Murrue Ramius

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Captain Murrue Ramius
Super Robot Wars T Character Face Portrait 434.webp
IC Information
Full Name: Murrue Ramius
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Human (Natural)
Age (Birthdate): 27 (Month 10, 0072)
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Height 5'5" (170cm)
Job: Battleship Commander
Homeland: Britannian Union
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: LCAM-01XA Archangel Assault Ship
BGM: Anna Ni Issho Datta No Ni
OOC Information
Origin: Cosmic Era Gundam
Factions: Terminal
Player: MechaMaestro


Murrue Ramius was born the only child of an Earth Federation officer from the AEU and a Britannian mother. Murrue was only six when the One Year War broke out in 0079, and lost both her parents not long afterwards.

At the age of 15 (0087), as a condition of remaining within the Earth Federation's military funded boarding school system with no parents, and due to the complicated situation of not legally being a Britannian, Murrue was enlisted in the EFSF Youth Branch, where she was approached by, but ultimately refused enlistment in the Titans. She served as a staff clerk until the age of 18 (0090) when she commissioned and went to the Britannian Union's Royal Naval - Space Officer School majoring in advanced spacecraft design as a technical officer. She graduated and completed her officer training in 0092 while completing her engineering degree, and was sent as part of the military liaison for the Londo Bell task force to Anaheim Electronics. There, she observed their development of the Nu Gundam Project. During this time she met her mentor, Captain Duane Halberton who would soon bring her onto what would would become known as the PS (Phase - Shift) Project at Haven Island Technical Institute. In early 0094, Murrue meets a Mobile Armour pilot named Michael Javim. It's not long before the two are dating, but their romance is cut tragically short with the outbreak of the Bloody Valentine Conflict. Michael's Mobile Armour is shot down while fighting over the moon, and he is killed in action.

By November of 0095, the project has begun to incorporate itself with Orb owned Morgenrote, being completed at a covert site in the space colony Heliopolis. ZAFT forces led by Rau Le Creuse attacked hoping to steal the PS Project Gundams. Murrue was injured in the attack but was able to stop one of the Gundams, codenamed STRIKE from being stolen with the help of a young student named Kira Yamato. In the ensuing confusion, most of the bridge crew and the Gundam test pilots are killed. Murrue is forced to take command of the Assault Carrier "Archangel" with the help of Ensign Nartarle Badgiruel, and a mobile armour pilot named Mu La Flaga, along with the surviving crew members and a group of Heliopolis students.

Escaping the ruins of Heliopolis, Murrue leads the Archangel in an escape back to Earth. With Kira Yamato piloting the Strike, the Archangel was able to escape from multiple dangers, including untrusting "allies" from the AEU, rescuing an escape pod full of civilians, searching for water supplies in the ruins of Junnius Seven, and a near hostage situation with the idol of the PLANTs, Lacus Clyne. Eventually, the Archangel was able to rendezvous with a Londo Bell Fleet and Rear Admiral Halberton where she's given permanent command of the Archangel. Soon after, Halberton is killed protecting the Archangel as it is forced to return to Earth.

The Archangel lands in Africa, and the similarities of the voyage of the Archangel as it attempts to return to the new Federation HQ in Alaska, and the White Base as it attempted its return to Jaburo in the OYW is not lost on her. During this time, Murrue and the Archangel's crew support the Desert Dawn guerilla group, and the wayward Cagalli Yula Attha, who is the subject of a rescue effort over the Pacific Ocean. Throughout this, Murrue begins to become at odds with her XO Natarle, and starts to grow closer to Mu La Flaga.

After a stopover in Orb to resupply and drop off Cagalli and her escorts, Kira Yamato goes missing with the strike after a violent fight with the stolen PS Gundams. Forced to continue without him, the Archangel arrives in Alaska shortly before Operation Spitbreak. With her cavalier attitude towards letting a known Coordinator pilot the Strike being seen as a prime example of Londo Bell's misfit and unreliable nature, the EFSF HQ transfers off Natarle, Mu and other personnel seen to be more politically reliable or valuable, and the Archangel is ordered into JOSH-A's garrison.

The Archangel participates in the defense of JOSH-A from Operation Spitbreak, but the timely return of Mu La Flaga alerts Murrue to the Federation's intentions to destroy the base in a MIDAS attack. The Archangel barely escapes, and Murrue quickly realizes that the Archangel's return to the Federation is clearly not desired. Betrayed, Murrue makes the decision to return to Orb and seek political asylum. As far as she's concerned, her time as an EFSF officer is over.

As the calendar rolls over to 0097, the remainder of Londo Bell soon realizes that they are in the same situation as Murrue, with the Invasion of Orb serves as a tipping point for mass defections. The Archangel and her crew defend Orb and its Mass Driver, and are eventually joined by more Londo Bell forces. The Three Ship Alliance is formed, and the Archangel joins them. In the leading hours before the battle, Murrue is pondering her decisions as a commander, when Mu finally confesses his feelings for her. Her struggle to find love again with someone who leads as dangerous a life as a wartime pilot has been weighing on her, but she realizes she feels exactly the same as he does.

When the Earth Federation launches its final attack on the PLANTs following the Cerberus incident, Murrue and the Archangel join the forces defending the PLANTs themselves from nuclear strikes by Blue Cosmos forces. In the battle, Mu takes a Gottfried blast aimed for the bridge of the stricken Archangel and his Perfect Strike is destroyed, and his body isn't recovered. Murrue mourns another love lost in the Bloody Valentine Conflict, and although she destroys the ship responsible, she is shaken once more.

With the Bloody Valentine conflict ended in a ceasefire, Murrue and the Archangel return to Orb. Murrue moves to the mansion on Akatsuki Island with Andrew Waltfeld and his lover, Aisha. For the next two years, she struggles with Mu's loss, and settles down into a job working for Morganrote's Shipbuilding Section B, under the identity of Maria Bernes...with Murrue Ramius still acting as a reservist for the Orb Union's military, and an agent of Terminal as the need arises.


At this time, Murrue's only real resource is her contacts at Morgenrote. She also has the protections of the Atthas, and knows that at just a phone call, most of the Archangel Corps can be reassembled near instantly. The ship is more hers than Orb's, but she'll use it to defend her new home.


Mu La Flaga: Murrue's lost love. Definitely dead. Very dead. I mean you saw that explosion, even he can't make the impossible that possible, surely!

Friends and Allies


Rivals and Enemies



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