2023-12-08: Early Intervention

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  • Log: 2023-12-08 Early Intervention
  • Cast: Kallen Kozuki, Emilia Eschonbach
  • Where: Inside Goragon - Area 11 and Free Japan
  • OOC - IC Date: During Goragon (A few minutes of eternity in December 0093)
  • Summary: Within Goragon, Kallen Kozuki is presented with a possibility where she met one of the most important people to her much earlier in the lives. CW: Child Abuse

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

March 9th, 0093. The heart of Britannian High Society.

The night is young, and the wealthy have made substantial gains once more. In this case, profiting off of one Char Aznable, and securing a peace deal while lining their own pockets further. As a result, a few of the 'key' figures in the deal are hosting an event at a truly palatial estate. The sort of gathering where those who wish to trade influence and secure political or financial arranged marriages would surely bring their best offerings.

In the case of the Stadtfelds, they were of two minds on this. The father of the family wished simply to see about making business deals, and bring his daughter along to show her how things go. Part of her education. The mother on the other hand... She wants nothing more than to get this hellspawn out of HER mansion. Selling her off to a family of proper standing would be excellent.

The daughter herself stands a little short, but unmistakably her father's child, inheriting his vibrant red hair and chilling blue eyes. Her dress is elaborate but functional, and a currently popular Britannian style for the wealthy. And amazingly, she's immaculately well-behaved. For the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        A party for nobility and business people is an opportunity for deals and social climbing- and Joseph Eschonbach, former mayor of New Yark and opportunist, sees an opportunity. Celebrating robbing those damn Zeke's blind is an added bonus.

        And potentially, make a deal to get rid of something that has been dragging him down for some time.

        "You are to be seen and not heard, understood?" A maid lectures a young girl of twelve, her lavender hair loose and wavy, falling to around her mid-back. She nods without making eye contact. "Your Grandfather is being very generous, taking you to this event. Don't you dare embarrass him."

        "Y-yes miss." The girl replies, with absolute obedience.

        She was brought into the party separately from her grandfather, told where to sit, and she sits there. She makes herself small, in her ruffled, light blue Britannian dress. She doesn't approach other children. She avoids drawing the attention of adults. She simply sits quietly, her hands in her lap, a glass of orange juice in the table in front of her and some partially eaten hors'douerves. She just has to behave. She just has to be a good girl. She can do that.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Avoiding drawing attention would be all well and good of course, under regular circumstances. But for one girl, who had originally not wanted to come along. One girl who, even as Emilia frets and focuses on being unheard and obedient, is approaching. "Uhm... h-hello." She doesn't seem shy, so much as... unthreatening. She's only a teenager, but she can tell when approaching someone at full energy would be a bad idea.

No doubt Emilia has never really dealt with a person like her before. A noble kid actively trying to talk to her. A kid who hasn't been warned off or forbidden ahead of time. Who hasn't already had a seed of hate planted in her mind. Though, how many people her age has she dealt with at all? Much less those who have that... spark of life and freedom dancing behind their eyes.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        The lavender haired girl blinks alert as she is approached- spoken to- by a girl a few years her older. She turns and stares at the redhead, unsure how to proceed. Indeed, she looks a bit dumbstruck. She's not supposed to be heard. She's supposed to be seen. That means she's not supposed to speak, even when spoken to, right?

        But not responding at all could snub one of the children of Grandfather's business contacts. And that wouldn't be acceptable.

        Nervously, she stands, and gives a low curtsey. Practiced, trained. But she doesn't speak as she stands back up. Instead, young Kallen might notice that as she returns to a 'neutral' posture, her hands are held together so tightly that her knuckles are whitening.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Kallen has never, not once, seen someone like this. A girl so... This goes beyond being shy. She's too young to really understand all the signs of it, but she offers a curtsey of her own. "I'm sorry. I'm not bothering you, am I?" THAT doesn't sound very Britannian though. Apologizing without it being demanded, or obviously being someone of superior station? That might be a little off-putting for her.

Her gaze is drawn to Emilia's white-knuckle hands. Though she doesn't reach out. Instead, as she claims a nearby seat, she pulls out a pencil and a tiny art pad. To start drawing the girl she's taken a seat with. It's not great, but... she's a kid, and trying. "Do you like art? I've been learning a little from one of my tutors."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        When Kallen asks if she's bothering her, there's a brief look of confusion before the girl shakes her head. She's not used to being apologized to. Not least by actual important people.

        The question of if she likes art, though, seems to get pause. Eventually, there's a very cautious nod. Still, she seems to be a bit unsure of what to do now. Does she sit back down again? Does she stay standing? She looks briefly to her seat, before back at Kallen with the art pad.

        And, for the moment, she stands.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

The offer is made after a few minutes, for her to come and take a look at the art pad. Once she gets a sketch in place and the harder details that Emilia would need to keep in place for. It's still weird... somebody treating her even the least bit nicely. Stranger still, Kallen is smiling at her. "I'm Kallen Stadtfeld." Maybe she's heard the last name before, but maybe not. Maybe names like that just all blend together when she hears people drone on about families.

She, mercifully, is not trying to get Emilia to talk. Though... The girl was told not to be heard. Writing wouldn't be that, if she had something she wanted to say. And she's standing here with somebody who has something she could write with. Were she so inclined to Not Break The Rules.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia nods quietly, acknowledging the name. Stadtfield... she didn't really know them, but they sounded important. Lots of people sounded important to her. But when Kallen invites her to come and look, she takes a few seconds before doing so. Looking at the picture of herself, she seems slightly awed. And when the pencil is there to be offered...

        She reaches over, and writes under the picture, in perfect cursive: Emilia.


        April 8, 0093

        Barely three weeks ago, Axis was stopped. The world continued to turn.

        It's the first day of school in Area 11, at Ashford Academy's Middle School. Emilia has sat quietly throughout the assemblies, and home room. Now is the tour by the upperclassmen, then lunch.

