2024-08-01: Summer Plannings in Kamogawa

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  • Log: 2024-08-01: Summer Plannings in Kamogawa
  • Cast: Madoka Kyouno, Muginami, Laffinty Fin E Ld Si, Youko Nakaizumi
  • Where: BWH, Kamogawa, Japan
  • OOC - IC Date: 01 August 0099
  • Summary: What do three girls (and one legal guardian) do when they're all dead tired from club activities after spending multiple days with their club duties? Plan something separate from those duties, obviously.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

Summer, as always, cascaded into full swing at the point when one least suspected it. ONe week, the minor doldrums of a light bit of heat, the sun beating down through clouds onto the city of Kamogawa. The next, the humidity of the ocean, the rays of the heavens burning skin with nary a cloud in sight.

Madoka's light tan clearly forecasted which one was going down right now. Even while chugging down her bottle of ramune (the number of which she lost count of), there was still the hot breath of trying to relax in the evenings, the front porch of BWH having dispersed with the meager crowd for the evening. Uncle Hiroshi, for all his faults, was good with his business acumen!

"Hooot...Let's see..." Another sip, leafing through her handbook. "Tomorrow's not that busy, and everyone's mostly doing their own thing next week, so...I guess we have a free day for once?" Not that she ever tried to have them; It just naturally occurred! "...Do any of you want to go anywhere for a day or two?" Mmmmh, even if they were called down to fight kaiju or whatever else NERV needed to, this could probably work...

"Tadoroko could probably get us there if there's a coastline..." A mutter to herself.

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

%Muginami's got herself a big old folding hand fan, and she's using it aplenty out here! Flapflapflapflapflapflapflap. She's -finally- not wearing that ultra fluffy getup of hers, electing for a breezy sundress and a big old hat, and she's got oh so tall a pitcher of lemonade at her side to beat the heat.

        "...Eeeeeh? Taking a trip somewhere else? That's a surprise, I'll have to give it some thought and look up nice places to go!" ...And, of course, useful places to go...or places she ought to avoid. Why waste a perfectly good trip that could accomplish something Kiss needs?

        After all, Villagiulio's probably going to want as much leverage as he can get once he finally shows up, and the thought makes Muginami smile mysteriously. "Can I borrow your phone, Madoka? You know Japan better than I do, after all! So I'll peek around and see what our options are!~" Flapflapflapflap...

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

Hey guess who's lived in air conditioned space ships her whole life!

Lan has not quite mastered this whole 'casual dress' thing so she's just in the Kamogawa Girls' High School uniform she started wearing after she *rather abruptly* decided she was attending and also moving in. She is also dying in the heat and humidity, as the sun stubbornly refuses to approach the horizon like a senator who just WILL NOT take the hint. The pale girl with the pale hair is flopped against the table, sapped of all power. "So this is the power...of Earth's yellow sun," she croaks. "Such force..."

She exerts phenomenal effort to rotate her head roughly 60 degrees to look at Madoka. "That sounds nice...but I don't know anywhere..." She's from space, after all. That excuses her from all curiosity or wisdom. Her eyes do shift to Mugi with the faintest trace of a squint when Muginami asks for Madoka's phone. Such a piercing request! And to Madoka, who like the trusting lamb she is, will grant it!!!!

it is too hot to be this jealous. The building jealous remark collapses against the table's wood.

<Pose Tracker> Youko Nakaizumi has posed.

        "If you girls need a chaperone, I'm more than willing to drive you." Youko said as she butted in the coversation, having just arrived to BWH and taking off her shoes by the front porch. No one would complain if she took a break for once, and they'd be understanding if she said it was for her younger cousin. Though the blonde energetic woman had objectives of her own as well.

        Sharp gaze going over the two extraterrestrial girls who were so integrated with the restaurant that they didn't particularly look out of place, Youko just had to see what her hunches would say about Madoka's newest friends. "Speaking of which, I heard a lot about you two, but we hadn't had time or chance to get properly introduced yet. I'm Youko. Youko Naizumi. You might have heard about this little creature her talking about her 'Onee-chan' before." She said while placing a hand on Madoka's hair, ruffling it.

        Plus she happens to show up right as Muginami takes Madoka's phone, and is particularly looking over her shoulder.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

"My phone? Sure." Madoka thinks nothing of it, handing over her unlocked phone to Mugi. There's nothing on there that's incriminating for her; at worst, her contact list is a mile wide of...practically everyone in Kamogawa, really. Teachers, neighbors, a few NERV contacts...

Another sip of ramune. She's already preparing herself for the long (short) arduous trip to find a glass for the lemonade pitcher, wiping a bead of sweat off her brow, brushing her bangs back. "Places to go...There's the waterpark in Nouvelle, Tokyo's got a few others...Kamogawa has the beach." A hint of pride at that, glancing out towards the now-described beach.

