2023-10-26: Woodland Impulse

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  • Cast: Rita Bernal, Trevor Teach
  • Where: Gallia IV
  • Date: U.C. 0097 10 26
  • Summary: During a quiet moment in the Gallia IV expedition, two lovebirds sneak away from camp to explore the forest.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

This way!

With a bright laugh, the Phenex dives from the sky, bringing herself low enough to reach out and brush the tops of the trees as she soars. They haven't gone too far from camp -- if Rita were to look hard, she could still make it out with the Phenex's own eyes.

But what would be the point in coming all this way if they just stayed around one campsite? Rita certainly can't see the logic in such a boring plan, and she's absolutely certain Trevor agrees. After all, he's never stayed in one place for long.

Their journey thus far has been one as ephemeral as the wind. Guided solely by sudden sparks of interest, the Phenex and the Isadore fly together across the unfamiliar terrain of Gallia IV. Officially, Rita claimed she wanted to find a new type of bird... but just flying together with the man she loves is wonderful on its own.

Coming to a sudden halt, the Phenex executes a hairpin turn, enduring G-forces that would spell the end for any living pilot. Again accompanied by Rita's laughter, she soars back up to the Isadore, circling around Trevor's partner playfully.

Trevor, isn't this wonderful? A whole world to explore, with no 'airspace' or people to shoot at us. We can go wherever we want.

The Phenex's head tilts up, gazing into the still-unusually colored skies.

It's what I dreamed of for so long, but in a way I never expected. By now, I was sure I'd be alone. I was ready to take the Phenex deep into the cosmos and never return. But this...

As if channeling her partner closely, the Phenex throws her arms into the air, twirling in place. The kite-tails of her wings trail behind her sweetly.

This is so much better! This is so much kinder. It's more than I deserve, but I still want it. More, and more... I want to live like this always.

Reaching out, the golden Gundam takes the Isadore's hand gently. Warmth flows through Trevor's machine as the Phenex makes contact -- bringing him closer to Rita's spirit.

And you, Trevor? Did you ever dream of something like this?

<Pose Tracker> Trevor Teach has posed.

What soul /doesn't/ dream of adventure to places beyond their wildest imaginations? Who has never stared up at the stars and wondered what it'd be like to navigate between them, to visit worlds so alike one's own and yet so very, very different?

Trevor grew up in a closed world in many ways. Vesta was a hard home to raise a child in, a place carved out of unliving rock and ice, where the only real greenery was in the hydroponic gardens that kept every soul living on that hunk of rock fed with something other than NutriPaste(tm). The most he'd known of rolling hills, sprawling jungles and roiling seas were from the pages of storybooks and the tall tales shared by those around him who were (un)lucky enough to have escaped from Earth, PLANT, or one of the other larger colonies. The closest he'd ever gotten to anything even approaching the world of his stories, it was the rare visits to the high orbit of Mars. When he came to Aprilius One for the first time, he was positively gobsmacked by the sight of it. And when he came to Earth...

For a man who had only ever known such beauty in his dreams, it was an incredible experience. And now--

Now he's here. On an entirely different world. Isadore sails lazily through the skies like a great-winged bird soaring high on gentle thermals. It can't dance as the Phenex does, not here in atmosphere and certainly not with a very living pilot sitting in the captain's seat. But Trevor is content to watch as Rita spins and twirls and weaves, smiling softly to himself as she revels in the freedom of a wide-open sky.

It's all incredible. All of this green, all this life. If the Macross and our alien friends weren't here, there'd be 'nobody' else here at all. It's so... quiet. But not like the void. It's all still too alive for that.

It's so hard to tell when you live in such close contact with other people all the time, until you're suddenly thrust into solitude, how much 'noise' there is. Especially for a Newtype, the passive 'buzz' of other minds brushing against your own is almost a constant in cities and colonies, or aboard ships. But here... Here the only 'minds' to touch other than Rita's are the countless little lives down blow. A backdrop of 'life' so different from the emptiness of space, so similar to but subtly different from the depths of the sea...

