2023-06-05: Gilded Cages

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  • Log: 2023-06-05- Gilded Cages
  • Cast: Leina Ashta (designation Puru-1), Akane Shinjo (designation Aumerei), Rikka Takarada (designation Treasure Chest), Mineva Lao Zabi, Alouette Pommier
  • Where: Vist Foundation Atmospheric Supercarrier "Garuda"
  • OOC - IC Date: 0097-05-29
  • Summary: Mineva receives a walkthrough of the sort of work done by the Vist Foundation, or more accurately by its affiliate laboratories; she's shown two subjects in different stages of process. Supposedly, it's to make her more enthusiastic about coming to the negotiating table... but it's hard to say that it meets with much enthusiasm.
  • CW: Thorough discussion of brainwashing processes

<Pose Tracker> Puru-1 has posed.

        What was it that spurred this? Well, perhaps it was an idle remark about the accommodations. Perhaps it was simply a courtesy to the VIP. Or more likely... Martha Vist Carbine felt that the Princess was inadequately pliable to the idea of working with her.

        Which is why on the third day, Akane was approached "Mrs. Vist-Carbine doesn't wish to trouble Dr. Murasame with this."

        She was told by a lab assistant in their late twenties. Short brown hair tied up in a bun, glasses. She thinks her name was Elise? "So please set up a presentation, and 'meet and greet' for her Highness, Princess Mineva Lao Zabi. ... Oh, except Puru-1, she's currently undergoing further testing and adjustments with the Xeno-Connect system." A pause and a tap on the chin, "Make certain it's sufficiently mmmmm 'simplified' for our VIP. You have two hours."

        And... at the appointed time, two security guards come into the room, as does said lab assistant, "Your Highness, Mrs. Vist-Carbine has asked us to escort you around the ship so you can 'stretch your legs' so to speak. Our lab personnel have a prepared a presentation for you about our work here."

        As such, Mineva was promptly escorted to a small conference room, where Alouette and Treasure Chest were lined up for said presentation, before the lab assistant tells Akane, "I'll leave you to it."

        The two security guards are in the room, but standing back, certainly it wouldn't be too out of the question to ask for time to talk to them, if Mineva so wished... but they are watching her like a hawk.

<Pose Tracker> Aumerei has posed.

Aumerei nods to Elise. "Of course. Don't worry -- I'm sure that the two of them will make the situation very clear," she says, expression a little bit flat.

She has Alouette escorted in, rather than retrieving her personally; Treasure Chest, of course, can attend to her on her own. Once everyone's been shuffled in, of course, Akane -- no, Aumerei, in a suit the same color as the hoodie she once favored -- gets right to business.

"Hello, Princess," she says, pleasantly. "I think this is the first time you're seeing me with this hair color, maybe? But I guess I'm still the same Akane Shinjo you knew. Mostly, I mean. I've never been a particularly good person."

Canting her head slightly to one side, Akane says, "I, at least, find the term 'reconditioning' kind of lame? But Treasure Chest here has gone through several rounds of -- attitude clarification. I'm kind of expecting one or two for myself, but, you know, I don't really mind that?"

Waving a little dismissively, she adds, "Ms. Pommier -- we really need to find a codename for her? I'll get after Dr. Murasame about that tomorrow, maybe. Anyway, she's in a much earlier stage. I expect we'll be able to accomplish this sort of thing in short order." She snaps her fingers once, and at first it looks like it's just for emphasis on the speed she anticipates.

"Ms. Pommier is an excellent research specimen and I do have a lot of her backdoors. When she was in Tsutsujidai I didn't really need them? But I don't mind putting them to use. I just think it's better if we make this easy." Conspiratorially, she adds, "Treasure Chest has so many fun sides -- but don't tell her that~"

Voice just a little too flat, she affirms, "I think that's the basics. Puru-1, of course, is a way more developed subject than either of these two, but like -- it's easy, right? It's not really brainwashing, it's just... providing an outlet for all those unexpressed feelings!"

She snaps her fingers again.

<Pose Tracker> Treasure Chest has posed.

A presentation for Mineva Lao Zabi. That's her current task, so she'll do whatever is asked of her. Aumerei is here and has agreed to this, so if she thinks it's alright... Then, it's alright.

