2024-06-05: Barriers of the Heart

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  • Log: 2024-06-05 Barriers of the Heart
  • Cast: Leina Ashta, Elan Ceres
  • Where: Asticassia School of Technology
  • OOC - IC Date: June 5, UC 0099 (2024)
  • Summary: Leina has new pieces of information for Elan--some of it more welcome than others.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Asticassia has many 'wooded' areas. Little copses of artificially designed trees and foliage that looks natural despite the artificial feel.

Few students actually go there though, for one because it requires them to walk off that far off the beaten path.

For another because it doesn't feel all that connected to nature here, so 'getting back to it' isn't a priority of most people - especially Spacians.

To them it's set dressing for the wealthy.

Today however, one Leina Ashta...

UL037: Let's do Lunch!
UL037 has sent you a pin!

It's not - anywhere though? Well, anywhere important. It may take him some time to find it.

When Elan gets there, there's a picnic blanket laid out beneath some trees, and she wastes little time showing him a bento box, and filling up a cup for him of some green tea.

"Didn't know if you'd come." She smiles, "But I'm glad you did. Here."

Inside his box, once he opens it, is rice with red beans, several rolled omelette, and some pickled vegetables.

"Might as well give you the update over a good meal, mmm?"

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Meet me at the forest behind the school...
        Or something like that.
        A text and a pin arrive for Elan Ceres. Despite his general apathy towards most things, he always immediately checks his texts when he gets one, and this one he reads with no particular expression. From there, it depends on who's texting him. Some get an immediate response; some get blow off. Given what he last discussed with Leina Ashta, he's inclined to see what she has to say at the very least. Without sending back a confirmation--that level of consideration is reserved for other people--before long, he's heading through the wooded area that Leina indicated, drawing ever closer to the pin.
        He comes to a stop when he sees the picnic blanket and the lunch therein. It's logical that this kind of set-up would be here, given the location and that the invitation was for lunch. But it's a little...
        He eyes her as she smiles at him. Still, she acknowledges that there is an update to be had, so he slowly approaches and kneels on the blanket. He opens the bento box. It's nothing fancy, but that's fine by him. He retrieves a pair of chopsticks, accepts the cup of green tea, and sets them together with the lunch.
        "It isn't necessary. But no matter," he replies. He sets the bento box on his lap and poises the chopsticks with his other hand, but before he starts to eat, he meets Leina's eyes. "What's the update?"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Isn't it? A boy and a girl meeting this far out." Leina Ashta winks at him, and it's something of a tease, "It's a great cover, if someone spots us - then they're unlikely to approach."

She of course doesn't actually see him that way, but she does enjoy teasing him in that way. Idly, she cracks her chopsticks and begins chewing at her pickled vegetables.

"So the update? Well ... not that we thought the Aerial had any, but I ruled out it having any covert Psychoframe that the auditors missed... and Suletta Mercury I'm rather certain is no Newtype. Which begs a few follow up questions on the Aerial itself. I'm having my sources look into it."

She picks up some rice, and chews a bite of it, swallowing, "Suletta is rather protective of her mobile suit though. It's almost like she treats it like... an imaginary friend."

Her eyes grow distant for a moment, then, she shakes it off, "Not too uncommon, Mercury sounds like it was very lonely for her. She didn't have any friends her own age." She tells him sympathetically, "But... there was one comment that troubled me. I almost... overlooked it."

Her green eyes regard him closely, "She told me that she'd had the Aerial since she was 'very young'." Which - the implications will not be lost on Elan..

A mobile suit this advanced had to have been built recently, right?

And yet - it sounds as if it wasn't.

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Elan is aware that if someone did spot them, this would instantly become a hot topic of gossip for much of the school. It's been annoying enough lately with people talking about him and Miorine fighting during class the other day, though it was mostly her yelling at him. Still, this is more important than that. He'll just ignore any rumors that crop up like he always does. Accordingly, he doesn't rise to Leina's teasing-bait.
        He does listen to her information, though. Her report, perhaps one might say. He takes a bite of one of the vegetables, chewing as he listens. No Psychoframe and not a Newtype... Which is one possibility crossed out, which brings her closer to being like him after all. He nods once; he knows that Mercury was lonely for her, that she and Aerial did a lot of rescues but she didn't have anyone her own age around.
        But... since she was 'very young,' huh. His eyebrows furrow a hair as he considers that. He's... pretty sure he didn't know that. Suletta has been going on search-and-rescue missions with Aerial by her own admission, but she never specified for how long. He reviews his notes on Suletta regularly, and surely he would have written down something like that. So he probably didn't simply forget--this time. Which means that the Aerial has been around for a long while...
        Another piece of evidence for her and him being the same. There's a strange palpitation in his chest, like his heart raced for a second before returning to normal. He's not sure why.
        Outwardly, of course, he continues to show no particular reaction. Leina has an advantage over most in that she has a certain sensitivity, and while there remains a tall wall around his heart, that second's palpitation shows as a brief spike in his feelings.
        Once he swallows, he wonders, "What do you think that means?"
        Surely one of Cathedra's enforcers would know.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina is perhaps a touch disappointed he doesn't rise to the bait, if only because it means he's not growing more comfortable to it.

