2024-05-22: One Day

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  • Log: One Day
  • Cast: Anita Rosetta, Eight Orlodhari
  • Where: Magallanica, Side 3
  • OOC - IC Date: May 05, 2024 (May 05, 0099)
  • Summary: Anita Rosetta reports to Admiral Orlodhari... and after that, they talk for a bit. They are still friends, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

The Svipul had been gone from Magallanica for a few days. It was a simple reconnaissance mission, checking out some places and gathering information. A couple of hours ago, it returned - and after taking some time to relax and clean up, Anita went straight to Eight to deliver her report.

"...And that's the situation right now. Something to keep an eye on, but for now, that's all it is." Anita concludes. She sits back in her chair in Eight's office, one hand resting in the pocket of her uniform and the other holding the water bottle. She takes a sip.

"How've things been over here? Hasn't been too rough without me, I hope." She comments with a slight grin.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight Orlodhari has not been absent from Magallanica for those few days; Amina Maina has been commanding the Ra Mari II while Eight caught up on paperwork and trouble with the absolute flood of refugees that SAL is effectively sending to Magallanica.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have other things to keep track of. Like Anita's mission, for isntance.

"I see," Eight answers her. She's in uniform as well, in her own chair behind the desk. Pictures of Rena, Lavhi, and her twins are all up in the office. She has a little model of the original 'Ra Mari' hanging up.

"Thank you for your report." She holds up the tablet that contains some of the other details, "I think it'll be useful to rule it out for now."

A pause. "Busy," she says with a sigh, and then smiles. "But it is better now you're back."

"Aarmi's feeling better after the other day, when we'd traveled to Fujinomiya. Lavhi's people are making improvements this week to the ship's systems... Rezza's ship is out on a long-range patrol in the asteroid belt."

"It'd be nice to have more time to see my friends, though."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

It's always heartwarming to see those pictures of Eight's family. It's good to have a reminder of why they're doing this.

Eight thanks her for her report and Anita nods, briefly glancing toward the tablet before back to Eight herself.

"Sure thing. One thing off of our plate, at least. It's full up enough as it is." She replies with a nod, and smirks, just slightly as Eight says it's been busy. "Same as it ever was, then."

She smiles just a bit brighter when Eight says it's better now that she's back, and listens intently as Eight updates her.

"Oh, good, I'm glad. I was worried." Anita says of Aarmi, looking relieved. "Sounds like everyone's got something they're doing..."

She smiles, just slightly.

"Maybe sometime soon. Even the admiral's gotta have time to rest her head, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight appreciates the reminder. She doesn't need it, but on a hard day, being able to just look and see...

Eight sets down the tablet. "True." And then she grins. "Right. Same as ever."

Eight then is glad to share that of Aarmi. "She really didn't want to travel... I'm starting to wonder if it's best if they just do without me for a few days sometimes," she says with a sigh.

"But that's true. Everybody has something. What about you? Now that you have some leave coming up. Anything fun planned?"

Then a laugh. "You'd think! ...No, I'll be fine. Rasima's tried to make sure to get me to schedule some 'off' time." That being her assistannt, Rasima Qadir.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"Maybe..." Anita considers, rapping her fingers against the side of her water bottle thoughtfully. "Travel can be a little rough at that age, especially when they're starting to get a little willful... Even if it'd be rough for both of you, too."

She nods, then, as Eight asks if she has anything fun planned.

"Well, I've got some catching up to do, that's for sure." She replies. With Rena, of course, and others, too. "And an engineering project popped into my head during downtime, so I'm eager to dig into that."

She grins, then.

"...And of course I'm eager to just bury myself into bed for a while." She concludes.

Eight laughs, and Anita laughs, too - then smiles and nods with clear approval.

"Good. She's got the right idea of it." She replies. "Nothing good comes of overworking yourself."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"They are that," Eight admits. "It's mostly Aarmi, now. Zaress is louder about it, but..." Aarmi is more intent. Still, it's something to think about. For now, though--

"For sure," Eight agrees. "I'm sure Rena will be happy to see you again." A beat, "Engineering project? Color me curious."

Bed... Eight laughs. "Yeah, I could use some more bed time myself." But Annie approves of tht much. "Right. ...It's hard not to. There's always so much to do..."

"Lavhi's been working overtime too, on some improvements to our fleet, so one of us has to make it home anyway. Though he is supposed to be back early tonight..."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita nods - and then, she smiles.

"Yeah... I'll be really happy to see her again, too." Anita replies with a soft, fond chuckle. She ended up missing her, being gone for those few days... It'll be nice to be back home. She grins, though, as Eight mentions her curiosity. "I've got some ideas for time-saving gadgets for around the house. I dunno if they'll work in practice, but trying will be fun."

In other words, it's probably going to be a disaster.

"You deserve it." Anita says - and then nods. "...Yeah. I get it. But one person can only do so much at a time, right?"

Lavhi's been working overtime too, huh... The improvements will be useful, at least. ...But, Anita grins.

"Sounds like the two of you should make the most of that, then."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight smiles more warmly at the matter of Anita and Rena "Good. It's important to get back to someone you love." It has meant she's had a bit of an opportunity to see Rena herself... but she's long past anything but happy for the two of them.

