2022-12-29: Human Rights Report: Exclusive Interviews

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  • Log: 2022-12-29: Human Rights Report: Exclusive Interviews
  • Cast: Leina Ashta, Banagher Links
  • Where: Side 6 Hospital, The Internet, Various Media Outlets
  • Date: U.C. 0096 12 29
  • Summary: A human rights group releases a report on G-hound atrocities within the occupied PLANT.

The Earthsphere Rights Watch, an independent human rights group that usually receives little media attention despite its stellar reputation releases a report which is heavily boosted.

It contains the interviews of several dozen PLANTS citizens from a Side 6 hospital describing the conditions of their confinement by G-Hound and Blue Cosmos.

'Forced labor to build some enormous warship, and they accused us of unnatural experiments? Most of us work in agriculture!'

'When they found out we couldn't work, they took us away to a treatment plant and locked us in these crates to die...'

'Human waste everywhere...'

'Ades was the first to pass...'

'They never provided us any food or water and told us to drink our own...'

'Mouar spoke out a little too loudly when a guard was nearby, and they opened it up and hauled him out. The next thing we heard was gunshots. We were warned if we didn't stay quiet, we'd be next...'

Pictures are released, of various people in states of malnutrition and dehydration, hooked up to IV drips and parenteral nutrition.

While the report is wildly decried as lies and 'fake news' by internet conspiracy theorists and softer Blue Cosmos elements that realize how terrible the optics are for their cause, identification is provided in the report of interviewed individuals with their consent proving that they resided on the occupied PLANT, as well as pictures of 'before' and 'after' appearance to demonstrate the effects of their confinement on their physical state.

The pictures and interviews are heavily verified by some of the most reputable digital photography experts in the field.

It's not likely to move the needle much for people decided on the 'Coordinator' issue but for fence sitters, people who spin it as a human rights issue rather than a Coordinator one or have a reason to oppose G-Hound's existence, it's a moderately effective negative PR campaign against the organization and their offensive push.