2024-05-18: .our lattice binds me to this worlD

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  • Log: .our lattice binds me to this worlD
  • Cast: Yuliana Kafim, Elisa Kafim
  • Where:
  • Date: 2024-05-18
  • Summary: A sleepless Yuliana pours her heart out to her mother, who assures her that no matter what the Empress claims, She's the one who hurt Yuliana. They're interrupted by Elisa, having finally completed her works -- and Yuliana receives bracelets and earrings to help ward the Empress away.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozPgii4g-Hc CHVRCHES - God's Plan

        Yuliana didn't want to go back to sleep. She woke Wendy to keep her company, when it came time for Elisa to work. So has she worked all day... long enough into it that when she comes to fetch her wife, Yuliana is taking tea with her mother, instead.

        (The children are with their gruncles, learning practical skills like maths. Mourn for them.)

        "No... I don't feel I'm discarding Her, mamulya," Yuliana sighs, slumped over her cup, as she whines to her mother. Black tea, this time, to keep her alert -- though still with plenty of honey. They have to import it all, of course. "Why would I think that? She's doing wrong by me. I never hurt Her."

        "Oh, dochura, that is not what I mean," Sashenka points out, reaching over to place a hand over her daughter's arm, where they sit beside each other on the couch. (Her family may sit beside her, in this way. With others, she prefers more distance.) "But violent partners, often they feel discarded. Feel hurt. Feel the wrong is done to them, more than they to others. She may tell you these things, Yulya, and you mustn't listen."

        "I'm the victim here," Yuliana sniffs, and stops there, with all the self-reflection of a sponge. Perhaps her self-absorption can even be forgiven, under the circumstances.

        "I am so angry, to think this is done to you," Sashenka says, as she pulls Yuliana in with one arm, and grasps a box of tissues to bring before her with the other. (It's a manoeuvre she pulls off with practiced ease.) As her daughter wipes her face, Sashenka says: "It is beyond unreasonable, that She should assault you in the seat of your consciousness. Of course it does happen -- but in private, between the woman and herself. These dreams ought not involve our husbands." She pauses. "Or our wives," she adds, thoughtfully. "But it is better, this way. It is too modern to have two wives, even if they were one, once. And Elyushka is the better provider by far, dochura. I like her very much more than this Empress of yours."

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa Kafim has been hard at work. To oppose God is no mean feat, even for one who has divine power. There is much and more that she must prepare, must do. But now...

Now it is time to fetch her wife.

Elisa pauses, as she hears Yuliana and Sashenka talking; it is easy. She is silent when she moves, her robes absorbing what little sound there might be. One can tell how serious she is, because she is not even wearing her heels from where she works today.

She listens, and is pleased, distantly. It is an effort, exerting this much Power, to be 'normal', to consider and act with feeling, but Elisa is doing what she can for this, and anchoring in the moment helps. Sashenka's voice; the feeling of the stone under her feet. The sight of her wife...

"I am here," Elisa announces. "Mother. Yuliana."

"I have prepared my initial work."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "Dochura," Sashenka smiles, as she looks up to see Elisa. (She's long since gotten used to her strange, feather-eared daughter-in-law appearing out of nowhere.) And she supports Yuliana, as, naturally, her daughter rises from the couch, one tentacle putting her cup of tea down in the process.

        "Elya!" Yuliana exclaims, a little teary-eyed, eager to rush forward and collapse into her arms. Without her heels, Yuliana's almost as tall as she is, so of course she takes advantage of it by at once pressing her forehead to Elisa's. "You've been working hard, haven't you...?"

        "Our zhena docha is a diligent woman," and this time Sashenka addresses Elisa, warmly, as their daughter's wife. "Go on, Yulya." Of course she encourages her to flee to Elisa's protection. She saw her dive into the Arctic ocean to save her daughter!

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa smiles back. It's a little stilted, but they all know her difficulties after using her Power, when it comes to being more 'normal'. Elisa catches Yuliana as she rushes into her arms, and holds her close. "My darling," she says. "I have."

Sashenka addresses her warmly, and Elisa inclines her head. "I do all that I can, for the good of my wife and our family." Once, it would have only been 'our wife'.

"I am lucky that I need not support her alone..."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        And Yuliana sighs, sinking into the safety of her wife; neither she nor Sashenka will begrudge her that stiffness, when she's trying so hard. She holds herself to Elisa, overcome by her love.

