2023-05-03: Golden Date

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  • Log: 2023-05-03- Golden Date
  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: AEU France - Food Court
  • OOC - IC Date: 0097-05-03
  • Summary: Akane and Rikka sneak in a date during Golden Week.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

It turns out it's actually kind of difficult to get a good drink at a theater if you're picky about carbonation. While Akane isn't as picky as Rikka on this point and will give the occasional fun new Ramune flavor a try, she's pretty thirsty... and honestly starting to reach the hungry stage too, after the two hour mark. On the other hand --

"That was a ton of fun," Akane enthuses. "There's some of that kind of stuff in what I like too, but this was a way more interesting mystery than anything outside of Q... I guess because they have more time to focus on it as a mystery."

She dumps the last pair of individually wrapped taffy candies out of a bag, looking at them thoughtfully. Orange, or strawberry...? "It's so weird that they don't do concessions here..." comes an idle comment as they make it out of the theater. "Not that I mind bringing in outside food. Hmm -- take your pick~"

She holds out both of them to Rikka, saying, "We should probably get some actual food, though... but I really wanna know what you thought of that!" This is a genre where Rikka has the background and Akane's the neophyte, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

It is difficult... but, that's something Rikka's gotten used to. It's a point she isn't willing to compromise on, so she accepts the consequences as they come. And that means... going to the movies without a drink. But that's fine!

"It was." Rikka agrees. She's pleased - both because she enjoyed the movie, and because Akane enjoyed it, too. She had a bit of that usual uncertainy where she was unsure if she was going to have as good a time as she did, but in the end, it looks like she did. She listens with interest as Akane compares it to what she knows, nodding along. She does raise a good point, too.

"Yeah, that is weird..." Rikka considers. She knows they tend to make a lot of money off of those. Still! It's good Akane came prepared.

"You're a lifesaver." Rikka says with a wink, and then considers for a moment before reaching in and taking out the strawberry, working on unwrapping it as she puts her thoughts together.

"Oh yeah, I'm starving... That sounds great." Rikka agrees. "I thought it was really good, though. It kind of leaned a little hard on some of the usual tropes, but at this point you kind of have to, a bit, so I can't really blame them..."

She 'hm's to herself.

"I figured out what was going on partway through, but, that's actually kind of a point in its favor. I don't like when they throw in a surprise just to surprise you." She says. "I found the leads a lot more charming than I thought I would, too. The whole cast was pretty well-rounded, honestly... even if some of them really sucked as people. I guess that's what made the whole thing feel a lot more believable, though..."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane takes the orange for herself, unwrapping it while Rikka talks. "Oh yeah -- like... movies kinda have to play it safe. You can be as weird as you want when you have a time slot in the dead of night, or when you're just broadcasting online, but I guess it's different when you're not ad-supported."

And out they go into the rest of the mall! Akane's been here a couple of times before -- she's tried to take advantage of the free movement and good rail system of the AEU, bit by bit. Paris is nice -- and since it has a 3G branch, it's become kind of a regular trip for her...

"Huh... you know, I wasn't even thinking about that? But when you say that..." Akane pauses, popping the candy into her mouth and looking thoughtful. "I guess you'd kind of have to have a messy cast with a mystery... otherwise it wouldn't be much of a mystery."

Scooting a little closer to Rikka after they pass a trash can, she tosses her trash out with her right hand and reaches for Rikka's with her left. "Feeling anything in particular today? I'm pretty open on food..."

They can't just talk practicals, though. "Oh, uh -- how's school been going? Here it's been kinda wild. Keeping up in French is really demanding for me, especially juggling 3G stuff... sometimes I'm like, 'this is SERIOUSLY my limit.'"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Walking and talking means Rikka struggles with the wrapping just a little, but manages it in the end, slipping the taffy into her mouth.

"Yeah, definitely. I want to see more from them, so I can't really blame them for doing what they need to do to make money..." She considers.

They emerge from the theater into the rest of the mall. It's kind of nice... it's a little different from the malls she's used to, and that's not a bad thing.

She nods, as Akane considers what she said.

"Yeah, it really helps bring the whole feel together. People are going to act in ways that don't entirely make sense, after all..." Rikka agrees. She discards her trash when Akane does. When Akane reaches for her hand, Rikka gratefully accepts it with a smile.

"Hm... Nothing in particular, but since I'm here, it'd be nice to try something local..." Rikka considers. It might mean stepping a little outside of her comfort zone, but sometimes that's just the risk you have to take...

Akane asks about school too, though! Rikka 'hm's to herself.

