2024-10-07: Sentimental Hygiene

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  • Log: 2024-10-07- Sentimental Hygiene
  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: Nouvelle Tokyo - Takarada-Shinjo Apartment
  • OOC - IC Date: 0099-10-07
  • Summary: After Rikka's trip up to Frontier, Akane and Rikka discuss house hunting and recovery. Sheryl Nome and her manager come up as well. The two of them ultimately commit to something in the future.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

It would be gym day... but Rikka's current medication regimen has shifted that up, or more accurately delayed it pretty significantly. Akane's handled it well, though it does mean she has to eat much cleaner than she'd usually like to. More home cooking, less cafeteria food. Less fat, salt, and sugar, too...

... on the other hand, this means more time spent cooking with Rikka -- and she's gotten quite fond of the kitchen dance. Tonight's plan looks more like breakfast than dinner but not quite like either -- applesauce French toast, miso soup, and handmade onigiri with stir-fried chicken mince. Feeling out the ratio of 'meat tastes good' to 'meat inspires queasy feeling on meds' ... is coming to an end, but they managed it!!

"We should go house-hunting this weekend," she pitches, though it's somewhat noncommittal, as she finishes forming the onigiri; unless Rikka's gotten way behind with the toast they're closing in on dinner. "I heard there's a few really good properties on the west side right by the train station that opened up, and the price is great over there... they're right in the shadow of that big building on the hex corner which means they spend most of the day kinda literally overshadowed, but the sunset view is great." She doesn't think it's guaranteed that this will be the place that lands for them -- but how will they know if they don't go looking?

... then, teasingly:

"Or is my girl too busy ending up on the news with Sheryl Nome to look at a new place~?" She doesn't sound like she's upset by it or anything; she knew Rikka was headed up that way to see Sheryl (and would probably have gone herself if it hadn't been for needing to do something for her Abnormal Psych class project). It's just a little teasing.

... she is curious what they got up to that managed to attract that kind of attention, though.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka's trip to the Frontier had left her exhausted the day after, unable to do more than shamble around the house. The day after that wasn't much better - but at least a quick check-up showed that she hadn't experienced any of the muscle tearing she was warned might happened if she pushed herself too hard. She's far enough along that there's much less risk of that.

Rikka would do it again if she had to, though, even with that risk in mind.

Still, she's up and moving around now and... not quite back up to one-hundred percent, but as close as it gets with the medication she's been going through. Which means, she's good to cook again today! She'd missed it over the last few days, so she's relishing the opportunity to do it again now.

Rikka looks up from the French toast she's been preparing as Akane floats an idea. It's going a bit slower than it usually would be at full health - but this is something she's been doing since she was old enough to cook, so her practiced hand means it's still going at a fairly good pace.

Rikka thinks it over and she's about to reply - when Akane teases her, and Rikka's sudden laugh in response nearly causes her to tip over the bowl she's working with, causing her to scramble to reorient it.

"Hopefully that doesn't happen again." Rikka replies with a sigh. "Of course that's what gets me in the news, not any of my work with 3G... my phone's been blowing up nonstop. I don't even know how they got my number - they nearly made me miss a call from Mama..."

She shakes her head.

"Still... I don't regret it. Sheryl needed the help." She decides.

"...But, that's a good idea." Rikka considers, tapping her fingers thoughtfully against a nearby plate. "I'd like something with a good amount of sunlight, but if the view of the sunset is that good, it's definitely worth checking out..."

She's always fallen for a beautiful sunset, after all.

"Toast's done!" She announces a moment later, as she finishes plating up the last of the French toast.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Some days, recovery is like that; Akane doesn't mind Rikka taking a day or two when she's addressing a potential long-term problem with some seriousness. Having Rikka at lower capacity has meant a couple things have slipped -- the house isn't dirty yet but it is starting to pick up a little clutter. They'll have to address that when Rikka's feeling better.

"Yeah, seriously. I was like, 'the music video is good but would it kill you guys to talk about her disaster relief work? Come oooon...'" Akane offers, with a small wince at having her phone blowing up. "Then again, you'd make an impression if you were sitting on a bench doing nothing, so I guess we can't be that surprised."

Finishing up with the onigiri, Akane says, "I'm just about done here too! Go sit down and I'll finish plating everything up," with a big smile. (Assuming Rikka does do that, Akane's out to the sitting room in a minute with both plates.)

As they settle in to eat, Akane murmurs, "I hope Sheryl's okay... that kinda run can't be great for her fresh out of the hospital." She takes a bite of her French toast, and her lips turn up a bit. The recipe is a little thinner and blander than the two of them might usually go for, but if it means a healthier Rikka, Akane can deal.

"We'll definitely want to check it out in the morning then. It'll be obvious if the shadows are a dealbreaker that way," Akane pitches. "Ooh, and I know there's a cafe out that way I kinda wanted to try..." ... that cafe could well end up a tiebreaker if it's really good.

