2024-10-11: A Cross Between a Monster and a Robot

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KTS: Serinas Nikola has deployed in Queadluun-Rhea.
KTS: Liam 7-020 has deployed in Type-4 Akashima.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has deployed in Evangelion Unit Beta.
KTS: Will Barrier activated! (But will not apply until relevant Morale
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has deployed in Vox Aura 'Midori'.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has deployed in Vox Lympha 'Orca'.
KTS: EN Barrier activated!
<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        It's a relatively normal day in Central Dogma. As normal as it can get,
 anyway. That is until an alert sounds throughout the NERV headquarters. It's
 not a familiar alert though, one not heard by any of the personnel within.

        Misato Katsuragi rushes into the main control room, asking quickly,

        Typing rapidly at the console in front of her Maya Ibuki, replies, "I
 don't know! The Magi have sounded an alert, but I don't recognize it." Sure
 enough, there are several warnings popping up across the screens within the
 control room.

                CODE M CODE M
                      CODE M CODE M CODE M
                           CODE M CODE M
                    CODE M CODE M CODE M
                        CODE M CODE M CODE M

        The platform towards the center of the control room lowers, revealing
 Gendo Ikari seated there, Fuyutsuki standing at his side. Gendo looks no more
 or less perturbed than he usually does when he says, "Shut off that alarm."

        Maya continues rapidly typing at her console, alarm still blaring
 around them as she says, "I'm trying to, but I can't find-" The alarm suddenly
 goes silent. Maya pauses and looks around in mild confusion, "Huh?"

        "Well, well, well. My dear Gendo. Just how did you manage to piss off
 the Meteora enough that they've decided to come after you?" The image of
 Professor Julie's grinning face appears on the main screen in the control room.

        Gendo's eyes narrow ever so slightly behind folded hands as he asks, "I
 take it this was your doing, Professor?"

        "A pleasure to see you too. Not a warm word of greeting towards your
 old teacher?" Julie tilts her head with a slightly manic smile. Gendo says
 nothing, simply giving her a hard stare. Julie mocks sighs in resignation,
 shrugging as she says, "Oh well. Yes, I distributed the alarm program to the
 systems of all of NERV's allies. Just in case. I never thought it'd actually
 be used though."

        Misato takes a step forward as she asks, "Are you saying a Meteora is
 coming here!?"

        "Bingo!" Julie points in Misato's direction, "And how do I know, you

        Misato replies, "I didn-"

        Julie continues, "How do you predict the arrival of an unknowable alien
 being like a Meteora? One that seems to just pop in and out of a location at
 will? Why it's so genius in its simplicity! The one key tool required to
 identify their arrival... A clock!" Julie pauses for shocked gasps.

        There aren't any.

        Julie continues regardless, "How does a clock help detect Meteora, you

        Misato starts again, "I wasn't rea-"

        But Julie barks out, looking in Maya's direction, "Hey you, console
 monkey. Bring up interface Julie-Delta-Five."

        Maya mutters something about being called a 'console monkey' but does
 as requested nonetheless. A window appears on another screen, showing two
 extremely long timestamps, with the numbers towards the end moving so rapidly
 they're blurring. The program appears to be comparing them, showing a negative
 offset that is slowly returning to zero.

        Julie explains, "Specifically they are atomic clocks! Compared to each
 other via quantum connection to avoid any issues with time lag. As you can
 see, the time in Tokyo-3 is imperceptibly off by an extremely small degree.
 Not enough to cause any serious issues... But it turns out then when a Meteora
 is arriving, it just slightly distorts the flow of time at its destination to
 a consistent degree. And when time restores itself to normality... BAM! You've
 got yourself a Meteora!" Julie crosses her arms, smugly saying, "Feel free to
 applaud now."

        No one does. Instead Misato crosses her arms and confirms once again,
 "So you're saying a Meteora will be coming here when this counter hits zero?"

        Julie blinks, "Isn't that what I just said? I suppose it's taking some
 effort for your small brain to comprehend it. Though I would have hoped NERV's
 hiring standards were better than that..."

        Misato's eyebrow twitches at the insult, but she chooses to ignore it
 as she swipes her arm, "Alert the pilots. Setup lines at defense positions
 Charlie Four through Gamma Six." Although it's not quite the type of alien
 entity they've defended the city from before, everyone at NERV knows their job
 as they proceed to get to work.

        Still on the screen, Julie nods along, before adding with a smile, "Oh,
 and don't worry. I'm already on my way to assist with my two greatest

        Offscreen, the voice of AARC Noa can be heard, "Wait really? I didn't
 know you cared, Professor!"

        Julie snorts, turning to look offscreen, "I wasn't talking about you."

        Noa appears to take that personally as she calls back, "What!? I'm the
 city's greatest treasure! How could you say that-"

        But another voice cuts in, this one also familiar as Chloe says to Noa,
 "Ignore her. She's just trying to push your buttons."

        Julie chuckles as she's been caught, "You know me so well, Chloe!"
 Julie then turns back to say to those in the control room, "Goooood luuuuuck~"
 The image cuts out.

        -------- A Short Time Later --------

        The city of Tokyo-3 has shifted into its defense mode as the tallest of
 its buildings have lowered down underground. The warning system continues to
 sound as the last stragglers make their way towards shelters.

        Positioned at several points throughout the city are the units launched
 by NERV, or those of its allies that have arrived to assist after receiving
 the notice of an attack. There's no obvious sign that anything is coming,
 which may make some people start to believe that perhaps the detection system
 may have been wrong.

        Julie would admonish them for such a thought.

        In the main control room, Misato stares intensely at the countdown on
 screen. It's only a few seconds away now...

        3... 2... 1...

        The moment the countdown hits zero, a circle of white light appears in
 the sky above Tokyo-3. An object begins to lower out of it. The Meteora have
 always had relatively odd shapes, which while they might resemble something
 else in the world, one could easily assume such resemblance was coincidental.

        That assumption might be challenged today as the Meteora's long form
 coming from the portal sharply corners outwards on either side, before
 cornering again back in again and finishing with a short top.

        It's a cross. The common religious symbol found throughout the world.
 At least that's what it looks like in general shape. The angles are off
 somewhat and there are several grooves carved into its surface all converging
 at its center where an ominous red gem sits. But it's definitely a cross.

        The moment the Meteora appears, Misato orders everyone, "FIRE!"

        A moment later, a hole appears in a cloud above the city and something
 fast hits the Meteora. It teeters back from impact as a large chunk of its
 hard shell is blown apart.

        A song then begins to filter in through the local channels...

        ~ Save my wicked life
          Find a reason to fight? Yes I found...
          Now you hold my hand and I hold yours
          That's all that I want ~

        The Alto Makhia comes crashing through the cloud as it falls to the
 ground, its large railgun already combined in its hands and aimed towards the
 Meteora after firing a shot.

        The bulky machine lands in the middle of a large park, kicking up a
 cloud of dusty debris before rising to its full height. With the sound of Noa
 singing in the background, Chloe radios, <"Alto Makhia, on site."> The large
 triangular shape of the heavy transport plane that dropped them flies off

KTS: Kaiju Navi has deployed in Meteora.
KTS: Kaiju_Navi has deployed as a Boss for 6 opponents.
KTS: Chloe has deployed in Ship-11 Alto Makhia.
KTS: EN Barrier activated!
KTS: Chloe targets Kaiju Navi with Ship-11 Rail Cannon Charged to 100%!
KTS: Chloe's Emotional Support Co-pilot activates Strike and Wall!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Chloe's Ship-11 Rail Cannon
 Charged to 100%!
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Chloe's Ship-11 Rail Cannon Charged to
 100%, taking 3600 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu Nagisa is aware of what happened earlier with Professor Julie on
 the main screens in Central Dogma. He hadn't been there in person, but he's
 good with electronics. Transmissions like that are simple for him to access.
 Being a NERV administrator, he's even allowed to access them.
        At the present moment, though, he's deployed in Evangelion Unit Beta
 along with several other NERV pilots in preparation of the Meteora's arrival.
 The mechanisms behind when they arrive are quite interesting to him, and that
 alone is worthy of his personal attention. He'd be here regardless, though.
 It's his duty--and his decision--to keep this city safe until Shinji returns.
        That circle of white light opens up, and--as if to be as on-point as
 possible--a cross shifts through. Kaworu's smile widens at the sight, as if in
 appreciation of some implicit joke. Misato orders everyone to fire, and Unit
 Beta does precisely that... with her A.T. Field, which shimmers orange in the
 air before striking at the Meteora's shell.
        Noa's song reverberates then through the channels, and Kaworu lifts his
 chin as he shuts his eyes. "What a passionate song," he murmurs in
 appreciation as Chloe arrives in her Alto Makhia.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Separation!
<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Earth needs help against a meteora again!

