MOO Command Glossary

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The following page is a master list of commands for SRTMOO, sorted by category, with instructions. It will be updated as staff are able. Thank you to Stormreign for providing a significant portion of this list.

As of 10/04/2022, this list is under construction.

Unit and Weapon Commands

Unit Library

* allows partial matching


Displays list of units you have access to.

+unitlibrary <name*|uid#>

Displays either a specific unit or a list of units matching partial name.

+unitlibrary group=<group>

Displays list of units available to group. The group needs to be the full Faction name as seen in people's +fingers. Ie: '+unitlibrary group=AEU Forces' instead of '+unitlibrary group=AEU'

+hangar & +uid are shortcuts for +unitlibrary

Weapon Library

* allows partial matching


Displays list of your personal weapons.

+weaponlibrary standard

Displays list of weapons you have access to.

+weaponlibrary <name*|wid#>

Displays either a specific weapon or a list of weapons matching partial name.

+wid is a shortcut for +weaponlibrary


!! Can only be used in the Personal Hangar room that is in the OOC area !!


List existing loadouts

load <slot> for <unit>

Unit is a deployable unit, slot is a loadout number between 1 and 5. Loads either an existing loadout, or prepares to customize a new one in the specified slot.

add <weapon name*|wid#> to weapons

Add a weapon to the currently loaded slot. Partial matching will give you a list of matches if there are more than one.

After you have chosen a weapon to add, it asks you to type in a name to use or @abort. This lets you apply a different name to weapons when you add them to your machine. Don't get abusive with this like naming your Super Heavy Missiles as Vulcans.

add <partname*> to parts

Similar to above, adds specified part to your loadout. Partial matching will give you a list of matches if there are more than one.

remove <part_number|weapon_number> from <weapons|parts>

Remove weapon or part.

set name to <name>

Set the name of this loadout.


Save this loadout.


View currently editing loadout.


List saved loadouts.

delete <unit_id>,<slot>

Delete a saved layout from the specified unit.


* allows partial matching


Resets combat in the room. Do not use in a room where combat is ongoing.

Stage & Field

A stage is a list of fields which a scene takes place on. You can think of the stage like the entire map in an SRW game. A field is a section of the map which contains one or two terrain types. You can think of fields like a collection of grid cells that cover a certain part of the map. Eg: A string of fields over a river that have the terrain Ground/Water to represent a shallow river ground units can walk through easily, while water units might have some trouble operating in. Right now, stage/field customization are not yet fully implemented.


Displays a list of stages currently available.

+stage <id>

Make a stage active for the room you are currently in.


List the fields that are available for the selected stage, along with who's in what field. This only works after you have deployed in a unit (see Unit section).

+field <id>

Changes you into that field. Field changes don't cost anything, though you should only do a field change using this method (there are others) once per your turn and on your turn. This only works after you have deployed in a unit (see Unit section).

+terrain to <ground|water|air|lowg|space>[, <second terrain>]

An alternative form of staging. This lets you set the terrain for the room to one or two terrains (separated by comma). This is used as the default terrain if there is no stage currently set. You can remove a stage using +reset.


+deploy <unit name*|uid#>

Deploys you in your unit. At the moment, it is recommended to do this AFTER the +stage has been set.


Lists available loadouts for your units. (You don't have to be deployed)

+loadout <slot #>

Sets your unit to use the specified loadout. (You do have to be deployed)

+mode <unit name*|uid#>

Let's you change the mode your unit is in. Only for transformable units. If you are using a loadout, you will need to use the loadout commands above to set it again after changing mode. Note that this is temporary and later the modes should remember loadouts.

+subdeploy <player*> / +subpilot <player*>

These commands both do the same thing. They set you as the subpilot of the specified player. Being a subpilot means you can:

  • Use Spirit Commands
  • Use Command Abilities
  • Use non-damaging Special Techniques
  • Receive SP at the same time your main pilot does.
  • Receive EN when you use a Command Ability

You get the same amount of Command Ability attacks as the player you are piloting with.

You do NOT get to use attacks that do any damage.


+use <part name>

Uses the specified part name. In the case of a toggle part like the Barrier Generator, this toggles it between on and off.