"It's been going alright, I guess. It hasn't been difficult or anything, kind of the opposite, honestly, just... tiring?" Rikka replies consideringly. "I've been making myself go, though."

At Akane's own experiences, though, Rikka grimaces sympathetically.

"Oh, yeah, that would be difficult..." She replies. She really has a ton in her plate... In response, Rikka gives Akane a gentle squeeze of the hand, offering her another smile. "I know you can do it, though."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Yeah, that checks. Third year kinda snuck up on us, huh..." Even as she was fighting so hard to have everything stay the same, things changed; in some ways, it does make her appreciate each successive thing a little more, though. Each step has been different, and maybe even the bad ones have some things to recommend them...

... and what's going on right now is pretty nice, too. She turns pink as her hand's squeezed, and affirms, "Yeah. ... I guess it's better for me to be biting off more than I can chew like this than some of the other ways..." Rubbing at the back of her head, she laughs; it descends into awkward-nervous laughter before long, but --

Food!! "Hmmm... I know there's a cafeteria-style place I've never seen in Japan here," Akane offers, starting to head in that direction. "You do have to do some ordering, but I can handle that. Do you want the chicken, fish, or the grill menu? And... do you want dessert, or was the candy enough?"

Thinking about it a little longer, though... "Not difficult and kinda tiring? I guess that makes sense. ... Are your friends bugging you for the notes again?" Giggling, she says, "I guess you are pretty dependable." That draws her thoughts forward, though, and --

"... Do you know what you're planning for after graduation?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It really did..." Rikka agrees with a nod and a small laugh. Somehow, before she knew it, here they are... Her smile goes just a bit wider as she spots the pink on Akane's cheeks.

"Yeah..." She agrees. Akane laughs, descending into awkward-nervous, but food soon changes the subject.

"Oh, that sounds nice." Rikka considers. "It'd be nice to see how they do their fish, but the chicken might be worth checking out, too..."

As for dessert, she dwells on that for a second.

"...Maybe something small to split?" She considers.

As for her own schooling, though, Rikka laughs.

"You know it." She confirms, and grins just a little with a hint of a blush when she says she's dependable.

Akane has an important question, though. What is she planning for after graduation? Rikka thinks on it for a moment.

"I don't have any specific plans in mind..." Rikka starts consideringly. "I think... I really want to keep doing what I've been doing, though. Rescue work, you know - helping people out. It's something I'm good at and I like doing. Namiko's all for it, too. I just need to think about how to... broaden my reach."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"I've had the grill stuff and it's really good, but it's also kinda heavy... after all that candy I think I'm going to go for the chicken," Akane concludes. "And, hmmm... okay. The best bet for splitting something here is probably the milkshakes..." That's a little heavy too, but not nearly as bad.

It's not a very busy day; it's a Japanese holiday but not a French one, so they're up the queue in a few short moments. Akane locks in the chicken for herself; she offers to translate for Rikka -- but the staff do speak Japanese, it turns out.

Akane looks at the veggies for a little while, deciding on a pretty well-mixed plate, if a touch heavy on the spinach. When the time comes, she orders a medium milkshake from the dessert cart -- and two straws. It's not too long before they get settled -- and can get back to the conversation.

"... you're incredible," is the first thing out of Akane's mouth. "That's kinda scary, though... it's really a lot to be willing to throw yourself into danger like that." Unease creeps in for a second, as Akane looks down at her food rather than at Rikka. "Jeez, sometimes I can't even keep up with desk work -- it's like, the exact wrong kind of nothing, then intense, then nothing again, you know?"

Sipping at the milkshake after her first bite of chicken, Akane finally gets her eyes up again. "Want me to keep an eye out for stuff like that? I dunno if I'll find anything exactly like that, but... I still think it's kinda cool. Maybe we'll end up working together!"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Rikka considers, in regards to the grill. "We'll have to come back and try it someday, but I don't think I'm good for something that heavy today. ...A milkshake sounds really good, though, let's do that."

Rikka, of course, can always make an exception for sweets.

In the end, Rikka goes with the fish. If she really gets curious about what the chicken is like, they can always swap some... She does, of course, get plenty of veggies too, and before long they're both seated at the table.

"You think so?" Rikka replies, when Akane says she's incredible. It's scary though... Rikka nods in understanding. "...Yeah, I know. It's pretty dangerous work, but... I think it's worth doing."

She offers Akane a small smile, even as she looks away from her.

"I know. Desk work has its own set of problems... It isn't exactly easy, either." She agrees. The mental toll it takes on them must be excruciating.