        Serinas has experience with that!

        So, the Quedluun-Rhea also comes crashing through the clouds. Makaio,
 Serinas's grandfather, is linked into the growing group radio conversation.
 "We've developed two new housings for the Annihilator. One is designed so that
 you can aim it just like the Anti-Ship Impact Cannon from the Quedluun-Rhea's
 turret, and the other is designed for you to hold and pull the trigger with
 your suit's claws." Christina, her grandmother, adds enthusiastically, "Try
 them both out and let us know which one you prefer!" Makaio continues, "We'll
 analyze the performance metrics of both."

        "I got it." replies Serinas, drawing the handheld Annihilator -- it
 just looks like a revolver that fires 4-inch-wide bullets -- and lining up the
 iron sights with the Meteora. "Take this!"

KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with 4.07 Annihilator Sniping Shot!
<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        This is the first direct attack on Tokyo-3 in some time. The goal is
 simple: protect the city from the implacable alien threat, as usual. The only
 difference is the nature of that threat.

        Liam's Akashima kneels behind one of the building-sized shields that
 serve as cover on this engineered battlefield. It braces its cannon arm with
 its off hand, and its head cranes up to peer at the sky. In the cockpit, a
 familiar mix of nerves and determination stews in Liam's stomach. Nothing
 hostile on the sensors. Nothing. Nothing. He opens his mouth to speak to
 Kaworu, when--

        A brilliant light. The Meteora descends from the heavens. Liam's lips
 twist in a humorless smile as he recognizes its shape. Misato gives the
 command to fire.

        <"Pilot Liam,"> he intones, <"Opening fire."> A single, massive round
 cycles into the weapon's chamber. Liam lines up his sights on the pink
 gem-crystal-something in the middle of the cross, and the Akashima subtly
 adjusts its aim. A moment later, there's an ear-shattering THOOM as the cannon
 fires, hurling the slug directly at the Meteora. A moment after that, the
 Alto Makhia touches down. <"Good to see you two,"> Liam says, to Noa and
 Chloe--his voice is weary, but genuinely warm.

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Akashima Arm Cannon Shot!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Valor!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages charge against Kaworu Nagisa's Separation!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's
 Separation, taking 3600 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Serinas Nikola's 4.07 Annihilator
 Sniping Shot!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Serinas Nikola's 4.07
 Annihilator Sniping Shot, taking 4850 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon Shot,
 taking 3780 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

Par and parcel for NERV to call for help whenever a being from elsewhere is
 coming in. One technical explanation later (that Madoka 90% understood;
 Quantum physics was not in her wheelhouse!) and the next steps were clear:
 Tit-for-tat, do what the pilots do.

Luckily, with a bit of time before the attack, she'd been able to properly hand
 off her club duties for Sudden Rescheduling. Not that she was in any danger of
 losing their trust, but it's prudent that her own Kamogawan Plans worked.

All that was left behind as Vox Aura streaked through the sky in green, the
 figuratively short hop from Kamogawa to Tokyo-3 alongisde Lan over the bay.
 "Aaaah, I hope there's still salmon left..." Uncle Hiroshi could cook up a
 mean dish when he wanted to. It was fall, the season of harvests! She could
 taste it already, rolling her shoulders as she maintained her speed. Wired
 into the comm network, coming in a bit before the attack proper...

A simple swing wide of the machine gun, keeping sensibly away from the oncoming
 flash of white. Doing as told, the bursts of fire from the simplistic beam
 shots adding to the chaos of initiation.

<"Liam, Noa, Chloe, Kaworu! Vox Midori, on site. It's been a while, hasn't
 it?"> Madoka's own voice was chipper, full of youthful energy focused on the
 Meteora in front. Already listening to the song, a deep inhalation to adjust
 herself to the groove. <"I have some salmon ready for dinner, so let's finish
 this up quick, right?">

Ever the slightly sensible, staying away from the first burst. Still, she's
 already glancing around; Aaaah, hopefully the land didn't have anyone living
 on it.

KTS: Madoka Kyouno targets Kaiju Navi with Promus Shot!
<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

Meanwhile, at the NERV-Novumundus field research barge PHAROS:

"Cap," Eri Watabe declares from her standing station. It's been quiet; no
 attacks from De Metrio, no kaiju. Kamogawa was even missed by the descending
 Burning Tombstone. It's been every bit the blissful place the locals make it
 out to be. But: "Signal from Tokyo-3. They're expecting an attack. Orders?"

Shozo Tadokoro pinches a pencil between his lip and nose for several seconds
 after that, before sitting up. "Hell with it. Those girls need some field time
 if we're going to get anything out of this...send Kyouno word to come in.
 Where's Princess Laffinty?"

Moid speaks up from his preferred spot by the door: "Oh, playing at school, I
 imagine. I shall notify them both," he says, and reaches up to his ear to
 activate the earpiece.


Two streaks of color, blue and green, race toward Tokyo-3 from across the bay.
 Lan has a little more familiarity with military protocole, so she announces:
 "Vox Lympha, Vox Aura, entering the field!" Laffinty Fin E Ld Si, AKA Lan,
 announces, from the blue machine. She's carrying something new, a sleek blue
 and white rifle for her blue and white machine. Then, in follow-on to Madoka's
 casualness, she adds, "Uhm, hello! We're here to help!"

Salmon dinner... "Yes...let's hurry," she agrees, incredibly seriously. She
 brings the rapier-like Iurum up to bear against the Meteora. "So that's
 Meteora...what a peculiar form. It looks more like an artifact than a
 creature, don't you think?" She fires, what are less like bullets and more
 like piercing spikes of glowing force.

KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si targets Kaiju Navi with Sword rifle Iurum Paced
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Madoka Kyouno's Promus Shot!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully guards Madoka Kyouno's Promus Shot,
 taking 3960 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's Sword rifle Iurum
 Paced Attacks!
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly guards Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's Sword rifle Iurum Paced
 Attacks, taking 3780 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        With advanced warning, the defenders have the upper hand as they open fire
 before the Meteora can even do anything.

        Kaworu's AT field drills into the Meteora, penetrating through the
 shell and deeper into the cream coloured plain interior structure of the
 strange creature. Serinas is quick to follow up as she arrives, falling
 through the sky. Her shot impacts into one of the cross-shaped Meteora's
 'arms', where its shell appears to be thinner. A large chunk is blown off,
 revealing more of the unchanging solid structure beneath. Liam is in next as
 his cannon shot arcs through the air to impact against the center of the
 Meteora. The gem there is blown to pieces as more of the shell is broken.

        Evidently that is not the core that everyone knows is the key to
 ultimately defeating a Meteora. Which may make one wonder what the purpose of
 these red crystal like formations are. Given the Meteoras have no appreciable
 'internal systems', just solid structure all the way through... Could it be
 decorative? What would a monster like these even need decorations for?

        At the greetings from Liam and Madoka, Chloe simply gives an agreeing
 'Mmm' in response. It's Noa who actually replies fully, <"Liam, Madoka. It
 has. It's good to see everyone is doing well.">

        The reinforcements from Kamogawa have no less trouble engaging than
 everyone else as the two Voxes rain down energy bolts towards the Meteora.
 They blast across its shell, disintegrating bits and pieces as they tear into
 its structure. So far there's no sign of the Meteora's core, meaning that
 they'll have to continue chipping away at its structure until they find it.

        Of course, the Meteora isn't going to just sit by and let them.

