2024-09-26: New Faces

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<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Asticassia School of Technology is a highly-regarded, highly-rated place of education for young people in the business management, mechanics, and piloting of mobile suits. That's because it's more or less run by the Benerit Group, one of the biggest conglomerates out there. It's a place where young people are steeped in capitalism so they can best learn how to perpetuate it. One of the most important things at such a place, as such, are highly educated teachers. But even teachers have gaps in their knowledge, and this newly hired one just returned to Earth from a recent deep-space voyage. They thus are naturally not going to know anything about Asticassia, its layout, its culture, and so on.
        So naturally the one best suited to the task of educating a newly hired teacher is a member of the Dueling Committee, one of those students who oversees one of the most important parts of the school. So naturally, that would have to be one of the heads of the main three Benerit branch's Houses.
        Somehow, that ended up being Elan Ceres, the least sociable among them. (At least he's not alone. A scientist of Dr. Miyazaki's caliber obviously needs not just a student guide but a teacher's aide guide. Elan has not paid much mind to Luanova for some reason.)
        Even so, the tall young man takes the task seriously, walking Violet from the main administrative building out to the refined pathways that lead throughout the space school with the quiet calm for which he's renowned. (Some might call it apathy. Others might call it high walls. There's little emotion in his pretty face either way.) He gestures with a gloved hand towards another administrative building as they go.
        "That's where the Dueling Committee oversees duels from," he explains. "Even if you don't get involved in them personally, you'll see a lot of them happen, from the challenges to the duels themselves. All student disputes here at Asticassia are resolved via duels, and thanks to President Delling's CANON, many political disputes are as well."

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Luanova Luckwright, senator's daughter and public figure from the wealthy Orbital Ring, has been back to her alma mater for postgraduate studies, and serving in a role as a teacher's aide for some of the lower level classes. Her mother owns one of the Benerit Group's mid-level PMCs, and anywhere else, she would be flanked by security and dressed in a different expensive outfit each day. She has enough respect for Asticassia (or, perhaps, they are strict enough with appearances) that she's instead in the school's grad student uniform. She greets Dr. Miyazaki with a beaming, telegenic smile and a crisp handshake. Her step is light and casual through the tour. She has not paid much mind to Elan for some reason.

        "You'll get used to having these structures towering over the horizon," Lua says. "In addition to the dueling grounds, the students of the piloting school also regularly field mobile suits in training exercises."

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         Asticassia's environs grab Violet's attention fairly easily. It's not like she's never been on a campus before - how do you think she managed to festoon herself with diplomas - but this particular type of combination business-piloting-mechanics school is new to her. She filed her application to teach soon after returning and watching the... not quite recent anymore news from out of Asticassia. Who wouldn't have their attention drawn by Aerial's exploits?

        Violet herself walks... not slouchingly, but with a lack of tension. She's calm in most environments. Her eyes wander about her surroundings curiously.

        Elan introduces the dueling grounds to her. "Mhm, I see." Now, a school that resolves conflicts with mobile suit duels is odd enough, but for it to extend to the legal system... That forbidden technology from before the One Year War chose an interesting place to resurface. "I didn't expect the court gridlock to have been resolved by reinstating trial by combat, but things have changed significantly in my absence. When I left, the main governing body of Earth still called itself the Federation.".

        She returns Luanova's greeting with a relaxed smile and her own firm handshake. Yes, between the green-haired Peil heir and the Luckwright girl (24 is a girl to her), they've definitely sent highly-placed people to show her around. Violet allows her ego to inflate a little at that. Not that she followed that type of news until recently, but her newfound interest in Asticassia has had knock-on effects..

        "I have some familiarity with mobile weapons already. They're one of the many thngs I've worked on in the past. I'm looking forwards to seeing what the students do with them," she says. "In and out of the dueling ring."