Akane does eventually bring her attention back up, and Rikka smiles at the offer.

"That'd be great, actually. I'd really appreciate that." She replies, and then chuckles. Working together... "...That'd be pretty nice. Maybe!"

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

It takes Akane a little time to fully work herself back up to a comfortable conversational stance; she's ruminating a bit on the future, and about what that future looks like for both of them... both together, and as individuals. It's -- a lot, to imagine Rikka somewhere risky. Sure, she's seen her fight Akane's own kaiju, but...

... things born of that heart wouldn't want to hurt Rikka. The rest of the world -- that's a separate matter.

... on the other hand, it's hard to get too deep in your own head when you're on a date with your girlfriend. She spears a little chicken, though she does seem to be eyeing Rikka's fish. "It's actually really tense, like... the desk side of Mobile Corps really has the pilot's life in their hands. Intelligence and Research seem like they're more consistent kinda deals, but Mobile Corps always has to be on." Another awkward rub at the back of her head. "Really the whole thing is more stressful than actually piloting is if it's all the way on... though, uh, I guess I'm not failing at it, either."

The idea of working with Rikka, though... that part is exciting. If nothing else, it's a fun fantasy about a possible future. "... I'm glad things are getting better. And I'm really looking forward to our trip, too... we're definitely still on for that, right?"

... okay, maybe she's a little insecure, still.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka spots that look, as Akane's eyes stray toward her fish. With a knowing smile, Rikka stabs some onto a fork... and then, holds it out toward Akane.

"Yeah. It's a pretty big responsibility, and it takes a lot of trust between you and who you're working with, I bet." Rikka replies consideringly with another sympathetic grimace. As for it being more stressful than actually piloting... "As a pilot... I don't doubt it one bit. I really don't envy your position."

She does smile, though.

"I'm proud of you!" She says.

The conversation turns toward the near feature, though, and Rikka nods eagerly.

"I'm glad too, and... definitely! I've already made all the arrangements I need to. I'm really looking forward to it, too." Rikka replies, and then laughs a bit sheepishly. "Mama's given me a ton of safety lectures already..."

Mysteriously, Orie Takarada knows a lot about spotting and dealing with thieves, scam artists, and other things like that.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Okay, that's making it really hard to ruminate!

Akane rears back slightly, then cranes her neck forward and strikes! With an ear-splitting* 'homf' noise, she devours her prey, grinning as she starts chewing. "Oh man that's better than I expected from a cafeteria-style restaurant," she concludes, once she's done. "Definitely getting that next time."

"Ahahaha... I mean, you're kinda both ways, aren't you? Since that thing also has Junk and everything, like... whoo, that's gotta be a lot. But at the same time, when something goes crazy, you can actually do something... sometimes all you can do at the Mobile Corps desk is sit there and clench your butt, ahaha..." ... then again, she realizes -- that's probably what Rikka would have been doing during those first few battles after Gridman showed up, too...

... she takes another sip of milkshake, closing her eyes and clearing her mind a bit. Focus on the future, not the past, she tells herself. "I've got just about everything squared away, too..." Something chirps inside her bag, though, and --

Akane fumbles in there for a few moments, getting out a blister pack of medication and popping the appropriate blister. "... wait," she realizes. "I should get my meds refilled before then, too. I totally forgot!" She takes a drink of milkshake again -- this time to take two pills with. After her next bite of chicken, she puts another under her tongue...

... and then realizes while she waits a minute or so for that to dissolve, that she has a prime opportunity to offer Rikka a piece of her chicken in exchange.

* the 'homf' noise is not at all ear-splitting and honestly kind of cute, if a little overacted

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane strikes!! Rikka beams, pleased, as she seems to enjoy it.

"Yeah, I was pretty impressed. They do it differently than I'm used to, but that was what I was looking for so that's a positive." Rikka agrees with a nod, taking a sip of milkshake - and nods again, as Akane continues.

"Yeah, but - yeah." She agrees. "I'm still there in the field, and I have a lot of different ways I can help and intervene... It's different when you're sitting at a monitor and just hoping the worst doesn't happen."

It's true - it's a feeling Rikka knows well, and is in part what drove her to find her own way to contribute in the field, alongside words from Samurai Calibur.

The future, though. Rikka nods.

"Great! I'm really excited... I-" She starts - and loses her train of thought as something chirps inside Akane's bag. A timer, which prompts a realisation from Akane.

