2024-03-14: A Way Out

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  • Log: A Way Out
  • Cast: Leina Ashta, Kathras Fari, Hedsa Jakallo
  • Where: Agamemmnon-class Carrier 'AION'
  • OOC - IC Date: March 14, 2024 (November 0098)
  • Summary: Cathedra shows up for an inspection on Kathras Fari's ship. It is routine, but pleasant for no one.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

In a lot of ways, the transfer of authority from the EFF to NUNE, the integration of the military forces is a messy endeavor that's nowhere near complete. Cathedra has been on sight consulting, and hammering our jurisdictional issues with teams of lawyers already studying new international law.

However, there's one other aspect to it, where it doesn't matter how busy one is integrating into a new united military force. Cathedra gets to be there. It's auditing team in particular smartly dressed men and women in suits and uniforms. Even it's tech experts and mechanics who ought to be people you could knock back a beer with seem... uptight? Stuck up.

Perhaps a little self-righteous is the word. Most of these people were former military, but now they're working the private sector. It's easy to imagine them working cushy desk jobs.

Today they're on the Agamemnon-class Carrier 'AION' for inspection of it's storage, it's hangars, and it's mobile suits. After all, while they're after criminals most of all, it wouldn't do if NUNE's new military was breaking the law, now would it?

There's also a young woman with them. A pilot, by all accounts, given the insignia, but today she's in a grey suit, accented with black and red, and a pair of matching trousers, which is quite understandable given the lack of gravity.

She's an 'unofficial' part of the audit, here by choice. She's also the one who greets the ship's Captain. "Captain Fari I presume? I don't believe we ever crossed paths back when you served on the Ra Mari."

She extends a hand, easy as one pleases, smiling his way, "My name is Leina Ashta, and it's a pleasure to meet you. Honestly, given the high standards Captain York set on her vessel, I expect that this audit will be both expeditious and painless."

It doesn't look that way? Wow those mechanics and tech specialists are really going at it in the hangar. The checklists are long, and they're being quite thorough with this multi-point... multi-page inspections.

"I've been asked to be your liaison today, to answer any questions you might have of Cathedra's auditing procedures." A beat, "Also to conduct random interviews of your crew, all very standard of course."

Yes... quite standard. And difficult to understand the rights that one might be afforded in this setting, given the transition from the EFF to NUNE.

Do people even have the right to refuse? The right against self-incrimination? The right to counsel? Who even knows right now!

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

It can be confusing. But Kathras Fari was told to expect some trouble; the Gaia Sabers have a lot of things that Cathedra wouldn't like very much. ...But does Kathras? That's the question. Captain Fari, after all, is a model officer.

He doesn't really expect to have a beer with most people, so it's fine. His crew are discomfited by the inspections, though, grumbling openly about having to expose their stations like this. Until, of course, the Captain passes by. Then they stop.

That young woman with them... indeed, he recognizes her, though not from her time aboard the Ra Mari. Enba Rezza specifically kept her far away from him. For good reason, as it turned out.

"That's correct," he says, and takes the hand, shaking it appropriately. "A pleasure," he agrees. And then she invokes Captain York, and his smile doesn't so much as waver.

He does decide he probably doesn't like her, though.

"Of course. We have nothing to hide here. I'm glad to hear that you have had favorable actions with my old Captain."

His XO beside him lifts an eyebrow. She says, "The Captain who rebelled, sir?"

"She followed her heart. I respect that, even if I disagree with her decision."

"...Very well, sir."

"We will of course cooperate," he answers. "But I will ask: what are you looking for? Anything in particular that I can reassure you on?"

The random interviews will, mysteriously, almost certainly include Hedsa Jakallo, the weapons officer and habitual bridge crewman. Just as mysteriously, he's not surprised to be approached.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Who hasn't?"

That is, her sunny answer to the statement of her having favorable actions.

"She's certainly inspirational."

It doesn't seem too pointed, like she's not particularly directing any of this his way.