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Elan isn't fully aware of how long Violet has been gone--he was only told she's "been gone"--and the fact that she's from a time of the Federation doesn't narrow it down much. That change only happened within the past couple of years. Still, no doubt her memory is far longer than hers, and not just because of her age. Combined with her apparent familiarity with mobile weapons, and it's easy to see why those in charge of Asticassia were eager to add her to the staff roll.
        If that realization is inflating Violet's ego, probably so much the better for them. If the good doctor feels valued, she'll be more inclined to stay and give her teaching role her all. These are gambits that Elan understands, even if he doesn't care about them. Luanova will probably be better at it. She already is, greeting Dr. Miyazaki with a smile and a handshake like that; Elan is far more reserved by comparison. At least, so far.
        "You won't see much exciting happen with the students outside of the dueling ring," he remarks as they continue to walk through the school grounds. "Most of them are sheltered from outside conflicts." They turn a bend. He gestures to a different building. "The cafeteria," he explains, because everyone needs to eat. "The food there is all right."

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "CANON is effectively the next generation of the Gundam Fights," Luanova explains. "And like the Gundam Fights, of course, it's a political issue in and of itself which matters states are willing to settle by small-scale contained battle." Implicit and unacknowledged, of course: both conventional and unconventional modes of warfare have never left the table. Gladiator spectacle is a gentleman's agreement. It settles matters that people are feeling gentlemanly about.

        "Mobile weapons technology has had some surprising leaps and bounds in the past years, for better or worse." Luckwright is the heiress to an arms manufacturer and the daughter of a hawk in the Neo-American Senate, but she's trotted out for public-facing events, goodwill and diplomacy and the social circuit. Perhaps that subtle tone and the conflicted curl in her lip hint at less cold-blooded leanings than her mother. "Void crystal. Distortion fields. Exotic Newtype interfaces." That last one: her mother's company has been trying to make noise about one of those. If Violet is up on niche weapons projects and quantum brainwaves, she might even be familiar that the techs draw a distinction between actual Newtypes and the 'psychodrivers' their format works with. "Sometimes it feels like things are expanding past society's ability to process them."

        The cafeteria is a lighter subject, and Lua's friendly smile returns. "There are typically a number of guest vendors and imports available. I recommend Tempo Profundo when they occasionally set up shop. The menu is small, but it's authentically sourced and prepared."

<Pose Tracker> Stella Loussier has posed.

        As the tour reaches the cafeteria, there is a sudden blur of movement as someone comes barrelling around a corner and crashes straight into Violet. The apparent blonde-haired student, judging by the uniform, stumbles back from the collision and trips to the ground. There's a brief painful groan, before the sound of more rapid footsteps seem to echo down the corridor that the student just came from. Along with a shout of, "Where is she!?"

        The shout seems to galvanise the blonde student into action as she quickly scrambles to her feet and ducks around behind a pillar.

        A moment later a group of five male students come rushing around the same corner. One of them has a huge, brown stain across the front of his shirt, with bits of mince, sauce and a few strands of spaghetti still dangling from it. Seems like there's been some unconventional modes of warfare here.

        The student in question seems to have an angry expression as he comes to a stop and glances around as if searching for something. Or more likely someone. But his temper quickly cools at the sight of Elan, Violet and Luanova. Clearly people of authority. He seems to think for a moment before clicking his tongue and mumbling to the other four guys, "Let's go." They turn, walking away quickly.

        After they are gone, Stella sticks her head out from behind the pillar to check.

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         While Elan isn't presently familiar, and Violet isn't so much of a superstar that it's implausible for nobody she meets to recognise her, the expedition is a matter of public record. If he decides to search for a "Miyazaki expedition" after this, he'll find it quickly. Shortly after Axis, returned within the past month. The discoveries aren't particularly notable unless you like staring at exotic space particles - regular exotic, not Getter exotic. They don't do enough to be worth keeping secret or anything. Still, it was a breath of fresh air. Metaphorically speaking.

