2024-06-28: Stay With Me

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  • Cutscene: Stay With Me
  • Cast: Calas Zelinn, Navras Zelinn, Jovri Gand, and Children
  • Where: The Zelinn Home, December One, PLANT
  • Date: June 28, 2024 (0099)
  • Summary: Calas Zelinn is at home, and has a night in with her family.

Calas Zelinn rocks gently back and forth in her chair, soothing her son Tarol in her arms. Her long brown hair is down her back out of the way, and she is quiet, thoughtful. The child at her breast is calm, at least. His siblings--her other children--are in the other room with Jovri, but the noise from there is muted here. Her time with Tarol like this is a welcome respite from the noise of the house, for a reserved woman like her.

The quiet means she hears it when the front door opens. Calas waits for it to close again and another few moments before she calls, "Navras?" Her husband. "Would you come in here?"

There's a delay, during which time Calas assumes Navras is greeting Jovri and the kids,but then the door to the toddler's room opens and Navras steps inside. "Hello, Calas." He's quiet--so as not to disturb Tarol. "You don't usually want to talk until you're done." He crosses the distance anyway, closing the door and walking over. He's much taller than she is; he towers over her when he's standing, and is still bigger when he's sitting, which he does after a moment. "How was your day?"

Calas gives him a small smile. She's likewise quiet. "I wanted to talk to you," she explains. "While I still have some quiet time. Today was fine; the kids at school were energetic as ever." A pause. "How about you? I know you had that big vote today..."

"We did. Even with the Zodiac Alliance's majority in our chamber it was narrow, but my resolution passed. We're recommending that the broader Assembly take it before NUNE. ...Not that our opponents wasted the time to complain about 'letting in the enemy'. They don't realize that our needs are different than they were during the war. That the way to keep from another war is to play it smarter."

"Right," Calas agrees. "I understand. You're past where Father was already. That'll make you a target for some."

"...I know," Navras admits. "But if we can get the research funding here in the December cluster, that'll bring in more revenue for more improvements. And we need this research to be a priority. The NIA definitely wouldn't give it a second thought. They're anti-Coordinator as it is. We can't rely on governments outside the PLANTs for this."

"Mm," Calas answers. "You're probably right. Even the other Spacenoids don't always share our priorities. And a bit of expansion would be good for us. Not just your career, but the cluster as a whole. ...It relies on letting Natural scientists in to help, though. That's why you're having so much trouble."

"It is," Navras agrees. "But whether we entirely trust them or not, they're the ones with the background we need. We can't allow our distrust of Naturals to hinder our efforts to be independent of them."

"...Can't we?" Calas sighs, and gently strokes her son's back. "No, I know we can't. I just know why your opponents are afraid. And fear is hard to counter. I don't exactly love relying on Natural scientists myself, but I recognize the opportunity this represents."

"I remember we argued about it," Navras points out. "But you came around once you saw. It's a step away from having to change our entire way of life. It's a smart way forward."

"I know. ...Related, I met that Natural girl the other day. The one the Assembly asked me to talk with. She was more incisive than I expected. And more informed. If our precious scientists are anything like her, your plan might work out after all."

"Hmmm. Then let's hope they will be. ...But is that all you wanted to talk about?" Navras asks. "That could've waited until you were done with Tarol here." He smiles at his youngest son, leaning in.

"Don't disturb him," Calas says softly. "He's being a very good boy."

"I won't, I won't," Navras assures his wife. "But my question stands."

"It's not," Calas admits. "I was wondering, if..."


"If you'd stay with me tonight," Calas finishes. "I didn't want to ask in front of Jovri so neither of you felt pressured."

"You're not due to ovulate again for a couple weeks," Navras says thoughtfully. "Right?"

"No, but..." Calas opens her mouth and closes it, glancing away. "I just... I want to be with you tonight. ...I'll make it good for you."

"Well, all right," Navras answers. "Sure. I'll come to your room later. I need to talk to Jovri about a few things first."

"Thanks," Calas says. Her expression remains reserved, her emotions hard to read, but she does give him a look in the eyes, staring up. "...And you'll stay the night?"

"All right," Navras says. "I'll stay the night if you really want. Though I'm not sure what's gotten into you..."

"That's all right," Calas says. "I'll see you later, then."

Navras stands and leans in over Tarol to kiss Calas's forehead. "See you in a while. Jovri's going to get dinner going for us."

"Of course," Calas replies. "I'll finish this one's dinner and come on out in a few."

Navras smiles, walking for the door, opening it to pass through and closing it quietly behind him. Calas hears the sounds of her kids and her other partner greeting him.

"What's gotten into me, huh?" she murmurs, as Tarol's eyes open and look up at her.

"Mm?" she asks him, with another little smile. "Are you about done then? Well, that's fine. We'll sit here a little longer."

What's gotten into her...?


"I really like this, Uncle Jovri!" Kavrun enthuses about the meal as he picks up his fork, smiling across the table. He's a brown-haired boy of ten, with steel-gray eyes, and he eats with energy.

Calas nods along at her son's politeness. "It's very good," she agrees, and leans over to gently nudge Adria who's staring into space. Adria is eight, and much quieter than her older brother. She gets back to the meal once Calas reminds her to focus. Calas continues, "Your breyani is always good. I'm still impressed that you manage to source the right spices. We don't get those often."

"Of course," Jovri grins. "Things that slow cook in a pot are the best!" He's a tall, blond man, and he sits next to Navras as usual. That's their arrangement; Navras and Jovri together, then Calas between the kids. Tarol is down for a nap after his earlier meal. "Of course, you taught it to me in the first place... You picked it up from where you were stationed down in the OAC on Earth, right?"

"Sure," Calas answers, "But you're better at it."

Navras laughs along. "He gets more practice. We're both working more of the time."

"I call it 'quality time' with Kavrun and Adria and Tarol," Jovri insists, turning up his nose in mock offense. "...Hehe. Kavrun's biased because he helped, anyway."

"I did!" Kavrun says, beaming. "He let me slice the banana to go with it!"

"It turned out well!" Jovri adds, "Very even knife cuts. He'll be a chef in no time!"

Calas smiles, even if it feels a little thin to her. She should be happier about that. "It did. It really adds something to the flavor..."

Navras says, "After a long day something like this really is ideal. I appreciate it."
"Your dad had a long day arguing with old people," Jovri says conspiratorially.

Navras laughs at that. "Most of them aren't so old. The really old ones are in the Assembly proper."

Calas, who is the oldest here, doesn't say much about that. Instead, "He did well, though. He always does. He reminds me a lot these days of your grandfather."

"We never get to see grandpa," Adria says with a sigh. "He's always so busy..."

"Keeping the water on for the whole colony cluster is a big job," Calas says. "And he has his political work to consider. But maybe he can visit soon."

"Yaay!" Adria says, kicking her feet back and forth under the table as she eats. Some of the most excitement she shows is over family. "I'll make him something this time! Jovriii, you can show me how to make cookies, right?"

"Of course I can. I'll supervise, hm?" He nods firmly.

"Okay!" Adria beams.

Calas looks over her family for a moment. She finds herself quiet today, so she adds, "...How's the tea? I was able to import some..."

It's one of those days, but she's trying to engage more.

"Oh, yes. I like it," Navras answers, but Kavrun makes a face.

"It's so bitter..." the ten-year-old says.

"Thanks for trying it," Calas answers with a lopsided smile. "It's mostly for adults anyway." A beat, "So, Jovri, how was the day?"