Command Glossary Entry
(Brackets show aliases for the commands)
+flash <#> - Like Deploy for Flashpoint. (+f, +fl)
+flashstats - Displays stats. (+fs, +fstat, +fstats)
+flash/create <#> - Creates a party for Flashpoint. (+f/c, +flash/party)
+flash/start - Starts Flashpoint. (+f/st, +flash/go)
+flash/join <partyname> - Where <X is the name of the leader of the party you want to join. (+f/j)
+challenge or +challenge <player> - Where <X> is the name of the player whose current challenge you'd like to see! Defaults to your own if you're in a flashpoint. (+c)
+flash/draw - Draws a card. (+f/d, +f/c, +flash/card)
+flash/act <stat> <stat> - Selects an action based on the two stats. Must include the mandatory stat. (+f/a, +flash/use)
+flash/finish - Finishes a Flashpoint round. (+f/f, +flash/end)
+flash/leave - Leaves a party and the Flashpoint system. (+f/l, +flash/quit)
+flash/status or +flash/status <person> - Shows current status for the Flashpoint you're in, or that of a person you want to see! (+f/su)
+flash/charge <#> - Spends ID Charges. (+f/ch, +flash/spend)