2024-10-07: Reduce To A Slow Simmer

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  • Cutscene: Reduce To A Slow Simmer
  • Cast: Dyma Goldwin, Gilbert Durandal, Sarius Zenelli, Riika Sheder, Eight Orlodhari, Rau Le Creuset
  • Where: The Earthsphere
  • Date: October 7th, 0099
  • Summary: Snapshots of the Media Coverage following the Gaia Sabers attack on Side 2.

A moment shown repeatedly over the news, hero of yesteryear Dyma Goldwin shaking hands with Gilbert Durandal outside of the Supreme Council building in the PLANTs at a news conference. The man looking ever as vigorous and bombastic as when he captured the hearts of humanity decades prior.

"We the people of the PLANTs bear only gratitude in our hearts towards the President of the VTX Union, Dyma Goldwin, for coming to our aid in our darkest hour. For proving that he is ever the hero, for teaching humanity that there is no wisdom in hatred. No justice in annihilation."

A VTX Logo in celebratory decorations abruptly changes to VTX Corporate Philosophy #1: PEOPLE ARE TREASURES!

Dyma Goldwin's teeth sparkle in the close up.


The rhetoric on the Earthside and Ring news has been, more varied than usual albeit in typically the same direction, a sign perhaps that NUNE's media control is somewhat at odds with each other on how to respond to this outcome.

"Restrictions placed upon ZAFT's military forces, that no more than three warships are allowed to be outside of their borders at any given time save in moments of alien invasion... that's three too many if you ask me."

"You can see shots here of the customs at every PLANT port being run by Cathedra's auditors... and look at that efficiency! I daresay that the League could stand to learn something from their diligence."

"Benerit made a mistake! The people of the PLANTs are a hotbed for anti-government sentiment. You can't trust Coordinators, these false feelings of evolutionary superiority are written into their genes!" "So are you saying the Assembly made a mistake as well?" "Absolutely! They capitulated to the bleeding hearts of this world who can't stomach what needs to be done to rid us of this tumor upon humanity!"

"This 'Magallanica Defense Force'. Wasn't the last sighting of Magallanica near Jupiter? Should we expect the involvement of this Jovian Rogue State in all of our affairs?" A visual of Admiral Eight Orlodhari is shown up on screen, "With their leadership's ties to Zeon clearly exposed by the Gaia Sabers and Princess Mineva Lao Zabi among their number, how long shall until we should expect the declaration of war from a new Neo-Zeon..."

"I have to object to the very idea that this was /ever/ a Genocide. The Gaia Sabers have released a statement, informing the public that they were only targeting military installations that had the potential of being kinetic bombardment weapons."

"Shown here is Mazinger Z's fist, rocket punching through a Gaia Sabers vessel, taking the lives of twenty three brave souls... a clear sign of the OCU's involvement, interfering in this civil dispute within NUNE."

"SHRUNKEN TO THE SIZE OF ANTS!" A visual is shown of Goldburn, save that it's magnified to several times normal size, "Is ZAFT engaging in War Crimes by using their science to weaponize Kaiju... AGAIN?" As shots are shown of the Bloody Valentine War, Kaiju attacking in the OAC and another on the Moon. A shot of Riika Sheder is placed on screen, with her fingertips upon her glasses, "We believe it is a certainty that ZAFT is harboring Kaiju Science Criminal and former associate of the maniac Rau Le Creuset, Riika Sheder, despite their assertions to the contrary. NERV has yet to comment on the complaint filed."


Whereas on the PLANTs, the coverage is rather unified after the initial celebration has calmed down.

"We go now live to Sarius Zenelli, CEO of Grassley Defense Systems, who is here to discuss Cathedra's intensive audit of the PLANTs. Sir, some political figures have said that the newly instituted Tariffs are tantamount to extortion. A poll conducted of Side 2 showed that 94% of its citizens are against anything that inhibits their economic freedoms, what say you to this?"

"Cathedra is conducting this audit in order to satisfy the people of Earth who have suffered immensely in recent days. Shall we ask those who have lost everything to pay for the justice they seek?"

"Certainly not, still, I would point out that the group is not footing the bill themselves."

"The group has made no pretenses of being anything but what we are, a business. The people of Side 2 should be more than willing to accept sacrifices for a time, as proof of their sincerity, standing in solidarity with the people of Earth."

"Sir, with all due respect, some are saying this is a shameless power grab from your corporate cabal. For Naturals to exert power over the future of Coordinators-"

"'Some' are saying this?"

"A great majority."

"And what is the 'future' of Coordinators in this instance? If this road of unchecked ambition led to Junius Seven falling to Earth, utilizing technology that changed the face of warfare forever: Tell me... would you desire for a lifeless Earth and an extinct humanity to be the legacy of the Coordinator?"

"Of course not-! Nobody wants that-"

"Then this 'great majority' should accept our audit to ensure that never comes to pass."