2024-08-31: When the Wolves Fear Not the Shepard

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  • Log: When the Wolves Fear Not the Shepard
  • Cast: Soma Peries, Cagalli Yula Athha
  • Where: Orb
  • OOC - IC Date: 31st August 0099
  • Summary: Cagalli finds a Gaia Sabers officer inside an Orb government building without her knowledge. Suspecting her purpose there, but unable to do much about it, Cagalli instead ends up chatting with her.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        It's only been a short time since the remains of Junius 7 exploded in
 the skies of Earth and spread its devastating debris across the planet. The
 entire world is in a state of panic. Much of the damage was focused towards
 NUNE territories and as the Earth-based military arm of the supernation, the
 Gaia Sabers have mostly been working to assist with disaster recovery and
 search and rescue.

        Unfortunately, even in the wake of such disaster, the wheels of the
 political world continue to turn. Perhaps even more so as governments and
 politicians start to reconsider their place in what is definitely a changed
 world. Are they more vulnerable then they realised? Or perhaps they now find
 themselves in a better position with which to advance their own agenda?

        Either way, Soma hates it. Not because she cares about politics all
 that much. But rather because her squad was taken off search and rescue and
 placed on escort duty. For a NUNE political bigwig.

        A god damned babysitting job.

        Which is why there's quite the scowl on Soma's face as she walks firmly
 through the foyer of the Orb government building. She comes to a stop and
 glances around, before raising a hand to the small headset over her ear and
 tapping it, "This is Peries. The foyer looks clear. All units report in." She
 receives several reports from other members of her team positioned in other
 parts of the building and outside it. Finally she says, "Confirmed. Maintain
 position until further notice."

        Soma then stands and waits. She probably sticks out like a sore thumb,
 with her silver hair and Gaia Sabers uniform amidst a sea of business suits
 and Orb military uniforms. Plus she's still scowling. She doesn't know who the
 one she's guarding is currently meeting, or why. But this is NOT where she
 wanted to be so soon after half the planet was just devastated.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

The Orb archipelago is thankfully located near the equator on the southern
 hemisphere and was spared from devastation unlike much of the territories on
 the other side. The most damage Orb suffered was some mini tsunamis as the
 debris hit the ocean. And even then the damage was largely prevented with
 basic tsunami walls.

But the state of politics within Orb is different. When the nobles and
 officials were just squabbling about petty things after Uzumi's death,
 voices within have become increasingly vocal just shortly after the Junius
 Seven drop. Joining NUNE were no longer just an idle passing thought. It
 became a movement many are pursuing overnight.

Cagalli is wearing an expression not entirely dissimilar to Soma. Her eyes are
 a little red. Tired. Though thankfully the eye-bags are carefully hidden away
 by makeup. She's scarcely had any sleep since last night, being up attending
 meetings and mountainous paperwork in the wake of disaster.

The presence of Gaia Sabers was an odd one, as Cagalli sees a few milling about
 when she's making her way to the other side of the building. Not that she
 could stop them for a conversation or for inquiry. But it didn't take long for
 Cagalli to find Soma standing in the foyer. And seeing as she's just simply
 standing there...with a scowl on her face... She strike up a conversation.

...though it ended up more like an interrogation than a friendly one.

"...what are you doing here? I don't recall Gaia Sabers having an appointment
 with any of our officials."

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma's golden eyes continue to glance around the foyer as she keeps an
 eye on things. She quietly muses at the sight of the various officials running
 around. While she knows that Orb wasn't hit particularly hard, she has no
 doubts that they are still quite busy in the aftermath.

        It's during her glancing that Soma spots a particular figure. Despite
 Orb's small size, it has a big influence on the world. And one who knows
 anything does not fail to recognize the current Representative of the island

        Soma had actually suspected that Representative Athha was the one that
 the official Soma was protecting was here to meet. But if the meeting has
 already started and Cagalli is here... Hmmm. Perhaps she's a late addition?