Perhaps she doesn't know why they parted ways? Perhaps. And certainly after the 3SA was formed his transfer would be looked at in a different light.

As the XO speaks, Leina smiles patiently, "Well. Given that the man who ordered the invasion subsequently authorized a genocide."

She glances towards the XO, "That I bore witness to - personally - and the only reason he is not before a military tribunal is that he is dead... I find it difficult to fault her? After all, the AEUG was once a 'rebel' organization in the Gryps era."

Her expression doesn't change, "Now they make up a goodly number of the politicians heading the formation of the Gaia Sabers."

Her tone never verges in the realm of insubordinate, even if her words - well, she understands they're military.

She also understands that every military person has a choice. Like the ones who tried to execute her as Puru-1. Like the ones that tried to execute the 3SA.

"More importantly though, they were given an official exoneration of all charges related to that 'rebellion'. So I fear that's an incorrect accounting of events."

She knows because she brokered the deal personally.

He does offer, and Leina allows herself to float, unbound by the moors of gravity, "Cathedra thanks you for your cooperation."

She offers with a smile, "In particular we're looking for any individual that you might have suspicions of not being a 'Natural' on your vessel, to utilize a certain parlance. Or - people who utilize discreet or overt Cybernetic augmentation."

She notes to him, "I would appreciate it if this could be done with the utmost discretion, such that uninvolved crew would be unaware of them being called in. After all, confidentiality is of paramount importance to us."

A beat.

"However, if you don't know of any amongst your crew... then, a randomized sample will suffice."

Leina has a feeling, that he will be more than happy to serve them up to her on a platter. She simply has to make certain they don't suffer unduly for it.

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

He smiles, at the talk of his old Captain. Sure, it doesn't reach his eyes entirely, but there's nothing to fault in his demeanor. Indeed--he's sincere as he says, "When she first took command at Winter Wonderland, I found her inspirational as well. One of my old heroes, come to life."

But the XO frowns as Leina continues. Genocide, rebellion, and...

"Hmph," she says. "That's true. It would be incorrect to hold it against her."

Kathras raises a hand, gently, about to elbow height before her. "It's fine," he says. "She's right, after all. And I do support the AEUG. My family have long supported them."

"Of course," he says of cooperating, and then considers. "Hmmmm," Kathras says. "To my knowledge, we have no Coordinators aboard. However, we do have a few individuals with quite legal--and registered--cybernetic augmentation. We'll have a list prepared for you."

The XO makes a tight-lipped expression--and turns, to go give the order, without being prompted.

"If you mean talk of 'Newtype' powers, well..."

"We have very talented officers, but I possess no such abilities myself to know the difference between a very good pilot and a 'Newtype'."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Certainly she must have been.

What changed? What changed in this man to hold what was different about her against her?

She smiles at his accounting, she smiles and lies with that smile. Just like she was taught, back on Neo-Zeon.

Somehow it doesn't become a grimace this time. The XO takes it as well as she expected, but she's not here to win friends and influence people.

"Thank you." She says of the list, but- he continues, to speak of Newtypes, Powers... and...

... she doesn't believe him. A man who served on a crew of so many Cyber Newtypes and Newtypes both, he must have an eye for such 'talent' in crew.

But she also decides it is better to keep up that illusion, "Of course, it is difficult to tell. Certainly no two people can seem to agree what a 'Newtype' even is... beyond being individuals possessed of the ability to make certain technology work."

A beat.

"And seeing as you have no such technology on board." Leina allows that, rather than making implications or accusations, "There would be no way for you to know."

Let him keep up the lie.

"Let's see. I would prefer a space to conduct the interviews that has the least crew traffic possible."

Her security team, does follow. That is quite a lot of security for one young woman participating in an audit, isn't it?

She decides to give him the benefit of the doubt about bugs, and monitoring equipment by not asking. ... She'll deal with that on site.

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

Newtypes. Is he parroting the line for some social reason? Protecting an asset or crew member? Leina has little reason to believe he's telling the truth, after all.

