2024-09-05: Wishing To Do More

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  • Log: 2024-09-05: Wishing To Do More
  • Cast: Cagalli Yula Athha, Anita Rosetta
  • Where: Anita and Rena's Condo - Olofat City, Orb
  • Date: U.C. 0099 09 05
  • Summary: Cagalli visits Rena only to find she was out. Her partner, Anita, was around however. And they get to talking, both wishing they could do more.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Visiting Rena is on Cagalli's agenda today, and taking Eight's advice to heart, Cagalli picked something from her uncle's collection of wines. It's a gift for Rena and Anita, as gratitude for what they did at the battle of Junius Seven's tombstone. He probably won't notice an expensive looking bottle is missing. Probably...

It didn't take long for her to find their condo. Just a short ride away from her office. And when she shows up, she's dressed in something casual. Orange shirt, jeans, a necklace which she tied Athrun's ring on. She's not showing up as the Chief Representative of Orb. She's here, as Cagalli, as just a friend.

She rings the doorbell, and steadying herself with a bright smile. One as bright as she could muster anyway, given the circumstances. No need to be gloomy when visiting a friend.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita's on break for a few days. A part of her would like to be out there helping... but the Magallanica Defense Force's movements here on Earth are pretty limited right not with her turbulent things are, so her hands are pretty tied.

It's a little funny to think that, when what feels like not so long ago she'd be glad for an excuse to sit around the house and do nothing.

...Well, so it goes.

At present Anita is lounging in the living room couch, the television on to nothing in particular as she leans back, tapping away at her phone. And then - the doorbell. Anita looks up from her phone.

"Just a sec!" Anita calls out. She stands up, grabbing her navy blue hoodie and sliding it on before approaching the door, pulling it open.

"Hey there." Anita greets, offering a polite smile and leaning against the doorframe.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

It's much the same story with Cagalli too. Her own influence and power within the government only diminished since the Junius Seven drop. She's been relegated to doing menial paperwork without even able to raise her voice in meetings. So when she's able to allow herself a break... It's a welcomed one. Not like her being at the office changes anything anyway.

Of course, when it was Anita who opened the door instead of Rena, she wasn't surprised. They're a pair after all. Though the whole polycue thing is still beyond her.

"Hey, Anita! Is..." She tries looking behind Anita to see if she can spot her partner. "...is Rena about? I've got something for you two," she says, still flashing that smile of hers as she gently hands the bottle of wine over.

"Can I come in?" She asks after.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Cagalli looks past her, and Anita follows her gaze - it doesn't take long to figure out what she's looking for, and Cagalli herself confirms it.

"Sorry, she's out for a bit..." Anita apologizes. She does accept the wine, though, giving it a quick lookover. "Oh, thank you! I think Rena's gonna love this, I'll be sure to let her know."

And then she asks to come in, and Anita offers her a smile.

"Sure! Come on in." Anita says, stepping away from the doorway to let her inside. She starts toward the kitchen to put the wine away, but as she does, she looks back over her shoulder.

"Have a seat, feel free to sit wherever you like. Want anything to drink while I put this away?" Anita asks.

The living room is neatly decorated - they've given it their personal touch, with little details easily recognizable as the influence of Anita, Rena, or both, to those who know them.

There's a comfortable couch accompanied by chairs and a TV on one side, and on the other there's a pair of Haro beanbag chairs and a small table in front of a large shelf with smaller shelves on either side. The smaller shelves hold a variety of books...

...whereas the larger shelf houses Anita's Haro Shrine, her pride and joy, featuring Haros and Haro memorabilia in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

"Ah," she simply voiced. She's out, huh? Not surprising, being a Captain of the MDF. And she nods after handing the wine over, "great! To be honest, I wasn't sure. I'm not much of a wine drinker."

When Anita gave her permission, Cagalli walks in casually. Not in the way like she owned the place, though her strut does give off that vibe; but Anita did allow her inside. And it'd be rude to turn her invitation down.

"A glass of water would be nice, thanks!" she replied, as she scans the room.

It's homely. Warm. Not like the grand furniture and decor she's used to. It's certainly not the squalor conditions she experienced in Africa either. She could get used to this, she thinks.

And Haro beanbags! Lacus has a lot of those, doesn't she. Haros, not beanbag chairs. Though knowing her, she might have a collection of those too. But she takes a seat on the couch. When Anita's Haro Shrine caught her eye though, there's a brief thought that she might give Lacus a run for her money...

Then there's a lull of silence, as she struggles to think of anything to say.

"Um... How have you been?"

That was the best she could come up with.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

The casual approach is fine with Anita. She takes it all in stride herself.

