Caruleum Vaull

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King Caruleum Vaull
IC Information
Full Name: Caruleum Vaull
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Alien Coordinator
Age (Birthdate): Young Adult
Hair Colour: Pale Blue or Purple
Job: King of the Earth
Awakening: 2
Primary Unit: Gravalin
BGM: SRW30 OST - The New King
OOC Information
Origin: Banpresto Originals
Factions: Quaestors
Player: Ray

Caruleum Vaull is the Quaestor's duly appointed King of the Earth. Curious and talkative, he nevertheless seems to have expectations of deference from the people he sees fit to speak to. The topics of his conversations are nearly always ethics and philosophy, but he expresses an enjoyment of battle, and a tendency to become attached to those he finds interesting. His first known appearance was in UC 0091 in the immediate aftermath of New Yark's destruction, and survivors of the second Neo Zeon claim that an alien calling himself King of Earth spoke to Char Aznable before his final battle. Since then, his scouting machines have appeared with increasing frequency at the sites of military conflict, but they rarely respond to hailing and usually disappear abruptly if subjected to too much scrutiny. So far they haven't become hostile, but their ability to appear anytime and anywhere is a notable concern that would be receiving more attention if Earth's hands weren't full with every other ongoing problem.


  • 0091: First appearance of the Quaestor Orcusula on Earth, during the immediate aftermath of New Yark's destruction-by-Getter.
  • 0093: A horned alien claiming to be the King of Earth supposedly spoke to Char Aznable shortly prior to Axis Shock.
  • This has tipped the scales to the left.
  • January, 0096: The same horned alien appears on the Dreisstrager following a major dimensional disturbance swapping the contents of its hangars, and several smaller objects throughout the ship. He poses a question to the Captain and crew.
  • This has tipped the scales to the right.
  • February, 0096: Once again appears after a dimensional disturbance, following Mayvy Hawkins during an investigative outing. Caruleum introduces himself for the first time to Mitsuba Greyvalley, explaining his affiliation unhelpfully before disappearing again.
  • June, 0096: Caruleum Vaull finally brings to bear the other half of the experiment he promised to the Dreisstrager, engaging them in the Pacific Ocean with a deployment of Orcusula scout units. The engagement proves surprisingly troublesome for the Dreisstrager, which overcomes the problem with a converging deployment of the carrier's main cannon and several heavy weapons deployed simultaneously by its escort.



  • Az Sainklaus: "Scrappy. Entertainingly defiant, and concealing something quite interesting. I'd like to get to know her."
  • Edge Sainklaus: "Not at all at ease with who he has become or where he is. Likewise, concealing matters of interest. I'd like to get to know him."
  • Em Gelfand: "A pretender to deference-- and dangerous, accordingly. But positioned where they are..."
  • Lune Zoldak: "The Quaestors are not divine. But I would hardly be a gracious King to hold this misunderstanding against you."
  • Mayvy Hawkins: "Defiant in a manner not dis-similar to the blue-haired young woman. We'll have to see where that goes, but I think..."
  • Mitsuba Greyvalley: "You never answered my question. Were you talking about the Dreisstrager, or yourself?"
  • Setsuko Ohara: "You have interesting times ahead of you. I think that you may be doomed."