        "I see that you do," Sashenka nods, in turn, and smiles. (She is not so stiff.) "And I am glad to see you supporting her with such assiduity. It is a relief to know my docha is in your hands." She's her only daughter! She's precious to her!

        (Perhaps, if Yuliana had had a sibling, she might have learned to share.)

        "I'm ready," Yuliana says, finally straightening up out of her wife's embrace to grasp her arm, instead. "Show me, Elya." Of course she will walk with her -- and no one would dare get between them.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

An Elisa holds her. When Sashenka smiles at her, she nods crisply. "I shall continue," she assures their mother. Of course Yuliana would be precious; she is Yuliana. It is the only possible way to feel about her, for family.

Sharing is overrated.

But Yuliana grasps her arm, and Elisa nods again. "Yes," she says. "So..."

She nods again in farewell to Sashenka, and begins to lead Yuliana down the hall. "The entire Lattice is unnecessary when not trying to draw heavily upon your Power. Instead, I have miniaturized the technology required. Under most circumstances you will have two bracelets that reinforce my aegis, but because that is impractical for your engineering work, I have included two stud earrings that will allow you to benefit from this protection even when you must remove other jewelry."

She takes her North, of course. To where she has set down these items.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        It's quite a walk, to the North Wing. On the opposite end of the island to the others, one must either walk across the frigid courtyard -- or take the longer, yet much warmer route walking through the paths in the inner walls.

        (There may also be a path underground, in the Castle's basement levels, but that is for the help.)

        Yuliana doesn't mind, though, because she's walking with her wife. (Even if she gets a little nervous, coming out here, just by virtue of the North Wing being where Elisa keeps all her medical equipment.) Her hands wrap about Elisa's arm, head tilted towards her as she listens. "You even thought of what to do when I need my wrists clear...? You're so clever, Elya," Yuliana smiles, as she praises her.

        "And if I sleep with these, I'll be safe...?"

        It gets colder, as they move to the North Wing. Elisa doesn't need to keep as many fires burning, after all... though surely she still keeps a little heat about her demesne, when mortals like Yuliana must tread there.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

The warmer route is their choice today, of course; Elisa will not subject Yuliana to more chill than she must. But, as they walk, she explains. It is natural for Yuliana to be nervous, but Elisa can reassure her.

"I know how you love your work," Elisa says. And truthfully, she'd rather Yuliana just stay at the castle working on her engineering projects instead of doing battle... but that is an argument she has lost, in the past. "Thank you."

A pause. "Yes. I will also install, later, a smaller Lattice upon our bed, such that you need not wear any extra jewelry for sleep. But that is not yet ready."

Elisa has warmed it, for today. She does not usually keep it this warm. But soon, she leads Yuliana into a small room, where on soft pedestals her gifts await. Tapestries keep out the chill; there is a fire in the fireplace.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        Yuliana, then, has a warmer time of it than the servants who must keep this place tidy. (They have coats; they're fine.) Unfortunately, Yuliana's engineering frequently leads to Yuliana going out into the world... and yet, she does still love her work.

        Not as much as her wife, of course. If Elisa told her to stay, she'd listen, at least for a while.

        "It can be placed on our bed, as well?" Yuliana asks, smiling. "You thought of everything, zhenushka... it's even warm here." Of course, it's usually warm when Yuliana visits, but she can hear how other people speak of this isolated tower.

        Stepping into that room, she finds those bracelets and studded earrings. First she takes out her gold hoops, to place the emerald studs into the holes, instead; and she notes that their fasteners have gentle backings, to avoid the metal poking at her neck. Once they're secured, she slips each lattice-bracelet around her wrist, securing them in place with their clasps; their black chain-link pattern even resembles a lattice, a small emerald set into each curve, creating a glittering green-black display.

        "There... they fit perfectly!" Yuliana says, as she turns her wrists, to show Elisa her work. "And, I feel..." She takes a moment to inventory just how she feels, pausing, for a moment. "More grounded," she decides, then. "This is much safer, isn't it?"

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

It is well, to keep the servants from being comfortable here. It is as it must be.

"Yes," Elisa answers, "Which also shields me, should it become necessary. I have... other things in mind, to protect myself, worry not. But your needs are more urgent now."

"I had it warmed for you."

Elisa waits, as Yuliana puts them on. Then, she inclines her head. "Yes," she says. "They should. I made them to suit you." Not 'had them made'--somehow, she shaped them directly with her own power. No wonder she's chilly.

