2023-12-05: Birthday Treasure

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  • Log: 2023-12-05: Birthday Treasure
  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: Division Train - Akane Shinjo's Quarters
  • OOC - IC Date: 0097-12-05
  • Summary: Rather than have a big birthday bash, Akane and Rikka spend Rikka's birthday on a quiet night in -- a little cake, a couple gifts, and a comfortable chat.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane hasn't forgotten that Rikka was kind of hoping for a quiet, low-key birthday experience this year. To that end, she's decided to invite Rikka to her room on the Division Train, rather than making a huge deal out of it and trying to stuff herself, Rikka, the Rikka Corps, Alouette, Kaworu, and as many more friends as possible into the same room all at once.

... Given the nature of their trip and several recent events, it'd probably be difficult to find a time where everything went their way on scheduling that, anyway.

"I had more I wanted to do, but... some of the stuff I was thinking is kinda tricky to do in a situation like this. I can't exactly spring the manga version of Flyheight in its entirety on you or anything... Oh, uh, I finished the web novel version a little while ago, finally. It was really good!" Her enthusiasm seems pretty high today, as she opens the door to her room.

She hasn't done much decorating, but she has at least cleaned up the room and made her bed for once. Something sits on her desk, under a towel; there's also a small duffel bag near that which hasn't been out and visible in Akane's room up until now.

"So," she starts, with a big, sunny smile. "Cake? Presents? Or --"

She cannot finish this particular goof on the three-point invitation without cracking herself up.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane hadn't forgotten. Not that Rikka thought there was any chance of that, but... it still makes her happy that she listened and acted on it.

"It's alright. I'm just glad we still get to do this today." Rikka replies with a shake of her head as she follows Akane into her room. With how things have been, there was a good chance for anything to happen. Still, she lights up a little when Akane mentions having finished the web novel. "Oh, you did? It's great, right? You can see how I was, just... pretty much instantly taken over."

Rikka can see Akane's enthusiasm... and she can see, too, the effort she's made in her room. It's been cleaned up and her bed has been made... and there are some new additions, too, that have her curious.

She looks back at Akane as she starts. ...She realises what's happening after the second item in the list and an eyebrow raises - and when Akane breaks out laughing, she can't help but do so, too.

It takes a second for her to get her laughter under control.

"How about we start with cake?" Rikka suggests, wiping away a tear and exhaling.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Oh yeah -- it's... I dunno if it always reads perfectly but the vibes are really good? It really sweeps you along with the characters and that counts for a lot." Akane, still pretty smiley, moves over to the bed and gets situated, taking a few moments to situate herself.

Rikka's laughter builds on Akane's own, and it takes Akane a few seconds to get herself under control, too. When Rikka suggests cake, though -- "Oh, uh -- sec," Akane says, reaching under her bed for a... calling it a mini-fridge is generous. 'Micro-fridge' is probably apt. Popping it open, she pulls out two compostable food containers, offering one to Rikka. In each of them, of course, is a slice of chocolate cake.

"Happy birthday, Rikka," Akane says, warmly. "It's... really good to be here with you." She takes a bite of her cake, murmuring, "Hmmmm. Kinda mid? I like a thicker top layer -- almost kind of like fudge, or Valentine's Day or White Day chocolate? This isn't bad, but I could go for it having a little more, like, to it."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Yeah. It really kept me hooked and wanting to see where things went with them." Rikka agrees with a nod. Akane gets herself situated and Rikka follows suit, settling in right next to her. She watches as Akane retrieves a small fridge from under her bed, and accepts the container offered to her. Inside, is... cake!

"Thanks." Rikka replies, smiling back as Akane wishes her a happy birthday. "I'm glad. I'm... really happy you're here with me, too. This is what I've wanted most."

With that Rikka digs in, thoughtfully considering the cake - and then, Akane's opinion of it.

"I think I get what you mean..." Rikka nods, thinking it over. She takes another bite. "It's still good, but it could use a bit more substance. A helping of cream probably'd go along way with it..."

She seems satisfied well-enough, at least.

"Where'd you get it?" She asks, curious. There can't be that many options here on the train...

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Yeah!" Akane enthuses. "And -- yeah... there were a lot of moments where it kinda seemed like we weren't gonna make it. But here we are."

She nods when Rikka mentions cream. "That wouldn't have been my first thought, but I can totally see it working. That's the kinda thing you only figure out at a little cafe like that, huh..."

They move to where she got it, and Akane admits, "The cafeteria. I think I could have been a little more specific about it, but I was kinda nervous... plus I think some of the kitchen staff have only been here a year or so?" Whatever caused that shift is before her time... and while she does know some of the details, it's bad birthday conversation, so she doesn't dwell on it.

After another few bites, she muses, "I think the salt content's pretty good, though... a lot of people seriously undersalt their baked goods. The base flavor is really strong without being overpowering?"

Brow furrowing a bit, she says, "We should try making our own cake for my birthday... I kinda wanted to make one for today, but I got a little too in the groove of studying for the U-FITS..."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Here we are." Rikka agrees with a nod and a small smile. It's not a small thing. They've been through so much, even in just the last year alone. But, it's like Akane said - here they are, even through it all.

