2022-07-14: The Plan Commences

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  • Log: 2022-07-14: The Plan Commences
  • Cast: Hayato Jin
  • Where: Hayato Jin's Hospital Room
  • Date: U.C. 0096 07 14
  • Summary: Hayato Jin is contacted by an angry Minister of Defense. He weasels his way out of punishment, and sets up the next stage of his plan.

Hayato Jin was, at this exact point in time, eating a cup of pudding in a hospital bed. Internal bleeding luckily didn't prevent him from food, so he took relish in it.

One of his bodyguards-slash-assistants came in as he took a bite, causing him to glance over. They were wheeling in a screen.

"Captain Jin, the Minister of Defense demands your attention."
"I decline."
"You can't, sir."

Knowing he wouldn't talk unless the screen was turned on against his will, the monitor was activated, showing a stuffy office with an equally stuffy politician. Hayato Jin did not put down his pudding.

"Hayato Jin. You mad bastard. Do you know what you've done?' The Minister of Defense spoke.

"I'm a quarter the way through a cup of vanilla pudding." Hayato responded, plainly.

"Don't talk that way. You've violated international weapons treaties, brought international eye to NISAR from the Federation at-large, and honestly, you're an asshole. Explain why I shouldn't have you dragged out in cuffs?"

"Because, frankly, I'm bleeding internally."

A pause between them. Hayato finally put down his pudding.

"Those are grave accusations, Minister." Hayato said with utmost confidence, tapping a hand against the bedframe.

"Are you denying the appearance of Getter Robo?!" The Minister of Defense basically spat.

"I am not. Neo Getter Robo is real. It also has not violated a single treaty. After all...Getter Robo isn't illegal."

"Getter rays are."

The minister paused. He blinked several times. "What?"

Hayato sat up, finally, and stared in a rictus grin. "Neo Getter Robo has zero traces of Getter Rays in the design. No one said it sparked green, no one saw a single Getter Beam."

"That's because it's powered by plasma, as per NISAR's research. Which, as far as I'm aware, is perfectly legal."

The Minister of Defense took a moment to take a drink of a bottle of water. His hands were shaking slightly, from anger, but in the end, he calmed himself.

"If this is truly the case, you'll need to give a conference. The hounds won't rest on us until they know the truth."

"I decline." Hayato responded, plainly, and picked back up his pudding.

"You can't decline, Jin! Your *life* is at stake here!"

Hayato laughed, grimly. "Since when did I ever care about my life?"

The Minister was visibly angry, but, he knew Hayato Jin wasn't lying. Hayato Jin wasn't known to lie.

"Think about NISAR. Your work, your project, your budget. You may have been a hero, Jin, but Musashi Tomoe wiped away most of your goodwill. You can regain it. Just give a conference, explain the facts, and leave your attitude at the door."

Hayato's brain started ticking. NISAR *was* important. His project was important. Without Getter, the world was doomed.


The Minister was about to calm, when Hayato reached for the monitor remote.

"We'll arrange to have it in Pendragon." He grinned as he pressed the button.


Hayato stretched his arms, grabbed his spoon, and finished his pudding.

Everything was going according to plan.