Akane decides that while Rikka's seeming pretty 'up' is a great time to ask this one. "How are you feeling? I know you're wrapping up your meds pretty soon..."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

The building clutter has been on Rikka's mind. It's obvious that she wants to do something about it... but her condition keeps her from getting to it with the level of fervor she'd like.

Akane's response gets a laugh out of Rikka - and then a sigh of agreement.

"I think you might be a little biased on that one." Rikka replies... but she sounds pleased to hear it all the same. She nods, then. "Alright."

With a smile of her own, Rikka moves to settle in in the sitting room. And before long, Akane joins her, as well.

"Thanks." Rikka offers, as she situates her food in front of her and starts to dig in. "This is good..."

It's definitely not as rich and flavorful as they're used to - but Rikka's palate has always been quite varied.

"...Yeah. Me too. I'm worried about her." Rikka replies, her brow furrowed. She hesitates for a second. "That run seemed like it was really hard on her... and, I don't think it was just because of her injury."

She frowns thoughtfully for a moment.

"...She pulled me aside, suddenly - asked me for help getting off of the Frontier, no questions asked, and she was on edge the whole time. Something's going on and she was afraid to tell me - like if I knew, it'd cause trouble for me." Rikka replies.

She continues with her meal for a bit longer, then, and nods as Akane gives her pitch.

"That's a good idea. That'd be the best way to figure it out. Let's plan for that." She agrees. And a cafe - it's easy to see the interest on Rikka's face. "Oh, even better."

And not long after that, Akane asks her how she's feeling - Rikka thinks it over with a thoughtful expression, as she works on her onigiri.

"The fatigue still hits me every now and then, and it's hard to do anything too strenuous... But I've been feeling good, actually?" Rikka decides. "Much better than I was at the start - I could barely go a few hours without needing to stop and rest..."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Settling in, Akane takes a bite. "Ooo, yeah. The toast turned out really good... I might not go this cinnamon-forward usually but it really works with the applesauce," she says, nodding to herself. The two of them really do have a knack for good cooking...

The topic stays at Sheryl, though -- and her difficulties. Akane nods slowly, thinking about what that might entail. "I know you can catch stuff in the hospital a lot of the time, especially during a pretty long stay... that'd really suck for her," she murmurs. She doesn't know enough to have many more thoughts than that -- so she lets Rikka keep talking.

... She does have a hunch what that would entail for Sheryl, though -- and her expression turns a little more serious as she thinks about it. "... It might have something to do with her manager. I know she's a little bit..." Akane pauses, looking for the delicate expression, "... crooked? I felt like bringing it up to Sheryl was never going to go anywhere the way things were, but..."

Letting out a small sigh, the girl eventually concedes, "We don't know enough to start throwing around accusations either way." Akane knows better than to chase the first lead you have as if it's the conclusion, at this point. ... mostly.

The topic pivot is welcome, thus. "Yeah, you were really having a hard time at the start... I guess you get used to how much you can and can't do over time." She offers a reassuring smile, and says, "Thanks for taking it seriously. I'm glad we're about done with this, though..." Her lips turn up. "Definitely better to get ahead of it instead of having to do this for, like, months."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Thanks. I'm glad it worked out." Rikka replies with a smile, and then a nod. "Yeah - it's a pretty good combination, actually."

With that, though, their thoughts turn to Sheryl and Rikka nods thoughtfully.

"Yeah... And especially if you're not able to do much moving around." She considers, and nods. That would suck.

Akane's expression turns serious as Rikka continues, and she takes a moment to listen to her suspicions.

"You think so?" Rikka asks, surprised... and then frowns consideringly. "She's always seem to have had such high opinions of her... But then again, if she was involved, that would explain why she had us run from her bodyguard..."

She thinks on that, for a moment. He did let her go after Sheryl was gone, though... maybe he didn't think it was important to waste time in her when he could be tracking Sheryl?

"...Yeah. You're right." Rikka decides with a nod. "We don't have enough to go on... and there's not much we could do about it anyway even if we did."

She smiles, though, as Akane continues.

"Yeah... it took some getting used to, but I got the hang of it." She replies. Her smile softens as Akane thanks her. "No problem. And... thank you for caring enough to bring it up."

She laughs a bit sheepishly, though.

"I'm glad, too. I really want to get back on my feet again - without having to consign myself to bed the day after, I mean." She shakes her head. "...Yeah. I'm... definitely glad I don't have to do that."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"... Yeah," Akane admits, a little awkwardly, as far as Grace is concerned. "There's... I mean I knew her in part through Alexis and I don't remember her ever doing something weird when he wasn't involved? I thought he might be messing with her and things would change once, you know..." Here she gestures vaguely with one hand, then shakes her head. "... but yeah, if she had you running from her own bodyguard that's pretty worrying."