        She's still appearing shy, and unconfident. She's responded to the teacher, but otherwise not talked much. The pink girls uniform sits a little uncomfortably.

        Still, is there much point in doing a tour when she thinks she won't be here long?

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

She's left waiting, a little bit, on the upperclassman assigned to give the tour. It's only a few minutes though, and when the older girl in pink comes to meet her... Wait, what? This is clearly that girl from the party. She's never seen any other kid with her hair and eyes. Not a single one, at any school she's seen. "Hi! Sorry I'm late, I just... Emilia?" She seems just as shocked. Did nobody tell her who she was escorting?

Wandering the halls, she learns in short order that Kallen is in pretty good physical condition. Namely, when they pass a courtyard and a tennis ball comes hurtling along... Kallen catches it bare-handed, before it can slam into Emilia's head. "Sorry about that, it looks like their game got out of hand. I'll make them apologize once we finish the tour, okay?" She's very informative too, noting where pretty much every important facility is, even giving an overview of the clubs. She sounds like a girl who could take the student council by storm. And yet, she definitely doesn't. She doesn't seem to be in any of the most well-regarded clubs, or any of the clubs for sporting activities.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.


        The girl seems caught totally off guard. What are the chances of meeting the redhead again? Emilia follows closely behind Kallen, listening intently as she instructs her... but she seems just as nervous about talking as she was at the party, the twelve year old not saying much of anything.

        Until she yelps as Kallen stops her getting hit. She'll make them apologize? "N-No, it's okay. I d-d-don't want to c-cause trouble. I-I'll be okay."

        It's hard not to notice a little fear there. "I-it was an accident, s-s-so there's no need."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

The nerves are taken note of. She thought it might have just been the party before, but... this is different. Why would she be so worried here? Still, Kallen tries to be engaging with her words. Trying to get Emilia to ask questions, or talk about subjects and clubs that might interest her.

When she caught the ball, it did hurt a little. But she doesn't mention it. Doesn't wince. What she DOES do however, is look at Emilia with concern. "You're not causing trouble. If nobody tells them what they're doing is a problem, they'll keep doing it. And someone might get hurt next time." Still... the visible fear makes her drop the subject. For something else. "Has something been.. causing problems for you?" People around here just don't act this way. The avoidance of conflict she could chalk up to just being easygoing, if it wasn't paired with the stuttering and the fear. But all together...

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia doesn't meet Kallen's eye when she presses the point- and visibly relaxes when Kallen lets the matter drop. Still... when Kallen asks her a straight up question, Emilia visibly tenses.

        "N-No. E-e-everything's f-fine. R-r-really."

        That seems to be the end of that- even through lunch Emilia goes back to her introverted, untalkative self.


        June 19, 0093

        "H-hey, Kallen, um... I-is it okay if I t-tell you something?"

        In the months since, Emilia has finally become... comfortable. Sure, it took Kallen practically forcing her way into Emilia's dorm room a few weeks in after she withdrew, but since then it would not be wrong to say that Emilia followed after Kallen like a duckling following it's mother after that. The protection of a Noble kept her slightly safe from bullying, but more than that...

        She had a friend. An actual friend, for the first time.

        "I-it's, um, about. What y-you asked me on the f-first day of school." She pauses. "It's okay if not, th-though."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

It's unusual for Emilia to come with questions. Even as much time as they spend together, she's usually content to do what Kallen is interested in, or sit on the sideline and watch. This of course, means Kallen actively trying to involve her, where she can. But initiating the conversation? And with a request? Never happens. "Of course. I'm here for anything worrying you. And I promise, I won't tell anyone."

She realizes quickly she maybe shouldn't have promised that, when she hears what the topic is. But, promises are promises. If it's something bad, she'll have to take care of it herself. Somehow. "I remember. And I'm always ready to talk, or listen."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia nods, sidling up next to Kallen. She looks down at her hands, as she does whenever she's nervous. Still, Kallen's reassurances have the desired effect. "You a-asked if. S-something was causing p-problems." She takes a deep, deep breath.

        "...It's. M-My Grandfather. He's..." She pauses, trying to graps the words she needs. "...Scary. When he g-g-gets mad." It's hard to explain, she just doesn't have the vocabulary.

        "I d-d-don't see him much but, he's. A-a-always mad when he s-sees me. I th-think I'm d-d-doing something wrong." She curls in a little more, making herself small again. "I j-just... don't know wh-what..."

        When she finally looks up at Kallen, tears are in her eyes. "I... d-d-do you know what I-I'm doing wrong, Kallen? Y-you're the first person to... t-t-to stay close to me."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

As Emilia starts to talk, Kallen's arms wrap gently around her. Holding on. Loose but secure. Gentle. Perhaps in a way Emilia finds familiar. Or more... familial. "I understand. Just... let it all out. I'm here." Still, as she talks, Kallen finds herself with an emotion that she only vaguely recognizes. Anger. She feels it toward Mrs. Stadtfeld at times, but only occasionally. And right now, she feels it toward this elderly man she's never met.

She doesn't let it cross into her voice. Or her movements. Those hold only one thing. "I've never seen you do anything wrong. I may think you should stand up for yourself more... but you've never wronged anyone. If he's so angry and taking it out on you... then the problem is him." That one thing, is the desire to protect this girl.

And that desire will only grow over the next several months.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        As the arm is wrapped around her, Emilia flinches initially- but when it's clear Kallen isn't going to hurt her, she lets it happen. The idea she's not doing anything wrong... that can't be true, can it? There has to be a reason he's so angry at her all the time.

        But right now, she squeezes in next to Kallen. Close as she can. This is okay, right?

        Even if it's not... she needs it right now.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

July 18th 0093, Stadtfeld Manor

While at school, things have been going well. Things at home have decidedly not. Kallen doesn't know the reason for it. Only that her father's wife has been getting more short-tempered and cruel with the serving staff of late. One maid in particular. Of course she was never kind to them, but... She was never so obvious about it. And as for her father, he's been away more and more often. Stuck in Britannia on business. This, she knows the reason for. After the Axis Shock, certain demands have skyrocketed, and his company has needed him around to negotiate with powerful people.