Treasure Chest stands at her appointed location, arms folded dutifully behind her back and standing at attention. Currently, she's wearing the three-piece suit typical of Vist personnel - and there's no sign of recognition on her face when her eyes cross Mineva.

For the most part, however, she looks straight forward - though her eyes stray toward Aumerei, nodding ass she addresses her.

The most sign of movement, however, comes when Aumerei snaps her fingers. The effects are sudden. Treasure Chest's head sags and her arms, folded behind her back, come loose, hanging limp by her side. For all intents and purposes, she's suddenly drifted into unconsciousness.

...And then Aumerei snaps her fingers again and Treasure Chest stirs. She looks dazed and confused for a moment and, upon realising she's slipped out of her stance, quickly folds her arms behind her back and stands at attention once more.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva Zabi sits in her lavishly-appointed cell, reading in a rather comfortable chair. She hasn't merely been idle, of course; she's found time to commune with Banagher, and spent time meditating. But... one needs to relax, too.

She looks up, giving the lab assistant a wary glare. It doesn't take a Newtype to tell what she thinks of their work already. "... I see," she says simply, nodding. Setting the book aside, she stands promptly, following silently at their side.

It's clear she's not expecting to find Akane and Rikka there. There's a look of brief shock, rapidly transitioning into an intense wariness, bordering on anger. Akane's actions at Dakar... she's not discounting the possibility that there's more to it than meets the eye, given Leina's conditioning, but none of the trust she felt for Akane before is present, now.

She says she's not a good person. "Mm. That much is clear, if you've handed Rikka over to Murasame," Mineva replies, an undertone of venom to her calm voice. She puts emphasis on Rikka's name--not the codename. She refuses to acknowledge it.

As Akane snaps her fingers, Mineva feels her anger approach a boil, trying not to let it show, trying not to yell obscenities and make demands she's in no position to make. That won't help anyone. "You know as well as I do that it's real, Shinjo. I know that they made Leina forget. Martha showed me."

When Akane snaps her fingers again, Mineva gives the apparent victims--Alouette and Rikka--a nod, a bow of the head.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Vist has something weird planned - it's unclear whether this attempt to tour the Princess Mineva around is a demoralization tactic to kill the spirit of a 'sheltered princess' or what, but Alouette doesn't actually know what kind of person Mineva is at all. But unless Vist is hiding someone else, process of elimination tells her this is the 'Audrey' Banagher's spoken so fondly of.

She and Treasure Chest, as a result, are lined up in those standard three piece Vist suits (ugh, not her style at all), waiting to take in Mineva. Unlike Treasure Chest, she still has a penchant for sass in her. "Meet and greet? Seriously? What do they think this is, the playground?" It's within earshot of the guards even, and directed to Treasure Chest, but it comes to dead ears - she's totally unresponsive until Akane snaps her fingers.

But when 'Aumerei' speaks, Alouette knows she can't actually say anything back, has nothing to fight her with - because it's true, Akane can and has done these things to her.

Her body language's tense at this myriad of dehumanization to her and Treasure Chest - 'research specimen', 'reconditioning', 'backdoors'... coming up with a 'codename'. "You and the doctor will simply have to come up with that on your own time." She interjects. "I don't think the Princess will appreciate your lack of progress." Is this really the person she is? Where does her 'conditioner', Aumerei begin and her friend Akane Shinjo end?

She turns her attention to Mineva when she nods her and Treasure Chest's way. "So, you're the Princess. I should probably be envious of your position really, but you don't look happy yourself." As much as it isn't so simple, with her experiences on the Garuda, and the risk of losing herself right in front of her, even a gilded cage sounds pretty good at this point, so... "Why?"

<Pose Tracker> Aumerei has posed.

The silence from Treasure Chest is deafening... but 'Aumerei' ought not acknowledge it. It is quite difficult to feel good about. She does glance back toward Treasure Chest at one point, but, well -- this is a presentation, first and foremost. Everything else is secondary.