+barrier <on|off>

This lets you turn on/off an EN Barrier or Will Barrier ability for a unit. Note that by default, it starts off. For Barrier Generator part, see Parts section.


Stats can be view in a variety of ways:


View your pilot stats.

+pstats <player*>

Views someone else's pilot stats.


View your unit stats. This is either the unit you're deployed in, or if you aren't deployed in a unit, the last unit you deployed

+ustats <player*>

Views someone else's unit stats. Same behaviour as above.


Displays some pretty detailed information about your health. Probably the most detailed of all the stats viewing.

+health <player*>

Displays +health stats of someone else.


Displays a combination of +pstats and +ustats.


Displays a summary of health, EN, Will and SP for the room.

+scan <player*>

Yet another way of viewing stats of another player.



List all available attacks for you. This includes Command Abilities (which are represented as attacks) and the Pass action.

+attack <player*> with <attack name*|attack #>

Puts the specified attack in the other player's queue.

+map <attack name*|attack #> on <player*>, <player*>, [<player*> ...]

This lets you target multiple people with a MAP attack, including Command Abilities attacks.

While there is no limit for regular damaging attacks, you can only target up to three people with Command Abilities attacks.


Displays list of any attacks you have Outgoing that haven't been resolved yet.



Lists incoming attacks.


Lists incoming attacks with a tad bit more detail (it includes the Power of the attack)

+defend <player*|queue #> with <reaction>

Defends against either the attack launched by player, or the attack that is the # in your queue. If defending out of queue order, use the character name. Defends with whatever reaction you choose. See Reacting for more details.

Spirit Commands


Lists the spirit commands available to you along with their details. Note that the listed SP costs do NOT take pilot Command Ability discounts into consideration.

+spirit <spirit>

Activates self-targeting spirits on yourself.

+spirit <spirit> on <player*>

Activates other-targeting spirits on target player. This can also be yourself.

Command Abilities

Command Abilities, such as work just like attacks. So see the Attacking section above.


+dock with <player>

If the unit of the target player has the Combat Deck ability, allows you to dock with them and receive the appropriate bonuses from doing so. See Combat Deck in Unit_Stats_and_Abilities#Other_Abilities

Note that this command is for use before combat starts. If docking during battle, the unit with the Combat Deck should use the 'Load' attack on the docking player as one of their attacks.


Launches from whomever you're currently docked too, removing the Combat Deck advantages.


+debug <true|false>

Enables showing debugging information of the combat system. Note that this command is applied to a room, not people. So someone can turn it on, leave, then someone else come in and get spammed by debug info.



Go to the last room you were in on the IC grid. If you have not been IC before, you will go to the IC Nexus.

@ic nexus

Go the the IC Nexus room.


Return to the OOC Room.

@join <player*>

Teleports you to that player.


Shows you a list of rooms on the grid you can teleport to.

@go <room name*|room #>

Teleport to a room on the room list.



Displays: How long someone has been idle. How long ago their last pose was. And if they are underlined, that means they are set +observe.


Toggles you between being an observer to the scene or not. Note that observer status is reset when you leave the room. When observer, you will be underlined in +pot.


Displays everyone's last pose.

+pot/last <player>

Displays last pose for specified player.


Displays scene calendar.

+scene #

Displays information about a specific scene using the number on the very right of the calendar.


Brings up prompts to add a scene to the calendar.

+scene/del #

Deletes scene you created from the calendar.

+scene/rsvp #

Add yourself to the RSVP list for scene #. The poster of the scene will receive a @mail informing them that you have RSVP'd.

+scene/rsvp #=<message>

Add yourself to the RSVP list for scene #. The poster will receive a @mail informing them that you have RSVP'd, containing <message>, if you have amplifying details or whatever.

+scene/rsvp #=cancel

Cancel your RSVP if you have one. The poster will receive a @mail notifying them.



List all channels and their aliases. Channels with a * next to their names are ones you have joined. Channels with 'Gag' next to their names are channels you are currently gagging. Channels are ungagged when you disconnect/reconnect.

@chanjoin <channel>

Joins the specified channel.

