2024-09-07: Power In The Depths

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  • Cutscene: Power In The Depths
  • Cast: Elisa Kafim
  • Where: North Atlantic Ocean Seabed, Earth
  • Date: September 7, 0099
  • Summary: Elisa Kafim conducts an arcane ritual at the sea floor.

The lightless depths of the ocean stretch out in all directions but one: below. Below is only sea floor, and ahead the harsh glow of magma. Vents of gases stretch out around the volcano, and Elisa Kafim opens her eyes to look upon it all.

She stands on the sea floor, strange and beautiful fish fleeing her presence in the depths. Down this low, pressure should have destroyed her, but it does not. The reason might be the vivid green glow surrounding her body. She carries a sword in one hand, double-edged and inscribed with unspeakable runes. She steps forward, towards the base of the undersea volcano, where the ground breaks and the magma flows to either side.

Giant spider crabs skitter around Elisa, drawn to her aura. But they are not the only animal down here. Her call has drawn a great octopus, which floats through the water warily, slowly approaching her. It is nearly invisible, changing color to match its surroundings, but it is not the visual spectrum by which Elisa Kafim hunts her prey.

She bends at the knee--and /leaps/ up, moving as if through air--because she is so /heavy/ and dense down here that she might as well be magnetically attracted to the bottom. The octopus swings its tentacles at her, battering against her body in a way that should bruise and destroy, but she remains.

Their clash is mercifully brief.

The octopus grabs hold of Elisa and seeks to bring her to its beak where it can destroy her, but instead she lifts her sword and rushes it. She ends up passing through its head and out the other side, aquatic gore covering her and her weapon. The octopus twitches and stills.

It will be a worthy sacrifice.

Deftly, the witch sinks back down to the sea floor, and takes her blade in both hands. She /thrusts/ it down into the earth, where it glows with blue blood and Elisa's own black ichor and then rockets down into the deep underground. The whole volcano shakes.

There in the depths, the magma glows green instead of orange.

Elisa Kafim smiles.