"Handed over is a strong word. For the first couple rounds of this I was way less on their team, but -- you know how it is. Watching someone else wreck your stuff is way harder than wrecking your own stuff!" Her explanation brings a smile to her face, as she adds, "Plus -- you know how when you're good at something it sucks to watch people be bad at it?" It's at this point she stands back up, walking over to Treasure Chest. "It's like that. She was struggling so much -- and then I got her to this point in like an hour? And now she doesn't struggle at all! She's walking around with a bullet graze deep enough I could probably rest my whole pinky in it," she's exaggerating but it's not falsifiable, "and she doesn't complain a bit~"

Putting an arm around 'Treasure Chest,' she enthuses, "She's not the best version of herself, but I'd say this is a solid number two." She pulls her in a bit closer, considering whether to go further -- but decides not to.

Alouette's slightly more withering comments get a shrug from Aumerei as she returns to her seat. "Hey, this can go faster and easier if you want it to, bestie! Or," tone becoming more playful but it's the sort of playfulness you favor a slightly annoying dog with, "you can struggle with it~"

"Treasure Chest," Aumerei adds, "you're free to talk from here forward, okay? Speak as freely as you want! I think these two need a little convincing about the value of our work here, and your opinions on... well, lots of things."

<Pose Tracker> Treasure Chest has posed.

Indeed - Alouette addresses her, and there's no response at all. The look on her face doesn't even change. As she awakens, Mineva offers her a bow of the head. In response, Treasure Chest echoes the gesture.

"Your Highness." She greets. Not Audrey - the name with which she's more familiar. Aumerei approaches her, then puts an arm around her before pulling her in a bit closer. ...She seems pleased, at least - which is the most emotion she's showed so far.

...That changes a little, though, when Aumerei addresses her.

"Understood." Treasure Chest replies with a nod, then looks toward Alouette and Mineva both.

"...It's alright. I appreciate your concern, but I'm where I need to be right now. This is... the only way I can help." She explains.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Alouette asks why she's so unhappy... the question seems to come as a bit of a shock to her. Doesn't she know where she is? What's happening here?

... No, she supposes she wouldn't.

"Vist is holding my partners hostage," she explains. "One is in a proper prison cell, and the other..." She glances at the staff, then looks at Akane. "Your people made her believe she's something she isn't. Manipulated her to betray us. How would you feel if someone you thought loved you betrayed everything you believed in? Delivered you into the hands of the same people that committed some of the Universal Century's greatest crimes against humanity?"

She frowns, deeply, at Akane's assertions. "How can you do th-" Rikka interrupts her, and her assertion is enough to take the wind out of her sails. "... Help who?" she asks Rikka, more quietly.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette does listen carefully and attentively when Aumerei explains what she did to Treasure Chest. She remembers what she said at Dakar: how this was salvaging an even worse situation, or something of the sort. One thing sticks out, though. "A... bullet? When?" She can't see it physically through such a heavy suit, but it's just as Akane says: mentally if it's there, it doesn't seem to bother her at all.

Settling for number two, huh? Just a little bit, this is what lets her catch on to the fact that this isn't the Akane she knew, the one she wouldn't give up on.

As for Aumerei's own words for her... "I know. I've pretty much already lost just because I believed you before Dakar. It doesn't mean I find this particular game any fun." She frowns, but it's more of a sad one of resignation than anything. "...And just look at Triple Zero. I guess it's always been our nature to fight against the inevitable."

And there's certainly nothing fun about watching who Rikka's become. "...This is the last place you need to be. If you'd never be involved, you'd probably just be doing regular teenage girl things right now. At the very least,you were never born for a life like this."

Alouette tilts her head at Mineva's shock a little bit, as she explains what her partners are going through - so she is Audrey. "From your position, I don't think it'd be that hard to negotiate to get out, you wouldn't have to deal with Dr. Murasame either. But that would mean leaving them behind... so maybe I underestimated you, Princess." There's a weak smile. "Don't let go of that - I think you're in the best position to use your strong will."

<Pose Tracker> Aumerei has posed.

Aumerei listens to Treasure Chest. There's a moment wherein she raises an eyebrow, as she catches something -- the same thing as Knight caught, and indeed, because she caught it. Fortunately, Mineva asks the same follow-up question she would have. "You can answer," she clarifies, though she's already told Treasure Chest to speak freely. Maybe she wants to encourage an attempt on an answer.