"Good," Elisa says. "It will not work against your Light therapy; it is a different form of protection. It is far safer for you than was previously the case."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "So long as you're safe, too," Yuliana says, being remarkably considerate. (But she's considerate to her wife, so that's fine.) "I'm glad... oh, and for the warmth, as well. It gets quite cold in here!" And, yes, the servants rarely want to linger in the North Wing, past their duties. It's not the most hospitable place.

        It is, at least, still much warmer inside than outside, even without too much heating.

        "You made them for me," Yuliana sighs, as she steps back to her wife, embracing her again. "Oh, Elya, they're lovely. And they won't interfere with my therapy, either...? You're so thoughtful... I feel so much safer."

        But perhaps being here reminds her of something, as she looks to her wife. "Will they interfere with the scrying-orb ritual, zhenushka?" She asks, thinking of that black Voidframe orb set in its altar in this tower.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

"I shall be. But the measures that shall keep me safe will take... more work," she reflects. "Give me time. Until then, I am prepared for battle."
 But the warmth! Yes. It is at least warmer than that, but, "It does."

Elisa smiles, and hugs her wife. She holds her close. "They will not," she says. "They operate on different, unrelated principles."

But the ritual. Of course, Elisa will not have forgotten it. She pulls back, to look her wife in the eyes. "No," she says.

She considers, and explains, "Put simply, the Empress operates on an 'in' channel towards you. The Orb operates on an 'out' channel from you. They are separate."

"And there is a further safety measure; should the Empress find a different 'channel', I can still banish Her influence from this realm. It is built-in."

Of course, that means that Elisa knows how to get around the protection, but... surely that's not a concern.

"The mechanisms I have used are difficult for Her to understand, reliant as they are upon this world's spacetime constraints. In short, my weaving is too 'small' for her to make out."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "You're so brave," Yuliana says, with endless praise for her wife's prowess in battle. (And everything else.)

        And Yuliana's hand rests at Elisa's shoulder, as she looks into her eyes, endless and green. "She can't intrude on me..." And isn't that their whole philosophy, that they should abjure unwanted intrusion into their psyches?

        "You can even banish Her... you're so strong, zhenushka." Of course Elisa being able to get around her protection isn't a concern. Elisa would never hurt her!

        Yuliana smiles, looking to -- not up to, for once -- her wife. "That's right," she says, working through Elisa's methods. "She struggles with localising us in time... the best She can do is refer to the present moment. She doesn't understand this world... you do, Elya. This, too, is your strength."

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Bravery. Is it bravery, when it is in Elisa's very bones what she must do? Is it bravery, when she is made of affection?


Elisa looks into Yuliana's eyes all the same. "Indeed, neither in influence nor in forced action. That is our way."

Elisa would never! Besides, "Only because She is not of this realm," Elisa admits. "Not any longer. She can only slide in at the edges... Through you. By reinforcing you, I can prevent Her."

A pause. But yes. And Yuliana works through her methods, so, "Indeed. This shall be one of my many weapons against Her. She thought me lesser, when She made me... But I shall be greater still."

"...For you, my darling."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        Isn't it bravery?

        "It is our way," she agrees, smiling gently.

        She looks down, though, at the edges of herself, at the tentacles which wrap about Elisa's waist and hold them together. "I'm the weak point of reality..." And her voice is still soft, but it gains a more mournful undertone, at that.

        But Yuliana shakes her head, and looks back to her wife, stroking the back of her head with one of those bracelet-warded hands. "You are no lesser woman, sputnica zhizni," Yuliana names her the one she's chosen, "you are my wife. I spoke my vows to you... She only witnessed. You're amazing, Elya. You may have come from the Divine... but now you're human, too. It makes you better. I'm so proud of you, zhenushka..."

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa shakes her head. "Were you not, I would never be able to have come," she says. "...Not a 'weak point'. The Gate, whom we can fortify. The Gate is the most precious part of the wall..."

But Yuliana calls her 'not lesser', and Elisa smiles at her. She has the normal amount of teeth. "Yes," she says. "And I, to you. Not to Her."

Amazing... She can accept this.

"Yes," she says. "I shall use all that I am. And we shall be together, always."

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        "Then I'm glad," Yuliana sighs, "for I can't imagine a life without you, Elya. All right. We'll fortify me... and all will be well."

        Elisa is not lesser than the Empress. Is she greater than Her? Well. That's up to Elisa, isn't it?

        "Always," she promises her chosen wife, laying her head upon her shoulder.
