "First. It's true that we lost track of Yuta Hibiki about two years ago. At that point, Gridman, despite having left his body, was still had him at his host - that's how we knew at least that Yuta was alive. Given that Yuta had every single reason to be... upset with us, Gridman had requested us to watch from afar and leave it be for now. We acquiesced as Gridman also clearly needed a break and time to digest this. He was clearly...." Max let out a sigh, trying to think about how to explain.

        Borr took initiative to interrupt as Max had unnaturally tripped over his thoughts. "The dumbass wasn't fully over being Yuta. Would you believe that he still kept Yuta's form even in Hyper World? Idiot. But we all thought it was still the memories getting him confused and he'd recover eventually, so we let him be too."

        "....again, though the way he puts is a bit too aggressive, Borr's explanation is not incorrect. As for the past two years the world has been more or less at... peace to an extent, we decided to give them time. But as you are probably even more informed than us - which is part of the reason why we came to you and Miss Shinjo - things have been changing again recently." Max stopped to ponder for a second. Borr didn't interrupt him this time. Though his expression wasn't cute. "So we asked that Gridman canceled their contract with Yuta as a last resort, especially as we heard about him being sighted again recently. A threat was emerging and Gridman would need to choose a host.

        "That's also when the three numbskulls realized I was probably right about Yuta actively avoiding us. Because even though we know Yuta was around, we still couldn't find him. Even though he was Gridman's host! And then the other red-haired numbskull dropped a bomb on us."

        "....even I can't defend Gridman on that one point. Miss Takarada, what Gridman recently told us is that he has, in fact, tried to rescind the contract between himself and Yuta, as he realized it wouldn't be fair to keep Yuta tied to him, even with his mixed feelings. Also as way to bring closure to this chapter. Commendable, on that point. What he hadn't told us, is that for the last year, he has NOT been able to rescind their contract for reasons that are unknown even to him." Max stopped for a moment. Trying to think how to put the following delicately enough. Yuta Hibiki was, after all, a friend. "...so we can only assume the interference is coming from the other side of the contract. Not that we ever heard of a host being able to refuse returning the Accepter, as.... selfish as that might sound." Never before had a symbiosis not ended in friendly terms, so they were navigating uncharted territory here.

        Max was apologetic, Borr was clearly annoyed, but that was the truth. Gridman hasn't come because Yuta Hibiki was still the host and had somehow refused to stop being so.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Yuta is actively avoiding them... Rikka considers that for a moment. She looks between Max and Borr.

"Considering that we've mostly encountered them by chance... yes, I think there's a good chance of that, if you can't when you're actively trying." Rikka considers. But why, though...? Still... "...It's hard to say sometimes. Sometimes people need space, and sometimes they say they do when what they need is support from the people around them. It isn't always easy to tell which is the right call."

What they have to say, though, should stay between them and her closest comrades. Rikka nods.

"Yeah - I'll let her know. If it's something to do with Yuta and Gridman, then I'll make sure Utsumi knows, too." She says. They're the Gridman Alliance, after all. There are some things they need to stick together on.

But they're at an impasse, and Gridman dropped a bomb... Rikka's brow furrows, but she nods, and listens intently.

She doesn't interrupt Max - or Borr, when he interrupts. She listens all the way through, a concerned frown on her face the entire time.

Gridman wasn't over being Yuta. But with threats to the world moving again, Gridman needed a host, and the Neon Genesis Junior High Students requested he cancel his contract with Yuta... but he couldn't, and hadn't been able to for the past year, for unknown reasons - potentially, interference from Yuta...

Rikka rolls this over in her head for a moment after Max concludes, frown deepening and deepening.

"...That's a lot." Rikka admits, gently drumming her fingers against her knees as she thinks. "If that's what's been going on... then I'm worried about both of them. I wish I knew what was going on in both of their heads right now."

She thinks on it a bit further.

"Do you know if Gridman has been able to contact Yuta?" Rikka asks.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students have posed.

        "Nope. At least not according to Gridman." Borr answers before Max could, sounding annoyed. Though it was obvious he was worried underneath that frown. "Really, if the guy directly connect to Yuta can't, then it's no wonder we can't find him either." He taps his leg while pondering. "This has all been highly irregular from the start, from us being splintered from Gridman, to.... everything really." Okay, even Borr was sounding exasperated. Things were bad bad. "....we can probably at least have Gridman show up through Junk. If we can convince him too, that is. Might help the guy if he can say hello to his friends."

