2025-03-06: Call to Arms

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  • Log: 2025-03-06: Call to Arms
  • Cast: Jeffery Wilder, Monica Lang
  • Where: Macross Quarter - Bridge
  • Date: U.C. 00100 03 06
  • Summary: SMS finds its flagship impounded and they are faced with a choice.

'We will gather what Vajra we can and use them to fold the entire Frontier Fleet to the Vajra homeworld.'

The transmission of the Frontier President's speech plays on a screen on the bridge of the Macross Quarter, which is currently in its dock inside the fleet's Island One. Captain Wilder sits in his chair, watching while taking puffs from a cigar. Standing beside him is the Quarter's chief operator, Monica Lang. She frowns a little at the way the conference has proceeded, "It sounds like he hasn't told us everything." A part of her is worried about Catherine Glass after getting to know her while working together. And it had seemed like she cared more than Catherine's own fiance.

Wilder lets out another cloud of cigar smoke before saying, "It's not over yet..."

'-the Frontier government will be exercising wartime powers to integrate several commercial entities in the private sector into the Frontier Defense Fleet.'

"There it is." Wilder puts the cigar out and reaches up to pull his cap down a little.

At that moment, an alert sounds from one of the bridge consoles. Monica walks over to it, typing in a few commands and then gasping, "Captain! The docking anchors to Island One have been locked down! We've lost all access. They've also cut our comm lines into the fleet." There's another set of beeping and Monica walks over to the next console. She brings up a communication message, "... SMS is being absorbed along with the whole fleet branch of Nergal!?"

Wilder grunts in confirmation, saying, "The new President works quickly."

Monica looks over at him, "You knew this would happen?"

Wilder shrugs, "Suspected. The higher ups in the branch have been scheming far less than usual. And there have been a number of resignations amongst them. I think they saw what was coming and bailed."

Monica walks back over to the Captain's side, "What about the Nergal main branch? Surely they wont let this stand..."

Wilder hmphs, "If they were going to stop this, they would have done so before it got this far. No, it seems the main branch would see that as too troublesome so are just going to sit by and watch."

Monica hugs the tablet in her hands to her chest, "Then... We're alone..."

Wilder stands up from his chair slowly, saying, "Not quite." He turns to face Monica, "We have each other."

Monica blinks in surprise, looking up at Wilder, "Captain?"

Wilder goes on to explain further, "Everyone in SMS. They've fought alongside us for years. They won't just take this lying down. Plus we have allies out there who we can turn to, some we know well, others we've yet to meet. This is not the end."

Monica is a little disappointed at first by the explanation, as she had been hoping for something else. But she quickly shakes those thoughts from her head, stupid as they are, and turns her focus to serious matters, "Yes, of course. You're right. So, what do we do now, Captain?"

Wilder raises a large hand to strike his beard, he then asks, "The emergency personnel recall system... It's still an isolated system, yes?"

Monica nods along, "Yes, we wanted to be able to send out the recall in cases-" Then it dawns on her, "-in cases where the main comms were down!" She brings up the tablet in her hand and starts tapping commands into it. She then nods, "Yes, we still have access!"

Wilder nods, "Good. Then send this message..."


A message goes out to members of SMS across the Earth Sphere, transmitted via the emergency recall system that had been set up. But unlike the standard recall message, this one is a little different:

To all SMS personnel in the Earth Sphere. Whether you are aboard the Quarter, the Frontier Fleet, one of our transports or flying solo, the time has come for you to make a decision.

As many of you will have heard from the President's press conference, the Frontier Government is choosing to abuse their authority to take control of several companies connected with the Frontier Fleet. SMS is one of those companies and they have already set their sights on us. The Macross Quarter has been impounded. In time they will do the same to all of your equipment, giving you an option:

Join the Frontier Defense Fleet, or end your contracts and walk away, leaving everything behind.

Well, I am not going to choose either. Instead, I will pursue a third option. One which opposes the new President and this totalitarian behaviour. By using the war with the Vajra as an excuse, President Mishima is attempting to seize control of the entirety of the Frontier Fleet and the power it represents. I chose the path of a mercenary because I was no longer interested in the idea of following orders from men like him.

However, not everyone joined SMS with the same motives. As such I would not criticise any of you if you take the other options presented to you. We are all masters of our own fate, it is up to each one of you to choose your own path through life.

Whatever decision you choose to make, it has been an honour fighting alongside you all. And I wish you good fortune in your future.

Captain Jeffrey Wilder


"The message has been sent, Captain." Monica looks up from her tablet, "Do you think many will choose to leave?"

Wilder hums thoughtfully, "I can think of some that will walk away. And perhaps at least one that will agree to joining the FDF. But I'm confident there are many who will follow us. Thus we must prepare. And the first step is to free ourselves our poor vessel of its captivity."

Monica glances around at the various consoles on the bridge of the Macross Quarter, "I'm not sure how we'll be able to do that... They have clearly prepared for this day."

A smile forms on Wilder's face as he says, "We'll have to attack their systems to force us to let them go. And I know just the person. Someone who can also introduce us to some of those allies I mentioned."

Monica tilts her head for a moment, before a smile also appears on her own face as she catches on, "Right. I'll see about getting a message out to her."

Monica turns around, starting to head off the bridge. But then the bridge doors open ahead of her and she gasps at the sight of what's behind them.