2024-06-02: A Quiet Room

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  • Log: 2024-06-02 A Quiet Room
  • Cast: Elan Ceres, Guel Jeturk
  • Where: Asticassia School of Technology
  • OOC - IC Date: June 2, UC 0099 (2024)
  • Summary: Guel and Elan are both great at socializing.

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        The Dueling Committee room is unusually quiet. The spacious room with its semi-circular couches, center table, and display screen used to monitor duels is empty at the moment save for one of its members: Elan Ceres. He's seated on one of those couches in his uniform, a book in hand; his pretty face is focused on its pages. There isn't a duel going on, or a meeting to be had, at least not at the present moment, and therefore it's the perfect place to read in silence.
        It's admittedly an unusual place for him to read in silence. If he wants privacy, his Peil House dorm room would do. But he had Dueling Committee paperwork to process. It's just already done. He's technically on duty right now, and if someone were to enter at the moment with a duel request, he would be obligated to process it.
        Good thing no one is about to enter at the moment with a duel request. Right?

<Pose Tracker> Guel Jeturk has posed.

Peace and quiet in the heart of Asticassia's conflict resolution system.

It was doomed to end.

Thankfully, due to Asticassia's nature as a front-style colony, doors within the facility are sliding and automated, and thus the entrance to the Dueling Committee lounge cannot be slammed shut as Guel Jeturk storms in - however, one could swear the hiss of its movement is as aggressive as his swagger, as he adjusts the way the engreened jacket of his uniform lays across his shoulders.

"Ceres." His greeting is somehow even blunter than usual, as he drops unceremoniously onto one of the couches.

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Such is life.
        (Not even "such is life in Asticassia," if you ask Elan. But no one did.)
        The hiss of the sliding door isn't what gets Elan to look up. This is, if not a public room, then a room where a respectable number of people have access and might show up at any time, especially given its purpose. It isn't even Guel's angry pace as he storms in and plops himself on the opposite couch.
        It's the fact that Guel is here at all.
        Elan's yellow-green eyes flick up from the page he's reading. "Guel Jeturk," he replies in his soft voice. "It's been a while."
        That's approximately four to six words more of a greeting than Elan would usually give him. But Guel has a vested interest in Suletta Mercury, and so does Elan, if for different reasons, and this is the room where that interest most clearly can make itself manifest. That's also why he asks something he normally wouldn't care enough to bother asking:
        "Is it time?"

<Pose Tracker> Guel Jeturk has posed.

The way Guel sits, dead-centre of the couch with his arms up over the headrests, speaks volumes as to how he claims his space in the Committee - public or not.

"Yes," he answers, blue eyes sharp as he meets Elan's gaze. "I'm tired of waiting around. The Dilanza's repaired, and I've run more than enough sims against that mobile suit. Maybe that will bring things back to some kind of order around here."

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        It does. But such are the elite of the elite at Asticassia. For Elan, it's not even worth remarking on--though in fairness, that's true of a lot of things.
        Guel confirms that his rematch with Suletta is nigh. Elan's attention rises from his book completely now, which he snaps shut and sets to one side. He doesn't care about the order of which Guel speaks--it's all the same to him anyway--but having a chance to see Suletta fight again... To see her in that mobile suit of hers...
        "I'll file the paperwork, then," he says. 'Paperwork' is a misnomer, given that he then pulls his phone/tablet out. Before he opens the appropriate app, he adds, "Have you issued your challenge to Suletta Mercury yet?"

<Pose Tracker> Guel Jeturk has posed.

Guel shakes his head, as Elan asks if he's issued his challenge yet. "Rembran will bring her here when it's time. Our last bout was..." Impromptu? Rushed? A spur of the moment, rash decision brought on by overconfidence? "Not done properly," he concludes instead. "This time we're going to do it by the book. To settle things."

That said, he relaxes just a little on the couch. "... Have you been up here all day?" It occurs to him now to wonder, as that streak of pink in his hair flops down in front of his face and he pushes it back up. "Dote and Chante haven't been by?" The two of them can usually be found here as well, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        "I see," Elan says. "Then it will be done once you're ready." He pockets his tablet/phone and picks his book back up. If no challenge has been issued, then there isn't any paperwork to file. Guel has stated his intent to challenge Suletta imminently; for now, that's enough.
        By the time Guel asks his own questions, Elan's nose his back in his book. He doesn't completely ignore Guel, at least, and this is at least typical behavior coming from him; whether Guel appreciates that or not is another matter.
        "Not all day," he says to the first question. "But I'll be here a while longer, if someone comes with a duel request." And that does happen fairly frequently, so someone needs to be around, and it may as well be him. Rouji aside, Shaddiq and Secelia have actual social lives.
        Accordingly, to the second: "They left earlier, after we finished today's work." He had the impression Secelia had something to do and dragged Rouji with her accordingly, but he didn't care enough to ask after the details.

<Pose Tracker> Guel Jeturk has posed.

Guel grunts in acknowledgment of Elan's answer. "Looks like it's been pretty quiet today." He finds it hard to believe that nobody had a quarrel to settle all day - but then again, it's almost as if the school itself, not just him, is waiting with bated breath for the result of the rematch.

... After a long moment, he sighs. Perhaps he's driven to fill the silence by his own frustration, but he glances at the book the other boy is immersed in, and asks: "Is that a new one you're reading?"

<Pose Tracker> Elan Ceres has posed.

        Ironically, there is a recent quarrel that could have merited a challenge to a duel--but it was between Elan and Miorine, and for the most part, Elan has no interest in challenging people to duels. Maybe if Suletta becomes the Holder, that will change--but for now, it's more a source of gossip than conflict.
        Of course, if people are busy concerning themselves with other people's issues, maybe that's why there've been so few of their own. Either way, Guel speaks truly, and so Elan doesn't respond. Not until he asks about his reading material.
        "Yes," Elan states. He doesn't elucidate further, but his hand doesn't block the title: On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. The author is Arthur Schopenhauer, who, if Guel remembers, also wrote Elan's usual reading, The World as Will and Idea. The cover is fairly plain, so it can be reasonably assumed it's not fiction. It certainly doesn't look or sound like a text on business or piloting, either.
        Either way, it seems like Elan is a fan of this author's work. If a word as emphatic as 'fan' can be applied to him, anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Guel Jeturk has posed.

Guel takes one look at the cover of Elan's book, and in a moment of wisdom declines to inquire further.

(He does remember the author name, though.)

He just nods with another grunt, and settles back in the couch. ... For about two minutes, until he stands, compelled by restlessness. "I'm going to the Jeturk hangars to check over the Dilanza again. If Mercury comes by, let me know."

He doesn't wait for an answer from Elan before he's heading out, jacket billowing as the door parts to allow him to exit the chamber.