2023-09-03: Day Off ~Brotherhood~

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  • Cast: GaoGaiGo Team, Guy Shishioh
  • Where: Orbit Base
  • Date: U.C. 0097 09 03
  • Summary: With storms behind and ahead, Guy and Mamoru take a few precious hours to just hang out.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

For a little while, at least, it's quiet. The Main Order Room staff are on a slow shift, there's no standby alerts, no sign of the Ruin Apostles or another Bionet calamity.

Guy Shishioh has come up to one of Orbit Base's necessary amenities for a place with Japanese sensibilities and a bunch of working adults - the bar, fully stocked and ready to go. Guy's not the type to drink away his sorrows, but...

He doesn't expect to be alone tonight, either, so he's got a beer already in front of him. The monitor's got a terrestrial soccer match playing, no robots at all. For a time, it's possible to be a little further away from super robots and wars.

He sighs, a pleased sound. "Decent way to spend an evening, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> GaoGaiGo Team has posed.

It's quiet, at least for now. It probably won't stay that way...

But you have to have an escape sometimes.

Mamoru Amami sits at the bar, nursing a beer as he watches the soccer game casually. He used to play (in school), so he knows how to follow the game pretty well. When 'his' team scores, he cheers lightly, taking a sip of the beer, before turning to Guy.

"Yeah...! We haven't done this... well, we haven't done this ever, really. A nice game, a cold beer, and no alarms going off..." He pauses. Did he jinx it?

After a few moments, he exhales, laughing. "It's important to relax. After all, if you work all day, you get grey hairs!" Mamoru takes a glance at his reflection in the bottle. Does he... ?

No, he's twenty. He's fine... right?

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy yelps a good natured, "C'mon!" and a laugh as the goal sounds, slugging back a sip of his drink.

"I thought it felt like a good idea, I guess?" Guy chuckles. "Not like either of us has ever had a normal office job, but..." Hm. He swirls the bottle, idly. "It's a good way to bond. And with everything finally slowing down for at least a little while...felt like we had a good evening for it."

There's a lot still to do. Tsutsujidai's a real real colony now, which means they need even more staff than before. The plan to convert the Wadatsumi into a central GGG base for the Tsutsujidai colony got interrupted, but that's still a factor. And Akane may now be healed and Alexis Kerib defeated, but the damage he did with the Galeoria Pliers is lingering. Akamatsu is still in pain from his daughter going missing. Plus, the ongoing issue of the Ruin Apostles, Yang's swamped with dealing with Martha Vist Carbine AKA The Actual Devil...

But none of that's the problem for the Acting Chief of GGG Green or the Mobile Captain of GGG Blue for a few hours. Guy laughs at Mamoru's examination of his bottle. "You're fine. From what we've seen, you're as likely to turn green as grey..." He stops and then laughs freely at the image.

A grin big on his face, he turns his full gaze on Mamoru. "How are things with Hana?"

<Pose Tracker> GaoGaiGo Team has posed.

Mamoru nods, blissfully unable to read Guy's mind and get worried about All Of The Everything. "Hey, that might actually look good..." Mamoru pauses. "But brown works, you know?"

Continuing to nurse the beer, Mamoru considers how to answer the question. "She's good! She's...Hana. Which is good! She just... focuses on everything, which is useful for the job, but she gets worried she's dying if she has a stomach ache... I hope when everything's back to 'normal', that she's able to calm down a bit, for her own sake."

Mamoru pauses. That wasn't the question, was it. "Oh! *We're* doing good. No real bumps in the road, luckily. I... I've been thinking about proposing, for real this time, instead of the ten year old's marriage."

His face gets red, as he pushes his fingers together. "I've only told Ikumi so far, since it's a recent development, but I definitely want everyone back before I do anything too big."

Mamoru smiles, though. "But it feels like we're getting closer to that goal. Tonight's not about all that, but I'll say it anyways. It feels like any day now... this will all be a bad memory."

A large drink of beer, because that was heavier than he expected tonight. "Oh, come on!" He gets 'mad', which mean he frowns slightly, at the soccer game. Looks like it's a good distraction.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy laughs, with a big, fond, brotherly smile. "It's good you worry about her," he assures Mamoru. "That's part of it, you know. When even the stuff that drives you crazy is important..." He laughs, and gets a little misty-eyed, staring off into the distance. Thinking about Mikoto, but not in his usual barely-restrained agony way. What a woman...