...Summer. There's a pinging of something that should be happening yearly. A scribble in for later: DFes.

"But, worst comes to worst, Pharos should know a few places! Or someone at school, or- Onee-chan~!" The sight of Youko was never a bad one for the girl, visibly perking upo at the sight of her beloved cousin and legal guardian. A smile as she allowed that hand to ruffle her hair, forgetting about the heat for one precious moment.

"Somewhere out of town? Mmmmh...Hot springs? Kyoto? Osaka? No, wait, we need to check what's on this side of the border, Britannia's locked down a bit ever since Princess Euphemia did her thing..." Aaaah, so many plans to sort out in her head...!

"Maybe something near Mount Fuji...?"

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        With bodhisattva-like mercy and radiance, Muginami turns her flappy fan of healing and cooling onto the oh so pitiable sight of Lan flopped over in defeat on the table. "There there~ Summer's not your season, huh? Poor thing, poor thing~" It's obnoxious, surely, how bright her smile is, pitying Lan while messing about with Madoka's phone...like she has won everything important in life.

        Youko gets a merry little salute from Muginami, and the classic, "Hi, my name's Muginami!" followed by a sugary sweet little smile. "So you're Madoka's big sister!? Uaaaah, that's so nice! I wish my big brother were here to meet you, but he's always so busy with work and moving around. Thankfully I've always been able to take care of myself!"

        Taptaptapping away, Muginami looks up everywhere Madoka suggests in quick order. Going 'oooooh' about the waterparks. Going 'ohhhhh!' about the hot springs. Going 'aaaaah!!' about Mt. Fuji. -Especially because she remembers that one from a briefing about flashpoints of conflict happening on Earth, given it's the site of an important energy facility. "Are we even allowed to climb the mountain itself?! Maybe with special passes..."

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.


Lan leans off the table, giving Mugi a brief, less suspicious look. "Conditioned environments rarely get so hot or humid," she comments in aside. As far as she knows, Mugi's from...somewhere. On Earth, maybe. Moid hasn't turned anything up yet. Not to mention...

Moid's had other things to investigate. Ignis has been Memoriated...

She's pushed out of that reverie by Youko's arrival. "Oh! Uhm, hello!" No faking her about her NERV and Novumundus connection, Youko was right there during the interrogation for Array. "Ah...hello again," she says, a little guilt in her face. Madoka...they still haven't talked about what Array said about the Vox...has Madoka really not realized the weight of what Lan's done to her?

"Not without a reason," Lan says to Mugi's insightful question. "Fujinomiya Science City is near there, I think, but I'm not sure it has much to offer for a day trip."

<Pose Tracker> Youko Nakaizumi has posed.

        Madoka wasn't thinking about the distance to those places at all and just listing whatever came to mind, wasn't she? Not that it was an unexpected behavior. "Well, I could probably find a way to get you into Fuji it came down to it, coming from the correct side of the mountain, but I'm not sure if we should." Unfortunately, Youko wasn't exactly a voice of reason for where she should or should not have access to either. Runs in the family, it seemed.

        "It's nice to meet you, Muginami, Lan. Though I guess for Lan it's a second meeting, but a first proper one. Madoka has told me.... a fair a bit and a half about you two. Thank you for joining the Jersey Club, by the way, it probably feels more like a club with more than one person in it." At least for that, Youko was fairly thankful too, even if both of them were foreign alloys made of extremely suspicious material, as far as she was concerned. Still, suspicion does not equate guilty, and her verdict was still up in the air. "Very responsible of you, and maybe not so very responsible of your big brother who should at least check where her little sister is staying, but everyone have their own situations. As far as day trips goes however...."

        "I'd probably say that waterparks would be the easiest, camping by the mountainside might also be a nice option, if you girls are so inclined. I also wouldn't recommend hot springs at this weather in time." That Youko will be driving them is a given by this point. Also, she's still ruffling Madoka's hair.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

Indeed, Madoka hadn't forgotten about her big sister (cousin) in all the debacle. There's a soft smile offered upwards, the one rarely shown outside of close company (of which, notably, Madoka had never shown the two with such deep affection).

"Your brother's also working to make ends meet, huh..." A soft mutter towards Muginami, those eyes gazing with...no real judgement. It was simply a fact of life that people displaced by war moved about. Especially with the strife in this nation, the fact that it was her and her brother struck as...normal. "Mt. Fuji's got the Photon energy plant thing, yeah, but...I don't think they have a keep out around all of it." She's not sure...

Still, Madoka does make the effort to push herself off from the chair, fanning herself while fishing out a few glasses for Mugi's pitcher. No, their pitcher now. Three extra glasses (with ice), pouring out lemonade for the three currently lemonade-less. A swig; Phaa...Yeah, that hit the spot.