        Playing to Dr. Miyazaki's ego isn't a bad idea, if that's what Benerit has in mind. While she isn't firmly lodged in her own ass like some people, she does have a tendency to bask in her own prowess like a lizard sunning itself on a warm rock sometimes. Not to say that she's never dealt with this type of gambit before, but she has her vices, and this particular vice isn't too hard to play to, as long as the attempt isn't too transparent. Luanova seems to be making a genial impression on her, at least, and she doesn't find Elan objectionable, even if her own crimson gaze can get a little piercing, sometimes.

        She does appreciate the personal explanation of CANON. She's already read up on it, but it's nice to get the personal touch from having it explained directly. "Of course. Trial by combat has never replaced all warfare, it only serves as a convenient way of resolving certain disputes... I recall there were environmental concerns with the original Gundam Fights that I assume are obviated by holding them here. What kind of disputes have been resolved through CANON, lately?" There's a curious glint in her red eyes.

        She picks up on the subtle indications of discomfort from Luanova and notes them. A... not necessarily a pacifist, but someone who'd rather not fight, then? "It does feel like the past half-century has been defined by rapid change," she observes. "If society can't cope, then it will have to bear the distortion from that, and the following consequences." A little callous, maybe. But she's lived through too much war to be anything other than matter of fact about this, even accounting for... empathy difficulties. "There have definitely been some interesting developments... I suppose extending pyschoframe into the entire... well, frame, was the logical next step. Though in terms of exotic Newtype interfaces, I understand your company has its own 'Psychodriver' project...?" A keenly interested Violet trails off, intending to leave space for a response. She IS actually familiar with Foresight's mobile weapon systems... about as much as you can be from being briefed on publically available technical releases, which isn't much in this case. But she's aware OF it, thanks to Erica's diligence.

        Of course, she doesn't get the opportunity to get that response before they enter the cafeteria and Violet is knocked back by a student. She doesn't fall over herself - she's rooted fairly well to the ground, and she returned to the Earth Sphere a little more than strictly natural - but it's a surprise, and she makes a little "oof!" sound. Her head tracks the fleeing interloper, but by the time the pursuers round the corner, it's swivelled back, and there is no indication that she knows where Stella has gone. It's obvious what fate has befallen said students, but her snickering is subtle enough that they might not notice, being otherwise occupied.

        Once they leave, she turns her head to the newcomer, regarding her with interest. "They're gone now, I think. That was some fast footwork... Who are you?"

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Information for Elan's superiors to look into, perhaps. They might well brief him about the Miyazaki expedition and its details later if they see fit. For now, he's unruffled by Violet's sometimes piercing gaze, and leaves more detailed explanations to Luanova.
        The question of what disputes CANON has resolved is definitely a question for him as a member of the Dueling Committee, though. "The most recent one was a dispute over refugee aid allocation between a Britannian noble and a Scandinavian politician. Britannia's representative felt that aid should be kept short-term; Scandinavia's representative disagreed. Britannia's representative won. Most CANON disputes are about budget allocations."
        In other words, people are mostly fighting about money.
        Void crystal, Distortion Fields, exotic Newtype interfaces--but no mention of Permet. It stands out to Elan, but then, GUND Format is forbidden, and Aerial was declared innocent of wrong-doing. Not that Elan necessarily believes that. President Delling himself was prepared to declare it a GUND-Arm 'because he said so.' Verdicts have little to do with reality, especially when it comes to Witch hunts.
        He does gaze off into the distance momentarily when Luanova and Violet converse on society and its (in)ability to process all this rapid progress. But then the topic changes to eateries, and he's content to leave heavier topics behind.
        "I also recommend it," he says of Tempo Profundo. Anything else he might have to say, though, gets interrupted by a girl barreling towards their group. He nimbly steps out of the way, though he barely would've needed to bother, since it was Violet in her trajectory. Elan looks at the both of them, Violet in particular when she barely budges, and Stella in particular when she ducks behind a pillar. Then he looks over at the group of boys yelling and chasing someone or another.
        He doesn't say anything, either to them or about the mess on the ringleader's shirt. He simply stares them down with flat eyes. They get the message and leave. Elan watches them go; once they've left, he looks over at Stella. Violet tells her they're gone, and he nods in confirmation.
        He could introduce Stella and Violet to each other. Elan opts to let Stella speak for herself instead.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        The poli-sci grad lets the dueling committee member give the example of CANON arbitration. Lack of knowledge? Lack of interest? Deferral? Her response to society having to cope is simply a realist nod. "So goes all of history." Luanova's eyes flit sidelong, reading Violet's face when she pokes for details about the Myrmecia mobile weapon. "Psychodrivers are people, not technologies; I'd prefer to call it a psychoamplifier project. And it's not 'my' company. But yes, Foresight has been fielding a proof of concept model in real battle scenarios. The 'wunder-wanzer.'" She doesn't physically roll her eyes, but you can hear it in her tone of voice. That's what they call it. The eight meter tall wanzerpanzer that cameras have shown punching thirty meter tall mobile suits and sending them flying.