"Oh, we left for a few hours to go try to catch up with Marusan! Unfortunately, Gridknight was there instead, and we lost most of a security detail to his buddies, but," a vague waggle of the hand, "no big deal."

Alouette's comment about Rikka not having been born for a life like this -- that's something that genuinely does hurt. That's something that's impossible to avoid flinching at, in fact. "Again," Akane chides, "second best."

She renders no comment on Alouette and Audrey. Why intercede there? Alouette and Mineva are having exactly the interaction she'd hope.

<Pose Tracker> Treasure Chest has posed.

Help who? There's only one answer - and Aumerei is encouraging her, so that's all the more reason to give her answer.

"Akane." She replies simply - and Alouette gives her more to speak on. "Maybe I wasn't, but this world doesn't care about that. It's harsh, and cruel."

She shakes her head.

"The fact that anyone can be... that's proof enough." She goes quiet. Aumerei brings up the encounter with Gridknight and the security detail - and Treasure Chest actually hesitates for a moment.

"...It's alright. It doesn't hurt." She lies, electing to leave it at that.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva chuckles, bitterly. "Exactly. I'm not leaving them behind." Nor the Unicorn, if she can help it. Martha did 'negotiate' a deal with her already... but it's still pending more formal arrangements. She's not sure if she's strong enough to stand up for them...

She flinches as she remembers Martha holding a gun to the head of a totally obedient, unflinching Leina. It's a memory strong enough to spill out of her. Could she stick to her principles in spite of that threat? Trusting that Banagher wouldn't want her to capitulate and become a puppet just for his sake, and that Leina would feel the same way, regardless of what she'd say now...

It's hard to say whether she has the strength.

Her eyes snap to Akane. "But why *you*?"

The world is harsh and cruel. That much is true. "Why aren't you fighting to make it better, Rikka? Akane? Have they broken you down, too, the same way they broke Leina? Convinced you that it's impossible to change? That it's better to roll over and accept a world that breaks people down and turns them into weapons, that treats Spacenoids as subhumans at best, and nuclear debris at worst?" She stares at Akane.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"Marusan...?" She can remember, at least, the girl from her time at Tsutsujidai High, and Rikka's birthday party after. "I can see pretty obviously why you'd want to involve me. But what does she have to do with this?" On this point, she genuinely just kind of doesn't follow. Gridknight, though... that's also curious.

Akane's wincing at her comments gives Alouette a reason to break eye contact, and pay attention to Rikka's own words. "...Of course I know that." She replies, about this cruel and harsh world. "But I can't just be fine with it. It was supposed to be up to people like me who got out to prevent it from happening ever again. That's why I'm sorry."

But the way she hesitates... there's no way it doesn't hurt, no amount of conditioning or painkillers can do that. But if she can just gently nudge...

"Surely you can provide Treasure Chest with some seating arrangement instead of just making her stand here, right? After all, us research subjects are treated so very well at Murasame Labs."

"I'm glad," Alouette answers Mineva. "Banagher's waiting for you, you know." That much is obvious, but... "I don't know about Leina. But I think... a little piece of her is waiting, too. So don't give up on her." She simply listens when Mineva adresses Akane and Rikka, encouraging them to fight back, letting the Princess's resolution speak to itself.

<Pose Tracker> Aumerei has posed.

'Akane.' Aumerei has some complex feelings about that answer -- but the fact that Treasure Chest can find it, now, when she couldn't in the battle with Knight... that gives her cause to be relieved, at least. Her saying it doesn't hurt...

... well, that's partially her own handiwork -- so her feelings about that are complicated indeed.

"Hmmm. That's kind of an interesting question. I know she's gone through at least five rounds of conditioning, plus everything I did to her, so obviously, yeah, her and Puru-1 are in kind of the same boat. As for me..."

Aumerei taps her chin. "Well, I'm missing time for two rounds of what she went through, and I was definitely half-in for one round of it. So maybe they did! Maybe they didn't and I'm just a crappy person like I keep telling you. Does it matter? If I'm mentally dead girl walking over here, that definitely doesn't matter, right? I'm going to be doing the same things whether I've been broken down like Puru-1 or if it's all home-grown."

