2024-10-03: No Questions Asked

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  • Log: No Questions Asked
  • Cast: Sheryl Nome, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: Frontier Fleet
  • OOC - IC Date: U.C. 0099 10 03
  • Summary: Rikka heads to Frontier to pay Sheryl a visit, only to find that she's been discharged from the hospital without notice. It seems like it might end a mystery--except then Sheryl approaches her from the dark and asks urgently for her help.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl has been discharged from the hospital. Very few people would know this, Grace having suppressed it from the media for a variety of reasons. The reporters and paparazzi that have been watching the hospital where she was staying have noticed subtle changes; they haven't caught on just yet, but they're starting to get suspicious.
        The hospital staff have not been forthcoming. There's the matter of HIPAA, client confidentiality, and the fact that Grace got to them first too. But they're still people. Many of them are fans of Sheryl's themselves, and there's a general awareness of who came by and was allowed to pay Sheryl a visit while she was still hospitalized.
        Thus, when Rikka comes by to pay her another visit, the receptionist tells her that she's not seeing anyone right now--then, after whatever Rikka might happen to do, quietly admits she isn't here at all anymore, having discharged, but she should not tell the press.
        That may or may not strike Rikka as a strange request to make. She may or may not find it strange that if she tries to call Sheryl, it goes straight to voicemail. But she will almost certainly find it strange when she eventually heads back to the shuttle port of Frontier, and a hand reaches out from a certain alleyway along the way.
        "Rikka! Rikka! It's me," a familiar voice whispers harshly before drawing her into the shadows of the buildings and out of easy sight. And indeed, when she looks, she'll see Sheryl in a blue dress with a matching cap, white blouse and gloves, a pink throat ribbon and fawn-brown boots. Her hair is piled up under her beret, large round shades hide her eyes, and a black face mask covers her nose and mouth, but her iconic earring hangs from her right ear, so it's definitely her. If there was still any doubt, Sheryl at least removes her shades, and those blue eyes are unmistakable. She does not, however, remove her face mask.
        "I need your help," she murmurs without preamble. "You came here on a shuttle, right? I need to get away from Frontier, no questions asked. Can you do that for me?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka has some free time! ...Medically-mandated free time that she's nearing the end of, but free time nonetheless. It's a good opportunity to visit a friend. She's been worried about how Sheryl's been doing. She's sure she would've heard something if something had happened, and Sheryl seemed to be recovering well... But still, it's in Rikka's nature to worry about her friends.

And so, she makes a trip up to the Frontier, to the hospital she was staying at... only to arrive and learn that she isn't there anymore.

"...Okay. Thanks for telling me." Rikka replies with a nod. She's a medical student herself - so she knows what kind of risk the receptionist is taking telling her that. She doesn't press further - she nods her farewell and turns to leave the building, reaching for her phone as she does.

...No answer. Straight to voicemail.

Maybe she's just tired after being discharged...? It's a little disappointing to come all this way without getting a chance to meet with her, but Rikka can understand that. So, reluctantly, she heads back to the shuttle port...

...And it's as she's on her way that a hand reaches out. Rikka's body tenses, and she turns - but relaxes, a moment later. She hadn't sensed any danger or ill intent, and sure enough... it belongs to a friend. Sheryl announces herself and Rikka lets herself be pulled into the shadows.

She starts to say her name in surprise - but Sheryl cuts her off. And as she makes her request, a concerned frown crosses her face.

She'd been discharged - but the receptionist asked her not to tell the press. And here's Sheryl, saying she needs to get away from the Frontier. No questions asked. Is she trying to get away from something? Or maybe someone. ...Still, the answer's pretty obvious.

"...Okay." Rikka replies with a nod. She moves, shifting to block the view of the alleyway from her side, to make it that much harder for unwanted eyes to see them. "I already have a shuttle scheduled. It shouldn't be too hard to get another person onboard."

She looks behind her then, out to the streets, then back to Sheryl.

