2024-07-15: Lima Beans

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  • Log: Lima Beans
  • Cast: Lucine Azul, Liam 7-020, Luanova Luckwright
  • Where:
  • OOC - IC Date: July 15th, 2024
  • Summary: After the Vajra attack on the concert left Sheryl Nome in critical condition, Lucine, feeling partially responsible for having injured Sheryl, has holed away aboard the Nadesico greenhouse. Liam and Lua check in on her, and how she, and they, are all handling things.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        To say that Lucine cut herself off from everything suddenly isn't exactly true. She had let Liam know she's not going to be at their apartment for a while for safety reasons, which, if he checks the apartment building, was a good call. While no one is out for blood (she did use her unit to rescue Sheryl), there are several reporters and papparazzi around, eager for an interview or two.

        Discourse has quickly surfaced on the internet as a result of the Dianthus being a distinctive, one of a kind unit, and even if there's margin for error of the pilot *not* being who's registered for it, few are willing to let that get in the way of a good story as news of Sheryl's condition has stalled. And where there are differing opinions, there's online wars between people, some of which may not even privately care about the matter, try to use the drama to fuel their own fame while the news is still burning hot and bright in everyone's memory. Rumor magazines and clickbait articles argue whether or not Sheryl's manager's lack of mentioning the pilot specifically was an oversight, simple politics, out of concern for the pilot's well-being, or an actual snubbing for indirectly causing Sheryl's injuries in the first place. A campaign of clips, texts, and drama forms a bubble destined to pop and leave everyone outside its sphere of influence nonethewiser.

        Like, say, the little old lady in the apartment across from theirs, who texts Liam to ask if his girlfriend is doing well on her trip, and if he needs anything besides the plants being watered.

        Or Sheryl, still unconscious and clinging to life.

        Or Lucine, holed away in the greenhouse aboard the Nadesico.

        Curled up into a ball on the bean bag Liam bought, there's nothing stopping the door from sliding when Liam comes. The Nadesico wouldn't have anyone even get on if they weren't allowed, after all. She's asleep, but barely so.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Once Liam got a moment to himself, he called Dr. Hinoki. As usual, she had good advice--while he desperately wanted to care for Lucine, he needed to care for himself, first and foremost. He's deliberately avoided news of the incident, and breathing exercises, medication, and other coping skills have helped him navigate the aftermath. This isn't to say he's vanished from Lucine's life--quite the opposite, in fact. He's sent her secure texts and video messages every day, just to remind her to take care of herself. NERV needed him elsewhere, besides.

        The door slides open.

        Liam steps into the room, his eyes shining faintly in the low light. He's out of uniform, in a hoodie and shorts--and he pads across the floor, towards the beanbag.

        "...Lu?" Liam asks, his voice soft.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Liam's not alone. Behind him is Lua Luckwright, wearing a peacoat, matching trousers, and a sort of beret, and carrying a bag and a tray from a take-out coffee shop. (It's chai tea. It seemed more appropriate to bring for Lucine, and Lua doesn't like coffee too much.) She peeks around from behind Liam, and quietly wiggles her fingers hello.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        The greenhouse is much the way Liam last saw it, though for Lua, this would be her first time seeing it. The room, despite the name 'greenhouse' making it sound like it's a committed, large department all its own, is in reality a domestic quarters remitted into a hydroponic station. It's definitely not enough to feed an entire ship of the Nadiesco's size, but it's not for lack of trying, as nearly every available space is filled with pipes and cords that run alongside revolving trays, as well as stationary ones for the taller plants. Each tray has a specific variety of vegetable and fruit, each maintained by different amounts of nutrient-rich liquids fed into the sponge-like material that serves as 'dirt'. The plants are lush, and there seems to be some automatic systems involved; Lucine doesn't really need to be here 24/7 to keep it running anymore.

        The lights for the plants are still on, due to it still being on a day cycle. A screen keeps most of the lights blocked out from visitors and people passing by the door. This serves as what was once Lucine's 'room', back before she had an apartment, or even before she would crash at Liam's own apartment in Tokyo-3. It's still outfitted with some of Lucine's things, but it's become more of a personal workspace than a private quarters.