There's a smile towards Lan. What Array said about the Vox...She hasn't thought about it. Too much on the mind. Too much movement. Keep going. Keep pushing. "I don't think NERV will mind one day of vacation..." Hopefully. Maybe. Pharos? Definitely, unless they somehow attack while they're away. Never happened!

"Camping by the mountainside?" That was an idea...It wouldn't be too bad, considering the wild, wild lands of inner Japan (Overstatement Level 4). "I think there's a few lakes and all that...Think anyone from NERV will want to come?" It's a basic question tossed upwards in the air, Madoka leaning back on the chair.

Youko Hair Ruffling: Reobtained. She's quite enjoying it.

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        "...I mean, a place named "Fujinomiya Science City" sounds cool!" Muginami admits with a giggle behind her fan, briefly withdrawing that gracious breeze. "Are there lots of wandering robots and monorails and holograms there? I quite wonder!" Muginami does keep gazing at Lan for a little while longer - it's hard for her to get a good read on the princess, as flat-affected as she can often be. She's not even sure what to try and goad her into saying...

        "Youkooooo, don't say something like that about my brother," Muginami pouts. Cheek puffy. :T-shaped. Full cutesy pout mode. "He's not irresponsible at all!" (she has no idea does she) "We're just in a weird situation, having to move around as much as we do. He is sending me money and he knows that I'm here, he's just got important work to do! He owes me just as much too and he knows it~!"

        The refilled glass of lemonade goes straight up to Muginami's lips, gulping it down just a little showily - letting a little bit of condensation drip down and dampen her sundress. "Fwahhh...that hit the spot. ...Camping with your friends from that place you work? You're always a little hush hush about what they do, but I understand, Madoka! Still, would it be alright if I came along such a trip? It sounds like a lot of fun! And I don't wanna be left all alone here, by my lonesome, with nobody by my side, completely on my own..." She's giving Madoka the puppy dog eyes of the century, fists balled up below her chin, the perfect image of adorable begging...

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

"I think there are some?" Lan replies somewhat thoughtlessly to Muginami. Deprived of mercy she almost immediately starts melting against her seat again. "It does have the Photon Power Research Center, of course...I'm sure there's day tours or something...?"

She's royalty. This is her idea of how you spend time while traveling. Her gaze still drifts over to Mugi as she speaks, considering. Who are you really...Muginaminaminami....lemonade sounds good....

Lan grimaces a little at the notion of bringing NERV along but can't think of anything to say about it. Waterparks.....good, she doesn't have to come up with a reason to not go there. "Camping sounds interesting...I've never done something like that. That's...the sport with frontiersman, yes?" she looks a little clueless.

She purses her lips as she gradually realizes this was an insane sentence. "W-with the bear...?"

<Pose Tracker> Youko Nakaizumi has posed.

        "As I said, everyone have their own situations. Glad to know you two are still close, anyway." A lid on the topic. It's not like Youko has seen Lan's brother either, maybe they should all have a sibling to sibling to sibling talk sometime. She could impart the Jersey Spirit onto them, maybe. "Seems we're leaning onto the camping idea." Youko's office outfit probably looks even stuffier to the three younger gals. The woes of being a working adult.

        Taking one of the lemonade glasses that Madoka so generously poured, Youko takes a gulp and a swig of it in a row, drenching her parched throat. "While I won't promise there won't be any bears, I promise you we aren't going to go looking for them. But there aren't usually any bears, they tend to stay away from people." Of course, saying so is probably jinxing it in a way.... at least there won't be any wolves. Japanese wolves were extinct, after all.

        "Since my research leads me to sleep outdoors quite often, I have enough equipment for all of us, so you girls don't have to worry about that, at least."

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

<poem> The thought of a camping trip near Mount Fuji in the height of summer...Surely, she could turn it into something more. It's in her blood: The sort of person who'd snag an idea and run it through thick and thin until something more popped up.

Unfortunately, the seed had been planted. With gears turning in her head, the gal sat up, heat barely in her mind...and collapsing back down, taking another swig of lemonade. "Hooooot...Mugi, I think it's fine...The Research Center, maybe...? It's not like they don't get visitors...." Ah, maybe it is just exhaustion.

"...Onee-chan's right, there shouldn't be bears there. I think. We can scare them off with loud noises and such...!" She's probably getting them mixed up. Maybe. "But a camping trip...Yes, let's go with that. So long as we can clear it by everyone-" Mostly looking at Lan at this juncture; They are pilots, even if Madoka's overlooking the seriousness of 'taking a day off'. "-we should be good!" Slowly regaining that chipper nature.

"That's a marine archeologist for you..." Accepting that explanation without a second thought. Her onee-chan is strong and capable like that. Simple reasoning!

"So with that. Jersey Club Camping Trip Plan! Let's see what we can come up with for the rest of the summer!"
