2024-05-11: Crisis Mode

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  • Cutscene: Crisis Mode
  • Cast: Sheryl Nome, Grace O'Connor
  • Where: Frontier Fleet
  • Date: May 11, UC 0099 (2024)
  • Summary: After seeing Ranka get announced to do an interview on a talk show that she was scheduled for, Sheryl confronts Grace. Grace is quite reasonable about it all.

The front door to Sheryl's high-rise slams open. Sheryl Nome always knew how to make an entrance, and she makes one now by storming in, boots clomping on the foyer as she shoves the door shut behind her.

"Grace! What is the meaning of this?!" she demands, arms akimbo, as she glares at--

Nothing. The place is empty. Sheryl confirms that after going in and out of other rooms and seeing no one in them. She scowls as she pulls out her taiyaki phone from her cleavage, messes with his buttonless interface, and makes a call.

Ring... ring... ring... It connects. Of course it connects. For Grace, a physical phone is just a way of faking normalcy to those who'd be unsettled by just how extensive her implants are.

On the other side of the line, Grace's smooth voice asks, "What is it, Sheryl?"

"Grace! WHAT is the MEANING of this?!" Sheryl shouts, because she's not going to waste some perfectly good umbrage just because they aren't face-to-face. "Why is Ranka getting interviewed on The Ring tomorrow?! That was supposed to be my spot!"

"What are you so upset for?" Grace replies, sounding lightly incredulous. "Weren't you complaining just this morning that you were tired? Why, you went off to see Alto almost right after, even! You were practically floating on air about taking advantage of your free time!"

"And so you cancelled my spot and gave it away to my biggest rival?! It isn't even until tomorrow! I'm disappointed in you, Grace!"

Grace clucks her tongue. "Well, as it happens, I didn't 'give it away,' per se. If you heard about The Ring, then I suppose you heard that Ranka's manager suddenly retired?"


"It was really quite abrupt... Poor Ranka hadn't realized at all, but he just couldn't handle managing someone on her level anymore. Nergal's CEO practically begged me to help out, just for a bit, until they can find someone who can, and I couldn't bring myself to refuse. I know she's your rival, Sheryl, but after all, she's also your best friend. Isn't she? Wouldn't you be even more upset if she fell from glory over something as mundane as losing her manager?"

Her heart lurched in her chest. "W-well..."

"So don't worry. Your reputation won't take a hit," Grace reassured her. "I just thought this would be a perfect way to give you a little more of a breather and help Ranka out during a crisis. You don't mind, do you?"

She shook her head. "I do mind, Grace. You should have told me first! It's literally tomorrow!"

"Well, I tried, but I myself only heard this morning, and you were just so excited to see Alto... Not that I blame you. It has been a while, hasn't it?" Grace lowers her voice to a conspiratorial tease. "And if you get a little more free time and she gets a little less, why, that would be your chance, wouldn't it?"

Sheryl feels her face heat.

"Really, you're overreacting, Sheryl. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I didn't want to ruin your mood right before your date. And strictly speaking, it's still the same day. Unless... It's not too late for me to get back in touch with the Nergal CEO and say I can't do it after all. Do you want me to do that? I'd feel sorry for Ranka, but..."

Sheryl purses her lips. "...No, it's fine. I guess I understand where you're coming from," she relents, brushing her hair back. "Fine. It is an emergency. If it's just for a bit, I don't mind you helping out. Just don't overwork yourself, all right? Even you've got your limits."

She laughs merrily. "Oh, how sweet of you, Sheryl! Don't worry; I know exactly how much I can handle. But you're still 'all natural,' so why don't you take a bath and relax for tonight? Oh, and I honestly don't know if I'll be home at all before tomorrow, so go ahead and order dinner for yourself once you're hungry."

Grace is always so reasonable, even when Sheryl's at her most stubborn. Normally she can get her to cave, but what's done is done, and anyway, she's right. Sheryl really would hate it if Ranka's art faltered over something so pedestrian. She sighs, crosses the room to the couch, and flops onto it.

"All right. I'll do that," she replies.

"Then if you'll excuse me..."

The line disconnects. Sheryl stares at her phone for a moment; then she lets it drop on the cushion next to her. Slowly, she crosses her arms over her stomach. It all makes sense. It all sounds so reasonable. She knows she can trust Grace, as much with this as with her health and career. Grace was the one who saved her from a life on the streets in the first place. She's been in her corner all this time. Of course she's just trying to look out for her and the people she cares about now, too.

So what's this dread welling up inside her?