She nods again, as Akane considers her suggestion.

"Yeah. There's a lot of little things like that I picked up. Ways to really make the most out of what you've got, even on days when you're a little tight on ingredients." Rikka replies. She nods, when Akane admits she got it from the cafeteria. That makes sense, and was about what she was thinking. She offers her a smile when she says she was nervous. "Well... I appreciate you going through with it anyway."

Still, it makes sense that some of them would be new.

"I guess making cake is something they don't have cause to do very often..." She considers - and then, she nods. "Yeah. It's easy to assume you won't need a lot for something sweet, but it's actually still pretty important."

Akane suggests making a cake then.

"Oh, that sounds fun. We should definitely do that." She agrees... and then, chuckles. "Well, studying is pretty important, so... I forgive you~."

She thinks on that a bit more seriously, though.

"I've kept up with mine, too. ...There are some subjects I actually want to go over with you, actually. I could use someone to bounce some questions off of..." She pauses and then immediately clarifies, "Not today, though. Today I don't want to think too hard about testing."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Scooting closer to Rikka as the two of them continue to work through their cake, Akane smiles. "I'm glad you like it overall," she says; it's a bit of a relief that things don't need to be perfect -- and that they can keep building on these sorts of things.

... come to think, between Akane's birthday, their anniversary, Valentine's Day, and White Day, they've got a lot of cracks at making sweets together coming up...

"I'm always up for studying. That I think maybe we should get everyone together for? It's nice to have low-key stuff like this, but... it's not that I'm worried about entrance exams exactly, but it does matter how we do." She doesn't want to be a drag on Rikka's future -- and she knows in her heart that Rikka would feel much the same.

"If we're not gonna study today, though..." Here comes a big smile. "Present next?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It's good. I definitely missed cake." Rikka replies, smiling back to Akane as she scoots closer. She can still appreciate what it is... and even through its faults, there's still a human touch in it, both in its making and Akane's efforts to get it. That's important.

"That's a good idea. We should." Rikka agrees, as Akane suggests getting everyone together for studying. It'd probably be better to put as many of their heads together as they can. Like Akane says - it matters how they do. "Yeah, I'm pretty confident I'll do well... but I want to give myself the best chance I can - and I don't want everyone else to fall behind, either."

She looks at that big smile, though, as Akane leads into the next.

"Sure." Rikka agrees with a nod. She's kind of curious, now...

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"If I knew that I would have pushed a little harder to make it myself," Akane admits, at the idea Rikka missed it... and at the idea of studying together, Akane agrees, "Yeah. I'm just... the future's always weird to think about, and I want us to really give it our all."

The excitement gets obvious, though, turning to presents; when Akane scoots off the bed, she's practically vibrating at the chance to show Rikka... whatever it is she clearly intends to show her. She goes over to that towel, and pulls it up dramatically!

Under the towel is...!

A diorama of Tarabaman W (in the greenish-brown color that indicates he's transformed but human-sized) and Alien Zamiki (a Taraba Series mainstay; this one has an enormous circular scar in his abdomen) sitting at a chabudai-style table playing video games, with a bottle of Britannian-style whiskey on the table.

(In Alien Zamiki's Tarabaman S debut, its scheme involved poisoning Britannian and European products, most infamously alcohol, in a long-term attempt to cause a war between humans and was destroyed by S's Rankperium Shot. In its reappearance in Tarabaman W, it seemed like Alien Zamiki was up to its old tricks... but in truth, the various defects and toxicities reported were just the result of simple human error from populaces too hurt by years of war to bother with safety on goods they exported. Both the original scene of Tarabaman S's human form having a drink with Alien Zamiki and the visual callback of Zamiki and W sitting at a similar table playing video games are considered somewhat iconic.)

The sculptures, of course, have Akane's characteristic attention to detail. They'd easily pass for official prototypes... save that Akane has in fact gotten a little too detailed with them. Looking at the back of W's neck reveals a crack in his 'head' -- a true production detail for why this episode had no action (but one someone just watching the show would never see). Similarly, Zamiki's game controller has no indication the lights are on, whereas W's is fully painted. (After all, why would a suit actor for an alien with tentacle hands be actually playing the video game?)

"I wanted to pick something from one of the shows that seemed the most like it landed for you," Akane starts. After a moment, though, she admits, "... and I kinda wanted something that would be a challenge for me, too. It's the first time I've sculpted since... everything. Happy birthday, Rikka."

Grinning, she adds, "I also got you a nice pair of office pumps 'cuz we're kinda getting to the age where we might need that kinda stuff, but they didn't get here before we launched so they're still at Sayla's."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It's alright. We'll more than make up for it." Rikka assures at Akane's lament. She nods, though. "Yeah, definitely."

Akane scoots off the bed... and Rikka can't laugh to herself at how excited Akane is. It's really good to see, actually, and it makes Rikka herself all that much more excited, too.

And then... the dramatic reveal!!