        Soma taps her headset again and says, "Sir. Sorry for the intrustion,
 but Representative Athha has just entered the foyer."

        The man on the other end clicks his tongue in annoyance, then says,
 "Stall her."

        Soma blinks in complete and utter bafflement, "What?"

        "You heard me Lieutenant. That's an order." The call cuts out.

        Soma is still just kind of standing there in confusion. Stall her?
 Stall the highest leader of the Orb Union?


        Soma is shocked out of her... Well... Shock... As she notices Cagalli
 is actually heading her way. Specifically. Eyes locked onto her. Soma quickly
 composes herself.

        And then the question is asked. A question which she suspects she is
 not supposed to actually answer directly. So Soma thinks for a moment, before
 raising her hand in a salute, "First Lieutenant Soma Peries, Gaia Sabers 2nd
 Advanced Response Team. It's an honour to meet you ma'am."

        Cagalli may actually recognise the name from the news a while back. An
 REA Forces soldier who was supposedly instrumental in the destruction of
 Celestial Being.

        Though her name hasn't appeared in the news much lately.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Soma talking to someone above her station was clear to her, even at a distance.
 And it appeared that she's clearly not welcomed here. Her? The /Chief
 Representative/ of the nation, not welcomed in her own home? She understands
 that everyone is pursuing their own agendas behind her back. Unlike her
 father, she does not have the political experience nor his fierce reputation
 to handle them as he did. But for Gaia Sabers to waltz in here, and make her
 feel unwelcomed? It didn't sit right with her.

When she approached Soma though, and hearing her response... It was made
 abundantly clear she's not welcomed here. After all, who would answer
 'hello, my name is Soma. I'm pleased to meet you' when asked 'what the heck
 are you doing here'?

There's a sigh of defeat though, as she quickly realized she won't be getting
 anywhere with that line of questioning. Her being powerless in her state. The
 untested 'Princess of Orb'.

She returns a lazy salute. Arm waving down as weakly as it raised. She
 recognized the name though, from the old REA. Guess it wouldn't be much of a
 surprise to see someone of her accomplishment with Gaia Sabers now.

"Chief Representativ-" She paused. "Well, you know who I am. Just call me
 Cagalli. I can call you Soma, right?"

There was no reason for her to continue interrogating Soma. Maybe she could
 just ask if someone knows about this. ...if they don't turn her away too.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma is a little surprised as Cagalli asks if they can call each other
 by first names. It's not quite what Soma imagined when meeting a nation's
 political leader. Which admittedly... This is actually her first time. Though
 she had heard rumours that Orb's new Representative was a little unusual.

        Looking at her now, Soma believes them. Not that that's necessarily a
 bad thing.

        Soma nods in response, replying, "That's fine, ma'am... Cagalli."

        Looking a little closer at Cagalli's face, Soma can recognise the
 fatigue on it. And she gets the sense that Cagalli has been facing numerous
 difficulties since stepping into this role. Something Soma can relate to.

        While she was trained to fight as a soldier, leadership is a completely
 different matter. So when she was assigned her own squad, she felt wholly
 unprepared for it. And her age certainly didn't make things any easier.

        Looking at Cagalli, Soma also gets the sense that she's not happy with
 the Gaia Sabers being here. Especially unannounced as they appear to be.
 Though really, Soma didn't need her Quantum Brainwaves to figure that out.

        Thus, Soma proceeds to bow a little, "Unofficially, I apologise for my
 presence here. I had no intentions in ruffling any feathers."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

There was a time when Cagalli would've been better at playing the part of the
 Chief Representative. Being forced into her role as it is. Trying her best to
 live up to her father's legacy... But with everything's that has happened
 lately, it has visibly taken a toll on her. Keeping up the formal speech and
 act isn't something she wish to do right this moment.

There's a faint smile when Soma called her by name. She's agreeable,
 thankfully. And not stuck up too, which is a plus.