"It is," he agrees. He can guess that she doesn't believe him. But it's more useful to maintain the charade around the crew than it is to risk his crew. Not that that's obvious to any supernatural senses; very little about him prompts Newtype insight. He's not a hole in the world like Yuliana--he's just... unreactive.


A space... "You will have it," Fari says. "I have just the space in mind, in fact." Quite a security team indeed...


"Ensign," he stops someone. "Show her team to meeting room C, if they're willing."

"And of course, if I can assist in any other way, do ask."

What changed, back then? What could have changed?

That may take longer to learn than one meeting.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

There are some people like Sousuke Sagara who are endearingly non-reactive, and then there's this guy.

She's met a lot of non-reactive people, and some she loves to strike up a conversation with.

But Leina knows the version of the military she prefers, and it isn't this one.

She just has to focus on what she can do for the world.

"Excellent. If you have any questions - here's my comms link."

As she hands him a card with the words: 'How was your auditing experience today?'

And a blank that's been filled in with the link.

There's also an online link to a survey, where one can rate such things. The survey form says that Cathedra takes surveys and complaints quite seriously.

Because customer service is something Cathedra pretends to care about since it offers the illusion of accountability for people who they aren't actually accountable to.

In truth, they don't actually give a damn, kudos and complaints both can be the basis for auditor promotions. What's less important is that they are liked, and more that the audit was conducted well.

"The auditing team has been asked to have any inquiries directed my way, for efficiency's sake."

They're not here to be 'customer service'. Indeed, few bureaucrats are good at that.

"Thank you. Much appreciated." She suspects that he's going to prompt the crew beforehand.

But short of surveilling him, and the risks involved in that- well, there's nothing she can do there.

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

"Wonderful." He takes the card.

It will occupy a position in his office, later. A reminder of Cathedra and what it does. In a drawer, to remind him to stay on his toes. ...Though he will also fill out the form.

It's expected.

"Certainly," Fari answers. "I'll be happy to."

But the truth is... He doesn't really need to prompt his crew much. They're indeed quite loyal to him already. So some are more cooperative than others. But one?

Lieutenant Commander Jakallo, mentioned earlier, is also one of those who could be interviewed, and might spark a little insight in doing so. But he will say simply that Newtypes are Spacenoids, and he's from the Netherlands.

But his presence is one that Leina is likely to 'feel' before she meets him.

As for Captain Fari...

If asked by anyone, of course, he encourages them to cooperate.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina smiles as he takes the card, and well-

She sets up in the the room for interviews. Her security team gets to work with bug sweeping, and well. A phone app does the rest for any covert surveillance.

Nothing damaging of course, to any equipment. Just inconvenient until she's finished.

As Jakallo comes in, Leina smiles at the man, "It's very nice to meet you, Sir. I'm Leina Ashta, a pilot with the Dominicus Corps, here today as liaison during our audit of this vessel." And indeed, she stands and holds out her hand.

Her security team has mostly left the room, save for one man. "Anything you say in here will be entirely confidential... and should you wish it, anonymous."

She also notes...

"If you wish not to answer any question, you may say so, and it will be respected. I understand most people might be hesitant to speak to our organization, but I promise you're not here on some fishing expedition."

As she then notes, "Short of the unlikely event where we find illicit mobile suit technology aboard, we have no authority to prosecute anyone at all."

She waits for him to respond if he so chooses, and then...

"Do you mind giving me the short version of your service record? I'm curious in particular how long ago your last promotion was. A Lieutenant Commander implies a lengthy record..."

After he answers she then asks. "Compared to prior postings, how would you say this one... has been for you?"

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

It would be suspicious at this point if there wasn't any monitoring, but there is. It's only visible cameras, though. They're easy enough to jam. The crew is accustomed to being watched at least a little.

Nevermind that he probably picked this one because it has fewer bugs to find, of course. He suspected their tech would be better than his on that front.