        Lucine herself looks... none the worse for wear. Her outfit is a t-shirt, a sap-stained apron, and pants, and her hair is done back in a ponytail. There are some hints of restlessness and fatigue, but, the plants seem to be in decent condition, benefitting from Lucine's presence.

        That, or the system set up works that well.

        Lucine's head pops up when she hears the door slide. Rubbing her eyes, she sits up, a soft smile on her lips as Liam and Lua come in. It crashes when she realizes why she had kept away; the bubble here is to give herself time to heal, instead of having her stomach drop as nothing new appears concerning of Sheryl's recovery.

        "... Thank you both for coming," she says, still genuinely appreciative. The scent of Lua's offering causes Lucine's stomach to growl. Did she eat?

        ".... Has there been any news? Is Sheryl going to be okay?" Lucine can't help herself.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam's eyes flick back and forth, studying the plants. They seem to be doing well, at least, which means Lucine is fairly stable. He waits, giving her a few moments to compose herself. "We brought you a little something," Liam says, stepping aside to let Lua present the tray if she so desires.

        Liam's gaze darkens when Lucine asks, though; even if she couldn't feel the sudden pang of worry, that's all the tell she'd need to deduce things weren't going well. "No updates," Liam says. "Which... means she's still alive, probably?" He glances at Lua, even though she has no insight into the inner workings of Grace O'Connor and her management of the Sherylsphere. "Sorry. Wish I had some better news. How've you been holding up? Did you talk to Simone about what happened?"

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "She's stable," Lua says, which is all the news she knows. She tilts her head slightly at the growling. Probably should have considered that Lucine might not have been eating. "I have biscotti and cake," she says, holding up the bag. "And chai tea. Can you hold something down?" She steps through the greenhouse pretty confidently for her first visit, her legs sweeping gracefully over cords and pipes, to lean down and hand Lucine the bag and one of the cups, and then another cup to Liam. "It's hot," she says unnecessarily.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine's gaze softens. "... Thank you. You... didn't have to. How are you feeling?" While she feels that spike of worry, and his general state (on top of anything from Lua, if there is any), it's good to ask.

        She's overused her abilities again, and this is where it got her, after all. "I've chatted over video chat a few times. Not too much; sometimes I have to turn it all off just to give my mind a break."

        "Stable is... good," Lucine decides, her eyes gazing downwards. "Ah, there's... seats, against the wall, collapsible ones. Liam, if you want to sit on the bean bag instead, I can move." She's thankful for Lua being there, and it shines when she accepts the cup from Lua. "... I felt Sheryl was in danger," she says to her out of the blue, unprompted. Liam may have explained the situation to Lua already, but this...

        .... Lua's not a Newtype, but something in a similar vein. She might understand the question Lucine has been brooding over, without being able to gain any kind of answer.

        "... But in the end, I caused it... or another situation that ended up doing the same thing."

        Even defining the question is difficult. "... I'm... I...." A pause. "Has there ever been a situation, where something like this has happened, for you, Lua? I know it's... not exactly the same, but..."

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "Worried," Liam says. "Guilty. And worried about you. I know this is your... your comfort place, but I was worried you came here to beat yourself up, or run from everyone." He didn't quite get that impression during their own chats, but that didn't stop the worries. And besides, he needs to be open about his feelings, with her. "I'm glad you talked to Simone. It's not fair that this happened to you, and Sheryl, and everyone else at that concert."

        He can't say he has no idea how it feels. He's not Lucine, of course, but he knows how he'd feel, all too well.

        Lucine offers the beanbag. "Thanks," Liam says, and he moves to sit down. (Normally, he'd let Lucine sit in his lap, but that feels a smidge too much with Lua here.)

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Lua's concerned for Lucine. Of course she is, after what Liam told her about how she's been taking it, and the reason she's not back at their place together. It doesn't stand up to the level of Liam's great, vulnerable spike of worry. Lua keeps herself even.

        "Oh, so the bean can have the beanbag," Lua says with a hand on her hip and a smile, in mock jealousy. She sidesteps around a couple lengths of cord to grab herself a chair, more because it was offered than because she really needs one.

