2024-05-29: Under the Moon

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  • Log: 2024-05-30: Under the Moon
  • Cast: Tavelle Adzvin, Priscilla
  • Where: Von Braun City
  • OOC - IC Date: May 29, 0099
  • Summary: Tavelle and Priscilla go shopping! On the moon!

<Pose Tracker> Tavelle Adzvin has posed.

One of the big things the Yaman Rebellion doesn't have is -

Okay. Let's be honest; there's a *lot* of things the Yaman Rebellion doesn't have.

But the one Tavelle was thinking about was information, and contacts. They know a few people on Neo-Britannia. They know a few people off Neo-Britannia. But they're strangers here, and they need to know how to get around.

Tavelle's idea, in a situation like that, was to go to a mall.

Well, specifically, a city that trades; Von Braun is a hot spot for junkers, scrappers, second-hand equipment dealers and Vultures as well as the more above-ground world of capitalism. There really are malls here, and Tavelle really wants to go to one. They might need some clothes to stand out less, occasionally.

But she didn't want to go alone. She wanted to pick Priscilla's brain about Armour, sure, but she also just didn't want to walk into an Earthling city all by her lonesome. She calls it just common sense, though it'd be easy to mistake as cowardice if you were so inclined to think worse of her.


Tavelle picks her way through corridors that look no different than some of the closed-up areas on Neo-Britannia, down from a spaceport that also looked the same. A ride was provided by a salvager, who she apparently traded something for, but they're on their own now, amongst a light crowd this time of day. "Have you ever been in a city underground on a moon before?" Tavelle asks Priscilla. She has not, but she's not going to admit it.

She doesn't need to; while Tavelle is graceful in microgravity (probably more graceful than she is at Earth-normal) she is clearly not used to one-sixth. She tends to bounce, and her green hair is a bit drifty. Nor are an untucked shirt and loose pants the world's best choices here.

But she's way too stubborn to admit she made a mistake, so.

<Pose Tracker> Priscilla has posed.

Information and contacts are a vital part of keeping any kind of movement running smoothly, that's true on a macro-level. Priscilla actually picked up this knowledge on the smaller-scale... after all, she'd frequently meet with and chat up opponents and feel more confident about those matches, rather than less.

That is to say, she thinks the mall is a really good idea. It helps that she's in the market for some new pairs of clothes, too. She can't just throw a sweater over her battlesuit all the time.


Priscilla glides down the corridor railings like it's some kind of grungy obstacle course, because who's going to judge her for having some fun with it? "Can't say I have!" She answers, catching her breath. "Terra's a pretty similar planet to Earth, but our space travel was, uh... non-existent." Not to mention their very own moon is HAUNTED, but she doesn't know about that.

Priscilla for one, is having the time of her life in Low-G, she's not used to it yet, but she's athletic and flexible, so it comes quickly - with some mistakes she's probably way more willing to laugh about.

"This is all still kind of a... major culture shock, you know?" She admits. "I know about malls, and I used to spend near all day in scrapyards. But I never would have dreamed about having all this stuff in space." She slows down her pace a little for Tavelle. "Though... I guess I'm not all that familiar with where you're from either!" She adds, with an awkward little smile.

<Pose Tracker> Tavelle Adzvin has posed.

Tavelle does not glide. She's not nearly as athletic as Priscilla; she's a little on the heavier side, she's not willing to look like an idiot in public (as she sees it), and she is *not* going to slide down any railings. Plus, they're probably dirty. You never know what people have had on their hands... Instead she has to hustle to keep up, and hustling probably looks as ridiculous as her trying to glide would, what with her lack of practice with the bounding gait low gravity requires. She is also too proud to ask Priscilla to slow down for her and is privately relieved when she does, anyway, to catch her breath. If slightly embarrassed.

"I've been to big cities before," Tavelle says, "and I've been to trading places, but I haven't been somewhere quite like this..." She's not worried about being overheard, because one, though there are people around nobody's really listening to a pair of teenagers, and two, even if they were, who'd believe them?

She admits, "These days I've been around scrapyards a lot more," as they come out of the hallways, onto Level 3 of Von Braun.

This district is called the 'Amusement Zone' on the map that Tavelle borrowed. It overlooks the big forested area on the floor below. In this area there's a stage, and a sports arena, and shops - and, as Tavelle had found before they left, the mall. "C'mon, this way," Tavelle says, making a sharp turn...