After that, she watches him, and for a time, she just chews upon her rice... he's no Newtype either, which makes it more difficult for her to read him, especially when he's so unexpressive.

But he asks a question.

"Well - for starters, let's consider what 'very young' means. Did she have it in... Ninety Three? A mobile suit that could probably handily defeat the Sazabi at the time?"

Her green eyes continue to meet his...

"Younger? I once knew a girl who was a pilot for Neo-Zeon when she was... ten. Which would - be only one year before Ninety Three for Suletta."

She taps the chopsticks on the side of her bento box, in a quiet rhythm, as if in thought, "Was such a thing really built on Mercury just for rescues? It doesn't exactly add up. But Suletta also doesn't have the... hmmm..."

Tap... tap...

"... killer instinct? She panicked when she saw coming out of Aerial's hangar, but... all she did was pin me to a wall because she was... scared. And she also speaks of a Mother fondly."

Her eyes look past Elan for a moment, "It's like everything about her puts my mind at ease - and then inadvertently derails it. I haven't really come to any firm conclusions in that respect - and she distrusts me enough that asking her outright? She's too suspicious."

She does give him a mirthful grin, "And - you sure haven't made my job any easier, informing her I'm investigating her. Not that I'm upset. Between the two of us - it's better if she has someone to talk to that doesn't have... conflicting interests."

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Was the Aerial really built for rescues? To hear Suletta describe it, it would seem so. And Suletta seems like an honest person to Elan. At the same time, though, she's also much more... uninclined to view others with suspicion or hostility. And if Aeriel really were solely for rescue missions, there would be no need for such a refined and decisive weapons system. No, Elan agrees with Leina, however silently; there's something here that doesn't add up.
        But Leina's also correct that Suletta doesn't feel like a soldier. She's timid, and at the same time, she stands up to defend others. She has a list of things she wants to do, and they're all so innocent. It's possible that it's a list of innocent things because she didn't have another option before, but...
        He pauses in eating to take a small sip of his tea while he listens to Leina's options. How young is 'very young'? To Elan's tassel-set ears, even ten is too old. But he keeps that thought to himself. He knows that Suletta has lived on Mercury for as long as she can remember, but not her entire life.
        Thinking back... Suletta did say Aerial was 'always' with her. Taken at face value, 'very young' would have to be VERY young.
        He shifts from his drink back to eating. Good for Suletta that she's suspicious of Leina. Although Elan is cooperating with her, he doesn't trust her much either. He trusts that she means well, but she's not the only woman in his life who "means well."
        So when Leina brings up what Elan told Suletta, he blithely replies, "You're a Cathedra enforcer. If Delling Rembran were to decide that she were a witch and had her sentenced accordingly--" which, as they both know, he very nearly did-- "then there's little she could do about it. She should know who's taking an interest in her."
        If Leina's being sincere, then she should be fine with that. He does very much note her use of 'conflicting interests,' though.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Indeed, Leina doesn't seem to begrudge him that. "It's fine." She waves her chopsticks, "I wasn't intending to come at her from an angle of false pretenses anyway."

And indeed she notes in short order, "While I'm trying to work in her best interests, I work for an organization that might not ultimately decide in her best interests. That can override me based on the will of some corporse executives."

She does in fact just say it plainly, "I'm not going to sit here and promise more than I can deliver. And indeed - it would be quite dangerous for me to imply that I would undermine the decisions of my superiors outright, mmm?"

She at least, genuinely believes she would do what she thinks is right in that scenario but, she isn't going to pretend, either.

"Besides that - I learned more of interest... her romantic preferences." Leina says, with a touch of lightness, as she bites a hunk of omelette. "It doesn't seem as if she has any interest in girls."

Leina notes, "Despite being engaged to one - she's doing that because... she believes its right. Honestly? Admirable for someone who grew up in a place where such things aren't done."

