2024-08-31: The World That Broke

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  • Log: 2024-08-31: The World That Broke
  • Cast: Cagalli Yula Athha
  • Where: Yalafath Island, Orb
  • Date: U.C. 0099 08 31
  • Summary: Political unrest worsens in Orb as the destruction of Junius Seven's tombstone ensued. The Princess of Orb shedding a part of herself, a part of another, to try and fit into the new world that was broken.

        Reports file in one after another as Orb continue to receive alarming news of the devastation caused by the falling fragments of Junius Seven. Loud voices shouting over one another around a large table where the Chief Representative is sitting. It's suffocating.

The heads of the aristocracy are here. Not just the Seirans, nor the Sahakus alone. But everyone down to the minor houses. Cagalli did not even have the time to grief and mourn for the lives lost as everyone debates - though argue is the more appropriate word - if they should send relief supplies. Orb is a small country, in spite of the power it holds. They would not be able to help everyone.

Refugees too, they are expecting to flood into the country, when other nations inevitably turn them away. Orb has an open border policy, where it would accept anyone as long as they adhere to the laws of this country. But there's a limit too, to the capacity they can accept refugees. And if the refugees they take in bears ill will against coordinators... a stance that is more and more prevalent as the seconds go by, that would spell doom for Orb, being the nation in Earth Sphere with the highest population of coordinators.

Cagalli couldn't get a word in, even as the topic of joining NUNE is brought up. What form would it take, the nobles argued. Would it be a merger? So Orb can retain some semblance of autonomy? That's the option Seiran desired the most, to her surprise. What if Orb gets annexed, or become a protectorate of some form? It seems the most likely, given how NUNE handle diplomatic matters. Ideas and plans are already being raised even before NUNE reached out. Ideas to bring to the negotiation table with NUNE. Plans to retain some level of autonomy should the worst come to pass.

The perceived threat of the coordinators forcing even some of the more moderate factions in Orb agreeing with the ideas.

More voices were raised as the assembly continued with Cagalli unable to interject.

But there's a brief reprieve for her, as she clutches Athrun's ring in her chest. But it was a bittersweet emotion for her. Guilt too, when she decided one-sidedly to marry Yuna Roma Seiran. It was a foolish plan of her own, in hindsight, to sway the families away from NUNE. It's what her father would've wanted... But even that is pointless now, when joining NUNE is all but decided.

The matter of the marriage is set in stone. Her chest pangs in regret of ever deciding to do something so foolish... But there's no turning back now. A glint of the purple gemstone shines in her eyes as she tightened her grip.

It's reminding her too much of Athrun... She can almost see his reflection in it.

'He was there, wasn't he? On the Minerva. Fighting alongside the others, trying to stop the colony drop.'

She allowed her hand to relax, for just a moment. Another hand raises to cusp the ring. Then slowly, and ever so reluctantly, starts sliding it off her ring finger.

The beginning of taking off a ring is always more difficult. It's the friction, of course. It's how rings are meant to stay on. But here...it felt like as if Athrun's not letting go...

But she has to. He has to. With the world that broke as it is...

With one swift motion, with gritting teeth, with terrible pain in her heart... It comes off.

Without giving it a second look, she pockets it. Putting away a part of another that was given to her.

Her fingers, now naked and exposed, interlock with one another, as she returns to the meeting, trying to assert herself, even if nothing would ultimately come of it.