2023-09-06: Deposition

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  • Cutscene: Deposition
  • Cast: Delling Rembran, Nevola, Rajan Zahi, Leina Ashta, Cardeas Vist, Gael Chan
  • Where: Magallanica and Benerit Group HQ, The Orbital Ring
  • Date: 0097 UC 09-06
  • Summary: A deposition of Leina Ashta's testimony is taken by video call from Magallanica as part of Cathedra's inquest into Psychoframe technology and the Singularity One incident. The objections of one Benerit Group CEO to a gap in her testimony leads to new footage of the Vist Foundation's involvement in the RX-0 project coming to light.

On Magallanica, the camera was focused upon Leina Ashta, in a tan business pantsuit, sitting alongside Legal Counsel.

"Thank you Miss Ashta, for your account of your time with the Vist Foundation. I commend your bravery for coming before us today."

"It's necessary that I be here today, nothing more, nothing less."

"At this time, I have no further quest-"

"I'm afraid I find that quite unacceptable, counsel." Look upon the other end of the video call, at the Benerit Group's HQ. The spotlight, upon a circle of Benerit Group CEOs, standing among them was a middle-aged woman with a violet visor, a smart business suit with long skirt, a cape designed to look like a business jacket, and a skin tight hood that revealed little but her face.

"You have yet to establish that the RX-0 can kill the pilot from Miss Ashta's testimony. And our records from Anaheim Electronics UC Project show that even within it's most private internal communications that no such feature exists." Stated Nevola, from Peil technologies, "It would be remiss of us not to ask the question. Miss Ashta, do you know any method by which the RX-0 might kill it's pilot?"

Leina's eyes looked upon her impassively for a time, before leaning over to confer with her counsel. The two exchanged words, before she sat back up.

"I am familiar with a method that as not known to it's engineers utilizing the NT-D. Upon making use of it, the pilot's soul bonds with the Psychoframe, becoming an inextricable part of it. Any pilot who knows the method could then duplicate the Singularity-1 phenomenon witnessed."

Momentarily nonplussed, Nevola then asked, "Then please educate us, what might that method be, Miss Ashta?"

This time she didn't even consult with Counsel, she simply answered, "I would rather not say. Having such on the record would lay out a blueprint for bad actors to utilize it."

Nevola merely smiled, "So you say, but then you offer no tangible proof to the claim. President Rembran, our analysis of the RX-0 data during the Singularity One event offer no proof that the pilot's vital signs ever ceased. How then, can we verify Miss Ashta's claim if she refuses to share?"

Leina's eyes simply narrowed, but she said nothing. President Rembran looked sideways at Nevola's grandstanding, before saying quite simply, "It's unnecessary."

"I would challenge that assertion." She replied back, "Peil Technologies has a vested interest in not closing the door on controversial technologies out of hand. If Cathedra is to act upon this, then I insist that Miss Ashta give unto us the requested testimony."

President Rembran replied calmly, but authoritatively, "It's unnecessary because we have already been provided with independent proof."

Stepping up, Cathedra's former Commander and now auditing liaison to the Benerit Group, Rajan Zahi began to speak, "Magallanica's technicians have provided us internal test footage, deleted before the attack on the Anaheim Electronics Industrial College. We'll be displaying this footage now, for all of you to see."


The video footage was distorted for a moment, before focusing in on the RX-0 Unicorn Unit 01 and a quartet of ReZELs stamped with ID Seven 'Magallanica' on the right shoulder and the Vist Foundation's logo on the opposite.

"From here, this will be the final operational experiment and... we will now commence a mock battle run using the NT-D." Came the voice of Cardeas Vist, as the voice of Gael Chan then spoke orders calmly.

"Aggressors Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma - Impact Mark on each Unit."

What happened next was a mock battle, with the Unicorn fending off the quartet of ReZELs, it's pilot making dizzying maneuvers in the high G-Force, taking on the three while only receiving glancing blows from the return fire.

Other voices, operations and technical support stated.