        Lua is... something. It's hard to say if she has much in the way of extrasensory perception. She opens the drinking tab on the lid of her tea, and sits down, head lowered, looking down at it and thinking about the question. "I wasn't there. I haven't reviewed the footage or anything." The idea is kind of ghoulish. "As far as I understand it, you moved to try to prevent harm in a dangerous situation, and failed to prevent it. A lot of soldiers have felt that pain." That's not something Lua has faced in this way before. It's not something she's ruled out facing in the future.

        She pauses. "Is this some kind of Newtype... like, self-fulfilling prophecy thing, is that what you're asking yourself?" That's certainly not something Lua has faced. "I'd like to think the universe doesn't have that sick a sense of humor..." She gives a smirk for a beat, to clearly separate the humor out from the more serious answer. "It's not worth dwelling on. Newtype stuff or not, what happened was: you acted on what you perceived as a credible threat, and you weren't successful. I don't see anything to be gained in overcomplicating it. None of us can be perfect 100% of the time, and in a combat situation, sometimes that means people get hurt. You can't play what-if. That's survivor's guilt."

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        "... I did, at first," Lucine admits as she moves to another chair, folding it out to sit in it. "Then, I got tired, realizing there was no logical way I could have done things differently. I also... stopped looking at anything other than personal messages, so... that helped." Lucine looks at Lua. "... Simone Finch is my therapist," she explains. "She's done very well, considering a lot of this is very new to her."

        It's not fair to any of them. "It's like we're in limbo, even if it's over one person. I can't even get a sense of how Minato and Ruri feel. Sheryl's been a part of the crew that she's practically a part of the Nadesico, so... everyone's just been holding their breath right now. And there's no telling what sort of state Alto and Ranka are in, right now... Or if they'd.."

        Or if they'd blame her.

        Lua's comment catches Lucine by surprise; she lets out a giggle. "... He is a big bean. A liam-a bean?" (Somewhere, Izumi looks up, her pun radar tingling.)

        ".... I considered it," Lucine says to Lua, with a slightly wry smile. "But... this isn't a Greek myth. Most likely... there was a danger, and I averted it, but when I did it, I caused a new danger. A target can be moved, but if the danger is too big..." She frowns. "I'm still trying to figure out what my question is, even. I've told myself it's better to do all that you can and fail, than do nothing and feel there's something more you could do. But now, all I can think about is how to convince everyone that I did everything I could, including myself."

        Survivor's guilt. Yellow eyes lower. ".... I can handle people I don't know blaming me. Just... not Ruri, or Ranka, or Alto, or a number of people I care about. I wouldn't even mind if Sheryl blamed me, because... that would be she'd be awake, right?"

        She sips her latte cautiously, and lets out a slow sigh. It feels good going down her throat. "... My mind's all messed up right now, I'm sorry."

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "That's good. That you tuned out the noise in the media, that is." Liam frowns, slightly, as Lucine brings up the rest of the crew. That's right, isn't it? And Alto and Ranka... "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he says. "Okay, Lu?"

        Still, he can't help but smile at Lucine and Lua's little joke. "I'm always going to be that little bean with you," he says. He glances back at Lucine, his face settling into a sad, knowing frown. "I can't pretend to know how Newtype stuff works. But--even Leina got caught off-guard, there. I don't think you caused this to happen by trying to prevent it. That's you blaming yourself, Lu. That's why I kept bugging you to talk to Simone. I think we both have enough of that guilt already."

        "I love you," Liam says. He might not be holding Lucine close right now, but he wants to.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "It's good that you're seeing a therapist. Survivor's guilt is a real thing and it will mess with you." Lua thinks to herself: she said as if she knew firsthand. Lucine takes a moment rattling off a bunch of names Lua is unfamiliar with. She takes the moment to dig in the bag and hand over a slice of strawberry cream cake on a paper plate and a plastic fork and knife. "Hope you like strawberry. And the biscotti's still in there. Good with hot drinks."

        "You are objectively a bean," she tells Liam, dead flat. "You're not a little bean anymore, but you still possess the bean nature. There's more to bean than size."