Indeed, Kallen, reasonably pure and innocent as she is right now, doesn't yet know the intentions of her step-mother. The kind of woman she is, and what she still seeks to do.

At home, the easiest time for her, are the occasions of her brother coming to talk to her.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        March, 0094

        Graduation Day.

        The ceremony was a formal affair, the whole school in attendance, even for Middle School graduation. The ceremony is long and drawn out, there's photos, speeches and diplomas. There were performances by the underclassmen, diplomas were handed out, and the graduating students left the assembly hall, to the waves of staff and students.

        Now, in Kallen's now former homeroom, Emilia sits on Kallen's desk. "C-C-Congratulations, Kallen!" The 13 year old says, with a smile- but there's a bit of sadness behind it. "I'm g-g-gonna miss having you at school, th-though."

        Still, she shouldn't be as much of a downer today. "S-So? Are you g-going to celebrate graduation? D-Do you have plans for the b-break? A-are you excited for high sc-school?"

        That's an unusual amount of questions for Emmy, but she's become a bit more open in the past year. A bit more cheerful, when Kallen's around. She's smiling more, even if she's still withdrawn around other people.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Kallen's been a mix of cheerful and embarrassed for most of the day. A bit strange for a girl as capable and strong as she is, to not be great with crowds. But then, that's something Emmy's learned about her over the past year. Even Kallen isn't perfect. She gets nervous with big gatherings, especially when all eyes are on her. That's why she hadn't gone for a council position, or become the star of any athletic club. At least, that's the primary reason.

Kallen also just knows she can't let anyone find out she's only Half-Britannian. And drawing attention like that would bring scrutiny on her. Make it more likely somebody would pick up on it. Still, when her often-withdrawn friend is there, she's all smiles. "Hey, don't be too sad. There's a high school section here too, so I won't be far! Remember when I pointed it out during the tour, your first day?"

Plans for the break... She does have a few, but she can't tell anyone. Can't say that she's going up to the mountains to do a shrine visit, like the old days. Can't tell anyone... "Family might spring something on me. But if you want to hang out over the break, let me know? We'll have a fun time." No actual celebration though. She'd like to, but... her dad's still across the ocean.

Right now, she can't begin to imagine the horrible meaning that's going to have.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

       "Yeah b-but..." Emilia sighs, pulling her knees up to her chest. "It's gonna be h-harder for us to meet up. And I'm not gonna get to t-talk to you over lunch." So much for keeping up the happy energy.

       Still, her eyes light up at the mention of hanging out over the break, "I'd r-really like that!" She says, with a smile. "I-I'm, um, I'm st-staying here over the break." That's been the general tenor of boarding schools. This may be the first time she's been sent to a boarding school abroad, but she can hardly imagine Grandfather recalling her for the holidays- especially when it's only a few weeks.

       "Y-you're right. At least we c-can still have time a-after school, too." That reminder seems to have heartened her, for now.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

The way Emmy hugs in on herself, causes some part of Kallen to kick into full gear. Such that she reaches out, leaning on the desk to pull her younger friend into a warm, defensive hug. "And even if I am over in the other section, who says you're not allowed to drop in when you have a little time?" It may be possible Kallen is used to a middle school schedule with more free periods than Emmy has. Given the ways she can't fill it.

Emilia staying at the school during break isn't too shocking. It fits with what she's seen until now. No family or representatives interested in spending time around her. No appointments and meetings with personal tutors... though Kallen herself has somewhat taken on that role, in teaching what she can. Ensuring Emilia doesn't fall behind, and discovering some of her strengths. "I'll bring a treat every time I come to visit over the break. I'm thinking ‘a tour of the world in ice cream form', sound fun?" Kallen can be odd at times. She really doesn't feel like a Britannian half the time, when she talks about other parts of the world the way she does. There's none of that sense of superiority.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

       Emmy's gotten used to these, over the past year. She leans into the hug, resting her head on Kallen's shoulder. Whenever Emmy was getting bullied, or things got too stressful, or everything was too much, Kallen was there with one of those hugs- that shield against the bad things in the world. For good and ill, Kallen has become Emilia's rock- so no wonder the thought of facing school without Kallen around was heavy on her. She nods, slowly. "R-right. Right."

       Still, she giggles at the idea of a world tour of ice cream. It's just a little way of expanding her world because of the tight box her grandfather tries to keep her in. "Okay! I-I'm looking forward to i-it!"

       Sadly, the world tour didn't quite go as planned...

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

The world tour was in fact, something of a disaster. As it stands, Emmy is stuck in a position of watching Kallen in a screaming match with her... mother? She never calls the woman that, but she must be. A woman who embodies all the worst parts of Britannia combined with an extreme level of vanity. Emilia even spots a few flyers and pamphlets in her bag, bearing a symbol and slogan she recalls seeing around her Grandfather. Information talking about a pure world. The argument has gone back and forth for several minutes at this point.

How had this all started? How had things hit this point? It's all very simple... Not too long before, Kallen had slipped out of the house unseen, sliding out a door in the kitchen that was typically used only by the serving staff. She should have been home free. Unfortunately, it's not even been a week since the trip with her brother. And that has left a certain woman observing her. Far more carefully than usual, given her surplus of free time.

That observation had led to Kallen being followed from a distance, the charismatic and secretive, but ultimately still pretty normal teenager lacking the honed instincts and paranoia that would have caught them along the way. And so, completely unaware, she had gone first to a number of ice cream establishments with a proper refrigerating bag, to keep the sample offerings chilly. And then to the school dorms, to meet with a certain close friend. A friend that woman is deeply disapproving of, leading to a number of calls being made, all the while Kallen and Emilia are well on their way to what ought to be a happy little break from the stresses of life.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

       As the screaming match gets louder, Emilia cowers behind Kallen, tears streaming from her eyes, body trembling.