"You know this place better than I do, so you should probably lead the way." She says. "...Is there anything you need?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        There's a brief softness in Sheryl's eyes and upturn of her eyebrows--a look of relief, though it's hard to be sure with that mask on. The tension returns right away, though. It was by coincidence that she spotted Rikka, and she wasn't sure if she'd be able or willing, but if anyone would, it'd be her. She doesn't know where she's going to go with this; Sheryl is not the type to plan. She always relied on Grace for that.
        To her detriment, she's now learned. She hopes to god this will work out, but at least Rikka is quick on the uptake.
        "Not as well as either of us would hope," she says, somewhere between terse and dry. "But I've learned the streets a lot better over the last few days." She shakes her head. "No. I'll get what I need once I'm out of here." She lifts a corner of her skirts--up on a soft leather thigh strap, there's a holster thick with... cash money, and nothing else. Not even a phone.
        She puts her shades back on and heads back towards the back of the alley. There are back streets in the Frontier, which is a sprawling city-ship, beautifully lit up at night. They circle around and double back several times. It might be hard to tell if that's on purpose or if Sheryl's getting lost. She does poke her head near the main streets sometimes, though she avoids actually going out into it.
        "When's your shuttle leave?" she asks. "It takes forever to get anywhere on foot here. We might have to grab a trolley for a while and jump off if we're short on time." Which would seem to explain why she keeps checking back in on the main street, where the trolleys run. It's at least easy to grab on at will; they're designed for exactly that.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka spots that softness and relief - but the tension returns right away. She can hardly blame her.

That dry statement speaks volumes - and so too does Sheryl's follow-up. Rikka's brow knits briefly in concern. The last few days? How long had she been out of the hospital - how long had she been on the street?

The question is clear on her face - but she doesn't voice it, instead just nodding as Sheryl shows that she at least has money with her. Physical cash, and no phone. A hassle, these days, but if she's going that far... maybe her suspicions were right.

Rikka follows Sheryl's lead as she takes them through the Frontier. She notices the way they circle around and double back. On purpose, or getting lost...? She keeps her senses open, just in case - though in a city-ship as crowded as this, it can be hard to pick out anything specific.

"We've got some time... An hour, maybe an hour-thirty? I gave myself a little leeway for grabbing something to eat at the station cafe and doing some shopping nearby." Rikka replies. "If we need to go quick... yeah, that's probably our best bet."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl does see that question on Rikka's face, but she doesn't ask it, so she doesn't answer. She doesn't know if all this running around has any meaning; she knows how ubiquitous Grace's virtual eyes are, and what isn't electronic in this day and age? She at least hasn't been sleeping in the streets themselves; Rikka can tell that much because she's too clean for that. But there's some smudges to her outfit, implying that while she might've been able to get showers, she hasn't been able to get laundry service.
        Which says a lot, for the Galactic Fairy.
        For now, though, she nods at Rikka's answer. For a moment, she hedges, folding her arms tight to her chest as she purses her lips. But then there's the toll of a trolley bell approaching, and she looks up sharply.
        "Perfect timing! Let's grab on now. It'll take us past the shuttleport and we can get off there, then circle around a few more times before we get on," she murmurs. "Quick, let's go!"
        The trolley barely has time to slow for a nearby stop before Sheryl races out for the back. She grabs hold of one of the polls at the back, then swivels around to leave room for Rikka to join her.
        It's a nice view and a reasonable thrill, to ride this way. Sheryl doesn't seem to be enjoying it. Her grip on the pole is too tight, her back is too stiff, and she keeps shooting glances around in every which direction--especially whenever they pass a CCTV.
        Even with Rikka's help, is she going to be able to leave?

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Sheryl's current situation... Rikka can make some guesses, at least, from what she can tell on the surface. It's a little more comforting to know she's been able to find some shelter, at least, even if she's still worried.

She sees the way Sheryl hesitates, but the sound of the trolley means its time to move.

"Right behind you." Rikka replies. Sheryl races for the trolley, grabbing on to one of the poles and Rikka isn't far behind, leaping up just as soon as Sheryl makes room.