"...Likewise," Jakallo says after a moment, in somewhat accented English. He smiles back, after a moment's wariness, and will shake her hand. He notes the single man left in...

"Hmm," he says. "Very well. I accept these terms."

"I admit," he says, "I am suspicious of your organization." He's a forthright sort of man, it would appear; he reads as 'sincere', although it would be hard to believe that Fari didn't even have a guess as to his abilities. But nothing Fari said was untrue, either.

"Sure," he says to the question eventually. "I've been in the Federation apparatus for some time. I was a part of Londo Bell, back before it imploded with Captain York--Admiral Orlodhari's--leaving. ...Not that I begrudge her. But it is true that those of us who wanted to make it work in the Federation had less to work with. ...It was really that Captain Aiden who ruined our reputation, though."

"Before that, I was involved in the fight against the Devil Gundam. My last promotion was in 0093. They were low on officers and success stories, and I was on one of those ships whose pilots tried to stop Axis. But when the rumors suggest you are a 'Newtype', it does not make you popular after Neo Zeon rears its head."

"But Newtypes are Spacenoids; I am from the Netherlands. This did not stop gossip. ...But Captain Fari specifically requested me on his ship, when he saw my record. He takes me seriously. I feel hope for advancement here, if he isn't just giving me lip service. I have the chances to actually do something."

"...I don't really believe in 'Newtypes'," he admits, "But I've seen some things I can't explain. And I actually believe you mean well, for some reason."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

The single man left in at least, he looks vigilant, albeit not very interested in the conversation in front of him. Like most security guards, his concern is his charge.

Leina does smile when he voices his suspicions, "Honestly? So am I." It's a simple statement, "We are after all a Private Security Organization, beholden to one of the largest corporate conglomerates on the ring. Only someone truly naive, could be entirely unskeptical."

She does smile his way, "But they have done right by me, and I am trying to do right by everyone else, in turn."

She does fall silent, when he starts to speak, he will note that she's perhaps only taking the most bare bones notes, in some short hand, and in another language.

Mostly she's just focused on him, and what he has to say.

There is an almost tired sigh, at Captain Aiden, as if - she's had personal experience with her. One might almost say she's at least indirectly responsible for what happened to her.

"I think that's a fair assessment."

Leina doesn't, notably, take notes when he gets to the part where he's a Newtypes.

"That's a reasonable time in grade at that rank." Leina does note, but she does consider his words, then there's a nod, and a smile when he says that he believes she means well.

"And I believe you are doing the same, and mean well." There is time for - consideration at least. "May I speak frankly, entirely off the record?"

She waits for him to affirm that she can, "I would be fascinated to have a conversation with you - about Newtypes and the like - the things you've seen, the talents you possess... but for now, I think it's in both of our best interests that we don't."

She does say next after a time, "Your Captain has so far given you no reason to distrust him. He takes you seriously, he recognizes your talents. It might be that will remain so, and you will continue to serve without incident."

There is a momentary pause, "I am concerned about the off-chance that, that does not remain so. ... That it might become an unpleasant posting for you, or that he might be quick to throw you under the bus for, what he believes you might be."

She brings out a card, and slides it across the table, "I am giving this to you - it isn't to be a whistleblower. It is merely if things become too much that... you need an out."

She gives him a somber look, "It was only two years ago that I was taken by the powers that be, for what I am - utilized as a weapon against my will - and once I was no longer under their control, that the EFF military attempted to erase me to cover up a Corporate Executive's dirty secret."

A pause.

"That whole time, I needed an out. I did not have one. This is just in case - you come to believe you might need one too."

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

"...Hm." He is cynical enough to imagine she might just be luring him into a false sense of security--but he relies on his 'senses' too, and he doesn't get that impression. "All right," he says. He won't trust Cathedra, still, but... He'll hear her out, he seems to indicate.

"Right. It's not unreasonable," he says of his rank. "But I never felt like I was going to move on, in my other postings. Here, I think I just might--if I get a chance to prove myself. ...it's difficult," he admits. "You do not want to wish for war, but at the same time, where else can one prove oneself?"