        "As expected, Yuta hadn't told you either.... half of me hoped you'd be able to clarify the mystery a bit more, even though I was somewhat reluctant to come. As a friend, I am worried as to why. As a defender and a splintered fragment of Gridman, I'm worried as to how." Max placed a hand under his metallic chin. It's been an extremely busy and awkward month for all of them.

        "Are you even his friend, though?" Borr asked Max. "I mean- Gah, look, it's not like I don't have any sympathy for the guy, but in the end, the whole thing we did was with Gridman not with Yuta, even though we didn't know." Scratching his head even more as he tries to find the right words, the blonde gremlin almost begins to vibrate on the couch. "Look, what I mean to say is, regardless of how WE feel about Yuta, would Yuta even consider the four of us, or even Gridman for that matter, a friend?"

        Out of all four of them, Borr's outlook had been slightly different from the start - which had led him to suspect Yuta's interference from the beginning, even if he also didn't want to believe in the possibility.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

No, huh... Rikka frowns. That's a problem. But, it's true that it's been a pretty unique situation overall.

"Junk, huh. Okay. It's still back at Mama's place..." Rikka says. That complicates things just a little, but it's nothing they can't get around. With all of this going on, it'd be a good idea to talk to Gridman again... and she does want to know how he's doing.

"I'm sorry." Rikka apologises. "I only know what we've discussed each time we met, and that never came up."

She never had a reason to ask, after all - and they likely had their own reasons for not bringing it up. But Max is worried, too, and Borr... raises a good point.

"...I imagine it's a pretty complex feeling. Sorting through the memories and feelings of those two years... I can only imagine what that's like." Rikka comments with a shake of her head. In the end, there's only one person who can really answer that question.

She shakes her head.

"But... thanks for letting me know. I'd rather know this is happening than to not." Rikka says.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students have posed.

        With all that said, and the mood being what it is, Max decides it's probably for the best to depart for now and reconvene at a later date. Borr is practically grinding his teeth in thought, and putting it all in perspective with Rikka shifted his own thoughts a bit. Deep down he thought that Yuta's friends would know what's going on, he thought depreciatively.

        "....and I thank you for listening to us, Miss Takarada." The gentle giant stood to attention, bowing to Rikka as it was. "And for caring. Not only for Yuta but for Gridman too. If it's possible... would you tell Miss Shinjo what I told you, and let me know when it would we could reconvene? There's a lot that we need to catch up on as we resume activities. It's clear that the world won't wait for us to be ready, as convenient as that would be." He said with a gentle smile to his eyes.... while picking up Borr like a cat, who was grumbling so much he didn't seem to mind, even if usually he'd be making a fuss and kicking shins. "I do regret we have not reunited in more auspicious circumstances...."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Of course." Rikka replies with a nod and a smile as Max thanks her for listening, and for caring, too. She nods. "I can do that. And... yeah. Things are starting to move fast again. I wish we would've had a bit more time, but... I guess that's how things go."

With that, she moves to stand up.

"Yeah. Me too." She replies - and then realises something. "Oh, before you go... Can I see your phone?"

Rikka reaches for her own, as she realises this.

"If you're all acting separately for now, then you two might need my number, too... It'll make it easier to keep in touch." She says, and then adds, a bit more gently, "...And it doesn't have to be just for things like this, either."

Phones connect lives, after all - and times like this are when it's most important to stay connected.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students have posed.


       "....certainly. Thank you, Miss Takarada. You're still a strong and gentle soul, as you were two years ago." Picking up their phone that looked somewhat small in his hands, and tapping away with surprising dexterity, Max prepared to share his contact info - and from the other three while he was at it - with Rikka. "As for when you next meet Yuta.... I'll leave it up to your judgement if you should tell him we have met or not. If he's really avoiding us as we fear, I'm afraid he might start avoiding you as well, knowing that we made contact. On the other hand.... I really don't know."
       "You know what, tell him you met us and kick his frigging shin for me, dangit." Borr growled with aggression... though diminished by the fact that Max was holding him by the collar.
       Bowing once more, Max took their leave. "It has really been nice to see you. And absolutely. I'm sure Samurai Calibur and Vit would also love to just have dinner, sometime. The strength of bonds and reaching out is something we all learned from our previous journey."