        Any further detail is derailed by the adventures of Stella Loussier. Elan responds smoothly. Violet takes the impact adeptly. Lua is light on her feet too, gracefully sweeping back to give the incoming Stella a berth, perhaps just a moment before one would expect to be able to sense her coming. She doesn't flinch. Her look at the incoming boys presumably chasing Stella is as steady and in control as Elan's, though rather than stare them down, she meets them with that same sunshiny smile and a little wave hello. She doesn't need to do anything else. She knows just as well as they do that they have to back off here.

        She recognizes Stella, but they've only crossed paths briefly here and there. Was she a piloting student? "Coast's clear," she says casually. You can come out from that pillar, you shook 'em.

<Pose Tracker> Stella Loussier has posed.

        Confirmation of the student pack moving on seems to draw Stella out from behind the pillar. Though it doesn't seem like she was scared, judging by the expression on her face. If anything she seems unconcerned, like it's no big deal.

        As Violet asks who she is, Stella proceeds to look the woman over with studious eyes. This person is clearly not a student. Is with a known teacher's aide and a member of the duelling committee. A teacher, perhaps?

        "Stella wasn't fighting." She seems to go on the defensive, saying, "Stella's not allowed to fight other students." She tilts her head, eyes glancing off in the rough direction of where the pack left, "That guy was talking to Stella, though Stella doesn't know him and said she didn't want to talk. He didn't listen, so Stella got more persuasive. But then he called for backup... Retreat was the only option." While she could theoretically be talking about a different student, the context of the story and the situation witnessed suggests this girl is referring to herself in the third person.

        There's probably a reason for that.

        Stella looks from Elan to Lua before back to Violet, saying, "Stella doesn't know you." Not technically a question but probably as close to a returning 'And you are?'.

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         Budgeting disputes are usually only interesting if they have notable ramifications, but... "I do have to admit, resolving that kind of dispute by duel sounds like it spices it up significantly." Violet chuckles. "If only we could force the politicians themselves to participate. The fights would be trainwrecks, but the flubs would probably be entertaining... Besides, once they got used to the system, selecting for combat strength in political careers has interesting implications. Not necessarily ones conducive to good governance, but..."

        The thing most prominent on Dr. Miyazaki's face when she asks her questions is curiosity. It's easy enough to read her intent, on her face and in other senses, perhaps: to satisfy that curiosity. But of course, she doesn't get to return fire before Stella knocks her over.