@chanleave <channel>

Leaves the specified channel.

@changag <channel>

Gags the specified channel.

@chanungag <channel>

Ungags the specified channel.

+<channel> <text>

Talks on that channel. Eg: +pub Hello World!

=<channel> <text>

Poses to that channel. Eg: =pub waves hello.

+<channel> `<player> <text>

Talks on that channel, specifically citing a player's name to indicate you are talking/replying to them. Eg: +pub `Bob I totally agree with you Bob.

Note that the character is a back-quote, which is the non-shift use of the tilde key. The key at the top left of your keyboard, next to the 1.

=<channel> `<player> <text>

Combination of the above replying with posing.

+<channel> |<fake name> <text>

Lets you talk on a channel using a different name (your actual name shows up in parentheses).

=<channel> |<fake name> <text>

Posing version of above.

@whochan <channel>

Sees who is on a channel.

@chanwho <player>

Sees which channels a player is on.

@history <channel>

Recalls the last 15 lines of talk for the specified channel.

@history/all <channel>

Recalls the last 150 lines of talk for the specified channel.


General Use

@roster <group>

Provides a list of players (and occasionally others) for a specific group. This requires use of the full group name and case matching at present, i.e. @roster Shuffle Alliance instead of @roster shuffle.

Group Heads

@addmember <name> to <group>

Adds a member to a group.

@delmember <name> from <group>

Removes a member from a group.

@ally <group name>

Proposes a formal alliance between two groups, or accepts one if the other group head has already proposed it.

@unally <group name>

Dissolves an alliance. Can be done unilaterally.



List saved descriptions

+desc/add <name>=<desc_string>

Create a description named <name>, with the contents <desc_string>, parsing penn tokens

+desc/save <name>

Save current description as <name>

+desc/del <name>

Delete description <name>

+desc/load <name>

Load <name> as current description

+desc/set <name>

Same as +desc/load

+desc/view <name>

View description <name>


help ansi-codes

Gives a brief outline of ansi. But the basic uses are:

think [green]This[normal] is green. While [163:196:254]this[normal] is a light blueish / cyan colour in rgb format. While [:052]this[normal] is a dark reddish colour using an xterm code.

Note that different clients may display colours with differing results. Particularly when using the rgb format.


Shows a visual list of colours and their associated xterm codes.


A neat tool for helping you make pretty coloured text.


See 'help mail' on the MOO.

See this section of the MUSH to MOO Guide page.

But basic use:


Shows mail in your inbox.

@read #

Reads the mail specified by the number.

@send <one or more players> subj="<subject>"

Starts composing a mail to send to the list of one or more players. Write into the message using 'say' or its double quote shortcut (") to write into message. Then use 'send' to send it.

@quicksend <one or more players> subj="<subject>" <message, using ^ in place of %r (return characters)>

A single command for sending so you don't have to go into the prompt. See the MUSH to MOO Guide page for an example.

Bulletin Boards


Displays the below help on the MOO.

+bbpost <Board>/<Title>=<Text>

Posts a new post!


Displays list of boards. +bbread also does this.

+bbcheck #

Takes a board number, #, and displays an overview of what the board is and the posts on that board.

+bbread #

Displays a post. Note that each post has a unique identifier; it's +bbread 13 to view post 13, not +bbread 1/13 to view the 13th post on board 1.


Marks all available posts as read.

+bbcatchup #

Marks all available posts on board # as read.


Displays next unread post, that is, the lowest-numbered unread post on the boards.

+bbremove #

Removes post numbered #.

+bbedit #

Opens an editor to alter a post you've posted. Fails if you didn't.


@password <oldpassword> <newpassword>

Changes the password for your character.

@addalias <alias> to me

Adds an alias that people can use when interacting with you via commands and such. Eg +finger <alias>

@bgm <text>

Sets the BGM field in your +finger to the specified text.


Changing a character's description involves using the in-game text editor. Note that these are not all the commands, just the primary ones you are likely to need. You can find the full list of commands by typing 'look' once you have opened up the editor.

