2025-01-02: A Family of Our Own

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  • Cast: Lina Lombardi, Shozo
  • Where: Tokyo
  • Date: U.C. 00100 01 02
  • Summary: Lina prepares for her father's funeral, both in luggage and in mind.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

         Of all the ways Lina Lombardi had imagined coming into the centennial, she had never expected it to start out like this. It had been a few weeks since the notice from the Provincial Court had come about their intent to declare her father legally dead, but right after that, they had gone into recess until after the holiday, which had given her just enough time to pretend things were normal for just a bit longer.

         She had already put in her leave with 3G and had her flight to Italy planned for the next week, and now she was beginning to pack. She didn't know exactly how long she would be out between the courts and the funeral. Dio santo, the funeral. As she dug through her closet, she wondered if she still had her nice black suit, the one she didn't wear during her club performances. And then, tucked in the back, she sees it.

         His jacket.

         "I suppose I'll have to take this... It's only right he have it..."

         She pulled it off the hanger for the first time in what felt like forever, gripping at the sleeves and feeling the leather under her fingertips. The jacket that he had worn for so long, and her in his stead.

         She grunts and tosses it onto the bed, taking a second to go down to her kitchen and get a glass of water. "You should have been ready for this, Lombardi..."

<Pose Tracker> Shozo has posed.

There was a sound from the kitchen before Lina enters, and the person standing there, looking into the fridge, offered a wave without looking.

"Sorry I dropped in again, I'm just in the area," Shozo says airily, standing up and stretching. They've gotten taller than her since she took them in, and though they hadn't regained the sparkly eyes of their youth, there was a note of wisdom in them that had taken up residence - though Shozo wouldn't tell Lina where it had come from. They were much more private than they had been when Lina had effectively adopted them, blowing off personal questions and therapy alike with the same casual smile. They'd picked it up from Kaworu, probably.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

         Lina barely has time to get on guard before sighing in relief. Speaking of things that felt like forever... She comes up behind them and pulls them into a hug. They may be taller than her now, but she can squeeze just as hard. "Shozo, you know my door is always open, little 'monello'. Just knock next time."

         She pulls back and pats their shoulders looking them up and down. Her own eyes had been a bit duller than usual lately, with some light circles under them from restless sleep. "I'm still not used to you being so tall. Sorry the fridge isn't very full, I've been shopping light in preparation for my trip."

<Pose Tracker> Shozo has posed.

Shozo shrugs and leans into the hug, smiling with an exhaustion that someone should probably talk to them about.

"It's fine, I left snacks here last time I was by."

They pull out a 6-pack of AA batteries and pop one into their mouth, chewing it and swallowing. "...Don't worry, i only eat this at home. Don't want to freak out the locals. Do you want me to shrink a bit?" They lean their head back, resting the back of their head on Lina's shoulder.

"...I wonder what happened to him. I'm hoping it's not..."

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

         "It's okay." She doesn't even bat an eye at them popping batteries. When you spend a lot of time around Brave Robos, you get used to things like this.

         Lina lets out another sigh, already aware of what Shozo might be saying. "I lost five years of my life wondering what had happened. Tossed a perfectly good career aside to drift on the wind in Moralia. I've... come to terms with it now. Mostly. And despite 'his' best efforts..."

         That day on the train had never left her mind, not in years.

         "Whatever happened doesn't matter anymore. We will celebrate his life, mourn his absence, and put him to rest next to Mama."

<Pose Tracker> Shozo has posed.

Shozo nods, exhaling slowly and popping another battery into their mouth, a slight sparking sound emitting from their careful chews.

"I'm glad you're doing it, as bleak as that sounds. You deserve closure." They turn around to give Lina a proper hug, but stops mid-squeeze and just... stares, at the black hat hanging on the hat rack.

"...Please tell me you own that for some reason."

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

         Lina's face hardens as she notices the hat. No, this time she refuses. Muttering curses in Italian, she goes over to the rack, grabbing the hat and stuffing it in the trash.

         "[God and the saints damn you!]" She grunts as she pushes it down with her boot, squeezing her eyes shut as they begin to sting. "You lost! Deal with it!"

         She stumbles as she tries to pull her foot out of the trash, her back hitting the wall as she lets herself slide down to the floor.

<Pose Tracker> Shozo has posed.

Shozo sits down next to Lina as she reaches the floor, and hugs her tightly.

"...It's not recent. If he had a hand in it, it was a long time ago. He's not here, and he can't hurt you." They stroke her head, trying to comfort their adoptive family.

"I'd know if he was acting in this universe again, and I haven't felt him. I've even been... looking, in the last few weeks. Nothing."

Unsaid is *why* they've been looking.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

         Lina lets out a shuddered breath, releasing the tension as a tear slowly falls down her cheek. "I think he would have liked you. ...I think he'd have liked 3G as well."

         She wipes her cheek and pushes herself to her feet. "I'm alright. I'll get a lot of crying and drinking done at home, and it'll be okay. Living the Custom and drinking the Custom, then I'll come back and finish the Custom." She lets out a hoarse chuckle at the multiple Lombardi Customs in her life.

<Pose Tracker> Shozo has posed.

"That sort of life is the Lombardi custom, after all," Shozo jokes in response, cracking a weary smile at her and gently kissing her forehead.

"[I swear this as a member of your family. Whatever tricks are being played, I will sort them out, and you will mourn in your own time. I love you, sis. He loves you, wherever he may be and in whatever form he may take.]"

They had picked up Italian in weeks after they first moved in with Lina, and try to speak it with her whenever possible. A commitment to her, as small as it may be. They love Lina. Lina is family they get to choose. Far preferable to the alternative.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

         Lina nods and gives Shozo a smile. A weary one, but a smile nonetheless. "I'll need to bring you along next time I visit. As a member of the family, you should get familiar with the villa and the vineyards. I'll even show you my favorite spot on the hill. You can see all of Pistoia."

         She squeezes their shoulder. "You're also overdue to meet Elsa and Uncle Francisco face-to-face."

<Pose Tracker> Shozo has posed.

"And what face would you have them meet?"

They don't say that. Their face doesn't even belie the thought. Only the smile.

"I'd like that, Lina."

They do their best to ignore the girl only they can see standing in the doorway. They try to whenever possible.