        Now, who IS this girl? She's clearly not bothered by having been chased. Is she used to this, Violet wonders... or were they no real threat? She listens closely to her story. "Ah, I see. A pushy man," she says, chuckling. "There are many like him in this world..." There might be a story behind that slightly wistful remark, but she doesn't elaborate. "I'm Violet Miyazaki. Dr. Miyazaki, if you want to be formal." She introduces herself on cue, habitually extending a hand for Stella to shake. "I'm going to be teaching several classes here... mostly in the mechanical track. You'll see me around, I think."

        Third person. An accent? Maybe this isn't Stella's first language, or maybe it's a tic. It's not a particularly common tic, though. Maybe she'll ask after it later, but for now, she turns to Luanova.

        "The project does deal with studying Psychodrivers as a distinct phenomenon, I believe," she says, explaining the terminological mix-up. "I'm personally more familiar with Newtypes, since I left before the distinction was properly understood... of course, the pilot is not merely another weapons system, despite how many of the people who work on... adjacent technology act." There's a hint of... contempt in her tone? Those adjacent technologies being previous Newtype labs, of course. Say, is it possible to tell that Violet is a Newtype? She's not particularly active, but maybe someone active in that realm could notice her own activity. "From the available footage, the 'wunder wanzer'," and here Violet indulges in a joking imitation of Luanova's sarcasm, "is an impressive machine. I saw it toss those MS around like ragdolls." She smiles with admiration.

<Pose Tracker> Secelia Dote has posed.

The rumors (Were they rumors? New teachers had to come in the same as anyone. No, this was more news to her than anything.) were true: Elan Ceres and Luanova Luckwright were appointed (volun-conscripted) to guide someone else along on their oh-so-wonderful journey through Asticassia. Of course, sooner rather than later. There was no real reason to interfere...and no real reason not to.

No, not after watching a rowdy group of boys be their (ungrateful) selves, a low sigh slipping out at the off-rush of people as soon as the Unstoppable Force met the Immovable Object. Still, she keeps the conscientious effort to not move in until after introductions, listening barely out of earshot for a moment before moving in, brazenly intruding.

"Ooooh, so the new teacher's a doctor, huh? That's good to know. Some of the mechanics here have been asking around for someone that knows a thing or two about propulsion proportions." And a wide arc of words to push through, a lazy wave of the hand while keeping that smile of hers on. "You aren't hurt, right?" A question at Stella, one more rhetorical than anything.

"Still, welcome to Asticassia. Secelia Dote, Burion House, Student School Counseling Services, Management."

It's real. Anyone could look her up and see that listed in more flowery terms. "Showing her the ropes of the place, you two?" A nod towards Elan and Lua; There is the modium of respect given.

After all, no one's been barbed yet.

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Stella always has such an unusual manner of speech. Childish, Elan might call it, if he ever associated with children. He listens to her explanation, then nods at the end. "I see. That's for the best. Students here don't tend to take 'no' for an answer."
        As a member of the Dueling Committee, Elan would know that better than most. Stella might have ended up forced to fight them, one way or another, had she not run.
        Speaking of the Dueling Committee, another member chooses that moment to pop up (come out of hiding) and say hello. Elan looks over at Secelia and her own style of greeting new people, one where she mentions her name only after significant preamble.
        "Yes," he replies. He gestures to Secelia and looks at Violet. "She's also a member of the Dueling Committee." Since that was the one thing she didn't mention. Secelia might be more interested in chatting about politicians and CANON with the good doctor; she and Violet seem to have a similar taste for chaos, based on how Violet talked about those things.
        He doesn't weigh in on the conversation between Luanova and Violet about the 'wunder-wanzer,' though he does note how Luanova insists on treating Psychodrivers as people. It's consistent with what he knows of her so far. It's a little surprising to hear Violet speak with similar contempt of those who work on 'adjacent technology'--but then, it's not like Elan knows her. She seems much more enthusiastic about the machines themselves.
        Maybe that's why she's going to be teaching courses mostly in the mechanics track.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "Sounds to me like Stella handled that one pretty smoothly," Luanova says offhandedly. "Gave them the slip and no one got hurt." It's not her job to hang around disciplining students anyway. She turns her head to greet the approaching Secelia, with a lazy wave of her own. "Just a simple tour around the campus, showing off the everyday stuff." Her light steps leave a little room for Secelia to clearly step into the gathering if she wants to field any questions about duels. Or if she doesn't, no big deal.