Isadore turns into a lazy roll, dipping to brush the unruly tips of the alien canopy before sweeping back up so as to not disturb the creatures there overmuch.

I've only felt this kind of peace... a couple of times before. And never for long. There was always something to do. Some battle to fight. Worry, on the horizon. But with all this green, and someone to enjoy it with, it's hard to be worried about anything at all.

Isadore takes the Phenex's hand, gently linking their fingers together. A familiar warmth washes over Trevor's mind and heart; if he were so inclined, he could leave piloting to Isadore and fall asleep into that warmth. But there's still too much to see.

I'm glad I can be here with you. This is something I've always dreamt of doing, but dreams can hardly compare to this. A sky that never changes, a sea of green as far as the eye can see, and an untouched ocean beyond. It's amazing, Rita. When you'd visit Earth, did you ever get the chance to just... fly like this?

Trevor sighs happily, reminiscing.

...I wonder what the oceans are like. If they have reefs and fish like the ones on Earth. Someday, you'll need to come with me on a dive. It's amazing, down there. Even more alien than this, in a way.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

The Phenex and the Isadore, bound together through their pilots, must surely have opinions of each other by now. For the Phenex's part, the closest human equivalent would be 'curiosity'. The Isadore is not like the youngest Unicorn Gundam, nor her sisters, but there is still a certain alive-ness to her. The Phenex knows this is terribly unusual -- and Rita should, as well, but as her experience centers around her partnership with the Phenex, Rita has somewhat lost track of the fact that most mobile suits do not care for their pilots in quite this way.

Really, the Phenex would like to know more of the Isadore. But Rita has never been particularly bothered by Trevor's partner, and so the golden Gundam is content to keep her wonderings to herself.

Our friends... We should bring something back for them. Maybe flowers? Yurika has been so sad lately.

The Phenex turns her gaze to the forest floor, Rita scanning the lush ground for alien species of flowers. Nothing here... Maybe a little further into the forest. This planet /must/ have flowers. Everywhere has flowers.

There is an echo of sadness from Rita at the mention of "the void". Perhaps the Firebird is unable to hear the concept without capitalizing the V, and thinking of her best friend. Is Yuliana safe, far away on the distant Earth? Rita should tell Trevor about her -- but another time. She doesn't want to bring that sadness to this moment.

The Isadore joins the Phenex in brushing across the top of the forest, earning another sweet laugh from Rita. Their machines' joined hands bring such harmony between the young lovers. Rita's heart feels overfull, overbright, radiant with emotions she previously forbade herself from even wondering about.

I've only been to a forest once before. It was a training exercise, when I was still alive. I performed badly, and faced consequences for it. But it was the way it had to be.

Perhaps Trevor will see glimmers of that memory as it returns to the forefront of Rita's mind, as close as they are. A younger Rita, deployed in a hobbled Wanzer, instructed to hide in the forest and prepare for an attack by her commanding officer. Instead of bracing herself to fight, the young Ensign Bernal simply basked in the glow of life and nature.

The memory fades. Rita doesn't wish to chase after the sadness that followed.

With a soft shake of her head, the Phenex lifts her gaze again to the skies.

No. When I was alive, I didn't have any freedom at all. And once I died, I had to focus on the path. I thought if I strayed for even a moment, I would lose everything.

Sacred-blue eyes look back to the Isadore, brilliant with flame. Rita stays with Trevor's memories, now, taking in the happiness and wonder he experienced. It brings her twice the joy to know he has these memories. Trevor deserves them, with his open heart and kind manner.

All the more reason to do it now, right? It's so much more fun with you here. Oh, Trevor, do you want to see the oceans? We can go now, right?

After all, nobody from the camp has called them back. Rita can't sense any oncoming danger. The idea of 'diving' is a little scary... Rita's never been fond of the water after facing it in so many experiments. It has only ever meant suffering to her. But looking at the ocean from above should be fine.