She lets out a long sigh, looking down at her food and taking a moment to just ruminate on that a bit. If Grace was the source of the problems in that dynamic... intellectually, Akane knows that Sheryl probably would have gotten defensive and it would have made things worse. Still...

... no, she can't linger there. Instead, she says, "Yeah, same! The gym isn't the same without you at all," with a little laugh. "I don't trust other people to spot for me for a couple exercises..."

She looks up at the ceiling for a few seconds, trying to think of something else to discuss. She can't quite think of something specific, though -- it's like something's teasing at the edge of her brain, something she wanted to bring up...

... but she can't nail it down, so instead, she gets back to the French toast. Mmm. apple-ey.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Through Alexis... Rikka's brow furrows. That's definitely at least a little suspicious - but not in itself immediate evidence of wrong-doing. Not when she knows how he manipulates people.

"I didn't know that... I can't say I know much about her beyond her work for Sheryl, though." She considers. She nods, though. "Yeah."

Dwelling on that much further won't help, so instead, on to brighter topics.

"I bet..." Rikka replies. "I kind of miss it, myself. ...I definitely missed it a few days ago, I could tell I wasn't moving as quickly as usual. Once I've recovered, we'll have to make sure to get back on our workout schedule. I'll probably have to ease myself back into it..."

She watches Akane for a moment, then - the way her eyes stray to the ceiling.

"Something on your mind?" Rikka asks... and then pauses for a moment before adding, "Oh, and... thanks for looking after me, during all this. This would've been a lot more difficult if I had to manage all of this on my own..."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Yeah," Akane agrees. It's... best not to dwell on that, though. If she'd pressed more, she probably could have learned more... but at the same time, she's not sure what the person she was at that time could have done; all she can do is think about what the person she is now can do right now.

And right now that's think about gym visits!

"It's wild how fast you backslide, right? I had that problem after surgery," Akane says, shifting on her seat. ... Rikka probably remembers that, of course.

When she's prompted about whether there's something on her mind, Akane has to think a bit harder -- but she wants to address the thanks first. "I don't mind, though, uh, I admit I'm kinda looking forward to finally... actually swapping chores," she admits, a little sheepishly. "But I'd take this layout forever if that's what it took." She pushes a hand through her own hair absently, turning just a little bit pink.

That seems to knock whatever she was thinking about free in her head, though. "Oh! Right! I got my measurements done for my furisode. Coming of Age Day is really coming up, huh..." A pause, before she adds, "You should too, unless you're going mama-furi... and even then you might want to get your measurements done just in case your sizes are different enough from what hers were back then that it matters."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It really is..." Rikka replies with a sheepish laugh. It says something about the importance of keeping to a schedule... and, of course, to have someone to motivate you through it.

Akane says she doesn't mind, and Rikka laughs good naturedly as she admits that she's looking forward to actually swapping chores.

"Sorry." Rikka apologises with a smile. "You'll get first pick."

...And her smile softs, as she admits she'd take this layout forever.

"...Thanks. I'm glad."

Akane seems to get back around to what she was thinking about, though.

"Oh yeah, you're right." Rikka replies, eyes opening in surprise. That really is coming up... Time sure is flying. "Good thinking. I'm glad you're on top of this."

She nods.

"That's what Mama and I had planned... but, you're right, it probably would be a good idea, just in case..." Rikka considers.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The smile gets an enthusiastic nod. "Looking forward to it." ... she really has wanted to do a monthly swap for a while now; between Break the World, their vacation, and Rikka's meds, it's been a while.

... she really ought to call in some friends to help declutter instead of just waiting. Maybe some people from art circle, or maybe Alouette and Hana would be up to help...

Akane gets back to her food as Rikka answers her. She'll have fresh measurements... that's good. Useful, even.

A small smile crosses her face -- the smile of mischief, somehow, though there's no indication what she could conceivably be doing mischief about. "We'll have to get her down here for it... I'm really looking forward to seeing Mama again." Playing with her dark hair a little, she reflects on the last time they saw each other -- that was a really nice time. "It might be good to send her some pictures of the places we tour tomorrow, too... I bet she'd notice a lot of stuff we wouldn't about the tours."

Thinking about that gets her thinking about other things... after a few moments' thought, she muses, "20 soon... it's weird. I didn't ever think I'd actually make it this far. It's kind of wild... how are you feeling about it?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka smiles as Akane says she's looking forward to it. She can only imagine - she knows Akane doesn't like sticking with the same task for too long. It means a lot to her that she has this far for her sake.

Rikka catches that look of mischief and she has to think about that for a second - before deciding that it's fine. Instead, she nods.

"Yeah... I am, too." Rikka agrees. It's been too long. "Shuttle prices to Tsutsujidai are picking up, but it'll be worth it to have her down here for that."