       The last time something with an adult got to this level in her life, Emilia was slapped hard enough she was sent sprawling to the floor. The memory lingered, the lesson learned- never question an authority figure. No matter what.

       She's wondering how much longer before Kallen receives the same lesson. If she'll be hit too, for being a problem. Grandfather wouldn't complain in the slightest if one of his noble, Blue Cosmos fellows disciplined her for her behaviour.

       "I-i-i-i-it's my f-f-f-fault! D-d-don't. D-d-don't... b-blame Kallen..."

       She's hoping that admitting wrongdoing will make it stop. Because she did something wrong. That's the only reason this would be happening, right? It's always her fault when this happens. That's what she was taught.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Emilia's trembling tears strike something in Kallen. She glances back... distracted from the argument for a moment. Long enough to hear her words, with a look of confusion on her face. "...Why would it be that? In what world is this your fault?" While she's so distracted however, a predator smells opportunity.

Her ‘mother' breaks to a cruel, heartless smile. Staring down upon Emilia with the kind of look that people like Joseph give her. That sneer of disgust. As if staring at a worthless object. "Of course it is. Degenerate, halfblood refuse like you only drag others down by your continued existence. You leave stains upon our pure, beautiful world, simply by bearing the sin of being born." Beyond being simply shocked, Kallen's entire body goes rail-stiff. Frozen at the words she's hearing. Knowing they're as much meant for her, as the person they're being said to.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

       Emmy hears Kallen's question, but doesn't respond. Isn't it obvious? She did something she shouldn't have. She didn't know exactly what yet, but she's sure Grandfather's people would tell her soon enough, when they move her to a new school.

       She doesn't meet Kallen's stepmother's gaze, closing her eyes tight and looking away.

       "I-I-I'm sorry.... I'm s-s-s-s-s. S-s-s-s-sorry!"

       She can't refute the claims. She knew what she was. A half-zeke bastard, as her Grandfather called her once. A stain is certainly how Grandfather always referred to her.

       She'd be punished now, she knows it. She'll be taken away. She'll never see Kallen again. Why was she so stupid? Why couldn't she have been a good girl?

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Lines have been crossed today. Kallen knew her stepmother was not a kind woman, of course. She isn't blind, nor an idiot. But... perhaps foolishly, she believed it had its limits. Believed that she could take on much of the hostility herself and spare others. Clearly she was wrong. Still... there may be something she can do, for today.

So, as Emilia whimpers and weeps, Kallen turns to her, a hand stroking into her hair. "Shh... it's not your fault... Everything is going to be okay. I promise. I'll take care of everything. And I'll come visit soon, so don't be afraid." Rather... she'll take all the blame onto herself. She'll blunt the woman's hate upon others, by becoming the focal point to it. It's something she deserves anyway, for knowing what her stepmother does, and not speaking out against it.

Over her shoulder she looks back... "If I return home right now, will you promise she can go back to the dorm, and nobody will hurt her or accost her? I'll... accept that new tutor you suggested to father, if so." A tutor she knows is meant to force her to be Properly Britannian. To whip the ‘Eleven' out of her. Her father doesn't know that part of course. She hadn't wanted to worry him while he's being kept so busy.

The cruel, cold woman's face practically glows with malice. "I believe that should be a worthy trade. What need have I to expend effort upon that one, after all?" Words that should be a red flag, and will be later... But in the moment Kallen is just relieved by the agreement, made all too hastily.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        As Kallen turns to Emilia, Emmy presses herself against the older girl, the tears not stopping. Even as Kallen tries to soothe her, she continues to sob.

        Even if Kallen promises she'll come back, it's too much for Emilia to believe. Everyone who's promised that before in her life never did, after all

        She's still crying wordlessly when Kallen takes her back to her dorm room, certain in the knowledge that she's about to lose the best- perhaps the only- friend she's ever had in her life.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

As Emmy sobs against her, some part of her wonders... is this deal the right way? Still, she's already picked this path. "I know... you're scared. But nothing is going to keep me from being your friend. I don't care what anyone says." Of course, that's still hard to trust. But she sounds so sure.

Once she's seen to Emilia being safe in her room... she resigns herself to what's coming. Walking to where that woman awaits. Of course, the entire way home is nothing but her smug, victorious crowing. Talking how there may yet be hope, even for a filthy thing like Kallen. The rest of the day isn't going to get any better, as she brings the tutor into the family estate immediately.

By the time night arrives, Kallen is, in a word, miserable. Her thoughts are clouded by pain, and her vision is hazy with tears. She had sunk quietly into a bathtub for about an hour, letting the hot water burn away some of the misery. Now, she's in her bedroom, curled up and hugging her knees. Staring at her phone, until she finally dials one of the few numbers held in it. "H-hey... Nao-nii. I'm sorry for calling so late, but..." As they talk, she can't help the words flowing from her. Talking about everything that had happened that day. So she shouldn't be surprised by what he eventually says. Yet, all the same... "You need to run away. I'll get our Mom out of there... she won't stay if you don't. But you need to leave first. They won't stop... they won't take it any easier on you or anyone else. And don't wait. Don't give them time... Just grab what you need and go."

Difficult words to hear, but a truth that needs to be said all the same. What help is she to the serving staff if she accepts this new training? If she just becomes another Proper Britannian? Or whatever else her stepmother may intend. What help is she to Emilia? There's only one problem. She finds she can't leave that night.

Indeed... a full week passes, every day with her new lessons. Before an opportunity presents itself to her. Before she has her opening to leave. And to see Emilia again as well.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        It's been a week since Kallen left, and Emilia has had no contact. Tomorrow is the first day of the new school year.

        She's honestly surprised she's seeing it at Ashford at all. She expected Grandfather's people to relocate her already. Shuffle her to another school.

        Of course, does it matter when her support network is gone? When she had Kallen protecting her, she didn't really try to make any other friends. She had one, and one was enough. One was more than ever before.