"The Unit is operating under the maintained estimated numerical value of the reaction rate." "All areas of the RX-0 are functioning within the expected parameters." "Aggressor's Side Pseudo-Impact Points are increasing." "Pseudo-Impact Points: Five. No signs of impeded operational functionality."

And pilot's radio chatter, from the test pilot and his opponents.

"Heh. Got you." "Don't get cocky you wannabe. Just a mock battle, doesn't make you an Ace. Form up - let's get 'em."

Radio signals go out, as the trio of ReZELs form up, and all collide upon the Unicorn, even as a Beam Saber slammed against the shield. Gael Chan admonished the ReZEL pilots for taking it this far, "This kind of close quarters combat is outside of the parameters of the test."

Cardeas interrupted him, "I'll allow it. This is the closest simulation of actual combat that we'll get. Invoke the Test NT-D."

A technician replied, "U-Understood, invoking the test NT-D program."

The test pilot by now was on the ropes, as the four ReZELs boxed him in, "Wait-! This is too reckless! It's going to affect our test scores!"

"Heh. You made it clear you're only thinking about a promotion out there. The way we figure it? We beat you, we're the ones who are going to be going places, while your career is the one that'll stall."

"Begin." Came the commanding voice of Cardeas Vist.

"Understood, activating the Unicorn's Destroy Mode."

It was instantly apparent that something was wrong, because the Unicorn's comm crackled with static, alternatively with screaming, transforming. It's I-Field during transformation deflecting several shots, even as it got battered by two units coming at it from close quarters.

And then the pilot spoke, a strained susurrus, through obvious pain as he howls in rage at them all, "I'LL - KILL - YOU! KILL! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

Another pilot spoke, unperturbed by the transformation spoke, "You really wanna shout threats like that dumbass? Heh, It's game over for you."

Right as the Unicorn's fist impaled his ReZEL's cockpit, and it was shredded in the extraction. Two more ReZELs died in short order, the pilots not even having a chance to respond before they were torn to pieces.

"Abort the test!" Gael Chan said immediately, horrified. As a Beam Saber ran through the last one, and he asked, "Can't you read me? Unicorn pilot-! RESPOND!"

The Beam Saber neatly bisected the ReZEL, it's pilot at least had a chance to scream before his comms fizzled out into silence.

The technician chatter floods the video, "What's happening!?" "I don't know! I've cut the NT-D controls!" "I can't measure the pilot's brainwaves!" As the Unicorn turned towards the Control Center of Industrial-7, Gael growled, "FORCE TERMINATE IT!"

But in that moment, the Unicorn just stopped, drifting, dead in space, as it transformed back. "Did that do it!?" A stunned technician stated, "I never input the command..."

The reason was stated by another in short order, "Unicorn pilot's vital signs have ceased."

Cardeas Vist finally spoke again quietly, "Is the Unit Damaged?" Gael replied, "Nothing to report. It's almost completely unharmed." After a sigh of relief, he spoke again, "Everyone listen up. All operational testing of the RX-0 is now complete. After collecting the unit and the remains, delete the testing OS. Seal the NT-D, and boot up the La+ program."

A long pause.

"Finally, I offer my gratitude to those who have endured up to now, and my sincerest condolences to the victims of this tragic accident."


It was difficult not to show her distress, but Leina certainly felt it, listening to four pilots die simply to test the Mobile Suit that her boyfriend piloted every day. As she buried her face into both of her hands. "God, please don't let Banagher see that..." She murmured, rubbing her hands across her face.

President Rembran's eyes turned to Nevola, "Is Peil technologies satisfied?" Nevola's face tried to remain calm, but it was a superficial veneer to her fury, "We would like to register our objection. How can we consider test footage substantial proof!? It's regular pilot survived NT-D activation again and again and-"

"No. The legacy of Gund repeats itself within that thing. I will permit no objections." President Rembran stood at that moment, and turned to leave, "This deposition is over."

Rajan Zahi looked to the young woman on the other end of the Video Call as he engaged in the niceties that the president refused to, "Thank you, once again for your cooperation in our ongoing investigation, Miss Ashta. You will hear from us again soon with the results of our inquest."

The video feed cut immediately after.