When I was a child, I heard there are fish that live in underwater flowers. I thought about them sometimes. Do you think they have anything like that here?

<Pose Tracker> Trevor Teach has posed.

Isadore is a strange beast. There is a life to that machine, a life /within/ that machine, but also a 'purposefulness' to it all. As if life and consciousness were contextualized around a single, overriding objective.

There was a time when a Newtype reached out to the machine and asked Isadore of their nature and purpose. Isadore responded:

'I am the Guardian, Isadore.'

That is, whatever the nature of the spark of life that dwells within Isadore, their purpose is to serve as Trevor's protector. And indeed, it's when Trevor's life is most in danger that Isadore's 'awareness' seems to become most prominent. But why? To what end?

Why is Trevor Teach's continued existence so valuable as to be so imperative to his constant companion?

Maybe the distant images Rita once saw of his history and origins hold the truth. Or maybe it's just as simple as wishing to protect someone that you have known since they were a child?

...Perhaps the awareness within Isadore still has some growing to do, too.

But at least, there is no hostility there. Only a sense of vigilence of what might lurk on the horizon and, for now, a tranquility that is shared with Isadore's pilot.

I can't really blame her. I still can't believe that guy she liked would just walk off like that. They were even trying to sneak out without telling anyone. All kinds of wrong, that. Poor girl. She's really doing her best in spite of it though. Maybe working a bit too hard if you ask me.

There's got to be flowers. Alien flowers, perhaps, but these are /plants/ aren't they? They have to have flowers. Maybe they just... come in shapes that neither of them would be able to recognize.


But... if there are flowers...

Oh, or maybe fruits? I wonder what alien fruit would even taste like...

They should probably be careful. It might result in... digestive problems.


The Void. There's a certain irony in how close Rita is to Yuliana. Trevor has his own issues with her, of course. Not least of all that Yuliana decided to USE HIM AS A LIVING SHIELD that one time. But it's not a mental rabbit hole that Trevor is interested in hopping down at present. Not when there's a whole world to explore.

Even if it's the way it 'had to be,' doesn't mean I can't feel bad about you having to go through that.

Trevor sees it for himself-- at least, briefly. The connection they share ensures that the experience flashes across his mind and leaves him wondering.

They've both experienced cruelties, haven't they? Commiting them, being victimized by them. The life of a pirate is not a bloodless one by any means. But... that doesn't mean they're not allowed to be happy now.

In the moment, they have each other.

But... does he want to see the oceans...?

Trevor thinks for a moment. Then:

...Actually, I think maybe since we're here, it'd be nice to drop down below the canopy and see what it looks like down there. It seems only right after what you went through for you to have yourself a proper Forest Experience. And maybe the flowers and fruits are just underneath the canopy?

What precious memories has Trevor collected? Fish that live in underwater flowers... Trevor's eye closes, his mind travels back to that time underneath the waters of the pacific. A coral reef grows and thrives, a virtual metropolis of sealife. A little clownfish cleans grains of sand from its anemone home. In the distance, a jellyfish floats by, its long tendrils trailing like rain from a cloud.

I think it'd be worth it to find out. But Isadore's not equipped for a dive right now; we'd need to go back for me to get everything ready. And seeing what's under the sea is so different from just skimming the surface of the water.

He wants to show that to her, too. To let Rita see what he's seen with her-- or at least, with the Phenex's eyes. For someone to be so kind, and yet to have never known freedom-- Rita deserves all the beauty the world can offer her, now that she has the chance.

...In a way, that's part of the reason Trevor came all the way out here. Not just to see this alien world, but...

Where else could they hope to fly freely like this?


Where else could he show Isadore that there is more to the world and to life than battle, trauma and hurt?

Up ahead, a clearing with enough space for a couple of mobile suits to land. Though how much further they'd be able to get without dismounting isn't quite certain, it might be enough to let Rita bask in the sun as it filters through the trees, at least.