"Cool. One water, coming right up." Anita replies, offering a brief thumbs-up before disappearing into the kitchen. There's the clinking of glasses, the sound of doors opening and shutting, and then running water before, eventually, Anita emerges, holding two glasses of water.

"Here you go." Anita offers, handing one glass over to Cagalli before moving to take a seat, herself. There's some silence, and then -

Anita cracks a small smile.

"It's been, uh... I'd say I've been okay, but, well, you know. I'm hangin' in there, at least." Anita says, briefly looking into her glass. Even almost a week out, there's still that looming reality. It's hard for anyone to say they're truly 'okay'. "Wishing I could do a little more, a bit, but there's not much I can do without causing trouble for Eight and everyone, so! Took my own advice and took some time off."

She shrugs, before looking Cagalli's way.

"How 'bout you?" She asks.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

"Thanks," she says. She brings the glass in hand as nurses it.

She listens to Anita intently. It's hard for Cagalli to tell exactly. She was never that good at reading people's emotions. But the words Anita's saying... She could glean more of her than she usually could.

And when Anita asks in return... She actually does the same and looked into her glass. Ah, so that's what that meant.

"...Not great, to be honest..." Yeah, she should just be honest right now. Like Eight said, she's not alone, right?

"...our officials is going to sign the treaty soon... and my..." She felt something in her throat as she says... "...my marriage... Magallanica... Terminal... You're our allies, but once the treaty is signed..." There was a moment of silence after that. It's a sore subject for her. There's that guilt that she couldn't do anything about it.

"I can't do anything about it..."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

'Not great', huh... Anita manages a sympathetic smile. Sounds like things really are rough for everyone. She listens as Cagalli elaborates, grimacing a little at the mention of the treaty. She's been worrying that too, a little - what Terminal's position here in Orb is going to be after, and, more importantly to her, what's going to happen to her and Rena, who live here...

...But right now, there's someone here who's being hit by it the hardest.

"I appreciate that you're worrying about us when you're goin' through it yourself, too." Anita replies. "Being forced into that position... it sucks. I wish we could do more for you."

She thinks on it for a moment, sipping idly at her water.

"...We've still got time to figure things out, I guess. Even if it's just figuring out where else to go." Anita says. "Ain't over 'til it's over, right? We just gotta look at all our options."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

It's hard to say what could happen to Anita and Rena. If they renounced their allegiance with Terminal, perhaps they could stay without issue. But that's to say nothing of the growing anti-coordinator sentiments...

But worrying about them... There's a little bit of that, of course. But really, what mattered the most to her is keeping her father's legacy alive. He help built Terminal, allied with Magallanica... If that bridge gets destroyed because of her... It's not an entirely altruistic concern of hers when it comes to Orb's relationship with Terminal.

But she couldn't bear to say that, especially when Anita says she wish they could do more for her. Staring at her reflection in the glass is all she could do.

Anita does offer though, even if it's not an answer she wanted to hear. There's a faint smile as she acknowledges her, "...yes. I suppose so..." She doesn't.

"I... hope we figure something out, before it's too late..."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita nods.

"Yeah. Me too. I'm sure Eight's already thinking about it." Anita says. She hesitates for a moment, and massages the back of her neck sheepishly. "Me, though... For all my talk, I'm not really an 'ideas' person, so there's not a whole lot I can do except sit around wait for the word..."

In the end, that's what it comes down to - though she doesn't let herself dwell in that for long.

"...I'm sure it's gonna work out." Anita decides - right now, she has to hold onto that. And so, she offers Cagalli. "But, hey. If you need anything else while you're here, just let me know? Don't be a stranger."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Eight did say something about that. But she shouldn't be expecting too much. She gives a little chuckle after, "yeah... Well, I have a lot of ideas... But I don't have the power to carry them out..."

If only...

"...Just a 'Princess', huh?" She echoes the word she loathed so as her mind wander off a little.

She still doesn't know if it's gonna work out, but... "Yeah. Thank you, Annie. But... I should get going. I've still got a bunch of paperwork in my office," she says and gets on her feet.

Her glass of water is unfinished, but she's headed for the door.

"Thank you for the chat, Annie. Please let Rena know I've been here. I need to say thanks for saving Flay's life," she says, bidding her farewell. There's another matter. Another person she couldn't get her mind out of.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita can only offer a sympathetic smile, at that. She gets it, a bit, though their positions are different. But the burden of a title...

That's something she's never had to deal with.

"No problem." Anita replies with a nod - and a sympathetic wince at the mention of paperwork. "Good luck with that."

She nods, though, and offers a smile as Cagalli moves toward the door.

"You're welcome. It was good talking to you." Anita replies. "I'll be sure to let her know. Take care, alright?"