Chew, chew, swallow... "As for her preferences, she likes boys with pale skin and light hair."

She tries not to look like the cat that swallowed the canary as she informs Elan of this important detail.

And fails a little, mind you.

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Elan... appreciates that Leina is honest about her position. But it's precisely because of that honesty that he knows not to expect much from her.
        Well, he doesn't expect much from most people. Still.
        So he doesn't respond at first, because it's all things he already knows. She told him just as plainly the last time they spoke. The best she gets, before he pops a glob of rice and beans into his mouth, is a neutral, "Mmm," in response to the danger she'd put herself in. He's familiar with that too, by proxy. It's another reason why he doesn't expect much.
        But then Leina starts going into Suletta's romantic preferences. It's completely off-topic, as far as Elan's concerned, but he listens anyway. It's Suletta, so he's curious anyway, even if it doesn't have anything to do with him.
        Except it turns out it does have something to do with him. He stops chewing, sets down his chopsticks, and fixes Leina with an even flatter look than before. He's on the Dueling Committee with Secelia Dote; he has a grasp of what Leina is trying to do.
        So he swallows and asks, "Why is it important to you to tell me this?"
        A distinct question from Why are you telling me this? If Leina is anything like Secelia, it's to spread chaos or to get under his skin. But as long as they're talking about this, he may as well ask why she craves that chaos, and why she craves it now.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Chaos? Oh no - Elan Ceres. It's not chaos at all, even if introducing chaos can be handy towards making things happen.

Leina Ashta's head is in fact - very orderly, in the outcomes she desires.

Yet, he does ask an interesting version of the question, and she keeps her eyes down on her meal.

There's a long pause as she considers how to answer his question. In the end, she decides on a truthful one.

"It's important to me because I believe that too many people deny themselves happiness due to silly... barriers."

She looks up at him.

"These preconceived notions of how they have to act - as boys - as girls, or how things 'have to be' stop people from expressing their true feelings to one another, and make themselves miserable."

Now she looks up, and looks at him, "I've seen it time and time again. And a lot of people would say that it's 'none of my business'... perhaps you might even agree with them but I believe the happiness of the people around me?"

A beat.

"I consider that very much my business." She tells him, more softly. "This world can be miserable, so I try to make it a little better for the people in my orbit."

There's a shrug of her shoulders, "So, do with that what you will. Even if you don't care in the least? You're still someone that I don't feel would use that information to embarrass her."

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        As far as Elan's concerned, it's chaos.
        But he asks his question, and Leina gives it due consideration. He gives her answer due consideration in turn, bowing his head slightly to take in the sight of the food still remaining on his lap. The underlying sentiment behind what she says isn't wholly dissimilar from the philosophies of Schopenhauer, so phrased like that, it does make a certain sense to him. Phrased like that, he can understand why she would make it her business, even if that meddling isn't welcome.
        But ignorance is only bliss for the ignorant. For those bearing the burden of the truth, that attitude can only be described as "cruelly innocent."
        Aloud, he says, "I see." A pause. Then: "No, I won't use that information to embarrass her."
        Then he goes back to eating.
        But after a moment of using this as a cover to mull over what he's just heard, he sets his chopsticks down again and regards her companion. "Leina Ashta. I'm not interested in romance. I have no desire to fall in love. If you've been making similar implications to Suletta Mercury, I want you to stop."
        Secelia, if he were that forthright with her, would no doubt feed on twisting his words around for her own amusement for weeks or even months to come. But he has just enough trust for Leina to trust that she isn't just doing this for her own amusement.
        However he feels about Suletta--and he has very complicated feelings about this news that he has no idea how to pick apart--he doesn't want to hurt her with a thing that can never be.
        ...which might well be exactly what Leina's talking about, but Elan only understands in the abstract anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"I thought you wouldn't."

Is her simple reply to his statement in question, and she goes back to eating too, taking a sip of her tea, but...

... then he says more. She puts the tea down.

She gets the feeling it's not the whole story. That it's another barrier. That's the overall impression she gets.

That it's not so much he has no feelings for her, but that instead there are reasons he feel why it cannot, or should not happen.

But all the same... he asked her flat out.

"Fair enough. And for what it's worth - I didn't, imply that to her."

However, perhaps she is too honest, because-

"Because that girl? I think even if you both had feelings for each other, it'd be far easier for you to confess them to her, than the other way around."

There's... this shrug of her shoulders, "She'd be far too anxious to make that leap."

It's an easy enough cover, to explain her evaluation of Suletta Mercury in that sense but in essence... isn't she still trying to encourage him?