        ~ Over the dawn, to the sun,
          We'll see everlasting bright
          Dry up your tears, no more fears
          We'll reach out to the sky ~

        <"Energy spike detected!">

        The warning comes from Maya in the control room and sure enough, the
 Meteora reacts to the attacks against it by glowing brightly. Bright enough to
 shield it from view.

        For those who were present for the last Meteora attack, this effect
 appears to be quite similar to when that one changed its form from the closed
 flower bud shape to the far more smooth sphere. Is this Meteora also changing
 form? The light soon dies down...

        ... And now there are two cross-shaped Meteora floating in the sky,
 both identical in size, shape, and even the damage that the original received.
 It's not just their appearance that is identical though as Maya reports,
 <"The... The Meteora's energy readings have doubled!">

        In the transport plane that had dropped off the Alto Makhia, Julie
 crams her face up against the window as she looks on from above. Her
 cybernetic eyes are performing her own analysis as she confirms Maya's, <"Oh
 my, oh my! That's not just a simple split... That's a true temporal
 duplication! It's branched its own timeline within our own. Incredible!"> The
 joy in Julie's voice says she is very much enjoying this.

        Unfortunately for everyone else, this means there are now two Meteora
 to deal with, each as deadly as one. And now they're moving to engage.

        The two Meteora turn, splitting up to engage targets separately. One
 appears to be focused specifically on the Alto Makhia, while the other moves
 to attack the others. They're not going easy either as they begin to gather

        Noa warns, <"They're firing Thorn Waves! Everyone take cover!">

        Sure enough, the Meteora unleash their attacks. Though unlike the
 previous battle, these Thorn Waves are far more concentrated. The two large
 pulsating orbs blast away from the Meteora, rushing through the air towards
 their targets. As they travel, several of Tokyo-3's buildings that don't
 retract are clipped by them, the Thorn Waves completely turning their
 structures into dust. The more condensed armor of a mobile weapon is likely to
 fair better, but even that could wear down eventually.

        One of those Thorn Waves is targeting the Alto Makhia specifically. And
 Chloe watches as it approaches. Normally she should raise her Makhia's defense
 barrier to absorb as much of the attack as she could and use it to

        'Did you know that the Makhia's energy conversion barrier has another
 function? It normally functions by converting attacks it receives into energy
 to power counterattacks. But if you don't use the Counter Assistance while
 converting and instead take the Meteora's Thorn Wave with your arms stretched
 out, you can scan for information.'

        The words from the altered path that the Ariadne System showed Chloe
 flash through her head. It can't be true, right? She's never heard of that
 function before. If she doesn't protect herself from the Thorn Wave, the Alto
 Makhia could be seriously damaged...

        "Chloe, what are you doing? Activate the barrier!" Noa turns her head
 to look at Chloe. Seeing that she is frozen in indecision, Noa asks, "What's

        Chloe ignores her though, simply staring at the screen in her cockpit
 depicting the incoming attack. Can she trust the system? Even though she knows
 nothing about it? What if its information is accurate... This might be the
 only way to find out.

        Chloe's face sets in determination.

        From an outside perspective, it would seem that the Alto Makhia's
 response to the rapidly approaching attack... Is to drop its huge railgun to
 the ground and then open its arms wide. As if to accept the attack.

Kaiju_Navi has changed Boss level to 12
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020, Madoka Kyouno, Laffinty Fin E Ld Si, Kaworu
 Nagisa, and Serinas Nikola with Thorn Wave!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Chloe with Thorn Wave!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has gained
 proficiency bonus.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa engages react against Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave, taking 6510 damage!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno engages react against Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave, taking 6510
KTS: Chloe engages react against Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave!
KTS: Chloe poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave, taking 6510 damage!
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si engages react against Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave!
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave, taking 6510
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 engages react against Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to engage react against Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave!
KTS: Serinas Nikola poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Thorn Wave, taking 6510

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It has been some time since a direct attack on Tokyo-3; even
 Bardiel didn't make it that far. But defending against direct attacks is what
 Tokyo-3 was built for. Just because it's been some time since the last attack
 doesn't mean it's any less ready. Kaworu and Liam may not get a chance to
 address each other directly, but it's a comfortable silence as far as Kaworu
 is concerned.
        When the Voxes and the Makhia arrive, Kaworu smiles warmly, his image
 projected to Chloe and Noa, Madoka and Lan, to whatever visual screens they
 have within their respective cockpits. <"It has,"> he confirms with a nod to
 Madoka, echoing Noa. <"There's nothing like a battle for their existence to
 bring Lilim together.>"
        It's one of their charm points, as far as he's concerned. Even if that
 was used by Lilim against Lilim only a few scant weeks ago...
        Another charm point: how cheerfully Madoka says that she has food
 waiting for her, so this existential enemy is something to simply be mopped up
 quickly. But that's an individual trait, rather than a racial one, all
        Lan comments on the Meteora's form. <"Yes. But there's no doubt it's a
 living creature. There are Angels who appear similarly--as an object rather
 than a creature,"> Kaworu comments to her.
        Serinas isn't a member of NERV, but she has appeared in defense of
 Augmented Shibuya against the Meteora before. Kaworu notes her with a smile
 for her too.
        As for the Meteora... why would a monster need decorations? Well... why
 wouldn't they? He turns his attention back to it when it splits. His eyes
 widen in muted surprise; Julie states the reason why a moment later.
        "What are you?" he murmurs in genuine curiosity.
        It's troubling that one of those Meteoras moves to engage Chloe on her
 own--but this is an enemy that belongs to her. He trusts that she and Noa can
 handle it. As the other one moves towards him and the others, Noa shouts a
 warning, and Kaworu bids Unit Beta to move--but the Thorn Waves they unleash
 now aren't quite the same as the ones from before. It's a good thing Tokyo-3
 is very good at evacuation and that everyone had already evacuated by the time
 the battle commenced, because if anyone had been in one of those buildings
 that are now dust...
        So when Chloe in her Makhia directs her machine to accept the
 attack, that too is a surprise. Kaworu is good at taking those in stride, but
 given what they did to physical material just now, it's cause for concern.
 Unit Beta defends herself with her A.T. Field, but she's forced back, that
 light of her heart eroded with speed upon a direct impact by the Thorn Wave.
 She staggers back--but then leaps, silver hair shimmering as she spins in the
        <"Chloe, what are you trying to do?"> he asks--a genuine question
 seeking a genuine response, rather than shock at the seemingly illogical
 action. As Unit Beta twirls, she draws her Heat Rapier and falls point-first
 towards the second Meteora, aiming to cleave off more of that armor while
 assisted by gravity.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Penetrating Stab!
<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        <"It's good to fight at your side again, too!"> Serinas calls to the
 others, before staring in shock at the duplication.

        Makaio is quick to ask, <"Doctor, if it's duplicated the intersection
 of its timeline with ours, does that mean one of these is the other one's
 future, so if they defeat the past one it will cease to exist?">

        DOUBLE thorn wave. Serinas pours on the speed, trying to outrun it, but
 no dice. "Aaagh, damn it!" She feels her suit shake around her as some of the
 armor plating turns to dust. <"If you're right... it's easy to test, right?
 Attack them both and the future one will be twice as damaged!">

        The Meltrandi suit dances through the air, firing missiles from all of
 its launchers that converge on the pair of Meteoras!

KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with High-Maneuverability Missiles
 Spread Fire!
<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        After working with Kaworu for this long, Liam's gotten used to the
 amiable silence. They both know how the other operates. It's a kind of
 certainty that makes fights like this a little easier. <"Doing as well as can
 be expected,"> Liam says, to Chloe and Serinas. Has Augmented Shibuya been
 weathering this hell any better? A pause, as the two Voxes make their
 entrance. <"Lan, Madoka.>"

        The pink 'gem' structure shatters under the shell's impact. <"Not the
 core,"> Liam mutters. <"Of course it's not. Keep looking."> Another shell
 slides into the barrel with a heavy 'thunk'. The cry goes out. The Akashima's
 instruments pick up the spike as well. The machine sidesteps, twisting its
 bulk behind the armory-building entirely. When the spike fades...