        In her conversation with Dr. Miyazaki, Lua meets Violet's light joking about politicians dueling with an unreceptive blankness. That's an old, old canard. It's not funny by now, it's not even dumb enough to warrant a response. She just lets that flat reception sit until Violet moves back to talking robot shop. Then Lua makes a show of instantly returning to her warm smiling self, as if the other thing didn't happen at all. "It does. I believe the research institute set up in partnership with Foresight is the first formal research institute dedicated to the study of psychodrivers." She doesn't launch into any further pitch in praise of the project. A darkening tone and a narrowed brow suggest she's more invested in the mention of 'adjacent technology.' "I'm not a fan of euphemisms. You can call it what it is: crimes against humanity. And it's still an ongoing issue impacting the Earth Sphere. Cyber-Newtype Labs haven't disappeared. They've just gone underground and dissolved into isolated cells."

        Can Luanova tell that Violet is a Newtype? She shows no signs of recognition. Her own quantum brainwaves are subtle and dull to the attunement to connections and correspondences that the Newtype mind senses, like faint background radiation without any character to stand out. They don't reach out to minds or thoughts or feelings. They just monitor the quantum foam to guide Lua's graceful body balance.

        "There are quite a few mobile weapon systems that stand out in different capabilities, to be fair. If you're really interested, I suppose you could always invest." That's not a sales pitch. If anything, it's delivered cool to the point of almost dismissive. Still, Lua enjoys the memories of punching very large things that the subject brings back to mind. Good times.

<Pose Tracker> Stella Loussier has posed.

        Stella stares at the hand offered to her for a moment, seemingly pondering it. In fact that's all she does. Apparently she's not the hand-shaking type? Instead of doing so she looks up at Violet again. She seems to react to part of the introduction, "Doctor..." There's a pause though, before Stella concludes, "PhD. Sciences. Engineering. Mechanics... Stella is piloting track. Doesn't work on the machines much."

        It's probably curious how a girl like this is primarily a pilot. And seemingly a fairly average one since her name is practically never spoken of when it comes to rankings. Plus there's the fact that she's not been in a single duel in the several months that she's been here.

        Stella tilts her head as Secelia asks if she's hurt. Stella raises her arms and looks at them. Then down at herself. She twists and looks over her shoulder and even does a spin on her feet briefly. Before finally patting off some dirt found on her uniform before saying, "Stella seems fine." What does rhetorical mean?

        Of course this is another person who Stella doesn't know. And introduces themselves. Another member of the duelling committee. Lots of big names here. Stella considers sneaking off...

        But she catches sight of her food victim, standing across the courtyard and giving her a glare. She's been spotted! She gives him a glare back... Almost like she wants to handle it in a less than smooth way. But if she gets into trouble again so soon after last time, she might be punished...

        Best to stay with the group, maybe her victim will finally give up and go away. Not that she seems to be especially following the discussion itself.

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         Secelia's appearance isn't perceived as an intrusion. It's natural to introduce yourself to new people, after all. Violet responds to her quip: "The mechanics will be glad to have someone around that knows those proportions, it sounds like." Then, she returns her introduction. "Violet Miyazaki, Dr. Miyazaki if you'd like to be formal... but I get the impression you don't," she says casually.

        "Yes, you do seem a dab hand at that, Stella." Violet's observation is mildly impressed. Maybe this Stella is some kind of urchin? She's definitely got the evasive skills. "Yes, most of my studies were in that department, though I do dabble across many fields." Dabble is downplaying it. Her competencies are broad.