        "Let me know if I can do anything for you," Lua tells Lucine. Probably not that much. She's a public figure, but not one related to this event in any way. "If you need a bolthole to dodge the press for awhile, I can set you up." At least she has roommates she's fond of here. Take care of Lucine, cherry tomato plant. Look after her.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        "... It is," Lucine says, sharing a glance with Lua, and with Liam. They've all had some form of it, being survivors of some disaster, or some experiment. Or both.

        It may have been something Lua thought privately to herself, but Lucine seems to know enough to connect the dots.

        Sometimes the simplest solutions can be the best ones in the moment. ".... Okay. That... might be the best. No doubt they also are probably someplace, trying to digest it too. She's important to them both." Turning to Lua, Lucine begins speaking, almost automatically; whether she felt that brief flash of unfamiliarity or released that these names would mean nothing, it felt good to answer *why* they did. "Alto... flew alongside me on my first mission for the Nadesico. He tried me like an equal, even when I was completely new to everything. Even if I sometimes will tease him... I think highly of him because of that. Ranka... you might know her better as the singer Ranka Lee. Before she made it big.... she'd come in here and sing to the plants, to practice." A sweet, gentle song, that Lucine sometimes hums to herself when she's nervous. "... Don't tell anyone that; she might still get embarrassed about it..."

        The image of tiny bean Liam warms Lucine's heart. "He's a little bean that grew into a big bean." She gazes towards him. ".... You've had to endure an gauntlet of things just by knowing people like me and Leina, Liam... The Vajra... who knows if there's other places like that where they could be hiding. .... Did they come up because they were disturbed? Like... a hornet's nest? It's not as if hornets hate a person when they sting them... but..." It's likely why she's never felt *hate* towards them, despite everything that's happened on the news. Is she a hypocrite, to not hate something that's destroyed colonies, just because they weren't the ones that destroyed hers? "..... My thoughts on them... do not leave this room. If they were the Jovian Lizards... I'd be calling for all of them to be destroyed. I imagine... there are those who feel the same way about Vajra, for very much the same reasons. They're just as dangerous."

        She sips her chai tea, and moves to take the slice of strawberry creme cake from Lua, along with the fork and knife. "... Thank you. You're a good friend, Lua." Chancing a look towards Liam, she says, ".... if you need to rest before you go back... I wouldn't mind it."

        Liam may not need to be a Newtype or a Psychodriver to clue into what Lucine is trying to say, here. "... I love you too, Liam."

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam still remembers when he accidentally interrupted Ranka while she was playing a VR idol game. Times sure have changed. "They're... some of your first friends from the Earth Sphere, right?" he asks. He doesn't want Lucine to lose them. "If I can be there, when you talk to them, that is. If you need moral support, just ask. Okay?"

        And now it's Liam's turn to be flustered. "'Bean nature?'" he says, glancing between Lua and Lucine. "What's--is this related to 'smol bean', or something different?" He pronounces it 'smol'. If this is not proof he is a bean, what proof is there? But he lets out a breath as Lucine shares her thoughts on the Vajra. "Not like the Vajra leader told them to go murder people," he says. It's a bit different when someone obliterates your home and murders your family just to scare people.

        "I... could use a breather, yeah," Liam says. He glances back at Lua. "Thanks, Lua. We should go do something under better circumstances, soon." For now, he has bean duties to attend to.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "I think I remember Alto, now that you mention it," Lua says. "I think he was there on a deployment once." Against the Vajra, no less. Ranka is that Ranka... Lua doesn't really follow pop idols that much.

        Lua is much more focused on human evils. "Sometimes you just don't know how to safely coexist with an animal. Then you just have to do what you can. You don't celebrate it, but sometimes there's no better alternative available." It's much easier to get invested over people who understand the harm they cause and have chosen it.

        Lucine and Liam make eyes towards each other, and Lua indeed doesn't need to read minds to read the room. "Okay. You enjoy your bean, Lucine. Keep in touch, take care of yourself." Lua rises to her feet, picking up the chair to casually fold and set against the wall while she's moving. They might need the floor space. Passing Liam on her way out, she pats him on the head firmly. "You're definitely not a small bean anymore." She pronounces it 'small.' How did he do that?