--And maybe they /would/ find some fruit or some flowers to take back with them.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Perhaps, once they return to camp... Perhaps, the next time Rita's spirit is busy manifesting in her hard-light form, the Phenex will extend her own consciousness toward the Isadore. Rita has been learning about "being selfish", so it's only natural for the Phenex to dip her own toes into that pool.

Maybe an understanding can be found between two machines so bonded to their Newtype partners. After all, Rita's love for the handsome pirate echoes through her Gundam just as keenly as the rest of her emotions. If Trevor was in need, the Phenex would seek to protect him. Maybe this truth is common enough ground.

Rita's opinion on Yurika's absent friend is quite dour. A flit of emotion echoes from the spirit -- something like an annoyed, huffed-out breath.

It's proof he wasn't a real friend. Abandoning her /and/ sneaking away? What a coward. Yurika deserves better. I think you're right, Trevor. I'll try to find some way I can help her.

The Phenex darts back and forth, an expression of Rita's frustration toward those sneak-away men.

Flowers, fruits... Rita's senses are keen, but not quite keen enough to identify individual types of plants. She knows they exist around her in large number -- the song of their souls singing to her as she hovers above the forest. But their sentience is too slight for Rita to figure out more than that.

Fruit. Maybe the chefs would like some? And if we find out the fruit is bad... We'll give it to those awful military types!

Rita laughs. She does /not/ trust their alien visitors. Even if they have several princesses with them, Rita is half-convinced they're running some kind of Newtype experiments on those poor young soldiers.

Trevor's sweet words bring pause to the Phenex, and the spirit within. Tilting her head, the Gundam goes still... Then brings a hand to rest over her chest. Sweet affection radiates from Rita's soul, gentle and guileless as a summer breeze.

Thank you, Trevor. Do you think... Would it be right for me to feel bad that it happened, too? Even though I chose it, and it had to be?

A beat, and then she shakes her head.

No, that's silly. I walked the path myself, I can't just deny it.

Perhaps the shared cruelties they've experienced are one of the factors that enables such harmony between the Firebird and the pirate prince. Even when they're enjoying having fun together, there is an unwavering undercurrent of gratitude in both their souls. Rita and Trevor know what /could/ be. This knowledge only makes the happy times sweeter.

Rita waits as Trevor considers visiting the oceans. His decision surprises her -- but brings with it a sense of relief. Forests are far less terrifying. The Phenex presses her hand a bit more into the Isadore's, then releases him.

I'd like that. Let's go!

Rita's mind brushes against Trevor's as he reminisces about his ocean experiences. She is unobtrusive, softly expressing delight and wonder at the coral reef, the clownfish, the anemone. It isn't until the jellyfish makes its appearance that--


In Rita's sudden fright, the Phenex responds by rocketing straight into the air, trying to put distance between herself and the threatening object. As she comes back to herself, Rita guides the Gundam back down, returning to hover by the Isadore.

What is --! That beast, with the scary arms! It's not an octopus, it was like a ghost!

As if realizing she's being a little silly, Rita calms herself down, resettling the Phenex's wing-shields at her back.

I guess that startled me. Sorry about that, Trevor, um! Next time, you can get the Isadore ready, and we'll go look at the water.

A slight pause. The Phenex seems to shake herself gently, as if resettling ruffled feathers.

...but if I see a ghost-beast like that, I'm going to explode it before it can get us.

The Phenex accompanies the Isadore to the clearing. She settles gently, disturbing very little of the local plantlife as she lands. After all, she has no use for her engines, or her thrusters. As the Gundam goes still, Rita's spirit glimmers into existence next to Trevor.

With a playful gesture, she presses an illusory kiss to the pirate's cheek. Hovering next to Trevor as he exits his machine, Rita glances around the clearing. There is a promising pop of color just to the north...

Oh, over here! I think I see something.

Though she could easily soar to the color-spot on her own, Rita stays by Trevor's side, hovering just an inch from the forest floor as he moves. It's nicer like this. The point isn't /really/ to find the flowers, it's to be together.