It is a bit of a thrill - in any other situation, Rikka would enjoy it. The rush of quickly boarding the trolley followed by the sight of the Frontier's nightlife all around them...

But Sheryl's tension means she has something else to focus on.

"...It's alright. Try to relax. Breathe in, and out - keep your head down, act like you're right where you need to be." Rikka murmurs - gently advising, rather than scolding. "I don't know what's going on... but I'll do what I can for you, if it comes down to it."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Rikka's advice is on the money, of course. Sheryl takes a deep breath, in and out, and her shoulders untense some. She still holds on tight to the pole, but that's just sensible, since they'll be on this trolley for a while longer yet--the shuttleport is a long, long, long ways down the road.
        "Thank you," she murmurs, not looking at her. "Things are... bad right now. Obviously. I wouldn't be doing this otherwise."
        Though she's looking away, from this angle, Rikka can see Sheryl in profile. The look in her blue eyes is somewhere between hollow and sorrowful. She takes another deep breath.
        "After we're out of here, you'd better forget you saw me," she adds. "I don't want to get you in trouble, too."
        ...So she says, but she's already gotten Rikka wrapped up in this so far. Sheryl's always been a little selfish like that, even if she is sincere.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Sheryl untenses, just a bit, and Rikka can relax a little more, too. She nods, as Sheryl thanks her.

"No problem." She replies. "...Yeah. I can tell. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to do this."

Rikka looks her way. She can see that hollow, sorrowful look in her eyes. ...It hurts to see her like that. The pain she must be going through right now... she can only begin to imagine. But... Sheryl tells her that she better forget she saw her. She doesn't want to get her in trouble.

"Sorry. That's something I can't do." Rikka replies. She does a half-turn, to better look at her while still being able to keep her attention on their surroundings. "I appreciate it, but... I can't just forget that a friend of mine's in trouble."

Rikka shakes her head, then.

"If you can't or don't want to tell me what's going on, that's fine - but this isn't something I can ignore." She says.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        You shouldn't have to do this.
        Sheryl's lips tighten, though her black face mask hides the expression. Finally, she sighs.
        "Thanks," she murmurs. She appreciates the thought, at least--and, even more so, that she's taking her seriously when she doesn't know anything about what's going on. Who knows what Rikka thinks is going on, anyway?
        So when Rikka insists she won't forget or ignore what's going on, Sheryl looks back at her. "That's so like you," she says, fondness slipping into her voice. "Fine. Suit yourself. You've got that right, since you're doing me a favor."
        Before long, the trolley makes it to the shuttleport stations. Sheryl hops off, stumbling a few steps but managing to right herself before falling over by clapping her hands on her knees. Her breathing is oddly heavy and raspy for a few seconds. It passes, though. She starts to stand up and turn towards the station, but then freezes up.
        There's a tall young man with lime green hair, a deep-necked bodysuit, a harmonica necklace, and wraparound mirror shades staring at her and Rikka. Even with those shades on, Rikka will likely recognize him as Brera, Sheryl's former bodyguard.
        He starts walking towards them.
        Sheryl grabs Rikka by the wrist. "Run," she hisses, and attempts to start to bolt to one side.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka nods as Sheryl thanks her, and as that fondness slips into her voice, Rikka offers her a small smile.

"It is." She agrees - and nods, with a slight smirk.

And, before long, they arrive. Sheryl hops off first, and Rikka hops off after - but upon seeing her stumble Rikka quickly moves to support her.

"Are you alright?" Rikka asks, concerned - and her brow furrows. That heavy, raspy breathing... that doesn't sound like the breathing of someone who's just out of breath. She thinks back to her medical classes, trying to think what it might be -

- but her train of thought doesn't get to go too far before trouble arises. A familiar face, even with his eyes concealed. Rikka recognizes him - and Sheryl recognizes him as trouble.

Rikka doesn't need to be told twice.