        "<They can do that?>" Temporal duplication? Liam has no time to ponder
 Julie's unsettling words further. (When is Julie not unsettling? That's a
 very good question.) The Thorn Wave slams into his cover, grinding the
 armory-structure into powder, meter by meter. The Akashima stumbles back as
 its cover disintegrates, raises its cannon, and braces again--

        Wait. What's Chloe doing?!

        <"Chloe?!"> Liam's Akashima surges forward as the urge to protect a
 comrade takes over. Its cannon-arm reaches for a hilt protruding from its
 opposite shoulder. It yanks the Progressive Blade free. The weapon's edge
 gleams as he slashes it at the nearer of the two Meteora.

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Progressive Blade Slash!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Alert!

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

So far, so good. A vague hum of curiosity as she watches the bits be blasted
 away, the tenseness of anticipatory armor replaced with confusion. A few more
 shots to help with the hammering, keeping steady. <"It might be like a sand
 dollar or something? or maybe a hermit cra-">

Incoming. The familiarity of the shining light has her shielding her eyes with
 an arm, a lean back as she tried to make out the next part of the puzzle.
 <"Two of them!?"> Maya's assertion was all she needed to know: There was one.
 Now there were two. Julie's own explanation makes sense, but she's only
 half-listening. Watching one gun away with a mental prayer for where its
 going, staring at the other one.

The harsh blasts of energy are taken with gritted teeth, the floating Vox
 shoved backwards with each and every pound delivered to it. Violently thrown
 with the futile defenses of crossed arms, a slow arc through the air that
 caught itself midway, jettiong its energy output to direct the Vox in for
 engagement. <"Gha- That huuuuurt...! Even if it's two, I don't think it's any
 less powerful!">

Have faith. Even if from out the corner of her eye, Chloe was doing an insane
 thing. There's instinct screaming to try anything to redirect that assault, a
 single shot fired off towards the careening Meteora before focusing on Meteora
 #2 in front of her.

<"I hope she knows what she's doing!"> A surge of energy to project the green
 sword from the wrist, a few large, wide slashes as she dovetails towards and
 away from the Meteora.

KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Kaworu Nagisa's Penetrating Stab!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's
 Penetrating Stab, taking 3150 damage!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Chloe
KTS: Madoka Kyouno targets Kaiju Navi with Promus Double-Up!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Serinas Nikola's
 High-Maneuverability Missiles Spread Fire!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Serinas Nikola's
 High-Maneuverability Missiles Spread Fire, taking 3871 damage!
KTS: Serinas Nikola rattles Kaiju Navi, making its next maneuvers more
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages charge against Liam 7-020's Progressive Blade Slash!
KTS: Kaiju Navi moderately reacts to Liam 7-020's Progressive Blade Slash,
 taking 4140 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Madoka Kyouno's Promus Double-Up!
KTS: Kaiju Navi moderately reacts to Madoka Kyouno's Promus Double-Up, taking
 4500 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

The Meteora soon reveals it is far from just a stone. "I see," Lan replies to
 Kaworu, somewhat in shock by the creature's strange reaction. Actually, she
 wonders if the Vox could do something like that--

"Temporal...Le Garite doesn't even have technology like that. That's entire
 dimensional manipulation," Lan protests, urgent but shocked. "With so little
 preparation, too...!"

And then, it fires. Lan does her best - with no indication to do otherwise, Lan
 pulls her arm up, the Trantem barrier opening into a wide subspace shield. But
 it does essentially nothing, the wave crawling past the barrier and raking
 over Lympha's hull. "Ah!" Lan cries out, rocking in her cockpit. "Madoka! Are
 you alright??"

She is. "You're right. I don't know how it could have done this, but, we just
 have to keep going...!"

She stows the Iurum, pulling another weapon off Orca's back. This one fits the
 aesthetic less, being a big, blocky black weapon that's essentially just an
 off-the-rack MS machine gun.

...no wait that's just, actually what it is. "Madoka, I'll try to keep its
 defenses busy!"

...for what defenses there are, anyway. It's still basically a screaming rock
 that turned into two screaming rocks. Can it do it again...?? Could she keep
 up with that!?

That anxiety firmly knotting in her stomach, she fires; these are just Bullets
 That Are Bullets, not force rounds.

KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si targets Kaiju Navi with 120mm Machine Gun Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's 120mm
 Machine Gun Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's 120mm Machine Gun
 Barrage, taking 4017 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

<"Chloe! There's no time, activate the barrier!">

        <"Trust me... I know what I'm doing."> Or so Chloe hopes as she tries
 to reassure Noa and the others.

        And thankfully, the gamble seems to pay off as the Alto Makhia's
 systems register the position. Its defense barrier activates as normal moments
 before the Thorn Wave hits.

        Dozens of screens pop up in Chloe's view. They're all labelled with
 'Scan Mode' and show a large variety of scientific data... But most unusually,
 the system appears to convert the oscillating waves of the the attack into an
 audio form. One that is transmitted across the local radio channels.

        It's a high pitched cry. The Meteora's call. One that has an oddly
 lyrical tone to it. Almost as if the Meteora is singing?

        In the transport aircraft, Julie frowns.

        Suddenly, the Alto Makhia's cockpit goes dark as all the screens and
 displays shut off. All that's left is the glow of Noa's holographic form. She
 glances around in surprise, "Again!? What's going on?" It's just like the kill
 signal that the Makhia had received at the end of its last battle. But this
 time... The situation is far more dire.

        Seemingly registering the vulnerable status of the Alto Makhia, the
 Meteora that's focused on it approaches confidently. Floating up to the
 completely stationary machine, it starts to repeatedly slam its body into it.
 Without a defense barrier to protect it, it's only a matter of time until the
 machine's armor succumbs to the impacts.

        While the others might want to go to Chloe's aid, there is
 unfortunately still the matter of the other Meteora to deal with. And this one
 appears to have no intention of giving them an opportunity to ignore it.

        As Kaworu closes in with that Heat Rapier at the ready, the Meteora
 seems to move to meet him. Although it's no less larger than its predecessors,
 this Meteora seems to have more intent on moving about the battlefield. And
 it's quite swift for its size. Unit Beta manages to cleave off a large chunk
 of the Meteora, which crashes down to the ground to crush a corner grocery
 store. The piece then quickly begins to disintegrate into nothing. The Meteora
 counters the closed engagement though, attempting to mimic its other self by
 slamming part of it into Unit Beta. It doesn't seem particularly talkative,
 keeping its secrets for now.

        <"Pffft! THAT's your theory? ... Well, I suppose I'll be generous and
 give you points for trying. Even if you're completely wrong."> Julie
 derisively replies to Makaio. Not that is was necessarily a bad theory.
 Julie's just a harsh critic.

        Serinas unleashes a wave of missiles at the Meteora, chunks of it
 getting blown off. Unlike the one that Kaworu carved off, these don't
 disintegrate. Unfortunately, Serinas is not so lucky. As the chunks all stop
 in mid air, turn, then start rushing forward to try and strike her machine as
 fast moving projectiles.

        Liam also closes in to attack up close while the Meteora is distracted
 with trying to smash Unit Beta. His own blade cuts in deep, carving a long
 gash into the Meteora's structure. It doesn't try to ram him in return,
 instead the section of shell closest to him suddenly explodes outwards, a rain
 of shards trying to smash into him at close range.

        A combined charge on the Meteora seems to have been the plan the group
 had subconsciously decided on! With Madoka charging in with her Vox to slash
 through several parts of the Meteora. Thankfully it's big enough that they can
 all target separate sections to spread their damage in search of the core. In
 retaliation, the Meteora breaks off several long, pointed sections of its
 shell. Which rush away from it before curving around.

        The spikes close in towards Madoka, only for gunfire to rip through
 them from another angle. Lan's cover seems to work as the number of
 projectiles are reduced. Though it does draw some of their attention as they
 turn to chase after her instead. The spikes attempt to drive themselves into
 the two Voxes.

