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Revision as of 03:16, 18 February 2024

The Dawn of Fold is a loose alliance of terrorist cells formed in response to the oppression of the Earth by the nations of the Orbital Ring and the war partitioning of the Benerit Group. The Dawn of Fold have a tendency towards ruthless actions and deliberately targeting civilian groups, and cells are often on the move to avoid detection.

While most Dawn of Fold members target their disdain for the Ringers, some of its membership hold blatant anti-Spacenoid beliefs and believe that once the Orbital Ring has been dealt with, the colonies are next - even with a number of Spacenoids in the Dawn of Fold’s ranks.

Membership of the Dawn of Fold is made up from several former terrorist factions in the Earth Sphere: extremist factions of the Black Knights, Mafty, some former Celestial Being agents, the anti-NUNE organization Katharon, the cult known as the Silent Calling and perhaps most surprisingly, remnants of the Sleeves. Survivors of other lost causes, such as survivors of the Hua Lian Rebels and some Federation officers who resisted the take over of the Gaia Sabers have also fallen in with the organization.

While there is no strict leadership of the Dawn of Fold, the most influential figure is the Prince, an Earthnoid pilot who helps to bankroll the Dawn of Fold and keep it functioning, even under the nose of the Gaia Sabers and Cathedra.

There is an uneasy alliance between Satellicon and the Dawn of Fold via Katharon and the Ptolemy; both groups are prepared to do almost anything to achieve their goals, and Satellicon’s limited resources sometimes make leaning on Dawn of Fold support necessary… but if the two are at odds, neither group will hesitate to fight the other.

Major Characters

Shaddiq Zenelli - The true identity of the Prince, Shaddiq Zenelli is a student at Asticassia School of Technology and heir apparent to Grassley Technologies. Shaddiq uses his position to disseminate arms and funds to the Dawn of Fold, and direct their actions, without revealing himself. He is a strong believer that Ringers can be made to listen if force is applied correctly- even if that force is towards civilians and vulnerable people.

Zero - The genius tactician at the head of the Black Knights, but one who has seen his effectiveness reduced in the past year, and one who has had trouble holding his organization together. In reality, this is not the same Zero who formed the Black Knights, but his second in command, C.C.

Yuliana Kafim - The leader of the Silent Calling. A former REA officer and one of the REA’s many experimental soldiers, Yuliana has built a solid following in the Silent Calling, an organization trying to cure the ‘affliction of Newtypism’ and make humanity equal in service of a mysterious entity known as The Empress At The End Of All Things.

Sally Po - A former Federation officer turned Resistance Fighter, Sally Po worked with the Hua Lian Rebels before their destruction at the hands of the REA. She had to get out of her home country of China, but that wasn’t enough to get her out of the war. Now the Captain of the Peacemillion, Sally tries to reunite the agents of Operation Meteor to stand against the Earth Sphere. Sally tends to find herself standing with other moderates against some of the other Dawn of Fold leaders - but she knows she can’t stand against NUNE alone.

Angelo Sauper - The former second-in-command to Full Frontal, Angelo Sauper has found himself stepping into a similar role as the man he idolized. As the military leader of the new Sleeves, Angelo has united a small but dedicated number under his banner, with the aid of a mysterious backer- and the cost of serving as that backer’s catspaw. Ultimately, Angelo is a man devoted to his cause- and for now, his cause aligns with some of those held by the Dawn of Fold.

Mafty Navue Erin - The false name of Hathaway Noa, son of the renowned war hero Bright Noa, who formerly associated closely with Zero's Black Knights. As a professional botanist, Mafty is appalled by the damage and pollution left behind after decades of abuse and the cataclysmic Gundam Fights, disgusted by the actions of the powerful Ringers who perpetrate them, and a militant opponent of Man Hunting. Mafty's specific vision of the future is one where humans leave Earth, to recover from their abuses to it, and his approach to get there is a string of high profile assassinations of government and corporate heads, to tear down the structure of this society, without crushing those underneath.

Key Questions

  • Can any target be off limits if you wish to change the world?
  • Will you spill blood now to prevent more bloodshed later?
  • Will you still try to change the world if it means you won't live to see it?

Tension Points With Other Factions

Gaia Sabers: This one is conveniently very easy. To the Gaia Sabers, Dawn of Fold is both an easy scapegoat for the problems of the world and a clear opposing force, and to Dawn of Fold, the Gaia Sabers represent the face of NUNE oppression. There's essentially no reconciliation of these views of reality.

Space Assembly League: Overtly, these two are enemies and if they encounter each other they're *supposed* to shoot each other. However, they share many of the same covert cutouts and suppliers, and the supplies that Dawn of Fold goes to war with were created as part of shoring up the Space Assembly League's scientific advantage further. Things could change a lot if any of the gears slipped.

Cathedra: The conflict between Dawn of Fold and Cathedra is straightforward. Cathedra represents the indifference of Ringer power, and Dawn of Fold represents the most overtly hostile terrorist acts in the Earth Sphere and is utterly unafraid to use weapons that risk the pilot. Reconciliation is all but impossible, short of significant leadership change in one organization or the other. (Admittedly: this is on the table.)

NERV: While officially, NERV and Dawn of Fold aren't overtly hostile, there's pressure to treat the human-mulching weapons Dawn of Fold uses as no different from alien invaders. Dawn of Fold also does want to bring down the superstructure that supports NERV, which doesn't help.

Grand Glorious Guard: It's kind of an open question if Dawn of Fold is just BioNet again, given the everything. The technology Dawn of Fold uses raises some questions that are in the wheelhouses of both 3G Blue and 3G Red.

Dawn of Fold: While there's a few old Terminal allies among Dawn of Fold, there's a lot of old Terminal enemies. While they agree on some matters, the methodology and orientation of Dawn of Fold is just as objectionable to Terminal as NUNE's own -- and indeed, Dawn of Fold's movements could *jeopardize Terminal's capacity to operate*.

Satellicon: Actually, yeah! These two don't step on each other's toes more or less at all and have several of the same apparent enemies. While a few in Satellicon might get squirmy about Dawn of Fold's methodology, they don't actually have a great reason to oppose each other. The OCU is also discreetly backing both.

BioNet: There's definitely a mutual tech trade going on here. The only obstacle they face is whether their heavily transformative ideas regarding the Earth Sphere are actually compatible.

Anti-Earth Cooperative Federation: There's some residual complexity here that's mostly carried over from each organization's ancestors. The Dawn of Fold look a lot like murderous Earthnoid bastards, and the AECF look a lot like the hostile spacenoids who created the material conditions Dawn of Fold members consider a problem. They don't actually disagree on the worst targets, but there's enough secondary concerns that they can't really form up with each other well.

Yaman Rebellion: This relationship shares a lot of mutual enemies; it could also easily lead to the two of them getting closer and Dawn of Fold's relationship with the AECF becoming much worse very quickly if they decided they were true-blue pals.

Played Characters