"Oh, yeah, good call... Want me to send you a reminder tomorrow?" Rikka offers. While Akane awaits, Rikka is glad to act on the opportunity provided to her. She leans forward, snagging the chicken off Akane's fork. She chews thoughtfully, her expression gradually brightening. "...The chicken is really good here, too."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Mmhmm. It's not like Japanese food at all -- I'm really happy for the chance to give it a shot, haha..." Akane, now having tried all three main proteins here, considers thoughtfully. "... I think the beef is the best but honestly with how much I saw people talking it up online, the gap's not that big?" She wobbles a hand, concluding, "I think the fish is a higher tier than the chicken, but it's kinda nice to have a few options..."

Rikka offers a reminder, and Akane nods. "That'd be great, actually. ... I'm still only kinda half-used to needing this stuff again. It was kinda nice not to for a while..." She glances off, reaching up to her dark hair and holding a few locks between her fingers. "I guess you can't live like that forever, though."

Looking down at the milkshake, Akane finds herself momentarily gripped by the urge toward mischief -- and rotates it so the straws face the other way before deliberately, playfully taking another sip, looking right up toward Rikka with those big, dark eyes.

"Oh, uh -- were you saying something before my phone went off?" Akane asks, after swallowing. It'd make her feel a little bad to cut Rikka off, even if it really isn't her fault.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Yeah, it's been nice to try it. This was a really good idea." Rikka agrees, and then considers as Akane puts the food offerings in order. "I'll have to try the beef next time... though, I'm not big on beef, so the fish will probably still be it for me. I definitely agree there. ...But yeah, it is."

Akane accepts her offer, and Rikka smiles.

"Great. I'll check up on you, then." She replies, and then nods. "...Yeah. You really can't."

A look of mischief crosses Akane's face and Rikka is curious at first... and, once she rotates the straws, it clicks in her head. Akane goes for a sip - and then Rikka does too at the same time, sipping from her straw and staring right into Akane's eyes.

...They... really are beautiful. Staring into them she forgets everything else for a moment, and consequently...

"Ah... I forgot." Rikka admits, a bit sheepishly, once she's finished. "But... this'll be my first big trip like this. I've been to places like to visit you here, or go to concerts... but I haven't really done a long, multi-day roadtrip. ...I'm kind of glad it'll be with you."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Oh, yeah, huh," Akane reflects, when Rikka points out that's probably not going to top her list. "It's definitely the highest-quality of the three? I'll order it next time and you can try some that way." She goes for that sip --

Oh, Rikka's... the way her eyes catch the light is so pretty -- and that hair is so nice, too. It's so silky, and that sheen is unmistakable... god, she just wants to wind a hand in it while she's holding the other one and...

... right, conversation... "Yeah, it'll be mine too. I mean -- I've gone on long train trips, but not something like this. I've never really had time to... ahaha..."

Now blushing furiously, she adds, voice pitching up just a little squeakier, "your hair looks so good today," managing the bravery of a compliment.

"After we finish here, wanna head back home?" she asks, taking another bite of chicken. She must have been hungry -- she's really plowing through it. "It's almost warm enough that the pool sounds kinda fun, at this point..."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"That'd be great, I think." Rikka replies with a nod. It seems like they'd both win, that way...

Akane says that it'll be her first load roadtrip, too. Long train trips... that isn't much of a surprise, but...

"...Yeah." Rikka says with a nod as she trails off. ...And then Akane blushes furiously, squeaking just a bit as she manages a compliment. Her effort is rewarded with a bright, pleased smile from Rikka.

"Thank you! I'm glad you like it." Rikka replies. ...Knowing she was going on a date today, she might have taken extra care, even beyond her usual, to make sure it looked nice. That birthday gift from Gridman and Marusan has really served her well. "Yours looks great, too... I love what you've done with it."

With that, Rikka nods.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me." She confirms with a nod... and then, it's her turn for some mischief, as she offers Akane a wink. "I remembered my swimsuit this time."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane looks like she's about to burst when she's told that her hair is nice. "I'm -- still deciding what I wanna do with it long term. Getting rid of all the breakage from not taking care of it is one thing, but I'm not sure I wanna keep it this length forever," she concedes -- but something seems to click, and she also allows, "... but thanks. I'm glad it looks nice now, either way."

Rikka mentions she brought her swimsuit this time, and Akane actually has to stop finishing her vegetables, bring both of her hands up, and cover her face at the wink. "I'm -- that's perfect," she stammers out. How does Rikka keep knowing how to call all of her bluffs...

... maybe this is 'knowing everything you are,' too...

It doesn't take her too much longer to finish up and bus her tray, at which point, well... it's time to head out, after another date. It still doesn't feel real how well things keep going, but... she really is grateful for the chance.