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Chloe with Ram!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Kaworu Nagisa with Ram!
KTS: Serinas Nikola's In the Zone activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Serinas Nikola with Shell Swarm!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020 with Shell Blast!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno's The Want of Caring activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Madoka Kyouno with Shell Spike!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Laffinty Fin E Ld Si with Shell Spike!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa fails to engage guard against Kaiju Navi's Ram!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 1500 base damage.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Ram, taking 3150 damage!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Shell Blast!
KTS: Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell Blast, taking 3600
KTS: Chloe fails to react to Kaiju Navi's Ram!
KTS: Chloe's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Chloe successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Ram, taking 3600 damage!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has activated the Rouse Spirit Command.
KTS: Madoka Kyouno engages charge against Kaiju Navi's Shell Spike!
KTS: Madoka Kyouno successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell Spike, taking 4500
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Shell Spike!
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell Spike,
 taking 4000 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Chloe reassures everyone she knows what she's doing. <"All right. I
 trust you,"> Kaworu transmits. And indeed, Chloe's gamble pays off: the Thorn
 Wave is scanned, and the waves of the attack change into something more...
        Liam murmurs that the gem at the Meteora's center isn't the core.
 <"Yes. It would have to be quite confident indeed to display it that brazenly
 if it were,"> he remarks.
        He carves off a piece of the Meteora, and it reduces to dust. There's
 no time to pay that any mind; he knows that Meteora regenerate their armor
 rather rapidly. Leaving the occupation of the Meteora's defenses up to Lan and
 Orca, Kaworu turns Unit Beta to join in on the attack with Liam's Akashima and
 Madoka's Midori, while Serinas's Queadluun-Rhea opens fire on both Meteoras
 operating on a theory that... he silently agrees with Julie is probably not
        The Meteora begins to slam itself into Unit Beta. Reflexively, she
 raises her A.T. Field again, but there's still considerable force behind the
 impacts, and for a moment, she's pinned down, heeled feet grinding into the
 metal plates of Tokyo-3, champagne-colored armor creaking from the intense
 pressure of each slam. It may not be talkative, but Kaworu hums the melody of
 its Thorn Wave...
        Just before Unit Beta's A.T. Field brightens, then smashes forward
 right back into the Meteora in between its slams, just as it's at the apex of
 its backward motion. The force of the A.T. Field's forward motion may well
 send it flying back in turn--though no doubt it won't go that far.
        <"I expect it's an innate ability for this one,"> he comments casually
 to Lan, of the Meteora's dimensional manipulation. <"Sometimes it's just like
        (Is it???)

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Rejection!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Kaworu Nagisa's Rejection!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Rejection,
 taking 2775 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa rattles Kaiju Navi, making its next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Serinas Nikola engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm!
KTS: Critical Hit! Serinas Nikola poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm,
 taking 4950 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Makaio nods in the skit window, and holds a hand to his chin
 thoughtfully, furrowing his brow.

        Serinas has attacks to dodge. And she just can't seem to slip into the
 right rhythym, the Queadluun-Rhea getting more and more and more beaten up,
 half-disintigrated armor panels shattering or falling off and revealing more
 internal structure. <"Enough! Get off her!"> She empties the revolver while
 spraying the gatling lasers from her other claw before holstering it as she
 closes to melee with the one that rammed Chloe, tearing and trying to burn
 away as much of its material as she can, firing the second, shoulder-mounted
 revolver point blank with those one-behind-the-other double bullets each shot,
 tuned to hit at the optimum frequency from the data of the last Meteora fight.
 <"Tear you apart! And then we're one day closer to learning how to destroy

        It's a gamble, but... with a little luck and all working together,
 they'll have to win with raw damage fast!

KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola uses hyper reloader
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling Lasers
<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

<"Gotcha!"> Madoka's affirmation of Lan's backup is quick, steady, focusing on
 what she could do on the moment. Even if she's trying to keep track of
 everything, there's her, the thing in front of her, and little else. Even as a
 screen pops up to broadcast the Meteora's song(?) inside the cockpit, it's
 only another layer to accept, process, and push through. Both songs filtering
 through, the Vox humming green as its engine revs with power.

<"So long as there's a core in this...!"> That's the hope, the goal at the end
 of it all. There's a core. Smash it. And then she can have some salmon with
 Lan. The supernatural sense of adrenaline and memoria working in tandem,
 continuing on the attack.

Down, in, down, slash after slash, swipe after swipe. There's a sense of
 incoming spikes, arcing up, out. <"For a thing like this..."> There's nothing
 on the monitors, merely the wide-open view a Vox could afford to broadcast and
 beyond. The sense of oneness with the machine, fingers instinctually tapping
 on the handles, barely recognizing the interplay of flesh and machine. <"We
 just need to hit both cores!"> Simple.

And a body that refuses to stop moving. To take the brunt of those spikes
 without warning, doing her best to dodge and weave within them. The wind on
 her back, the pain spiking with every stab of the Meteora's attack; In, in,
 in, the energy blade surging with power.

<"So long as we can hit it...!"> And a swipe. And another. And another.
 Carving, pushing, trying to push as much of the armor aside to stab in deep.

KTS: Madoka Kyouno targets Kaiju Navi with Promus Improv!
<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

The spikes bear down on Lympha and Aura; Lan urges, "Orca!" without quite
 thinking about why, and the nimble machine whirls aside, fuselage rattling in
 the wake of the spike's passage. Then she jukes and swirls more, the Vox
 seeming to move in ways that defy inertia. That's not so alien, these days -
 it's quite similar to how GN machines move, both the Gundams of years ago and
 the GN-X machines of today - but it's sure reminiscent. "To think it could
 have such a power as simply a skill it possesses...so that's a Meteora," Lan
 murmurs, appreciative and shocked. "Well...what if...!"

Orca bends over itself as it soars upward, shifting from its standing Warrior
 mode to a plane-like formation with a long, spoon-like nose, which suddenly
 surges toward the Meteora!

"I'll try to penetrate!" Lan calls, trailing streaks of blue light as she
 drives STRAIGHT to the Meteora. Maybe it looks like not much...

But the nosecone of a Vox's Piercer Mode can pierce nearly any defense. Can it
 gouge through the Meteora for its core, too!?

KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Trick Spirit Command.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si targets Kaiju Navi with Piercer Mode Penetration!
<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        <"Do they have confidence?"> Liam asks. It's mostly a rhetorical
 question. He's not sure if these things have consciousness, period, even

        Even though at least one of them has done eerie things, and caused some
 eerie coincidences. Is it still sitting there, outside Augmented Shibuya, or
 has Julie cut it up and dragged it down for her research?

        Questions for later. The Akashima has lost its cover, and is forced to
 endure the Meteora's next attack in the open. Liam hits the jets and leaps.
 The massive machine takes to the air, rolling out of the way of the shell
 shrapnel. Some of it scores its armor, tearing in deep, but most goes wide.
 Liam lets out a breath. That would've been bad if it hit directy.

        Trying to tune out Julie's critical response (not to him, but it brings
 up bad memories nevertheless), he jukes back to a more suitable range, and
 tosses the blade to his machine's off-hand. As Lan closes, Liam lays down a
 curtain of automatic fire with the arm cannon, trying to keep the Meteora

        One of them. Chloe's still dealing with the other, and probably in

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Akashima Arm Cannon Suppression Fire!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Valor!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Madoka Kyouno's Promus Improv!
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Madoka Kyouno's Promus Improv, taking
 4950 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's Piercer
 Mode Penetration!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's
 Piercer Mode Penetration, taking 3000 damage!
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si bypasses Kaiju Navi, preventing its from Guarding the
 next attack!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage react against Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R Hand
 Gatling Lasers Execution!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R
 Hand Gatling Lasers Execution, taking 5025 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages charge against Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon
 Suppression Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon
 Suppression Fire, taking 4160 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.




        The Meteora's repeated strikes shake the Alto Makhia's cockpit, Chloe
 barely managing to stay on her feet. Although she can't see it, Chloe judges
 that the Makhia's armor won't hold out for much longer. She looks at Noa,
 saying, "Transfer yourself into the NERV systems! If you stay, the Makhia's
 quantum core will be destroyed and you along with it."

        But Noa shakes her head emphatically, "Not before you eject first! I'm
 not leaving you behind. I'm the Electronic Doll, AARC Noa. I won't abandon


        In the transport plane, Julie watches with interest as the Meteora
 continues to slam itself into the Alto Makhia. She muses to herself, "Hmmm, so
 how are you going to respond to this?"

