2024-04-17: A Teenager Was Arrested Today

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  • Cutscene: A Teenager Was Arrested Today
  • Cast: Suletta Mercury, Guel Jeturk
  • Where: Asticassia School of Technology
  • Date: 2024-04-17 (Late March UC 99)
  • Summary: A News Report on a delinquent transfer student being arrested during a duel at the Asticassia School of Technology. Also some unrelated internet happenings that mysteriously happen shortly after. It's probably fine.


The Front Management Company at Asticassia School of Technology arrested a new transfer student for participating in the School's traditional dueling system while utilizing a mobile suit illegal under NUNE regulations. While her name has been withheld for being a minor, we have obtained exclusive footage of the criminal in question, taken on campus while caught in the act of assault.

https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fu49v34a8ml4a1.png&rdt=38969 Live footage shows her slapping the ass of another larger male student whose face is turned away and blurred out, before backing up and crossing her arms defensively.

You saw it here first loyal viewers we here at NuNET have found EXCLUSIVE footage of the brazen thug. Are sexual harassment charges warranted? You decide!

The Mobile Suit Development Council at Benerit will be handling the criminal proceedings under their mandate of regulated mobile suit technology.


https://mythcreants.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Drone-Swarm-e1673497351565-824x550.jpg grainy footage is shown of the Gundam Aerial utilizing remote weaponry known as bits as it tears apart another mobile suit which looks somewhat like a Dilanza if you squint hard enough

Footage from the duel shows the criminal utilizing regulated technology known as Psychoframe to gain an unfair advantage over the opposing duelist's mobile suit. What a cheater!

More as this story develops - later!

Nearly simultaneously with the broadcasts by official NUNE sources, a total media blackout was broken to post all over the web, in well-known military wargames forum, the dark web, and leak sites that the 'Gundam' utilized in the duel was not in fact Psychoframe, but an older nearly unknown technology known as 'GUND FORMAT' which utilizes permet based links for the most efficient mind/machine interface currently known in a mobile suit, including allowing people who are otherwise 'Naturals' to utilize remote weaponry, and overclock their mobile suits to the point where the technology developed decades ago still outperforms mobile suits of this era.

It does note however, that a problem of the format is something called a 'data storm' in which the nervous system of the pilot can be overloaded by sheer amount of information it is being forced to process, causing permanent nervous damage, and death.

The posting contains evidence that Cathedra has been fighting a shadow war against the technology since before even before the One Year War, to the point where it is impossible to find other references to it on the web, even the regulations containing it being unknown to the majority of legal scholars. That those who do utilize it are dubbed 'Witches' whom Cathedra is given unilateral authority to kill on sight.

At first there is a strong undercurrent of skepticism in online discussions of this leak, in part due to the fact that it appears to rewrite history about the RX-78-2 Gundam as not being the first Gundam of the Universal Century at all.

This information manages to somehow remain for nearly a week, before it is fully deleted from the web - what few discussions that can remain without being taken down have far less skepticism now, because of the obvious government suppression.

Misinformation labels are attached to deleted postings redirecting everyone to various information history sites, which try to reinforce that the RX-78-2 Gundam was in fact, the first Gundam.

There is however, a subtle undercurrent unknown to most participating in these discussions, that have allowed certain groups to be put in contact with those who still possess knowledge of this technology.

OOC Notes: GUND FORMAT and both its upsides and downsides remain uncommon knowledge, but are now available to most PCs. If you wish your PC to have found this out from this whole online thing, you may! However, the overall public opinion is mostly still on Cathedra's side towards banning technology that would disable or kill the pilot in question. There are small clusters of extremists online who believe otherwise, but they're mostly derided as edgy trolls. Knowledge of Ochs Earth and Vanadis are still wholly unavailable, even to those who dig deeply into this, without explicit staff approval.