Despite the fact that she just got hard shut down?

"Anyhow, since you asked - I'll stop implying the possibility of romance between you and Suletta Mercury. Fair?"

As she heads back to her lunch, and perhaps as her own form of apology, she speaks of the rest of the issue, "I am having someone who... owes me a favor, and isn't affiliated with Cathedra looking into a possible avenue. The first time I ever heard of the GUND Format? It was from a man named Syam Vist. ... One of the men who was involved in the rise of Anaheim Electronics."

There's... this knowing look, "I'm having them look into whether Anaheim had any off the books holdings on Mercury, he doesn't believe so, but it might explain a few things if something turns up."

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        "Good," Elan states simply. He would let it go at that, but Leina has her own things to say--after all, she wants to make this awful world a little better. He stares at her even so--even though he knows perfectly well what she says is true. It's just information he's never considered in that particular light before.
        Why would he ever confess any kind of feelings to her?
        ...He frowns a little.
        "Fine," he states, a little curt. She might not have dropped it as easily as he'd have preferred, but she did agree to drop it, which is better than some other people he knows. She moves back to professional topics, and he considers this information. Syam Vist... of the Vist Foundation. All considered, it's no wonder Leina has some remaining connections with that organization. He doesn't pry into who it might be. His... sponsors, we'll call them... might tell him to ask for that information anyway, but for now, he can't report what he doesn't know.
        "I see. It would," he replies. "Please let me know how it turns out. I..." He pauses to consider his words. Then, carefully, he continues, "I believe that Suletta Mercury tells what she believes is the truth. But there may be a deeper truth hidden beneath that she doesn't know." He stares down at his lunch, still only half-eaten. "...For her sake, I hope your contact finds nothing of interest."
        Which is not the same as hoping there's nothing of interest to find. But whatever the results are, they'll surely help his own discreet investigation.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

It's not exactly unexpected that he's curt about it. She did after all - nudge a little hard with that, and boys have their pride.

What he says next-

Leina looks him in the eyes, somewhat surprised, then nods quietly- "That's... my evaluation as well. I never sensed any falsehood from her?"

Granted, Suletta isn't a Newtype, so that's more difficult, "She genuinely seems like a good person, trying to do the right thing even while she's... in over her head."

Leina actually smiles, "I admit I have a fondness for people like that." Though, perhaps her smile is a touch sad?

"I really don't know what to make of her situation? The facts don't add up but-"

There's some hesitation, and then, "-but despite that, I don't think we're dealing with a worst case scenario." Another pause, and...

"I've never fought someone who uses 'GUND Format' before, but even so - I seriously doubt someone climbs into a machine like that to save people."

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        It's reassuring to hear that Leina has the same impression of Suletta as Elan. Elan knows well he lacks social graces. Up until now, that hasn't mattered to him, but...
        "No?" he says, looking up again at Leina. When she clarifies, he remains silent.
        What if the Aerial really isn't a GUND-ARM? What if Suletta really isn't like him?
        It's unpleasant to consider. Maybe it would be better to divorce himself emotionally like he usually does, but... It's not as though those who make GUND-ARMs care about the will or desire of their pilots. They may be machines of death, but he can see one being repurposed into a search-and-rescue machine to fulfill the needs of the planet willing to take them in, then using a girl desperate to please as its battery and telling her she's saving lives so she doesn't mind that her own is being drained.
        As long as that remains a plausible scenario, he can't simply give up on this. There is precious little that matters to Elan, but this--
        This matters.
        The youth with the pretty face drains his cup of tea, then sets the bento lunch's top on his leftovers. There's at least a third left. "You can have the rest," he says, laying it down before Leina. "If that's everything, I'll leave now."
        He'd say that he'll share whatever he finds out with her in return, but if Suletta really is the same as him, Elan is absolutely not going to sell her out. Best not to make promises he has no intention of keeping.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

That's one thing they can agree upon at least, albeit for different reasons.

This matters.

And perhaps it's only because Leina Ashta believes that Suletta doesn't deserve to fall through the cracks, and be a victim to the world's cruelty, it's apathy.

It's her turn to be happy.

When Elan gets up, Leina's eyes move out of this faint abstraction to look at him. "Sure. Have a good day."

As Elan walks away however, despite how poorly some aspects of the conversation went, she watches him go and-

"What barriers are keeping you from your happiness... Elan Ceres?"

She wishes she knew the answer to that question. As if it were a problem to be solved.

She could simply let it go but - like she told him earlier, she takes responsibility for the happiness of the people in her life.