        Though as Kaworu raises a thought about its ability to duplicate, Julie
 decides to respond, <"You're probably right about that. We've not seen any
 indication of other Meteoras doing the same. Though that said, perhaps our
 persistence has encouraged them to escalate? Who knows what they're thinking.">

        Unit Beta smashes back against the Meteora, creating cracks in its
 shell at the point of impact as it is forced backwards. This seems to cause it
 to give up on any further strikes. Indeed, it actually backs off a little.





        Chloe wants to argue with Noa, but there's no time. She calls out,
 "System access, Chloe. Engage pilot ejection sequence." The activation panel
 appears in her view and Chloe goes to press her hand to it.

        But nothing happens.

        "It won't eject, why!?"

        "Chloe!" Noa's holographic form flickers as she seems to be in pain.
 Then it vanishes completely.

        "Noa!" There's no response to Chloe's call, Noa's fate unclear.


        <"Wow, you guys are zero for two so far."> Julie replies
 disappointingly to Madoka's own insights, <"They might be identical, but
 they're no longer connected to each other. Their two timelines could
 theoretically continue on forever, doing their own things separately,
 regardless of what you do to either one."> Julie then grins, <"Of course, this
 does mean there is something interesting about the two of them... I wonder if
 any of you will figure it out. I have of course, but that's to be expected.">

        Still watching over the situation, Misato cries out from NERV's control

        Julie tuts in response, <"Why, that would make things too easy. And I'm
 waiting for a certain something to occur first...">

        Madoka is tearing through the Meteora with her blade, cutting away
 large chunks that continue to fall and disintegrate. More and more of this
 particularly Meteora's structure is being withered away, the combined assault
 overwhelming its regeneration abilities. It's only a matter of time before
 they find the core.

        Liam's unleashes a barrage of cannon fire. Some of the shots blow
 chunks of the Meteora while others take out some of the shell pieces that have
 been flying around trying to engage the Voxes.

        This gives Lan the opportunity to shift her machine into its plane mode
 to utilize the penetration power it provides. The Vox rising up before curving
 over and diving towards the Meteora. It impacts hard and for a moment, it
 might seem like the Meteora's shell might hold...

        Only for a moment though. The Vox cuts into the Meteora, disapeparing
 inside it before blasting out the back. The Meteora now has a significant hole
 in it...

        Unfortunately, there's still no sign of its core.





        The screens at the front of the Makhia's cockpit all break part as the
 massive edge of the Meteora tears through the wall. Chloe is knocked to the
 floor of her cockpit, though thankfully the Meteora's massive frame doesn't
 make it in quite far enough to crush Chloe herself. But there is now a huge
 hole in the cockpit. And surely the next strike will do the trick.


        Serinas comes screaming in with revolver and laser fire, trying to get
 the Meteora off the Alto Makhia. The physical and energy weapons tear into the
 Meteora's shell, but this one is far less damaged than the other that has been
 the focus of most attack. So it doesn't seem to be enough to disuade the
 Meteora from changing targets. The creature appears oddly focused on the
 Makhia. That said, Serinas's attacks do cause it to delay in its own briefly.

        Which gives Chloe a chance to rise to her feet once more. She looks out
 the hole at the Meteora still hovering close by, staring at it with a mixture
 of resigned anger, as if she is expecting it to kill her soon and she hates it
 for it. But also it's like this is the fate she has always expected since that

        Said Meteora floats there for a few moments itself. And to Chloe, it
 almost seems like... It's staring back at her specifically?


        The Meteora being ganged up on has lost over fifty percent of its
 structure at this point, covered in blast holes and edges where chunks have
 been sliced off. Not to mention the hole punched through it by Lan. Yet losing
 all this structure doesn't appear to hinder its performance at all. And
 clearly luck is on its side, as the location of its core remains hidden.

        The one downside to this advancement of damage against it is there is
 now a plethora of pieces of it floating around. It seems to take control of
 them, speeding them up and directing them to swirl around it rapidly. Staying
 in close range might be dangerous as swarms of these chunks begin streaming
 towards its various attackers. Including the one trying to delay its partner,

        Meanwhile, said Meteora partner attacking Chloe begins to move again,
 preparing for another ramming. The feeling of imminent death looms over Chloe
 and she can't help but whisper sadly, "Coco..."

        The voice of Maya Ibuki filters in over the radios again, <"I'm
 detecting a disturbance! I think it's... Another Meteora!?">

        A third Meteora!? Sure enough, another circle of light appears in the
 skies above Tokyo-3, not far from where the Alto Makhia is. From this one

        A foot?

        The full form of the humanoid Meteora, last seen asleep on Augmented
 Shibuya's doorstep, comes flying out of the portal. Its leg is extended
 towards the one assaulting the Makhia, delivering a flying kick that smashes a
 large crater into the Meteora's surface and knocks it away.

        The humanoid Meteora lands crouched beside the Alto Makhia, before
 rising to its full height. At almost four times the height of an Evangelion,
 it rivals that of the other Meteora. And the humanoid one appears to be
 looking at it angrily.

        Through the hole in her cockpit, Chloe can only watch as the two
 Meteora above her charge each other. She wonders, "They're fighting?" The
 humanoid Meteora drives its hand straight into the other Meteora's mass. Said
 Meteora goes still. A moment later the humanoid one pulls the hand out
 again... And clutched with in it is a completely black, perfect sphere.

        The Meteora's core. It was as if the humanoid one knew precisely where
 it was. The Meteora that was decored proceeds to fall out of the sky, crashing
 into the ground and going still. Its entire body quickly begins to

        Chloe's eyes then go wide as the humanoid Meteora raises the core in
 its hand to its mouth and proceeds to start eating it.

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020, Kaworu Nagisa, Laffinty Fin E Ld Si, Madoka
 Kyouno, and Serinas Nikola with Shell Swarm!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa fails to engage block against Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 1500 base damage.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm, taking 2700
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Madoka Kyouno has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Madoka Kyouno engages block against Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm!
KTS: Best Defense! Madoka Kyouno successfully blocks Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm,
 taking 2250 damage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 fails to engage Guard against Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm,
 taking 3375 damage!
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si fails to engage block against Kaiju Navi's Shell
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's EN Barrier activates, negating 1500 base damage.
KTS: Critical Hit! Laffinty Fin E Ld Si poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell
 Swarm, taking 3300 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Madoka's straightforward sincerity is so endearing. All they need to do
 is destroy both cores! Bless her, truly.
        Lan seems more taken aback by Kaworu's musing; Julie likewise thinks
 he's probably right, though of course there's the possibility that all Meteora
 can do this and only this one saw fit to.
        Liam wonders if they have confidence. Kaworu just chuckles a little. He
 can't say for certain either, but if they're as similar to Angels as they
        And Serinas helps protect Chloe for a crucial moment while the rest of
 them have to deal with the other Meteora, a fact that Kaworu quite
 appreciates. Working together truly is the key. It's that togetherness that is
 the source of Lilim's hope.
        The pieces that have fallen off the Meteora now surround them, and it
 seems as though it's gearing up for another significant attack on everyone.
 Several of those shell pieces ram into Unit Beta's A.T. Field, protecting her
 from direct damage but threatening to sweep her off her feet. After several
 more strikes, she does go flying, too--but Kaworu turns misfortune into
 opportunity by flaring Unit Beta's gossamer wings from her pylon pack. Plasma
 erupts from the Heat Rapier in her hand as he ignites it; then, together, they
 raise heat and light around themselves and slam themselves down into the
 Meteora full-body. The remnants of the A.T. Field sheet forward, aiming to
 tear through the Meteora's armor to expose its core.
        After all, the other Meteora, the one threatening Chloe, now faces a
 third--a humanoid one. Kaworu recognizes her; she was sleeping on Augmented
 Shibuya's doorstep for a while, and now she is tearing out her victim's (core)
 heart. Once Unit Beta rebounds from her assault and lands neatly on the city
 floor below, Kaworu gazes upon the humanoid Meteora as she devours the black
 core she'd torn from her foe.
        Yes, it's very familiar. And more relevant in the current moment, it
 reveals where the core for this Meteora should be.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Resupply Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Rouse Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Angel Dive!
KTS: Liam 7-020's The Hound activates!
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam's eyes dart sideways, to the image of the second Meteora ramming
 into Chloe's Makhia. <"Hang on!"> he cries, but he can't ignore the sounds of
 metal tearing as her machine's armor starts to give. There's no more time...!