@edit me.description

This opens up the editor.

say <paragraph>

This adds a line/paragraph to the description. Note that substituions like %r, %t or %b will not work here. A blank line would just be say while a tab would be say <tab character><paragraph>


This shows you what you have written for your description so far.

del <line number>

Deletes the specified line from the description.


Saves your description so far.


Exits the editor

Starting Room Description

Left the starting room too early? Need a reminder? It's here!

+-------------------------< Standing On The Catapult >-------------------------+
|        The cockpit is a flurry of lights and sounds. There's so much going   |
| on. How did you get it started, how did you even get out here? The comm      |
| bursts to life. "Hey, listen, I don't know, who is in there, but if you      |
| want to survive, you've got to get those systems up! Your systems, are the   |
| showing in colour? If they're not, I need you to type '@ansi-o +all' into    |
| the terminal, then 'look' again!"                                            |
|                                                                              |
|        There's a sudden yelp from the comms officer. "Crap! You need to      |
| lock this thing to you, okay? Our techs can get in if you lock it, but       |
| ifyou don't and you're captured.... Look, just put '@password                |
| <oldpassword> <newpassword>' into the terminal, okay? The oldpassword        |
| should have been whatever let got you into the terminal!"                    |
|                                                                              |
|        The comms officer is silent for a second. "Is the readout coming up   |
| okay? We can change it up. Enter '+colors/list' into the system, it'll       |
| give you some more options. Then you need to '+colors <number>' to pick      |
| one. It's 0 by default, and 1 and 6 are good for colorblindness. And uh...   |
| Look. Just leave 8 alone, for all of our sakes?"                             |
|                                                                              |
|        The systems continue to spark to life. "Okay, okay, I can read you    |
| from the bridge now! Good work! Alright, what's your name? Huh?!? That's     |
| way too long for me to call out in battle! Give me something else, you       |
| know, a nickname! Just type it into the system as '@addalias <alias> to      |
| me' and the computer will do the rest.                                       |
|                                                                              |
|        The computer's electronic voice intones your name. The voice on the   |
| comm sounds sheepish. "Uh, so, this thing's messed up, and the computer'll   |
| call you it if you don't change the settings. It's got a bunch of presets,   |
| you can see the whole list by typing '@pronouns', then '@pronouns <pronoun   |
| set>' when you find yours. It'll be a distraction in battle, so get on it.   |
| If yours aren't there, tell the staff on the bridge and they'll fix it up    |
| ASAP."                                                                       |
|                                                                              |
|        The computer acknowledges the setting, and the comms officer kicks    |
| in again. "Alright, we need to set up your IFF, too! We don't want           |
| friendlies shooting at you, trust me! '@faction <faction name>' in the       |
| terminal! And you can't set it to a group you're not in, no false flag       |
| crap here. Just who you're flying for. It'll make your system stop saying    |
| your middle name is 'underscore' too." You can hear weapons fire in the      |
| background, and a beam flies past your suit.                                 |
|                                                                              |
|        "Okay, your comms are up now! Get onto the frequencies, '@chanlist'   |
| will show you everything you can access. Then '@chanjoin <channel>' to       |
| link you in!" You hammer buttons on your terminal, and you can see the       |
| frequencies stored into your machine.                                        |
|                                                                              |
|        "Alright, one last thing. If we all survive this thing, when you      |
| make it back to the ship, I'm covering a premium lunch. So, that means I     |
| need to know what you look like. You need to '@edit me.description' and      |
| that'll put you into the editor. Then just 'say <paragraph>' and I'll        |
| record it. But it's an old system, %r, %b, %t and @emit don't work, so if    |
| you need a blank line, just 'say' and if you want an indent, ' say <use      |
| tab key><paragraph>'. A quick 'lis' will show you what you've got so far.    |
| If you want to get rid of something, just 'del <line number>'. Once you're   |
| done, 'save' then 'quit'!'                                                   |
|                                                                              |
|        "That's all I've got. I hate to tell you this, but this whole thing   |
| is riding on you now! When we make it through, I'll meet you by the          |
| vending machines! You like chicken sandwiches, right?" The comm cuts out     |
| before you can answer. That's fine. All that's left now is to 'Launch'!      |