        She rolls over restlessly in her sleep. The covers are a mess, the sheets wrapped tightly around her. She's had to make an effort remaking her bed every morning this week, with how much she's tossed and turned throughout. She clings tightly to a pillow- things like toys for comfort were a luxury she wasn't permitted.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

        And so she's doubtless thinking it must be a dream still, when a steady knocking comes from her window. Slow but repeated, easy to follow along with. After all, why would anyone be knocking on her window, at this hour? For that matter, how would they? The dorm isn't on the ground floor.

        But no matter how long she ignores it or rolls around, it just keeps going. Eventually, there's a familiar but muffled voice. "Emilia... Emmy! It's important!" Surely she's just imagining it. Kallen's voice? Why would that be real? She heard Emmy's secret. She hasn't been around since then, not once. "Emmy, I need to talk to you, please open the window."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        She's sleeping light, at least.

        Emmy stirs at the knocking, turning blearily toward the sound of the knocking. She wonders what it is as she rubs her eyes-

        Only to hear Kallen's muffled voice sending her alert at once. It's a dream... surely it's a dream...

        But it's okay to indulge in a dream, isn't it?

        Emmy stumbles out of bed in a rush to get to the window, unlocking and opening it in one swift motion.

        "Kallen? Wh-wh-what's going on?"

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

        Kallen does not look great. An understatement, to be sure. Whatever's happened to her, she's a complete mess. A far cry away from either the happy, spirited girl she is casually, or the refined, responsible senior during classes. Nobody would look up to her, seeing her like this. On a second look... she's got a backpack on her, practically full to bursting.

        With the window open, she hops inside. "What all in your room here do you want? ...I'm running away, and I want to take you along with me. Across the border to Free Japan." That's a lot to process, all at once. "I know it's not safe here for you. And I don't want them to hurt you any more." This is definitely a dream of some kind. It has to be. In what reality would somebody care enough that she's their top priority?

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emmy seems stunned for the moment. Is this really happening? Has someone finally come to save her?

        She stares at Kallen, dumbfounded. How does she respond to that?

        "I-is... is it okay?"

        Is it okay for her to run? Is it okay for someone to care that much? Her grandfather would punish her, surely.

        She wants so, so desperately to go. But her feet are frozen to the floor. An act of defiance like this is something she could never get away with.

        But... what if she did? What if she could just run?

        Her eyes, big as saucers, stare at Kallen, waiting for her answer. Waiting to be told she can.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

        Emmy's reaction speaks volumes. Some of it she vaguely understood already. That she's clearly been a victim of abuse and cruelty. That she's been broken down often enough to have no self-confidence. But this is a level beyond. And so, Kallen takes a seat on the bed... "What do you want to do? We can run away from them, become our own people. Live whatever way we want. But it has to be your choice."

        She knows it's not fair pressure. Run away with her, or stay here and be miserable. But if she's going to help Emmy, this is the first step. Lead her into making choices. Show her that she is her own person. That this is a freedom she has for herself. It's possible she won't be able to make the choice on her own... but there has to be an attempt. "I'll support you, whichever way you want this to go. It's okay to follow your heart."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        There's a long, long pause from Emmy. She was expecting to be told what to do, like she always was.

        Having to choose for herself... having to choose something so big, as maybe her first real choice ever, it's overwhelming and terrifying.

        It takes her a few minutes to find the words. "I.... I w-w-want to g-g-g-go. With y-you. C-c-c-can I go with you?"

        It's an unsteady first step, but it's still a first step.


        In the end, Emmy doesn't have much to take. Her backpack is half full at best, with only her essentials and some clothes. Her wallet, her phone, anything that could be traced to her is left behind.

        She clings tightly to Kallen's hand as they make their escape. She doesn't know what Kallen's plan is, she just hopes more than anything that it works.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Getting out of the Academy is easy. Even though they're using the window, and the weather isn't ideal, Kallen is able to get her to ground level. Though something Emilia may eventually notice is a minor limp to the older girl's stride. Kallen never comments on it herself, nor complains about any difficulties. "I'm glad you decided to come with me. You're the first real friend I've had since I started attending Ashford." A statement that makes absolutely no sense. To anyone attending, Kallen is incredibly popular, for her athleticism, her intelligence, her standout looks, though less so for her sense of justice.

The most difficult part of the trip is, of course, getting across the border. On her own? Kallen could do it. She has the proper paperwork for taking trips with her father, though she'd get questions for going across alone as a teenager. With Emilia, it's a little more difficult. Emilia can't be sure of the exacts, but at one point Kallen gets Emilia to sit down at a well-lit bench next to an office building, and walks in. Of course, she left some of her favorite books for Emilia to peruse, to help with her anxiety about all this. A little while later, the two of them are huddled together in the hidden compartment of a smuggling truck. If Kallen is scared, she doesn't show it. But... there is one thing that changes. She decides it's time Emilia knows the truth. "Not much to do but talk right now, so. You want to know my biggest secret?"

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Try as she might, Emmy isn't able to sit and relax the whole time Kallen is gone. While she has one of the books open, she doesn't get past the first page. Her glance keeps going to the door of the building Kallen went into. She looks around nervously all the time, as if worried someone's going to find her.

        It's not until Kallen's back that she eases up at all. But when she's lead into the truck, she follows willingly, She trusts Kallen more than anyone else, after all.

        Inside the compartment, those nerves are still there. It's small, cramped and dark. But she had no idea it was there until they were told to hide.

        "Y-your... secret?" Emmy says, her hand still clinging to Kallen's. "...Y-y-yeah. If it's o-okay."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

She never explains exactly what she had to discuss inside, though it's obvious enough that she was negotiating for these ‘seats' on the truck. Which... didn't cost all of the cash she'd pulled from the accounts, but it did cut a substantial chunk through them. What would have been reasonably easy living for a while, if it were only her, was made far more lean. But that's okay. Because saving her best, and only, real friend, was worth infinitely more.