        But he can't ignore the wounded Meteora, either. Again, the Akashima is
 caught out in the open--but this time, Liam is prepared. The big machine pulls
 up its arms in a boxer's stance, using them to shield its torso--and putting
 the left in front of the right to reduce the risk of an ammo cookoff in the
 arm cannon. There's a horrid CRUNCH as the Meteora's shell projectiles slam
 into the Akashima. Bits of armor join the dissolving Meteora-stuff in a hail
 that falls upon an empty street.

        There is a horrid ripping noise. <"Chloe, punch out!"> Liam cries.
 Another hit and she is dead, broken against its shell and the walls of her own
 cockpit. His eyes go wide. As Maya announces another disruption, Liam snarls
 out a desperate, angry <"Back off--!">

        It doesn't. Liam's rage turns into confusion, which is then joined by a
 mixture of horror and relief. "<It's--it's eating the core,>" he gets out.
 That's... potentially one enemy down, assuming the new arrival doesn't
 immediately turn on them. The Akashima sets its feet, aims its cannon at the
 remaining cross-shaped Meteora, and braces with its other arm. The belt
 switches to automatic feed with a few heavy clunks. Liam opens fire, balancing
 the weapon's ferocious recoil as it sends a rain of lead downrange. He keeps
 the fire focused, because that interloper Meteora was--as Kaworu has likewise
 noted--kind enough to reveal where the surviving original keeps its core.

KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Akashima Arm Cannon Full Fire!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Wall!
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Trick Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

Lan drills straight through the Meteora, bursting out the other side and
 switching quickly back to Warrior Mode once she's through. She turns like
 she's about to soar over and help Chloe with her own Meteora, but as soon as
 her back is turned, a window opens on her console, calling her attention to
 the swirling debris their own opponent has summoned. "It's still going?" she
 hisses, and turns. She throws both arms up, and the Trantem shield undocks
 from her arm, creating a screen of subspace force that should protect against
 most attacks. The debris flying at her slams into it, not penetrating but
 knocking her further and further back as Lan grits her teeth and grimaces
 through the feedback pain and completely internal to her anxiety. "I can't get
 to her!" Lan yells. "I'm held down!"

GOOD NEWS: A new problem arrives.

The deeds of that phenomenally powerful Humanoid Meteora, a behemoth so massive
 Lan struggles to grasp it on any level, leave her awestruck and silent. But...

She does catch on to the meaning of the humanoid knowing where the other core
 was. "They're the same...they're identical up to the point they split. That
 should mean...!"

Moments later, Vox Lympha is surging toward the other Meteora, her Iurum
 sword-rifle back out and aimed carefully. Lympha knows what Lan needs with no
 need for programming, her bio-telepathic waves creating on their own a zoom-in
 terminal on her front pane. First, a dozen highlighted spots of debris; each
 is eliminated with a single, precise shot, before Orca raises the Iurum one
 more time, this time for the spot where the Meteora's core should...*has* to

She fires, one, two, three times, and then: "Madoka! Now!"

KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has gained
 proficiency bonus.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Laffinty Fin E Ld Si targets Kaiju Navi with Vox Formation - Flowing
<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

<"They each have a core, so we just need to take them out!"> Such was the
 retort towards Julie; There was really nothing more in her plan other than
 'Stab both cores'. EVen thoughts of what was 'interesting' about them withered
 by the wayside, too focused on the being in front of her to care about
 semantical information. In, in, in, in, in. No core. In. Further. No core.

There's the gritted teeth at listening to Chloe's own problems, head sharply
 turning towards the source. <"Chloe!"> One final swipe, pulling away as those
 shards picked up momentum. To bring the wrist-mounted shield up to life, to
 weather the storm as best she could. Eyes flicking to search frantically for
 that core, a few more stabs before she finally had to give.

<"Owowowow...hurts a bit..."> Spikes weren't kind to a lightweight body, but
 she'll live, even if the Vox is marked with dents and a few more crushed
 areas. Shaking her limbs, eyes widening with surprise at the declaration of
 another. <"Another-">

And all she could do was stay stunned in silence as the human-silhouetted
 Meteora pulled out. Watching in pure awe, jaw dropped open as... <"...Eating
 it...?"> Chloe's fine. She'll...stay fine. Just like always, right? It'll be
 fine. No one's in danger today, it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine
 it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine-

A forceful inhalation and exhalation, Lan's words bringing her back. <"That's
 where the core is!"> Redirecting the emotional spiral into action, the Vox
 thrumming with emotional tremors as it spun around on the spot. The clench of
 the Vox's control handles, Madoka twitching in place as windows pop up on
 Aura's display; There, there, there, there, there and there and so on and so
 forth, the wrist-sword sparking with energy before she charged in. <"Yes!">

It's a perfect sync between Lan and Madoka, the latter moving in-between the
 shots perfectly before she made an attempt to stab at the core, however deep
 it was. To plunge in, and to wrench the blade towards the side; Not deep
 enough, but to at least wrench off the armor covering that core, if nothing

KTS: Madoka Kyouno targets Kaiju Navi with Vox Formation - Whirling Gales!
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Shell Swarm!
KTS: Best Defense! Serinas Nikola moderately reacts to Kaiju Navi's Shell
 Swarm, taking 0 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        That would make things too easy. Serinas's grandparents frown, and her
 mother would be so proud or at least relieved to learn that yes, they CAN
 consider something done for science to be immoral after all. But they're also
 experienced enough to know better than to try and get Julie to spill.

        The half-Meltrandi is hitting her stride now. After tearing into the
 Meteora, Serinas dodges and weaves and dances between the chunks, blasting
 some with the gatling lasers to thin them out and not letting any of them
 touch her.

        But they didn't find the core, either. It might not be enough...

        Until something amazing happens. The humanoid Meteora saves Chloe. And
 reveals where the core is on the other Meteroa's twin.

        The Queadluun-Rhea lands by the Alto Makhia. "Chloe, get out of here!"

        Serinas unholsters the Annihilator. Flips open the cylinder and lets
 the shells fall out. Pushes in a speedloader. Closes it back up. And takes aim.







KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with 4.07 Annihilator Perfect Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Kaworu Nagisa's Angel Dive!
KTS: Critical Hit! Kaiju Navi poorly guards Kaworu Nagisa's Angel Dive, taking
 7640 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon
 Full Fire!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm
 Cannon Full Fire, taking 4500 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's Vox Formation -
 Flowing Intrusion!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully guards Laffinty Fin E Ld Si's Vox
 Formation - Flowing Intrusion, taking 3750 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Madoka Kyouno's Vox Formation -
 Whirling Gales!
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Madoka Kyouno's Vox Formation - Whirling
 Gales, taking 6100 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi has been defeated!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Serinas Nikola's 4.07 Annihilator
 Perfect Shot!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Serinas Nikola's 4.07
 Annihilator Perfect Shot, taking 5675 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi has been defeated!
KTS: Serinas Nikola roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her
<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        "Ahhhh, there it is."

        Julie smiles from her place in the sky as the humanoid Meteora arrives,
 seemingly to protect the Alto Makhia. To protect Chloe. It's what Julie had
 been waiting for. Not that she KNEW it would happen. It was just a hypothesis
 that she was testing. But it seems to have turned out true!

        The humanoid Meteora finishes munching down on the core in its hand. It
 then begins to glow brightly. The familiar light of a Meteora's
 transformation. What's it going to turn into now?

        As it turns out... Not much. The light fades and the humanoid Meteora
 is still mostly the same. In that it's still a several hundred metre tall
 humanoid Meteora. Though there are some minor differences in its appearance
 Its 'hair' is no longer quite as long as it was. Where it once before reached
 down to its waist, it's now a lot shorter, stopping just above its shoulders
 and flared out a little. Its face has also shifted slightly. There are still
 resemblances to Coco-and by extension Noa-but the face is now a little more

        Though the cross-shaped pupils of its eyes are still very much like
 Coco and Noa's. Which Chloe notices as the humanoid Meteora turns its head
 towards her. Chloe murmurs wistfully, "Those eyes..."