        On the subject of her and Lua's conversation, Violet notices when her conversational partner starts disengaging, and when she immediately reengages with the new topic. Ah. Revelatory. It's a fairly standard irony for a person like this to be the heir of a weapons company. She becomes more animated when Lua responds to her reference to the Newtype labs, sensing... a facsimile of good company, and she snorts, opening the floodgates.

        "All the limitless potential of redefining what having a human form could mean, opening new senses, transcending what were thought to be the limits of humanity... and the best their narrow little minds could do was take their test subjects and package them in a box as 'living weapons'." The contempt for her former colleagues is palpable. "That was the limit of their ambitions, and every Cyber-Newtype lab in this solar system inherits that limp, pathetic form of transhumanism, and the cramped conception of being they inflict on their victims. A pox on Dr. Murasame and his stunted brood." She spits the name with a contempt usually reserved for trash. "I hear he's finally rotting in jail after his latest escapade. Seems his escape from the inadequate clean-up after the Titans has finally run out."

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Luanova smiles, nods receptively, and mentally files Dr. Miyazaki away as a dangerous crackpot who should not be trusted with power.

<Pose Tracker> Secelia Dote has posed.

There's no need to mention she's part of the Dueling Committee, not when Elan is oh-so-gracious about making sure the 'proper' introductions are made. Lua's societal invitation is accepted, stepping into the circle without so much as a warning she was coming in. Eyes already poring over the new teacher; Inquisitive, glinting with a scoundrel's countenance.

Rhetorical means rhetorical. "Really? Good to see." A self-assured nod, moving swiftly on from how literal the question was taken by Stella. Good to know, in any case; The question of how many metaphors need to be stripped back in conversation notwithstanding.

Still, there's an eye cast down towards the perpetrator. Ah, life. He'll get his comeuppance...Soon enough. With a shrug, she focuses back on the conversation at hand.

"You could always invest in the Demi-Machines. If they're good enough for Asticassia, they're good enough for anywhere else, wouldn't you say so?" Slipping right past the talk about mechanical improvements; She's only familiar with the surface level talk.

Money talks, though. "Doctor Violet. Does roll off the tongue nicely, though I don't think I'll be taking any of your classes anytime soon.

Secelia, in her infinite wisdom, elects to veer wide of any form of transhumanism talk. A bit too high-brow for her; People were people, and they're able to participate in society. Action through Apathy! Mostly. Kinda.

...Was this apathy? No, this was only the easy way.

Again. Money talks, transhumanist or not.2

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        When Luanova swaps from friendly to blank back to friendly, that catches Elan's attention. He watches her closely for a moment, not bothering to hide his interest. Ultimately, though, he doesn't remark on it--particularly when she bluntly calls out 'adjacent technology' as 'crimes against humanity.' His gaze goes flat and distant for a moment.
        It focuses on Violet when she goes on her rant. It doesn't get any less flat, though.
        Ah--she's like Dr. Winston, he thinks, unironically.
        As for why Stella might be a pilot, Elan has his own thoughts on that. He doesn't share those, either. Instead, when she glares off at something in the distance, he follows her gaze towards--ah.
        "You shouldn't," he remarks. That's about as much courtesy as he'll give to school propriety. Stella seems to have herself under control regardless, though.
        Secelia pitching Demi-Machines is entirely par for the course for her. Money does indeed talk, but Elan isn't here for that. Instead, he turns back towards the path further into the campus. "Shall we move on?"
        One way or another, the tour shall continue. It has to continue, because that's the only way it can be done with.

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         "All that talk of enhanced humans, and they never treated their victims like actual humans. Pah." Dr. Miyazaki eventually composes herself and stops the ranting. Oops. Hot button issue? She makes a note to keep it more restrained next time... that note will be doing some warring with the invectives she forges every time the topic comes up.

        She follows along with the rest of the tour, and when it finally finishes, she returns home, looking forwards to next time.