2024-09-30: V-Type Spreads

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  • Log: 2024-09-30: V-Type Spreads
  • Cast: Gilbert Durandal, ???
  • Where: Lagos & Aprilius One
  • Date: U.C. 0099 09 30
  • Summary: A news report covering the first confirmed deaths of the V-Type Infection. But it is just one piece at play.

"-and now to report on the situation in the Lagos Quarantine Zone."

The screen switches to show the fenced off area of Lagos that contains a large number of medical tents spread out. Various scientists and doctors can be seen moving between and in and out of tents. A voice over starts, "It's been almost three months since the Vajra attack and discovery of the nest beneath Lagos. Attempts to destroy it are still ongoing. But local officials have assured the public that the situation is under control, with each attack against the Vajra thinning their numbers and preventing them from growing to levels where they pose a serious destructive threat to the city."

"Unfortunately, the Vajra attack and presence under the city has had other unfortunate effects. The bacterial infection connected to the Vajra which has afflicted the city of Lagos, dubbed the 'V-Type Infection', has continued to spread in the two months since its discovery. And just yesterday it claimed its first confirmed victims."

The news feed switch visuals to that of an infected blood sample, the V-Type microbes floating there with their bulbous crystalline ends, "The infection, most commonly contracted through wounds inflicted by the Vajra, has also proven to be transmittable from one person to the next via contact with bodily fluids. Combined with initially light symptoms and a long incubation period, it has been impossible to completely stop the spread of the infection. As Vajra attacks continue around the world, more and more cases are beginning to show. Current estimates put the count at over two hundred thousand people worldwide and climbing."

The screen changes again, now showing several filled body bags being wheeled out of a tent, "The first confirmed death from the infection occurred yesterday at 10:55pm. Several deaths followed shortly after. They were confirmed to have been individuals injured by the Vajra during the initial attack on Lagos and subsequent infections have been confirmed as a result of close contact with these people after the fact. NUNE officials are stressing that anyone who has been in the vicinity of a Vajra attack, or around people who have, get tested immediately even if symptoms are not yet showing."

"Thus far, efforts to research a vaccine or cure have proven ineffective. Additionally, experts say there has been a marked increase of infection rates in recent months as compared to previously unknown cases. Examinations of the microbes have revealed noticeable differences which suggest it has been mutating, becoming more effective as time goes by. This does not bode well should a solution not be found in a timely manner."

The screen changes one more time, now showing what looks like a press conference with Gilbert Durandal at the podium. The voice over continues, "The Space Assembly League, who have been the most active in combating the Vajra threat, recently held a press conference on the matter. Its leader, Counselor Gilbert Durandal, had this to say-"

The audio and visuals cut out as the screen turns off, leaving the faint reflection of Gilbert Durandal himself sitting in his office in Aprilius One.

Another individual in the room, a man with short blue hair in a flawless business suit, chuckles, "I would have thought that would be the part you'd most like to see."

Durandal turns his chair towards the man, "Are you suggesting I like to hear the sound of my own voice?" The man says nothing, though the smile on his face suggests much. A hint of a smile appears on Durandal's own face as he admits, "I suppose that's a trait most politicians share. Makes our jobs easier."

Durandal leans back in his chair as he asks, "How are preparations for the next phase?"

The Suited Man doesn't seem to mind moving to the new subject, saying, "Almost ready. The key seems prepared, though it's hard to tell precisely. The base unit itself is complete and will likely meet expectations. The only remaining factor is the modifications. We have one final test to perform before they can be installed... And speaking of which, did you acquire what I asked for?"

Durandal stares at the man for a moment, as if pondering whether to actually proceed or not. He knows this is a dangerous game. But if it goes well, he'll be one step closer to the ending he seeks. As such, he finally reaches over, opening a drawer in his desk and pulling out a small box. Durandal stands, handing the box over to the man before turning and walking up to the large set of windows looking out over the colony city.

The Suited Man accepts the box, opening it to look inside. An ominous green glow emanates from within, before the man closes the box again. He smiles, "Excellent."

Staring out at the city, Durandal asks, "Was it really necessary to retrieve it? It wasn't easy to acquire and it'd be best if it isn't tracked back to me."

The Suited Man hums thoughtfully, "The item specifically? No. However, my associate will appreciate having it returned. Consider it a show of good faith. After all, her participation in what's to come will be quite important."

Durandal turns around to face the man again, a knowing smile on his face, "I expect it's less a show of faith and more an incentive to keep me from revealing what I know. After all, you've revealed a lot to me. Much of which could damn you if I decided to use it against you. And I doubt you couldn't retrieve it yourself. Which means the purpose of asking me to do so was to gain leverage over me."

The Suited Man neither denies this or seems shocked. In fact he just grins, saying, "You clearly know how this game is played. Which is far more than I can say of that other fool." He proceeds to slide the small box into a pocket inside his suit jacket.

Apparently understanding the meaning of the comment, Durandal asks, "He took the bait?"

The Suited Man nods, "Without even realizing what it was. All that's left is to decide on a date." He turns, beginning to make his way towards the exit, "Which we can settle on once the final test has been completed."

Durandal nods in agreement, returning to sit in his chair, "The sooner the better. Tensions in the Earth Sphere are on the rise again. We need to finish positioning our pieces on the board before we find ourselves trapped in a corner." As he is saying this, he brings up a recent intelligence report on his screen.

The Suited Man raises a hand in farewell as he says, "Oh yes, good luck with that by the way."