Much of the quiet periods are spent with her lightly rubbing Emilia's back. Trying to ease the nerves and the shaking. She's just a constant presence. Always there, making it clear they're doing this together.

But once she's ready to talk, and she has the answer she hoped to hear... "I'm only half-Britannian. My mom... my real one, not the woman you met, is actually Japanese." Notably not saying Eleven. Which might be a stumbling block for Emmy at first... Maybe.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Kallen's attempts to calm Emmy seem to be bearing some fruit. She shuffles in closer as the ride goes on, pressing close to her side. She's still making herself small again- but that's an asset in this dark, confined space.

        The revelation gets a slow blink from Emilia, who takes a moment to process it. "...Y-you're... h-half Eleven?" She says, after a second- and then after a second more. "I-I m-m-mean..."

        She falls quiet, worried she's offended her best friend beyond belief- after she's risked so much to take her away from everything.

        But after a few more moments pass, she finally speaks up.

        "...I-I'm not a r-r-real Britannian either." She says, very quiet. "...I h-heard Grandfather s-say it once. He c-called me... half-Zeke." She had context for that one, though. Her Grandfather's hatred of Zeon was something hard to forget.

        "N-no wonder we... d-didn't fit in."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Emmy's slip is not met with anger or yelling. Neither rejection nor hate. Simply a gentle pat into her hair. "I know what you meant, it's okay. It'll just take time to break ingrained habits." Emmy isn't a malicious girl after all, it's just that she's been surrounded by people who say it. So it's quite normal.

She's quiet herself for a bit after that. Giving time for the tension to fade a little.

She didn't expect Emmy would be the one to break the ice again. "That's not... really true. You don't need to be pure of blood or whatever, to be Britannian, or Japanese, or Spacenoid. Am I ‘fake' Japanese, because my bloodline is mixed? No. And what does it matter anyway? The circumstances of somebody's birth aren't what make who they are. It's their choices, their beliefs, the actions they take. The family you were born to is just one of a hundred pieces that make a person, and how big of a piece it is? That's up to the individual."

What she's talking about is more complicated than she really has the right words for, given her age. It's a heavy line of thought. And... well, yes it does matter a LITTLE. But all these people seem to put such undue weight onto one single facet of things, while ignoring the dozens of other parts. Honestly, it makes her mad. But that's a problem for another time. "That's not why we didn't fit in though. It's because that place is a competitive rat race. Designed for people to claw each other's throats out in a fight to be on top of every encounter. Every social interaction becoming political maneuvering and scheming to take down everyone around you." And so it goes without saying, that for the two of them, who weren't acting in accordance with that, of course they didn't quite fit.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        It's kind of unfair to Kallen, Emmy thinks, that she expected to be yelled at for 'getting it wrong'. Having it handled gently, warmly, is... unexpected.

        It's what Kallen says next that gives her something to think about. The idea that who she was- who she was born as- doesn't have to define is hard to wrap her young head around. Her brow furrows a little, as if deep in thought.

        Being something more than she was being told to be had never occurred to her.

        Kallen's also right that Emmy never had a head for politics- maybe that explains why it seemed she was Kallen's only friend... but Emmy hadn't really felt like she needed to complain about that. It meant she had a friend all to herself.

        It was perhaps a little selfish- but Kallen was the first person not to leave her behind. Kallen was the first person to take her with her, even.

        She doesn't get a chance to say anything more though, as there's a rapping on their compartment. The warning that they were coming up to the border. The warning to stay quiet. What little light they have is turned off.

        So, in the darkness, Emmy shuffles in close to Kallen, as she waits in silence.


        It's a good four hours before they're through the border, even at this time of night. A few hours more before they're at the dropoff point- a crummy motel on the highway to Tokyo. The sun is rising as the refugees are let out of the truck.

        Emmy shuffles quietly behind Kallen, as they're given a room. It's small, with just a bed,a kettle, a half working TV and a bathroom with a tiny shower, It's not a particularly nice place...

        But for Emilia, that doesn't matter, as she collapses on the bed without bothering to get changed, falling asleep near instantly. She's exhausted, and the adrenaline has run out.

        It means, for her first night free of her Grandfather, Emilia sleeps soundly, shifting as close to Kallen as she can in her sleep.


        Simple Japanese meals are delivered to the room at lunch time and evening, but other than that they're left alone until about 6PM, when there's a knock on the door. A man's voice comes muffled through the door.

        "Paper delivery."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Thankfully, Kallen wasn't really expecting her to be able to handle it right away. The topic is pretty heavy. But it will give her something to occupy her mind during the silent parts of this trip. When they have to be the most hidden. Something other than wondering what happened to make Kallen suddenly run like this. Or why she's been walking just a bit differently since she showed up. Where the slight limp came from.

Kallen had even said outright... Emmy was her Only close friend. So, it can't just be the lack of a head for political maneuvering. Because she knows Kallen Could do that, if she wanted. It also means that, even if it is selfish, she truly did have Kallen all to herself. And now they're on the run together.

Unlike Emmy, sleep doesn't come easy to Kallen. She cleans herself up with the small shower before bed, once she's certain Emmy is sound asleep. No need to make her worry even more.

Once she's changed, she slides into bed, letting Emmy be as close as she likes. It helps... somewhat. But still, it takes quite some time to crash out, as her mind races hither and yon. Occasionally a twinge of ignored pain forces itself to be noticed, particularly is grabbed too tightly in the wrong spots. But still, she says nothing of it

Once the late knock arrives after a day of mostly resting and talking about minor things, Kallen is reasonably suspicious. She peeks at who might be on the other side. Readying herself before opening the door. Just in case it winds up necessary. But she's no fool, paranoid as she is. More likely, the ‘paper' in question, is false identification. The documents they'll need to start living on this side of Japan.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        When the knock comes, Emmy freezes, and doesn't immediately ease up. She watches carefully as the man on the other side- a tired looking man with a chunky laptop and portable printer under his arm, a backpack over his back and a camera around his neck.

