The Star of Silence

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+---------------------< Board 9: IC News/Rumors/Post 949 >---------------------+ | Title: News Clips Poster: Kaworu Nagisa Date: Mon Jun 5 | +----------------------------------< SRTMOO >----------------------------------+

        A segment on a global news network.
" other news, reports have been cropping up worldwide about strange mass sleepwalking incidents. People in entire communities are getting up out of bed and wandering out into the streets to stare at the sky, then go back to bed. While most are accounted for afterwards, areas in which these incidents have taken place have seen a universal rise in missing persons afterwards. Multiple nations across the globe have reported this, and there's no difference between rural, urban, space colonies, and in between. It's theorized that the stresses of war and growing uncertainty about the future of the Federation may have contributed to this phenomenon, causing breakdowns in those who then attempt to run away from the current era itself..."
        And another, unrelated segment.
"...Hijackings have been on the rise for space vehicles such as jets, shuttles, and mobile suits. These vehicles have been stolen from a variety of ports both earthside and spaceside, and many have taken place without any culprit directly witnessed. Authorities have suggested that this may be the work of a criminal syndicate and urge ports to increase their local security to prevent..."
(OOC: Questions? Interest? Contact Kaworu Nagisa.)

+-----------------------------< SRTMOO +bboards >------------------------------+ +---------------------< Board 9: IC News/Rumors/Post 999 >---------------------+ | Title: News Update Poster: Kaworu Nagisa Date: Mon Jun 19 | +----------------------------------< SRTMOO >----------------------------------+

A follow-up on a recent news segment about mass sleepwalking incidents (+bbread 949) reports some more information.
In short, the mass sleepwalking incidents have not abated since they began almost two months ago. People continue to get up in the middle of the night, wander out into the streets, and stare at the sky for a time before wandering back inside, all while asleep... and people have continued to go missing during these incidents. Not all of them, but a significant number. This is true through the Earth Sphere and its colonies...
/Except/ for Tsutsujidai. While mass sleepwalking incidents have been occurring there too, no one has gone missing to date. There *has* been an increase in spacecraft traffic to the PLANT it's settled in, but none of those crafts have actually arrived at the town.

+-----------------------------< SRTMOO +bboards >------------------------------+ +-------------------------< Board 19: NERV/Post 923 >--------------------------+ | Title: Report: Strange 10A Activity Poster: Kaworu Nagisa Date: Fri | | May 26 | +----------------------------------< SRTMOO >----------------------------------+

<Report made by someone in R&D.>
Over the past month, the Tenth Angel, designated "Duma," has been showing strange A.T. Field activity. This activity has been low-key so it's unclear when exactly it began, but it was first detected at the end of April and has been tracked since.
The Tenth Angel has not appeared to have left its half of the Tsutsujidai PLANT, nor does it appear to have made any hostile movements towards any surrounding lifeforms. It seems to be using its A.T. Field to radiate signals at a frequency below 30Hz, on a wavelength longer than the radius of the Earth. As this functionally means that the Angel is producing radio waves, attempts have been made to intercept these signals by radio, but nothing intelligible has been recorded to date. It habitually sends out these waves while the Tsutsujidai PLANT is in shadow, i.e. during its nighttime.
The Tenth Angel will continue to be closely monitored. It's possible that it is attempting to make contact with humankind, but there is also a high risk of mental contamination. Any NERV agents who wish to conduct their own investigations are strongly advised to take caution and coordinate with R&D.
(OOC: Questions? Interest? Contact Kaworu Nagisa.)

+-----------------------------< SRTMOO +bboards >------------------------------+ +-------------------------< Board 19: NERV/Post 966 >--------------------------+ | Title: Report: Duma Investigations Poster: Zan Date: Wed Jun 7 | +----------------------------------< SRTMOO >----------------------------------+

This is Zan. I am filing this report with location coordinates included.

In brief, I have been observing the Tenth Angel while maintaining my vigilance over the Orbital Ring with the help of a bit more downtime thanks to my new crew.

At present I have observed a number of transmissions and some manipulation of receiving has revealed that there is a rhythm of anti-sound mixed in. The closest translation would be akin to a mother humming to a child or a variation of stops in musical terms.

Duma also happens to have a color shifting in semi-coordination with these sounds that goes through the spectrum of the rainbow.

The transmissions also have an incredible range to them. At present it is observed they will not reach the Moon, but the Earth and it's colonies are well within range and being transmitted to in some means.

The following are suggestions.

Finding the receiver of the transmissions may allow us to get a "one up" on the Angel threat possibly.

Finding a way to communicate with Duma through the color shifts or transmissions may be possible.

Ending report transmission.

P.S. Carpenters say hi to brothers.

+-----------------------------< SRTMOO +bboards >------------------------------+ +-------------------------< Board 19: NERV/Post 1002 >-------------------------+ | Title: Duma Update Poster: Zan Date: Fri Jun 23 | +----------------------------------< SRTMOO >----------------------------------+

Urgent Message Received

Sender: BT-104 Zan

This message is in response to a change in the Duma situation. My sensors have noticed spacecraft arriving at Duma's side of Tsutsujidai.

At this time, my response is limited and I am requesting assistance due to the nature of it.

To summarize, Duma appears to be able to cause some sort of sleep walking symptoms. It has managed to ensnare a large number of beings. Scans so far are inconclusive, but they show with the same status as deep delta waves. Fast asleep. Heat scans also show them to be moving around.

Scanning data is included in this transmission.

Recommend caution and scan for potential incoming traffic of similar situations across the Earth Sphere.

OOC: Scene will be forthcoming for those interested.

+-----------------------------< SRTMOO +bboards >------------------------------+