"Hold on to me, if you have to." Rikka says - and breaks into a run right after. She doesn't know what he'll do if he catches up to them, but she'd rather not find out if it has Sheryl this alert.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "Wait," Brera calls out to them, the slight heat of urgency in his otherwise near-emotionless voice--but Sheryl doesn't wait, and so naturally neither does Rikka.
        Sheryl knows a couple of Naturals like them can't outrun an enhanced military cyborg like Brera. She tries anyway, ducking around corners and pushing through doors to barge through buildings like she belongs there. They startle quite a few random people that way, but Sheryl's too impulsive--and too agitated--to care.
        She doesn't acknowledge Rikka's offer with words. Not until they manage to reach one of the alternate entrances to the shuttleport. There, she staggers just inside, then leans heavily on Rikka. Despite Rikka's earlier offer, though, when Sheryl starts to break into a coughing fit, she turns away from her--even pushes her away.
        "A--a shuttle. Any shuttle," she gasps when her fit calms down. "A different shuttle from yours. He's after me--he won't care about you."
        She's shaking...

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Brera calls out for them to wait. But if Sheryl isn't stopped, neither is Rikka. So, they run. Rikka does manage apologies as they barge in through people, but most of her focus is on keeping pace with Sheryl - she knows they can't afford a delay right now.

Eventually, they make it to the shuttleport - and Sheryl staggers inside. Rikka meets her halfway, moving to support her. She steps back in surprise, though, when Sheryl pushes her away. That coughing fit...

"Sheryl..." Rikka murmurs. That lines up with her earlier observations in a way she doesn't like. But she frowns and thinks it over as Sheryl says she'll take a different shuttle.

...It does make sense. Rikka's expression becomes complicated for a moment - but, eventually, she nods.

"...Alright. We'll split up. ...But only after I'm sure you're safely onboard. I'll see if I can't make a distraction to give you enough time to get off the Frontier." Rikka says with a nod. She can't just leave her - not when she's like this. She extends a hand - and if Sheryl doesn't push it away, she takes one of hers. To give her something to hold on to.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Rikka's explanation might become complicated--but she still doesn't ask questions, and she still agrees to help. Sheryl looks up at her with eyes on the verge of tears.
        "Thank you. You're a wonderful friend, Rikka," she murmurs. She rubs briefly at her eyes, then squares her shoulders. She'll take Rikka's hand this time; it's not the same as leaning on her outright.
        It'll take some time, and quite a bit of misadventuring, but there is a ship that's heading out to a somewhat more remote area of space and so doesn't have many people aboard. Sheryl bribes the boarding people--or rather, buys a ticket on the spot, and pays extra for privacy--and Rikka will be able to see her off safely. Sheryl half-turns to wave goodbye; the look in her eyes is likewise complicated.
        And then she's gone, hidden behind a black curtain.
        Rikka, for her part, will have just enough time after all this to get to her gate as they're calling people to board. As she's getting on board, she might look over her shoulder at some point--
        To see Brera staring at her stonily from the other side of the gate, shades in hand.
        He doesn't approach, though. And soon enough, he heads in another direction, presumably to search for Sheryl.
        What was that all about?

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"You're welcome. I'm glad I happened to be in the area when you needed one." Rikka replies, offering Sheryl a smile. She's the one in trouble - Rikka doesn't mind giving her as much time as she needs to get herself back together and get moving.

Thankfully, they manage to find a shuttle that fits what Sheryl's need. Rikka is a little reluctant to let her go... but after a certain point, she just has to trust her.

Sheryl waves and Rikka waves back, and then - she's gone.

She'll just have to believe they'll see each other again.

Thankfully, she doesn't need to cause a distraction. There's enough going on as it is that it isn't necessary. She makes it to her shuttle, and takes one look back - and tenses up, momentarily, as her and Brera's eyes meet. She stands, stock still, waiting for him to make a move...

...and only relaxes when he heads off somewhere else. Rikka exhales, turning back to board her shuttle with one final look back, just in case.

She isn't sure what that's about, and while Sheryl's condition bothers her... she's sure she did the right thing.