        Everyone realises what Julie had been hinting at. Observing the
 humanoid Meteora strike at the other's core directly, Kaworu surmises the
 location of this one's. Unit Beta slams down into the Meteora from above, the
 Heat Rapier unleashing its plasma to burn through part of the Meteora's
 structure. It doesn't make it all the way just yet, but it's a start.

        Liam comes in next, his cannon repeatedly blasting rounds into the
 Meteora. It shakes as they impact, blowing holes deeper and deeper into its
 structure along the same path that Kaworu had opened up.

        Lan quickly joins in. Her precise aim takes out quite a few of the
 pieces of shell currently swarming around the Meteora. This makes it easier to
 target the wound that the two before had inflicted. She then follows up with
 her own shots, drilling into the same spot deeper and deeper.

        Madoka takes advantage of gaps in their attacks to dart in herself,
 driving her blade deeper into the Meteora. The monster seems to shake at the
 coordinated assault. One might wonder if it had a mouth, would it be screaming
 right now? CAN Meteora feel pain?

        Serinas also joins in, trying to cover for the Alto Makhia. Chloe can
 see it through the hole in her cockpit as the Queadluun-Rhea unleashes heavy
 round after round. Each shot joins in with those fired by the others, blasting
 closer and closer to where the core is expected to be.

        And sure enough, the group are able to drill in deep enough to see it.
 The same black sphere. It's only there for a moment, before it is destroyed in
 the barrage of attacks.

        The Meteora goes still, all the pieces of shell swarming around it
 suddenly stopping. They all fall out of the sky, the Meteora quickly following
 with them as it crashes down. Much like its twin, its body starts to

        Maya Ibuki confirms over their radios, <"Energy readings from Meteoras
 Alpha and Beta have vanished. Which just leaves...">

        The humanoid Meteora turns to walk up to the disabled Alto Makhia,
 ignoring Serinas's Queadluun-Rhea. Chloe stands her ground, staring at its
 approach through the tear in her cockpit. The Meteora proceeds to kneel down,
 leaning forward to move its head up to the hole. Its eye stares through it,
 right at Chloe.

        Chloe remains frozen. Being this close to such a huge monster,
 potentially moments away from her death. Even for her, it's terrifying. She
 manages to ask, "W-What are you?"

        It's not clear whether the Meteora understands or not. But it does open
 its mouth... And unleashes a high pitched, lyrical cry, much like the one that
 had been translated by the Alto Makhia earlier. Chloe winces and holds her
 hands over her ears until it passes. Then she squints as there is a bright
 light. The Meteora is transforming again!

        As the bright light fades, the humanoid Meteora is gone. At least as
 far as anyone outside can see. It's a different matter for Chloe as she opens
 her eyes once again, finding a person standing inside her cockpit. It's
 clearly the humanoid Meteora, but now at proper human height. Its skin has
 also changed from the pale creamy colour of a Meteora's structure to something
 more human. Its hair is also black now, with shades of red on the underside.

        It's eyes... Golden, with cross-shaped pupils. Just like, "Coco..."

        The humanoid Meteora opens its mouth again, once more unleashing that
 cry but at far more tolerable levels now. Chloe frowns, not understanding. She
 asks, "What do you want?"

        The Meteora stares at Chloe. It then slowly lowers its stance, starting
 to growl as its brow scrunches up. It then leaps towards Chloe! It swipes at
 her with its hands, the tips of its fingers sharpened like claws. Chloe
 instinctively raises her arm in defense, those claws slashing across her skin
 to cut into her.

        Blood drips to the floor of the Alto Makhia's cockpit and Chloe starts,
 "I see... You're here to kill me too." The Meteora stands in front of her,
 slightly crouched as if preparing to strike again.

        "Of course... You're a Meteora after all." Chloe lowers her arm again,
 "I was being so naive. I can't believe I ever thought you were Coco. But

        Chloe reaches a hand into her jacket, pulling the handgun from her
 holster there, "This is much better. This I can understand. Now I can avenge
 Coco without hesitating." She raises the gun to aim towards the Meteora.

        The Meteora quickly jumps backwards, apparently recognizing the threat.
 It growls at Chloe once more, before it starts running towards her to strike.
 Chloe moves her finger to the trigger.

        But she pauses as the Meteora stumbles in its charge. Its eyes become
 unfocused, before closing. It then collapses to the ground.

        Chloe looks on in surprise, gun still aimed at it. Is it hurt? Tired?
 She focuses her aim. This is her chance. She can't miss like this...

        ... But she can't pull the trigger. As the Meteora lies on the ground,
 Chloe asks, "Why!? Why do you have the same eyes as Coco?" She should shoot.
 She knows that... But...

        <"That's far enough. Put the gun down Chloe. Killing it would be
 craaaazy! That thing is like our greatest treasure! A miniature humanoid
 Meteora! Well done. You and Noa might often get out of control, but you always
 manage to bring surprising results. Thanks to you, we're finally going to get
 to capture a Meteora! Now I can do all the research I want~"> Julie giggles
 with glee.

        Chloe frowns, <"Capture it? It might be in human form, but this is
 still a Meteora! It's still dangerous! It'll try to kill us.">

        Julie hmmmms, <"Yes, it might be a Meteora in human form. But that's
 hardly unusual. My body is entirely cybernetic. Noa is an artificial
 intelligence. Even you, Chloe... You weren't born like most people! From the
 perspective of what's normal, we're all weird! So why don't you stop acting
 like you're normal?">

        <"You're saying I'm the same as it!?"> Chloe shakes her head, <"No,
 Coco treated me like...">

        'You have a rich heart, Chloe.'

        Chloe closes her eyes as Coco's words echo within her. She then opens
 them again with determination, <"That's right. This is to avenge Coco."> She
 raises the gun again.

        Pain then blossoms within her, Chloe crying out in agony. Her hand
 loses its grip on the gun, which falls to the ground. Chloe follows a short
 moment afterwards, clutching at her head.

        Julie sighs in disappointment, <"I didn't want to use this too often,
 since it hurts you. But you're just being so stubborn. Now, take a little nap,
 would you? I'll handle retrieving the Meteora.">

        Chloe continues to hold her head as the pain washes over her. She had
 seen this before, though she'd only observed it last time. Experienced it...
 It's far more painful than she had expected. As her consciousness begins to
 fade, she can hear Julie saying, <"Hey Gendo, let me borrow one of your
 containment cells for a bit until I can organize secure transport, okay? Also
 tell my darling Ritsuko I need to borrow her lab to whip something up.">

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Success! In the radio skit window, Makaio and Christina Nikola cheer
 and hug, and eagerly look over data from the Queadluun-Rhea's sensors.
 Serinas, for her part, slowly lowers the Annihilator, watching the Meteora
 fall apart. Smiling just slightly with the satisfaction of a job well done.

        Well. Maybe only mostly done. She dumps out the brass and reloads,
 turning to face the humanoid Meteora, but doesn't aim at it yet. Watching.

        And then it... disappears?! But as close as she is to the Alto Makhia,
 she can eventually see that it's tiny in the cockpit.

        <"What is 'normal?'"> She's half-Zentraedi, half-Coordinator, and her
 grandparents are mad scientists who built a giant revolver to kill monsters
 which is somehow effective. Seriously, what is normal?

        Serinas frowns as Chloe goes down. <"Did you really need to do that?
 It's still a Meteora, would her pistol really have killed it?">

        <"I will hold it. Get containment here quickly."> She holsters the
 Annihilator and, with extreme care, the Queadluun-Rhea reaches its claw in to
 the cockpit and pins the humanoid Meteora in place.

        Her grandparents are overjoyed, grinning and chattering to eachother
 excitedly about the recordings and scan data coming in, even if they can't
 make sense of much of it yet.

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Julie hmms to Serinas, <"One lucky shot to the core is all Chloe would have
 needed. And I imagine in that form, even a gun could pull that off. Can't take
 any chances with my new prize!">