He brightens up immediately. "Oh! What a good idea!" he says, nodding excitedly at Mamoru's thought to propose. "I hear a lot of couples do remarrying type of things...and I'm sure Hana would love more than anything to wear a dress for you again."

Guy hums. "Weddings...yeah. Of course, Taiga and Hyuma would be heartbroken if they couldn't be there to see that. And Mikoto, too." ...he blushes himself, though maybe it's the drink already making him excitable. "You know...Mikoto and I were putting off our own marriage until after everything blew over...maybe we could do some kind of double...?"

He grins even wider, nodding firmly. "Yeah. Right now...there'll be tough days ahead, sure. Days we question if we can put another foot down, I bet. But we have all these friends, so many people we've helped all walking forward together..."

He pulls his beer up. "Even the bad memories have some good parts now, I think," he decides.

Then he laughs. "That was obviously a foul!" he chuckles.

<Pose Tracker> GaoGaiGo Team has posed.

"You think?" Mamoru asks about the worrying, but then he brightens up too as Guy proposes a double marriage. "We can see! I'm not opposed. In that case, I don't have to see a fight over best man..." He's half-joking, but he DOES have two candidates, so.

As Guy gets slightly philosophical, Mamoru gets wistful as he sips at his drink, watching the game absent-mindedly even as Guy calls out a foul. He's not in a bad place, he's just thinking.

"You know, I could say something about courage and stuff, but I think the real thing that keeps us going is bonds. People are social creatures by default. They love, they laugh, they cherish... Ikumi's told me how lonely it was back when we were kids, just him and his mom, how he feels that she was the reason he was able to keep going after his mission. Our hearts still beat as one with 3G Green, even if we're on opposing sides."

"We've got a lot of great friends though, you're right! I'm very happy about it." Mamoru looks back at the game. "Wait, how did he get over there?!"

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy hums at that thought from Mamoru, leaning back just a little. "The courage is what lets us defend the bonds," he decides, nodding thoughtfully. "You're right. The friends we've made...even the simple connection every single person shares, that desire to live in a better world, is something we can rally around and toward."

He huffs a little laugh. "Ikumi Kaidou...we had no idea what to make of him, back then. I'm glad you and he have been able to be partners, Mamoru. You're good for each other."

Our hearts still beat as one...the Ruin Apostles, the missing members of Green....yeah. "Yeah," he agrees, and puts a hand over his heart. "I know they hate this as much as we do. But they can't stop themselves. So, we'll help them come home." A firm nod!

Mamoru's call gets Guy to look up. "Whoa. What's he doing the whole way up? Is he going for it??"

<Pose Tracker> GaoGaiGo Team has posed.

"Yeah, I think we are. Ikumi would think so too, I know it." Mamoru beams at the comment, as he responds to Guy about the Ruin Apostles.

"Yeah! We-"

As he goes to probably affirm, his eyes land on the TV. "Woah, he is! He's going for it!"

As the game gets to its most intense point, Mamoru clutches his beer as tight as he can. He inhales, hoping that the shot will land true...

It does.


Mamoru cheers, lifting up a hand to toss Guy a high-five as he takes another drink of his beer.

As the excitement dies down, Mamoru looks to Guy. "Thank you again for this. It's good to remember we're still human...ish, even if we're also super robot heroes."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy echoes Mamoru with a laugh: "Wa-ha!!" and twists in his seat to land the high-five with a loud CLAP!

Then, he lifts his beer in recognition of the game and slugs back a mouthful, a big grin on his face. "Back in the Primeval War, I wasn't able to have a lot of these moments. I wasn't human, in a way, so little things like this were hard."

He favors Mamoru with a wink. "Which is why now that I can again, I like to treat myself. A nice evening with my little brother here and a few drinks? Perfect." He chuckles, sets his drink down, leans back a bit...

"Whatever we are..." Guy says, slowly. He's not entirely over his own issues with the body the miracle gave him. But: "We're no less human for it. You and I and Mikoto, and the Repli-Compoids from Akane's heart, and the Dual-Kinds Hinoki and Keita, too. That's what's so amazing. We'll keep exploring and discovering new possibilities, but that doesn't mean we can't embrace each other, too."

<Pose Tracker> GaoGaiGo Team has posed.

Mamoru nods, listening closely to Guy as he smiles. "Yeah. The future is bright, even if the present is cloudy. We just gotta follow that light...!"

He laughs, and turns back to the screen. "For now, let's finish these beers. Warm beer is gross, so while they're cold!"

It's a comfort with all the dangers to the world to come.