2023-03-28: ...join uS

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  • Cutscene: ...join uS
  • Cast: Yuliana Kafim's invitations
  • Where: Throughout Earth
  • Date: 2023-03-28
  • Summary: Flyers have begun appearing on corner store windows, lightpoles, bus shelters, and fences. An invitation...


This world is a cruel place. War claims or changes those closest to us; some of us, never loved, have no love left for others. You have questions you have never asked another soul, looking down the barrel of a gun designed to destroy the Earth.

Why is this happening to me?
You know the malice of this world already.

Perhaps you are even cursed to know for certain.

There is hope.
There is silence.

It is only in the fortress of ourselves that we can reclaim our love for humanity. The cacophony of this world has made monsters of a thousand saints. It must not claim you, too.

This existence isn't all there is.

We can save you.
Join us...

Attached to each flyer is an address for a local meetup -- in town halls, sporting centres, community greens, and other places where people of the area congregate -- though the timing of each clearly varies. Refreshments, it seems, will be provided.

(Notably, all the flyers are, in fact, printed on a black background. This does not seem to have stopped the printer from distributing them widely.)