"Wow..." Rikka murmurs, her eyes open wide in surprise, and for a moment, she's struck silent with awe. The diorama is incredibly detailed. She stands up slowly, moving in closer to get a better look. She circles around it, taking it all in - all the little details that the average person might miss... and the average person wouldn't bother including. Akane's talent is evident in it, and... Rikka doesn't miss the significance of it.

"It's... incredible. You're right - I thought this was a really good moment. It had me thinking about it for a few days after we watched it..." Rikka replies. She can appreciate the fights... but it's always been things like this that really stand out to her the most. With that said she looks back toward Akane... and then chuckles, as she brings up the pumps.

"Oh, you did? I'll have to try them on when we get back home. ...And show them off for you, of course. I'll have to get your professional opinion." Rikka says with a smirk... but her expression soon fades to something a bit more gentle, and with that she approaches Akane to sweep her up in a big, thankful hug. This close, it's easy to see that she's tearing up a little.

"...Thank you, Akane. It's amazing, I love it. I know it couldn't have been easy for you to try it again... but it means a lot to me that you did." Rikka says.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"The first time I watched that episode I got kinda bored... but after watching it with you it's pretty up there. I think watching it with you kinda changed how it looked to me," Akane reflects, thinking a little about it. "Plus, like... it was kinda interesting to think about making a sculpture but looking at it from a whole different angle? Where like, the suits are suits, and you highlight all the stuff you're supposed to ignore when you're just watching it on TV. It kinda made it easier... I still don't know if I'm up for making a sculpture that looks 'real' again, but..."

The comment about showing off gets Akane to turn a little pink. "Ehehe... I -- I mean, I'm not gonna say no," she starts -- before awkwardly stammering out, "I don't have a thing for heels or anything, but... I do like to see you looking good." It's then that she's swept up into a hug -- and she's so happy her gift seems to have landed.

She leans into Rikka, letting her hand gently move into place behind her neck, appreciating that soft, silky hair. "I'm really, really glad you liked it. I'm glad I made the effort." She follows up with a quick peck at Rikka's cheek -- warm, gentle -- before sinking back into that embrace.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It's nice to hear I had that effect." Rikka admits with a small laugh. Sometimes, the circumstances and people around you can change how you view things... She knows that rewatching Truthseeker Serena definitely affected how she viewed it. Akane really opened her eyes to a lot of things she missed, and there's something nice about that.

Rikka nods, as Akane explains. She considers that with interest. Sculpting the suits as suits, and not what they represent... that makes a lot of her choices in designing it make sense.

"I can see how that'd help... I think it made for a really interesting piece, too. All the little details you put in to signify that really stand out and make it unique. I'm going to treasure it." Rikka replies, and then offers her an encouraging smile. "It's okay if you never do. You don't have to force it - just do what you're comfortable with until you're ready to take a step."

Akane turning pink gets a mischievous giggle out of Rikka - she seems to have gotten the reaction that she wanted.

And she stands there, holding her and being held.

"I'm glad, too." Rikka replies. That quick peck causes her to turn a little pink, too. She stands there for a moment longer before reaching for Akane's free hand, threading her fingers through hers before releasing her and returning to her seat on the bed - and giving that hand a gentle tug. Prompting, but not forcing.

"...I'm really glad we decided to this." Rikka says. "Everything feels so much more worth it, now."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"I'm really glad that stuff lands... it was the first time I ever tried that kind of thing." She nods gently, at the assurance that it's okay if she doesn't progress on that particular point... but does say, "I gotta take steps on something, though... but, you're right. I don't need to rush.

As they gradually disentangle from each other -- save, of course, those intertwining fingers -- Akane stays a little bit blushy. ... When her hand gets tugged, though, she immediately moves to get onto the bed, raising a knee to start climbing in. Stopping halfway through, she looks into Rikka's eyes, with an expression both distinctly purposeful and looking for a little guidance.

The moment catches up with her a bit; when she realizes that she went from 'gentle tug at her hand' to 'comfortable position from which she could just sit down or easily start making out' at just a small tug of her hand, she goes from 'a little pink' to 'beet red.' "Oh my god," she stammers, bringing the hand not entwined with Rikka's up to her face and giggling. "I'm -- so trained," she mumble-laughs, as she starts halfway moving to finish sitting down --

-- on Rikka's lap.

"... I'm glad, too," she says, managing to at least halfway recover, trying desperately to be at least a little cool as she settles in. "I know I do this bit a lot, but... if you want, we could finish the checklist~."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It's good. I think it's an idea worth exploring." Rikka replies with a nod - and then, a nod again. "Yeah. Even a small step is still a step."

Rikka sits down, and at her prompting Akane follows. Rikka meets her eyes - and gives her a brief tilt of the head in response.

...Akane soon comes to a realisation, though, and as she turns so very red and starts to stammer, giggling, Rikka can't help but laugh along with her.

"It's not so bad, is it?" Rikka teases. Akane elects to sit in her lap and so, still holding on with one hand, holds her with the other.

She smiles as Akane, now having recovered a little, agrees. Rikka squeezes her hand into her response, then looks into her eyes as she makes a suggestion.

"I think I'd like that." Rikka decides confidently.