        "Here to finalize everything." He says, tiredly. Photos for your IDs, family register, all that fun stuff. Got some clothes if you need something tidier. We'll use that wall for background, so let's get this done so I can move onto the next, alright?

        The photos are a painless process, but the next step might be more awkward. "...You two look pretty Britannian for refugees. You two are a whole new identity job, right? Gonna need some names here to make this work. You got anything, or am I working whole cloth here?!"

        Emmy, who has been quiet the whole time, looks to Kallen. "I... wh-what do you think?" She hadn't even considered the need for this. The world of fake IDs and new names is completely unknown for her. As much as Kallen has worked to foster more confidence and independence... Emilia is completely lost.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

The photos are indeed largely painless, and Kallen does what she can to ease Emmy's mental panic before they're taken. However... the next part is a little different. Thankfully, Kallen has something she can work with. "I'm half-Japanese actually... but yes, I took more after my father in appearances." No point in not talking about it, when they're working on this. They may have to start using dye on their hair, but probably not. It's not really THAT weird.

A hand drifts to Emmy's hair, trying to keep her relaxed as best she can. "There's a sound-alike of my mother's maiden name with different spelling, that we might be able to use. Koudzuki. As for a first name..." Kallen glances aside for a moment. "Would you like to be my little sister Emi?" They can workshop if she keeps Kallen, or shifts to something else, after sorting out the much larger question.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        "Handy for you, kid. I can piggy back off that a little, lots of folks' documents got disrupted by the invasion." The spender continues at his keyboard, not really bothering to tune in on the conversation.

        For Emilia, though, it's the second big decision in 24 hours. One might expect her to hesitate, to need time to think.

        She doesn't, instead she looks up at Kallen, shock giving way to a beaming smile.

        "...Y-yeah. I'd really, r-really like that."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

If that's Emmy's thought on it, with no hesitation, then it's settled. No need to think further on it. "Kallen and Emi Koudzuki then. Perfect." And it is indeed true what he said. She knows about plenty of people who had problems with their identification, even completely legit ones. Of course, that's only one of many problems with the invasion and occupation. Even she knows that, at her age.

She tries not to linger too long on the fact that she did have friends before her transfer and change of name... who she's simply incapable of ever meeting up with again.

Getting through most of the remaining process, now that they have names and some history out of the way, ought to be pretty smooth sailing. There will be the struggle of settling down somewhere, and getting into a school. But if there's something Kallen is confident in, after all of what they've just done? It's that they can get themselves enrolled somewhere. A nice school for certain, but one that may have some... comedic episodes, so to speak.

Aside from that, she'll just have to eventually introduce her new sister to the family. Though, her mom might be a while. Emmy probably isn't ready for that, nearly as well as she would be a brother.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        The first few months are rough. There really isn't enough money for two to live on left over, and Kallen's new injuries have a lasting impact. Making their way away from the border is a priority. After about a week sizing up their options, the newly minted Koudzukis make for Nouvelle Tokyo.

        There's more than a few nights sleeping rough before they make it into a shelter. A social worker helps them get assistance, and eventually, a place to live. It's a small apartment in Jindai prefecture, but it's somewhere they can live freely. In those first few months, though, Emi develops severe separation anxiety, something their living situation only adds to.

        It's a bigger struggle for Emi- getting used to her new name, learning enough of the language to get by, the culture shock of living in non-Britannian territory. There are things that are probably a surprise to Kallen, too.

        Getting used to the differences in schooling systems is something that takes a while- for her first year, Emi drops from an A- average to a C student. There's so much a Britannian education hasn't prepared for her. History and classics are her biggest problems.

        Occasionally, little messages make it to Kallen, with a little extra cash to help them get by- but after a year, they stop coming. Emi never gets to meet her adoptive brother or mother.

        But no one ever comes looking for them. Two inconvenient runaways just disappeared one night- it's hardly an unusual story. Emilia Eschonbach and Kallen Kozuki are eventually names on a missing persons list that get forgotten.

        As soon as she's old enough, Emi gets a job at a convenience store to help cover her share- picking up shifts whenever she can. It helps- but it's a supplementary income. The real money comes from Kallen finding her way into a cockpit- in Nouvelle's tournament battling scene.

        Come highschool, though, Emi opens up. Friends of Kallen help her settle in, and she makes new ones, finds new interests, joins the rhythmic gymnastics and fashion clubs. She also gets some much needed counseling, courtesy of the school. When their one year at the same school is up, Emi's able to handle it much better than she expected.

        Jindai High may be chaotic, and her closest senpai might be a military nut with an obsession with mobile weapons but it's a kind place, where she finds acceptance, friendship and love- things she spent her life direly short on.

        The years are not without their hardships- but they are weathered with family, and the happy days outnumber the sad.



        Emi's voice rings through the garage where Kallen keeps her tournament suit.

        "Oneechan, a-are you in here?"

        She'd come directly after clubs, as she often did when she didn't have work. She'd meet up with Kallen, spend a little time helping out, and then going home or to dinner. It was a routine she enjoyed.

        "Are you st-still having trouble with the act–uators in the right l-leg?"

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

She's never quite as capable of running or handling acrobatic movement as she was before. If she'd had the option for proper medical treatment right away, it would have been fine. If she'd rested and not pushed herself to get the both of them out, she'd probably have been alright, if a little slow to recover. That limits what she can do for work, and she'd never be an athletic star at the high school she winds up going to. Still, she makes more friends there, compared to where they had been. She's still somebody who draws people to her, and at Jindai, a school full of oddballs, people are more true to themselves.

The work she takes on comes with sacrifices. It means she has to turn down most clubs, even a student council position. She just doesn't have the time for it. It also means she can't be around for Emi as often as she'd like. Still, as much as she can, she helps with homework and listens to any worries and problems her little sister has. She's... the best big sister she can be, given the circumstances. Even if they're both having to grow up too quickly.