...but she slows down to look at the biomass on the floor beneath. She's never seen the inside of a colony quite like this one. "Does this even count as space though?" Tavelle asks, while looking down at the forest. "I mean, it's inside, it's not even in a floating colony - you don't have any of those?" Not that Zuvorg has many either but at least she's *seen* them.

"...It's nice to see some real green, though."

<Pose Tracker> Priscilla has posed.

"Same, same," Priscilla nods, maybe having picked up the hint to stop stunting around Tavelle despite her pride. "Yeah.. the cities in Terra are pretty different, too. Guess we'll just have to get used to it together, huh?" A little hop as they turn down the hallway. "But hey! We haven't even run into one monster yet."

Priscilla certainly doesn't seem worried about being overheard. "There's a lot of interesting tech in Earth Sphere scrapyards, I have to admit... I'm not sure why some of that stuff became scrap in the first place." She makes sort of an exaggerated shrug, partially because of the way gravity works here.

"Oooh, is that an arena? Cool." Priscilla eyes, before making the turn to follow Tavelle. She can't say she's not considering sneaking inside to take a look. But shopping comes first!

Does this count as space? Priscilla pauses, taking some time to think, and also take a look at the lush biomass. "Well... it doesn't really look like space. But I mean, it's the moon!" She gestures, widely. "A spec in the sky as far as I was concerned before."

She shakes her head, hesitantly. "I mean, there was definitely some kind of station up there, else Van's Armor probably wouldn't work. But I dunno about colonies... Neo Britannia's my first time seeing one."

"...It really is pretty, though." Priscilla agrees, with a hint of awe in her tone. "Way different from the mountains." She adds.

<Pose Tracker> Tavelle Adzvin has posed.

Tavelle is pretty sure this particular arena doesn't do robot battles, though she knows there's got to be some that do, because her attempts at pirating video off the Internet came up with some.

(Of course she's pirating cable. C'mon.)

"Pretty sure there are no monsters here." Tavelle is, like... eighty percent sure, but she makes it sound like one hundred. "They'd have better security if they did..." The security is pretty present, honestly. NUNE is cracking down, and that includes in places like Von Braun. Fake IDs only go so far, and Tavelle was actually a little concerned they'd get caught.

But, since they got in, she's pretty sure they're home free for today!

"You're from the mountains?" Tavelle was not with the group on Terra; she came in with the group from Pentagona. "I grew up in a real big city. Not a lot of parks there. Nothing like - " She waves her arm over the greenery.

It takes her a few moments longer to want to pull away from it. "C'mon. Let's go get some clothes." A beat, then: "You, uh, you do wear regular clothes, right? I've barely ever seen you outside that suit and something overtop of it. And I dunno about you but I would *not* be comfortable showing that much leg off every day. Isn't that whole thing kinda..."

Cold, she thinks, and what she'd *meant* to ask, but what actually comes out, without her really thinking about it, is "Tight?" It takes Tavelle a moment to realize that she's said the wrong thing and embarrassed herself, and her face reddens as she whirls toward the mall, trying to stomp.

(You can't stomp in Lunar gravity.)

<Pose Tracker> Priscilla has posed.

Even if there aren't any robot battles, Priscilla is still kind of interested. There's just something about the atmosphere of an arena... she'll be very pleased to find out they do in fact battle robots in the Earth Sphere, though.

"Oh, really? Well, isn't that a relief. With the way those Dino-something guys were talking, you'd almost think they could be anywhere." She actually does remember the name of their robot just fine... but this gives a little more deniability in case anyone might overhear them.

"Yeah. They built a town of sorts over them, so there wasn't exactly any rich greenery to be looking at. Just a lot of dirt and metal, really." There's a melancholy smile, because she actually does miss home, even if it wasn't the prettiest place. "What was it like living in the city?" She follows up, because she mostly envisions it as... constant noise and lights.

"Sure, right behind you!" Priscilla agrees, pacing closer towards the mall. "Ahh, I wonder what kind of clothes they'll have..." She murmurs excitedly, before Tavelle drops the question. Priscilla doesn't have an answer at first but her face certainly progressively turns as red as Tavelle's does.