But--he listens. And she asks to speak frankly, off the record...

"If it i indeed off the record, then yes."

He nods, when he hears what is not in their interests. He considers, the rest.

"...Fair enough," he says. "It is possible that such a thing could happen. I would be a fool, to throw away your connection here."

He doesn't visibly startle, but he does 'feel' surprised at Leina's story. "And now you are here..."

"...All right. I'll take this. If I ever need it, i'll contact you."

"...Fari has been a good Captain so far. But a man can change, in war. I've seen it happen. And I haven't seen him 'tested' yet."

"...But I don't consider myself a 'Newtype', either. So keep that in mind." He mulls it over.

And then he mulls it over some more. "...But there are a few crew members I've noticed who seem less comfortable with the rumors going around, who seem to take them personally."

"Captain Fari has never made an issue of anyone's talents, but they might benefit from talking to you. I won't betray my ship by revealing them, but I will invite them to come and speak with you."

"If that works for you. It is the only deal I offer."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Him saying that he might just rise in rank, Leina smiles, considering how the 'Titans' were given two ranks over EFF military.

Would the Gaia Sabers do the same? Goodness. It would be shockingly blind of them.

Still, she doesn't voice that aloud. Instead merely affirming it's off the record, with a nod, "You have my word."

And indeed, as if to show that, she turns over what she was writing on.

"That's all I ask." She says quietly, with a sense of gravity. "Hopefully he will remain a model Captain, and you will have no cause to ever look at this card again."

Slowly her gaze turns down, and after a moment, "I will, however, the factual reality is that a Newtype is only on the books as someone who can make certain technology function."

Leina's smile turns sorrowful, "It doesn't matter if you don't acknowledge it, only that you can function as a component to interface with a machine. That you're not a pilot - is inconsequential."

Her eyes flick upwards, onto him, as she tells him, "I was a high school student."

There is a momentary pause, and then, eventually a nod, "I accept. Please try to be as discreet as possible. I know on a warship that... people talk. And often - that's how it starts."

It doesn't need to be Captain Fari doing anything, necessarily, sometimes it's just letting people talk... and allowing it.

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

"I'll take it."

That gravity... yes, he notices it. It's hard not to. But... factual reality?

"Hm. Fair enough." She was a high school student. It is a sobering statement indeed. "I trust the Captain, but we saw when York rebelled; sometimes it goes over the Captain's head. And not all of us are willing to turn our backs on our homes for it. I have family out in the AEU. Like I sai, I don't blame her for doing what she did... But it's not a simple matter for all of us."

"So I'll keep your card." She accepts, though. "I will. I'll be private about it. People do talk."

"...I'm aware of that, for sure."

A pause. "Anything else then, Miss Ashta?" He puts away the card for now.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"It's not. Everyone has to do what's right for them and for their family." Is her answer, "I don't begrudge you your choice."

All she can hope is that he has his principles when a choice comes to make a stand.

"Thank you." Is all she says, and then- "Not for now. If you are ever on leave - and you're curious for that conversation..."

She does wink at him, "... perhaps you might find another reason to pick up the card."

He at LEAST gets the impression that she's not propositioning him. She's just winking, because it's fun.

<Pose Tracker> Kathras Fari has posed.

"I appreciate that."

Maybe he will; maybe he won't. As long as it's not affecting him, it's an entirely different matter, after all. But...

"Heh," he says to that wink. No, he doesn't take it as anything prurient. Instead, he says, "I might."

"I just might." Then he stands. "Take care, then. I'm sure the rest of the inspection will be more boring."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Thank you. Take care of yourself and- Oh almost certainly."

Leina waits until he departs before murmuring the second part.

"I don't expect Captain Fari having anything more illicit than a women of Blue Cosmos pinup calendar in his room."

The security guy in the room just snorts and quips back. "Radioactive, that. We might have to call our Hazmat team for removal."