Her tournament work is far from the first job she takes up, having tried a number of different mundane options. And for a time, each of them puts food on their table. Not enough to be truly comfortable, and luxuries are scarce. But they're never cold at night, and they don't starve. Even if they have to squeeze the value limits out of their purchases at times. Emi's eventual contributions ensure that, though occasionally Kallen wishes she didn't have to. That she could just... live like any other girl and not have to stress herself with helping out that way.

The tale of how she wound up a tourney fighter is lengthy and involved, but after some early struggles, she took to it well. She spends more time tuning up her machine than she does in the arena, it feels like. Not that she isn't a frequent fighter, but she's always looking to improve her performance. And there's so many little things that crop up, even if most people wouldn't notice them.

So the familiar voice pulls her out of her thoughts, where she's got half her body buried inside a dark red machine. Wriggling her way back out of it, she's got some machine grease smudged on herself, hopefully that won't be too big a problem.

"Yeah, they're still drifting a little. Even three centimeters can change the flow of a fight, no matter what your skill level is." It's the kind of thing that a lot of people would say really doesn't matter. It's such a small issue. But in a tournament you need to be precise on both offense and defense. Three centimeters when scaled up, could be the difference between an attack taking off the opponent's arm, or missing the vital connector entirely. Not to mention the possibility of accidentally striking a cockpit...

"But while I was working on THAT, I noticed this other issue that might be related, and one thing lead to another until I'm..." Buried in the guts of the machine, just how Emi found her today. At least she has the support brace for her leg still on, even if the cane she uses often is over on the other side of the garage.

"But enough about that. How's my precious little sister doing?"

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        The sheer level of disassembly is more than Emi expected- even if it's not the first time Kallen's done this. Emi- noticing the cane up against the wall- walks over to pick it up as Kallen extricates herself from the machine. "D-do we need to get a r-replacement? I think we h-have some budget left from th-that sponsorship."

        Still, Emi smiles as Kallen asks the question. "Well, she kn-knows why you're b-buttering her up like that." She says, gently waving the cane before handing it to Kallen- and giving her a hand down if she needs it.

        "...But I'm g-good. A little tired, but good." She goes in for a one armed hug when Kallen is fully down and ready, careful to avoid getting grease on her uniform. "I w-was hoping that, um, m-maybe I c-could get an extra t-ticket to your next m-match?" She looks a touch awkward, and is blushing a little."I kn-know you only get so many comps, though, so, i-it's no trouble if you can't."

        There's a few seconds pause, before Emi breaks. "I-it's just, th-there's the girl at school, and w-we were talking, and I talked about you and sh-she seemed interested in seeing a m-match and..."

        She blushes even brighter red, and buries her face in one of her hands. "...I'm s-such a dork, aren't I?"

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

She winds up red in the face when she sees the cane, taking hold of it before doing anything else. It'll help steady her descent. "I don't think so. It needs a lot of adjusting and work, but all the key components are functioning properly enough. Worst case, I just need to pick up some minor parts." Would most pilots do a major replacement at this point? A lot of them would, for different reasons. But... not all of them. In some ways, her need to make the sponsorships and their funding last is both the thing most holding her back, and the biggest boon for her continuing development as an engineer and pilot. Forcing her to learn a lot of unorthodox things about how hard you can push any given piece of a machine, and which pieces within a larger part can be adjusted and swapped without a more expensive replacement.

The machine she uses is... an odd one to be sure. Her methodology has seen her source some parts that aren't necessarily meant to work together the way she's made happen. She's also had to be particularly careful with the exact shade of red she uses, but she did eventually find one that meets her tastes without being too close to the iconic shades of certain former ace pilots.

"H-hey, I'm not doing anything of the sort. I just have the best little sister in the Earthsphere, who needs to know how proud her big sister is of her." Even if she still stumbles over words and has some difficulty with her confidence, Emi's made some miraculous strides, especially since she started at Jindai. "As for an extra ticket though...? Sure, I can get you one. Hope your date night goes weeeee~ll!" What purpose do sisters have, if not to tease one another about romance? Besides, Kallen gets it. She's had a few brief partners since she started these arena fights. At least one she broke off because they didn't pass the Emi Test. That is to say, she's not dating a girl who hates her little sister. Most of the time, they just weren't good matches long-term though.

A hand that's been thoroughly cleaned of grease by this point ruffles the top of Emi's hair. "Maybe, but never let anyone tell you that's bad. You know the advice I always give. Just be the person you are. The you that you want to be." After all... that's how Kallen got the both of them here. Living up to the girl she wanted to be, and believing in the power of a family you choose for yourself. It might be a bumpy road, but it's one she lives with a minimum of regrets.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.


       "If you s-say so," Emi responds, with a touch of doubt- but she's never been behind the controls of a mobile weapon. Kallen had let her sit as a passenger a few times- but she never had the drive to do it herself. Supporting Kallen is more her speed, be it as an extra hand for repairs, or helping with contracts and managing finances.
       She gives Kallen a bit of a look. "Y-you're laying it on a bit thick, Oneechan." She responds- but she doesn't really mind, given the bright smile on her fce. Certainly, it can be a little embarrassing to be complimented like that- but family is something she'd wanted for years, and as far as she's concerned, Kallen provided the best family she could have asked for.
       The teasing gets the desired effect, Emi blushing further. "I m-mean... I'm n-not sure it's a DATE date. But. Th-thanks." 
       She definitely doesn't mind the ruffling of her hair, either, even if it means she'll have to retie her shoulder length ponytail. "Y-yeah. I remember." Her hand goes to a charm bracelet around her wrist- it's a simple thing, with little plastic charms. A gift from Kallen for Emi's 14th Birthday, something she's worn every day since. "I'm p-pretty happy I g-get to be who I am. Even if my big sister is a total dork herself."
       Finally, she releases the hug. "...Alright, I'm g-gonna help out with repairs for an hour, th-then we're going home and I'm making dinner. Chidori-senpai taught me some new recipes I wanna try."
       And if Kallen tries to work too much, she'll find herself getting dragged out. That too is the duty of a little sister.