"Wh-? Hey, hang on... why is it your business how much leg I show?" She spouts, though her tone leads more towards incredulousness than anger. "A-and what's wrong with it being tight? Tight clothes are so much easier to move around in, especially in an environment like this, right? Seriously... I hate nothing more than getting my clothes all tangled."

Priscilla quickly realizes this is just as embarrassing for Tavelle as it is for her, however, and she gives her a smile when she catches up to her. "Well.. whatever. I am actually kind of looking forward to trying out a couple new styles, you know."

<Pose Tracker> Tavelle Adzvin has posed.

"I think they're mostly on the planet?" Tavelle isn't sure. "I mean, it's harder to get in somewhere like this. I actually want to go to the planet but it's a little harder to just hitch a ride there... you gotta actually prepare your stuff."

Not *everybody* can have their units orbitally dropped.

"And how does Van do that anyway?" she continues. "It would be really convenient if we could package something else up with that. But the one time I asked if I could look at his machine... well, uh, I didn't." She leaves it at that. "You guys have got to be less shy about your machines. I don't bite. I just want to see how they work... and I mean, I'm being paid to work on the stuff. All the stuff."

Priscilla asks her about the city. "The city was fine," Tavelle says, voice sharper than she means it to be. Which is true. She likes big cities. But it brings back memories of what she had to deal with, there. "I don't miss it that much, really," she lies, easily.

Tavelle has not been very chatty, previously. This is probably the most she's been... and then she managed to put her foot in it by saying that about clothes.

Flustered, she says, "I'm the one who has to look at it!" before correcting herself: "One of the someones! And it's not BAD, it's just, I don't know how you - you know what? Never mind. Just - just forget I said anything."

She tries to paper over it: "I figure I'll get some shirts. And the denim pants." She got a couple of those on Neo-Britannia and liked them. "And whatever else looks good. Did you bring money? Like... Earth Sphere money?" She probably should have asked that first...

...though, here's an opportunity. "If you don't, I can lend you some. Just pay me back when we get back." And she won't even overcharge too much, though given there's probably no accepted rate of exchange between whatever Terra has, whatever Zuvorg has, and here, well... it's really just up to her isn't it?

<Pose Tracker> Priscilla has posed.

"I mean, maybe if they're smaller..." Priscilla considers, but doesn't really linger on it much longer. Chances are, they're not stumbling into a kaiju attack today. "Yeah, I want to check it out, too. I mean, we have a few more connections on Earth now, and I think the KISS guys are planning an operation, so maybe we'll get a chance soon."

And of course, Van can just DO THAT. "How does he? Uhh, I actually have no idea. It's not like he told me or anything." She shrugs. Van is full of secrets, even to his allies. "I never thought I'd believe in something crazy like magic, but..." She blinks. "Well, if you want to look at Brownie, maybe we should do it together." She knows it's Tavelle's job, but... "Sorry, I'm just a little protective, haha... She's almost all I have left of Mom, you know.

Priscilla nods at Tavelle's description of the city... she might've been expecting a little more, but Tavelle's always been on the quiet and mysterious side. "You don't? Really? That's not really what I expected, but I guess it makes sense." After all... as far as she can tell, Tavelle didn't bring anyone with her, and she didn't look that close to Daba's people.

She does like Tavelle, so far, though, even if she doesn't have the most tact about people's clothing choices. "Then you don't have to look all the way down there!" Priscilla shoots back, just as flustered. "And it's not like- ugh- you know what? Yeah. Let's just move on, okay?" She sighs in relief as Tavelle does the same.

"I'm probably looking for some shirts, sweaters... ooh, definitely leggings, too." Priscilla considers. "Could use a new pair of shoes, too." But money... money. It wouldn't be fair if they just stole the clothes, after all. Thing is, Priscilla recently won a pretty big fortune... but that's in Terra money and she left most of it with the orphanage. "Yeah... I've got pocket change in Gil at best, haha."

"...Deal." Priscilla decides with only a little hesitation, because surely, Tavelle wouldn't scam one of her own allies.

<Pose Tracker> Tavelle Adzvin has posed.

"Deal," Tavelle says, sticking out her hand for Priscilla to shake. She means this for both the funds and for looking at Brownie, because though Tavelle might be abrasive sometimes she really doesn't want to break anything of Priscilla's. She understands things being important to her.

It's also her way of apologizing. Though the grin when she does shake her hand... she's not going to scam her. Certainly.
