2022-06-11: Exit Interview

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  • Cutscene: Exit Interview
  • Cast: Sophia Mayhew Castellan and several co-conspirators.
  • Where: ????
  • Date: 2022-06-11 (0096)
  • Summary: Sophia interviews a research applicant regarding some concerning job history.

Doctor Haskell Visser had to pinch his nose to stem off a tide of impatience. From the very beating heart of the Titan-funded human enhancement programs to the hell he was rotting in now, a lab in the middle of nowhere with a few rows of monkeys in cages. Pathetic. Baboons were not on the cusp of evolution! Idiocy! But with the cowardice of this new Federation, the best he could have.

For now. All he had to do was please the woman in front of him. The G-Hound representative who would decide the fate of his application. She'd taken him away - blindfolded, in a laughable farce of 'security' - to some G-Hound compound, there to interview him for his final assessment before he spoke directly to the School.

Life had been good under the Titans. The Federation had gotten cowardly since then, afraid of the far edge of potential, and these G-Hound milksops, so focused on ensuring /procedures/ were followed and APPROVALS achieved...Still, it wouldn't do to attract their ire. Just a little bit more, and he'd have the attention, the PROTECTION, of Setme and her School. Just a few--

"There is one last thing I wanted to discuss," the interviewer, a woman with fire-red hair, asked him. Fairly highly ranked, he had noted, seeing the marks of her rank. She didn't look like she should be driving anything with an engine bigger than a coffee maker, he thought.

She pushed a dossier across the table.

"What do you know of Project NTP-712?" she asked him.

His blood turned to ice just seeing the form. He hadn't seen one of these since Augusta closed. "This document," he struggled to croak out.

Speaking of procedures.

"It was...destroyed! I did the deed myself! How!?" He rose to his feet, before the two guards she'd walked in with stepped forward and shoved him back into his seat.

She looked him in the eyes, and one of hers began to glow. An emblem of a bird shining in her retina.

"The devil told me," she said.

He noticed only now that she had locked the door. His throat worked as his stunned brain tried desperately to respond.

"Now, Doctor," the woman said, calmly tugging the cuffs of her white gloves tight. "I'll have you tell me a few things about your former coworkers."

Sophia stepped out of the interview room. She idly examined her gloves for marks.

"Not a mark. Spotless as usual, Captain," Desmond quipped from behind her, a tall blond man with the kind of placid calm that managed to transmit incurable smugness.

"You'll have a different opinion if you don't wait for Amata to finish in there," Sophia said, and then walked away down the hallways.

He laughed, a wry chuckle. "Ah, will he not be making his appointment with Dr. Koch's assistant?"

The door closed and locked behind them.

"He will not," Sophia said firmly.

They walked in silence for several long moments, passing down windowless halls. These disused old buildings were becoming familiar company.

"Did he have anything useful to say?" he dared to ask.

She pushed the elevator button. The doors opened.

Red light from her eye gleamed back in her reflection in the elevator backing.

"Names," she said.