<Pose Tracker> Trevor Teach has posed.

Selfishness is always so vilified in so many places-- but everyone needs to be at least a little bit selfish. Spend so much time worrying about what other people want, and you might be loved, but you might also be taken for granted. And, there's a more-than-decent chance that you'll never actually get to do anything /you/ want to do! It's good to be a little selfish, a little curious.

And maybe, just maybe, the Phenex will even get to make a friend! You never know until you reach out, right...?

Heheh, it may be that the best way to help her is to just to avoid giving her extra work and extra danger to worry about. But I'm sure she'd appreciate the support. Ruri, too. I think that Akito guy must have been... really important to the both of them.

Which makes the way he decided to cut ties all the more galling.

At least it's not a topic the two of them have to dwell on for very long. The voice of the forest calls like a siren song, bidding the two machines to draw nearer. And with it, the promise of... all kinds of treasures. Fruit. Flowers. Maybe even something furrier and less (or more?) delicious...?

It did seem kinda weird that they were supposedly here all along, but I guess we also didn't look at the planet too closely. I mean, we missed the Macross before we landed too. Felt to me more like the ones we spoke to were just doing their jobs. At least, I'd like to hope that my first alien encounter wasn't with a bunch of jerks, heh.

Rudi seemed to match Trevor's pace pretty well, thinking about it. They seemed to share a similar quantity of straightforwardness. Maybe that's why it's easier for him to deal with them?

Then again, maybe it only makes sense that a pirate would know how to skirt around the local authorities without bringing the hammer down on their own heads.

As for those soldiers being subject to Newtype experiments...

...Honestly, Trevor wasn't paying close enough attention; it wouldn't surprise him, though, if aliens got up to similar shenanigans somewhere out in space.

I don't think it's silly at all. Even if we make choices, that doesn't mean the choice is any less painful, or that the pain is any less real. So if it hurt, then it hurt. But holding on to that hurt probably isn't too helpful, either.

Holding too tightly to grudges is... not a good way to go about things, just in general. But Trevor has seen too many people go to extreme ends for the sake of a 'grudge' or an 'ideal.' But then, it's also not so easy to let such things go. They are a part of what makes people who they are, aren't they...? But similarly--

I think it sucks that you had to hurt like that... But I am glad that it brought you down this path, and that it meant I had the chance to meet you.

Similarly, gratitude, meetings and bonds-- are also part of what makes up a person.

And fears.

Also, definitely fears.

"Ah--" Trevor starts as Rita suddenly tears directly upwards. Isadore pauses and stares at the Phenex as it turns from majestic bird to startled cat.

R-rita, that... that was just a jellyfish. It's... made of jelly? Its arms are covered in stingers, so you don't want to touch them, but they're fine otherwise!


That was pretty adorable though, so I'm not going to complain.

...Beat. Again.

...Rita. Uh. Are you... scared of ghosts?


Well. That'll be something for next time.

Isadore's thrusters vector carefully as it lands in the clearing, trying to avoid setting off a forest fire or, worse, accidentally startling some kind of unknown megafauna predator. Trevor disembarks shortly thereafter, his machine taking a knee to allow him to hop down onto into the grassy glade.

...By the time he touches ground, he's waist-deep in long grass blades.

"Hhhhuh. Deeper than I thought," the pirate muses-- a moment before he is smooched. He smiles and blows a kiss right back. ACTUAL kissing is hard, of course, and if he could he'd spin her around a couple times like they were stepping into a spontaneous fit of dance first, but this works fine given the circumstances.

"Coming," Trevor calls, wading carefully through the foliage. Stepping on something would be... problematic. Even with proper footwear. At least, as they draw back under the canopy, the grass retreats to a more sensible height. "I wonder what we'll find down here..."


Other than a pleasant walk through the woods amidst one another's company, that is.

...Hopefully it's not Alien Super Malaria.