And Akane has a great idea, too.

"Oh, yeah, that's a good idea... She always has a good eye for that kind of thing." Rikka agrees. She knows she'd be glad to help them out, too.

Akane thinks for a moment, and in that time, Rikka finishes up the last of her dinner.

"20..." Rikka repeats thoughtfully. She offers Akane a soft smile. "...I'm really glad you did."

As for herself, though, she thinks about it...

"We've kind of come so far already... it's hard to think about it as more than a milestone?" Rikka admits. "But... I am looking forward to Coming of Age Day."

That much she feels is important - as well as celebrating it with the people she cares about.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Talking about getting Rikka's mom to come down here for that reminds Akane of something important -- and annoying. "... we're going to have to see my mom for that, too. I did tell her Coming of Age Day was probably the last holiday I'd let her hop on... I'd feel weird going back on that." Here she sighs, and takes a little time to get back to eating.

"We'll... see how things go from there." ... Putting Aoi and Orie in the same room might go poorly for someone, but Akane can at least tell herself that anything that happens there is probably on her mom and not anyone else, including her.

Thinking about it as a milestone, but at the same time, just a milestone... Akane turns that one over in her head. "Yeah. I guess it's nice to mark that kinda thing, though... I didn't used to appreciate that as much, but you really do have to take a bit to think about how far you've come, and it's good for that."

Her lips curl up as she adds, "When it gets a little closer we should make plans to do something nice afterward? Not same day but... maybe a week or so after. January's a big month for us, so we've got plenty of excuses~."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane seems to be reminded of something, and Rikka and see the annoyance before she voices it. Giving the subject...

"...Yeah." Rikka replies. She's not exactly happy about the idea of seeing her again... But Rikka can understand Akane wanting to keep to her word. She nods.

"We'll see..." Rikka says with an awkward laugh. That... sounds like it'll be a bit of a disaster, but at least she can trust her mom to be able to hold her own against Akane's if she tries anything.

Rikka sits back, just a little, while Akane gets back to eating - and she, in turn, has to think that over.

"...That's a good point." Rikka considers. They've come so far already, as she said - but it's good to think about that, too. "We have a lot to look back on..."

And Akane has a suggestion, too. Rikka smiles back, a fond look on her face - she knows exactly what she means.

"Mm-hm. January's done a lot for us..." Rikka replies. "I think that's a good idea. We deserve it."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

As she finishes up dinner, Akane starts to get excited. Anniversary date set... it's really happening. She's got a lot to feel good about there -- and more, perhaps, than Rikka realizes...

... though maybe not more than she realizes for much longer if she says too much more about it right this second...

... so instead, she looks up thoughtfully. As she mulls some things over, she pitches, "It might be nice to do that later one up by your mom's, instead of here... it might annoy one of my professors to have me out traveling that week..." and there goes that mischief face again as Akane affirms, "but she'll probably deal. I feel a lot less... weird about the city than I used to, I think. It's nice to think about going back sometimes, and the last time, it felt... maybe not exactly like any other city, but not that much different from going out into regular Tokyo, or imagining going to Nagoya, or anything."

An idea strikes her. "If we can get a few other people to come along, it might be nice to pop over to the floodgate again, or see our old school?" Rubbing at the back of her head, Akane concedes, "I'm sorry that your girlfriend is turning into a sentimental old lady at 19. That must be very difficult," with a playful sort of embarrassment.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka can see that excitement and she smiles. She's starting to feel a little excited, too... but she's content not to delve into that any more deeply, instead watching Akane as she thinks things over before offering an idea. Visiting Tsutsujidai during January...

"That'd be great, actually... I'd really like to see how everyone's doing." Rikka considers with interest. She laughs, as Akane gets a mischievous look again. She smiles, though. "...I'm glad. I think that'd be good for you, then."

And then another idea hits Akane, and Rikka's interest only increases. She chuckles at Akane's embarrassment, shaking her head.

"Oh no. Whatever will I do?" Rikka replies, in feigned horror - and then smiles fondly. "Well... I guess we'll just have to become sentimental old ladies together, because I really like that idea, too."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane smiles. She's set the stage, and all the pieces are in place... and even if the feeling-out process indicates that it's too soon (though Akane is starting to get a hunch it probably won't be), that trip sounds like a good time anyway. The memories are getting warmer, with time -- standing on the precipice losing out to making out in the stairwell, songs about the possibility in the future overtaking the time spent wallowing in guilt.

It's not something that Akane expected to live long enough to feel, and now that she's here... well...

... Maybe it's just the intense stress of the last couple months finally abating in earnest, but there's a certain liberatory nature to it. Her eyes scrunch up a bit, and she gets a little misty. "... Yeah. That'll be us," she agrees, wiping at her cheeks a little. "Together."

It's a good note to end dinner on.