Then she looks dejected, and a little guilty, when Soma apologizes. But
 'unofficially'? Her eyes lit at that with a spike of adrenaline. She opens her
 mouth to speak. She wanted to ask, 'then can you tell me what this is about

But she never did. There's another sigh as the momentary injection of energy
 wears off. She looks to the side. A hand rubbing her other arm and instead
 says, "...no, don't be. I know they do a lot of things behind my back... I
 just wish I could do something about it."

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Whether Soma would have actually responded 'unofficially' is hard to
 say. It's true she's not fond of being pulled away on this escort duty. And
 she empathises with Cagalli's situation, trying to carve out her place in the
 world of politics. Though whether she should even be trying is another matter

        But Soma also believes strongly in following her orders and doing her
 duty. With the expectation that doing so will lead to a better world. And
 while she doesn't know the precise reasons for this meeting, she can hazard a
 guess. And she does think that it would make things better.

        Though Soma also knows Cagalli would likely not feel the same way.

        Soma hmms thoughtfully at the tough situation that Cagalli is in, "I
 suppose executing them would be a little too much." A little soldier dark

        Perhaps a little more helpfully, Soma offers, "A little bit of
 third-party surveillance could be useful. Avoiding the use of state assets
 limits the chance of them finding out and also prevents questions of abuse of
 authority. Though it would have to be someone you trust, or else you risk
 being blackmailed."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Soma would be right if she thinks Cagalli would not feel the same way. Orb's
 entire reason for being was to be independent and away from the clutches of
 those who oppress and abuse their people. The Founders' ideals, ones that
 Athhas represents the most to this day. Orb would be lost to the old
 Federation were it not for Uzumi. Yet it seemed fate that decided for his
 successor to fail as history is repeating itself as NUNE takes its place in
 the new world they now live in.

Cagalli withdrew a tad at the dark humor. O-Oh, she's joking. "A-Ahaha..."
 Cagalli laughed awkwardly, not entirely sure how to follow up on that.

...she is joking, right?

But when Soma offered her advice afterwards, Cagalli listened intently. They
 weren't things that were unknown to her. She's seen a lot such methods being
 carried out around her, especially after she became the Chief Representative.
 But she deigned to carry them out herself. It's not right, she believed. Not
 even her father would do something so underhanded. Leaders like herself should
 act with dignity. To be someone the people could look up to. Not another
 scoundrel wrapped in a pretty suit.

There is one vassal of hers that doesn't appear to have any problem doing
 that however, despite her reputation. Not that she ever reported anything to
 her. And it even seemed like she's been avoiding her. It was perhaps a mistake
 to ask for her help.

That thought pushed aside however, and she responds, "...you know an awful lot
 about that being a soldier. I guess you see a lot of that in your line of work
 too." She pointed out. Then a little somberly she adds, "...I don't want to do
 that. It wouldn't be right for a leader to resort to such underhanded means."

"...I'll do things my own way." She announced finally. There's a tinge of
 determination, even if she doesn't know exactly what that would be.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        It probably is hard to tell whether Soma was joking or not. But she was.


        She shrugs when Cagalli notes the breadth of her knowledge, "They
 taught me a lot of things when they were training me to be a supersoldier."
 Soma has never shied away from hiding her past or the means of how she came to
 be. Even if she no longer looks back on the program that created her quite as
 fondly as she once did. Besides, it's not exactly a state secret anymore,
 given the information about the REA's supersoldier program that was released
 to the public by Celestial Being.

        Though when Cagalli declines to make use of such methods, Soma actually
 tilts her head a little bit. On the one hand, it's a refreshing change of pace
 to find a politician who upholds the values that they say they claim to

        On the other, Soma suspects that Cagalli is likely not going to be able
 to hold her position for long in the world of politics. Not with such values
 still intact. It's an unfortunate fact about that world. And much why Soma
 prefers to avoid it and stick with the simplicity of being a soldier.

        Though it may be something she'll have to deal with more should she
 rise in rank much further.