She sounds so -- disconnected from it. As if she doesn't care what's coming out of her mouth right now, even with its gravity.

Alouette nudges about seating for Treasure Chest after a brief talk with her, and then asides to Mineva. Akane finally loops around to her question. "Dr. Murasame and I have been having arguments over project timing? But the lab is very interested in Repli-Compoid subjects." A second passes in silence. "And I get lonely~."

A beat. "And -- no, Treasure Chest is perfectly strong enough to handle this situation on her own."

<Pose Tracker> Treasure Chest has posed.

Why isn't she fighting?

"I'm fighting this world the best way I can. ...That's all." Treasure Chest replies, shaking her head. She says that - but Aumerei displays another side, as well. And Alouette... apologises. Treasure Chest watches her for a moment and nods in acknowledgment.

She asks about seating, though, and as she does one arm falls to her side, tapping a finger against her thigh - and again, when Aumerei gives her answer. Treasure Chest shakes her head.

It's alright. I can handle this." She assures, offering her agreement.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Alouette talks about her duty. "... I'm sorry that you've been pulled back into this world, Ms. Pommier." It's hard for her not to feel responsible. If not for the Unicorn, if not for her and Banagher's quests...

She can't help smiling, a little, at Alouette's reassurances. "I know." She thinks about Leina's trust, about her continuing care for her and Banagher--it's been twisted, but the core of it is still, unmistakably, her. "I know she is. And..."

Her heart sinks as Akane speaks, though, and she looks down. That fire inside her flickers in the wake of Akane's utter indifference... but it seems to flare again. "It matters because I care who the real you is. Is it Aumerei? The one who sold her girlfriend to Murasame and Vist? Or is it Akane Shinjo, the girl who crawled up out of a pit of despair, manipulation, and loathing deeper than I've ever seen?"

"I could feel the love between you two, but... maybe that was false. I think Alexis would be proud of you."

She looks away before turning to Alouette. "Please... don't give up," she tells her, before stepping away, flagging over one of the guards. She's ready to leave.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Akane's answer to her question about Marusan elicits a frown. "Mm. Playing a god must get lonely." That was the point with Bujack, and well, it hasn't slipped her mind that Akane's underwent a number of reversions since in becoming Aumerei.

Alouette won't deny that Treasure Chest is a strong person, and so was Rikka - but even the strong must take a seat now and then. Still, there's no point arguing. "...Alright." She concedes.

It seems that Aumerei has much of the same fears she does - missing time, having no idea how compromised she is. It's foolish to feel sympathy for your captor, but Alouette does.

"And I'm sorry you and your partners had to be a part of this." she adds in return to Mineva. Leina doesn't deserve to be a Vessel for the stagnation of the Earth Sphere, nor should Banagher and Mineva be forced to bear the generational curses they do.

And her final plea: to not give up. "I know. Someone stubborn like me can't, no matter how scared I get. ...Thanks, Audrey." She switches to the pseudonym, instead of calling her Princess.

After she leaves, then Alouette beckons to the guards. "Now that our cute little presentation is over, I'd like to be escorted back to my cell. Just CalorieMarks when it comes to meal-time, please." When she too, exits, though, she doesn't keep her eyes off Aumerei or Treasure Chest.

<Pose Tracker> Aumerei has posed.

Mineva punctuates the conversation in a way that leaves Aumerei few options.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," she answers Mineva. "I"m not in the business of giving answers about 'real' people, you know?"

Waving dismissively, she adds, "That goes for both of you. ... I am a very lonely God when I'm all by myself, though."

No one really wants to be here anymore, though, so... "Anyway -- if that's all the Princess can stomach, sure, let's break for now. And sure! Take Ms. Pommier back to her cell for now? I have some prep to do before I handle her tomorrow." In that same having-fun-with-it-but-not-really tone, she adds, "I hope you get some very deep sleep~"

Looking at her... attendant, though, she seems to slow her roll a bit. "As for Treasure Chest..." Pulling out her phone, she swipes, swipes -- "Huh. Schedule's pretty free until tomorrow. We do have a date with Dr. Murasame then, and I'll have to do some doc review. ... I'm sure we can find something to get up to~"