"Gadgets! That's going to be exciting," Eight says, but she's a little wry, because she knows it'll be a disaster. "Looking forward to seeing how it goes."

A nod, back. "Thank you," she says. "I try to remember that it's important. That I can't do much if Idon't get enough rest anyway. It's... different, from just Captaining a ship."

A laugh, then. "Oh, trust me. We have a sitter for tonight, and I got these nice candles to set the mood. I plan on making the most of our 'quality time' that I can."

"...It's definitely harder to make time for that kind of thing with the twins around, but since we have so much help... Well, it's better than when I wouldn't let anyone but Ruri watch them, anyway."

"...I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop a bit," she admits. "With NUNE."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"Definitely." Anita agrees wholeheartedly. She grins, then, as Eight continues.

"Definitely. I'll be sure to keep you updated on my progress." She replies with a nod. There'll be pictures!

She smiles back, though, as Eight thanks her.

"Exactly. But... yeah. I couldn't imagine captaining a ship, but being admiral? That's another level entirely." Anita says, shaking her head. "You've been doing great, though. Everyone seems happy with the way you're running things."

Everyone that matters, anyway.

Anita laughs too, nodding wisely.

"Perfect. Enjoy~." Anita replies with a grin - which softens a little as Eight continues, mentioning how it's been harder. "Yeah, I bet. It's good, having a lot of helping hands around. Everyone's gotta support each other."

She goes quiet for a bit, though, when Eight admits to waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"...Yeah." Anita admits, too. "I know how that is. I want to believe the best of them, and so far, they haven't done anything I can't stand... but we've both been burned before. A lot of us here have. It's..."

She massages the back of her neck.

"It's hard not to expect the worst."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"Great!" Pictures.

"...thanks," Eight says. "But when things get hard, and I can't make everyone happy--that'll be the real test. I hope I do as well, when that time comes." A beat, "But don't worry. I don't plan to ask you behind a desk anytime soon."

Eight laughs a little back at 'enjoy'. But she does grow a little mor serious. "It is. ...I appreciate it a lot. Without the support I have from everyone, I couldn't do all this."

But NUNE...

"Right. That's the issue. 'So far'. And Huffman Island is waiting to be the flashpoint for another war."

"...But that's not our problem yet, right? One day at a time."

"It must be nice in Orb, this time of year."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"Yeah... That's how it goes, I guess." Anita admits with a shrug. That's the burden of leadership - someday, you're going to have to make those choices. "Still, I'm sure you will."

And then, Anita laughs.

"Thank god. Can you imagine? It'd be a disaster." She replies. She settles back down after a bit.

"We're right behind you every step of the way." Anita replies.

Huffman Island... Anita nods, frowning. It's always been a problem area - and it's only gotten worse in recent years.

"Yeah..." She murmurs - but nods. "Right. One day at a time."

And then, she chuckles.

"It's great. The weather's just right." Anita enthuses. "You can just go for a nice walk whenever you want."

She smiles.

"You ought to come visit again some time." She offers.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"Thanks. I know I can rely on you, at least. ...And having someone out there I trust as much as I do you is a big deal." She knows Annie knows about the way she trusts her--but sometimes it's good to say it, too. To say it out loud.

Eight laughs harder at the idea of Anita at a desk job. "Waste of your talents, too."

But they are behind her, and Eight appreciates that, too. And Huffman Island is a problem waiting to happen, too. "I might have to ask you to drop in there sometime. ...But I wouldn't send you alone. Not with everything going on there."

A smile back. "Then I'll definitely have to visit," she says. "I'd look forward to that. ...Thanks. It's nice to be asked."

"Oh, but while you're in Magallanica, you have to come see the twins, too!"

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita grins, at that. It's good to say it, and it's good to hear, too. It's nice to know the people she cares about have that kind of faith in her.

"Right?" Anita agrees, with a shake of her head. She nods, then.

"Yeah, that'd probably be a good idea." She agrees with a nod. "Just let me know. I'm always ready."

"I'm looking forward to it, too - and I'm sure so will Rena." Anita says with a nod and a smile - and then a grin.

"Oh, for sure. No way I'm going to come back and then leave without at least saying 'hi'." She agrees. "It'll be good to catch up with them."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"I will," Eight assures Anita. "We need to keep an eye there, too. Even if I'm sure NUNE would rather we didn't..."

Eight smiles. "...I love her," Eight says. "I'm so happy to see her happy with you. Everything is... good. I want to hold onto that."

"But great!" Eight says. Then she laughs. "Maybe in the morning. I want to get a head start on getting ready for tonight."

"Morning works, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

<poem> "Yeah, I bet they don't..." Anita replies with a shake of her head. All the more reason to do it, she supposes.

But Eight smiles and Anita smiles back.

"Yeah..." Anita agrees fondly. It makes her happy, too - and she's happy, in turn, seeing Rena and Eight together. "Me too. This... it's worth protecting."

And with that, she nods.

"Morning sounds perfect. Me, I'm planning to get a head start on napping, myself." Anita grins.