        Still, Soma respects the woman's resolve and nods in understanding,
 "Very well. I'm sure you'll find a way through this. If that is your destiny."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Cagalli nods, a little saddened. "...I can't imagine what that was like," she
 comments on Soma's supersoldier training. She couldn't empathize, to grow up
 like that. But part of her wishes she could. Maybe not as a supersoldier, but
 a coordinator. She would be able to achieve more if she was. Hiding her
 jealously for Kira. Some anger against her biological parents for not giving
 her the same treatment. ...even more hatred that they died before they could
 explain themselves.

But her comment does invite Soma to talk about her past, if she wishes to.

And perhaps she's indeed not cut out to be a politician. It was never what she
 wanted to be, anyway. But she has to. It's the only way her father's legacy
 could survive. It's something she refuses to step back from. Even if she loses
 her position, she will never betray her own morals either.

And... "Destiny, huh?" She muttered, thoughtful. If that is her destiny...
 Should she just lie down and accept it, even if it's not on her side? She
 shakes her head, "...then I hope it is."

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma crosses her arms and glances away for a moment as she thinks back.
 She then says, "There was pain... Loneliness... Fear. Exhaustion. But there
 was also a feeling of strength. Of success. Of purpose." Soma describes the
 feelings with a calm tone. It would seem she doesn't have any lingering
 emotional scars from what she went through if she can speak of it without
 getting upset.

        Soma raises a hand to look at it, "Their methods may have been
 questionable..." Very questionable. But she then squeezes the hand into a
 fist, "But it made me who I am today." She looks at Cagalli and finishes, "I
 like who I am."

        I like who you are too.
        Then why do you keep fighting me?
        Because I like who I am too.

        The inner dialogue likely goes unnoticed by Cagalli, except perhaps for
 a brief furrowing of Soma's brow.

        That furrowing grows even more as Cagalli echoes the word 'Destiny'
 back to Soma. Soma almost looks confused, frowning for a moment. But she then
 shakes her head and says, "Make your own destiny."

        After that, Soma seems distracted, turning her head away from a moment.
 Quietly in her ear, she can hear the call come in, "The meeting has finished
 and I've exited the building, Lieutenant. We're returning now."

        Soma raises her finger to tap her headset once more, replying simply,
 "Roger that." It's probably not hard for Cagalli to guess at the content of
 the call. Especially as Soma looks back at Cagalli and stands at attention,
 "If you'll excuse me, Cagalli. Duty calls. It was a pleasure speaking with
 you." Soma heads off soon after.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Pain... She's no stranger to that. She's hurt, felt betray, by some of the
 dearest people to her.

Loneliness too, when her father died. She's still have Kira and Athrun and even
 good friends like Lacus and Murasaki. But it's never the same, is it?

Fear of losing everything she holds dear if she can't fulfill her duty.

Exhaustion when everyone around her constantly obstructing her at her goals.

Maybe they're not entirely too different in that sense.

But strength, success, purpose? She doesn't have any of that, try as she might,
 as she continued to compare herself to Soma. Even so much as liking herself...
 The feeling isn't mutual. And the hint of jealously is visible on her face,
 even if Soma can't feel it from her.

'Make your own destiny'... Another phrase she's unable to comprehend as she
 puts forth a similar frown. Can she even do that? Making her own destiny? How
 can you fight against something like that?

She is unable to respond, or retort as she ruminates on the words Soma speaks.
 But there's a lull then, and Soma answered to whoever's on the other side of
 her comms. Looks like it's over, whatever that was happening behind hidden
 doors. She looked at Soma as she stood at attention, dipping her head in a nod
 when she announces her exit. "Yeah... Take care, Soma."

Soma would have no trouble finding her own way out, given her mission
 (presumably). It would be customary for someone of Orb's to escort a guest
 out, but with how hush-hush her and her compatriots are right now, she didn't
 offer. Cagalli simply continued along as they went their own directions. But
 perhaps it won't be long until they meet again, under yet different