2024-04-28: ZAFT Prototype Gundams Stolen!

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  • Log: 2024-04-28: ZAFT Prototype Gundams Stolen!
  • Cast: Stella Loussier
  • Where: Armory One
  • Date: U.C. 0099 04 28
  • Summary: News report detailing three new prototype Gundams stolen from ZAFT!

A news report coming out of the PLANTs starts to play, showing a beautiful
 coordinator woman standing in frame with a backdrop of rubble behind her.
 After a few moments she starts up:

"This is Avery Reed with PLANT NEWS, reporting from the site of the recent
 incident within the Armory One PLANT."

"It's only been a few days since a group of unidentified individuals
 infiltrated the restricted military sector of the PLANT and stole three new
 prototype mobile weapons that had been developed by ZAFT. The resulting battle
 as defense forces engaged the stolen units led to numerous casualties amongst
 ZAFT personnel as well as damage to the PLANT's interior. Including a breach
 in its shell."

The camera turns away and upwards, zooming in to show a specific section of the
 PLANT's shell. There are clear signs of a hole, roughly a few times larger
 than a mobile suit, blasted outwards but now covered up with an emergency
 patch. Avery Reed's voice continues, "The colony's life support systems
 suffered significant losses as a result of the breach, but now remain stable
 after being restored from emergency stockpiles."

The feed now switches to some rather shakey camera footage of a battle taking
 place. Numerous ZAFT mass production mobile suits fight amongst the various
 warehouses against three new designs. Though the ZAFT regular units are
 clearly overwhelmed by both the power of the new units and the skill of their
 pilots who are dispatching them quickly and in many cases, lethally. The three
 prototypes, one varying shades of green, another shades of blue with some
 white, and the last black with red and yellow highlights, all have very
 distinct V shaped crests on their heads, along with some other design shapes
 which declare their type:


As if to confirm this, Avery Reed's voice continues, "Some nations have been
 calling the PLANTs out for their development of next generation Gundams.
 However, PLANT leadership have countered this saying that they are simply test
 beds for future technologies of a conventional nature that do not breach the
 restrictions of mobile weapon development as outlined by the Cathedra

"The three new units, codenamed Chaos Gundam, Abyss Gundam and Gaia Gundam,
 proceeded to blow an opening into the colony shell and escape into space.
 Where a stealth warship of unknown affiliation collected them and proceeded to
 escape pursuit by a new ZAFT battleship. Sources tell us that the identity of
 the thieves remain a mystery. The base's computer network suffered a breach
 during the attack, erasing security footage and stealing significant amounts
 of design data and blueprints related to the construction of the new Gundams."

"Is this an isolated incident perpetrated by a small group looking to
 capitalize on new mobile weapons designs? Or is this the start of a new
 conflict within the Earth Sphere? Either way, the Space Assembly League is on
 alert for any reappearance of the stolen prototypes or those who took them."

"I am Avery Reed, reporting for PLANT NEWS, your trusted source for noteworthy
 events and worldwide scoops!"