2024-09-19: Small Differences

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  • Log: 2024-09-19- Small Differences
  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada, Alouette Pommier
  • Where: Nouvelle Tokyo - Chinese Restaurant "Chojin"
  • OOC - IC Date: 0099-09-19
  • Summary: After getting back to Japan, Akane and Rikka reach out to Alouette, who's got some experience navigating the resources 3G has to offer regarding some of their potential issues. After that, they talk and digest Break The World a little, finding out how Alouette's been handling the aftermath as a Coordinator.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Getting back to Japan has been nice, even if it's meant returning to the one-two of school and work in short order. ... Unfortunately, there's a bit of a cloud hanging over things. It's a said, exposed cloud, though. The fear that something's going on with both Akane and Rikka is real, and not unreasonable -- and more than that, it's addressable.

The question, then, is how to address it. Akane has... it'd be generous to call it an idea, but part of one. The idea of where to get an idea, at any rate.

It's brought Akane to Chojin, a half-decent Chinese restaurant in the heart of Fujiyokidai with hideous puke-yellow signage; it's also brought Rikka and Alouette there!

"So, uh..." Akane rubs at the back of her head. "Just so you know, like... if you're not up for this talk we can just have normal table talk but the two of us really need some help with something, and you kinda might be the expert among people we know. It's kinda heavy, though, so if you're not up for it we don't have to." Akane asides, to the staff, "I'd like the shoronpo and the mapo tofu. Oh, uh -- everyone is on my check today."

She gives Alouette a moment to decide if she's up for something heavy, then asks -- if indeed she's fine with that kind of topic -- "... What 3G resources did you get pointed at for brain injury stuff? There's... I'm kind of worried that I'm off my normal after the thing with Galactron but I don't know how to navigate this stuff." She starts there, rather than volunteering Rikka's half of the equation for her. "Like, I did get a neuro workup after the Garuda and I think maybe I should get another one, but... I guess, is there anything else you'd recommend or anyone you'd recommend we start by talking to? Most of what Intelligence handles on this front is like, acute short-term stuff so I don't actually know. More long-term I kinda think you're the only person I know who would have a really good idea of who can help or what to do."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

It's good to be back home. As much as she's enjoyed her time off, time to relax and mostly try not to worry about everything that's happening again... it's actually been kind of nice to settle herself back into a familiar routine. Still, there are unaswered questions that can't be ignored...

But at least they've got a direction. That's a good start.

And so, here they are. Wherever this conversation might lead, it's a good opportunity to hang out with a friend they haven't seen in a bit.

Akane starts them off and Rikka nods for confirmation, and as she orders -

"Oh, that sounds good... I'll have that, too."

Akane starts, then. Rikka appreciates that she leaves her out of it... because it's important for her to be open about these things, too, instead of putting it all on Akane.

"Mm-hm. And after using HADES, we think it might be a good idea to see... where I'm at." Rikka adds. The HADES-E that the Mu Gundam is equipped with is supposed to be safer than the original system, but that doesn't mean it's completely safe. It's for the best.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

The Break the World Incident has its own stressors for Alouette: the rise in anti-Coordinator sentiment across the Earth Sphere is not unnoticeable, and while it historically hasn't taken up as strongly in the OCU nations compared to the NUNE, it's not non-existent, either. Continuing to just live your life after something like that... it isn't easy.

She didn't go on vacation, or even take any time off from work, but now that Akane and Rikka are back from Dakar, she's happy to meet with them and see how they're handling things... as friends more than anything. And what better way than over half-decent Chinese?

As they take some time to settle in their table, Akane mentions they need some help with a serious topic she might know something about. Alouette gives her a curious look, considering it for a moment. "Well... if it's something really heavy, a place like this isn't exactly the best opsec." Her tone, at least, suggests that's a joke. Akane's the head of an intelligence department, after all, and she trusts her judgement on what to bring up where. "But if it's something I can help with... let's hear it." She decides.

Brain injury stuff... that was a long time ago, so she's almost surprised to hear it. "Well... you know, I was quite young, and I didn't have my memories yet either," She starts, and a light red on her cheeks might suggest some slight embarrassment.

But since it's about a specific worry of Akane's, and possibly Rikka's too, she's not really that upset to talk about it. "Not everyone's situation is the same, but if it helps, Mom said I bounced back fairly quickly... though in the long-term, I do remember going for checkups and brainscans a lot." She explains, twisting her hair around. "The staff wasn't the same back then, but Dr. Sai might be able to point you in the right direction." It's the best she can really offer her.

She blinks, then. "What makes you think you're off your normal? You seem okay to me... but I guess it's not always as it seems on the surface. And there's a lot we don't know about Galactron." She looks down for a moment, eyes on, but not really focused on the menu. "Besides, you did both just have to see something awful."

Her eyes dart back up when Rikka mentions making use of a certain system. "W-wait, you actually used the HADES?" She gets that it's supposed to be safer, but... it's hard to separate it from what turned Rikka into Treasure Chest. Her expression calms then. Because Rikka is still herself. "I understand why you... did what you needed to, but I agree that you should take it seriously and see what Dr. Sai has to say. Okay?" She gives Rikka a reassuring smile, still.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane leans in a little bit as Rikka talks about her own issues. It gets a small smile out of her -- it's good to see Rikka take that step herself. Akane wouldn't force her -- after all, their relationship never got better from forcing each other to do things.

Pushing her hair back a little (it's a fresh cut -- a lot straighter in the back than she used to wear it), she gives a smile to Rikka. "Hrm, checkups and brain scans... that makes sense." Akane had considered that among the possibilities, and while she wasn't the biggest fan of the thorough workup she got after her first 'core of a kaiju' experience... yeah, she probably needs one.

Hinoki's always steered her right, too, so that pitch is an easy one to swallow as well.

When Alouette points out that Akane seems okay, Akane takes a moment to self-assess. "... It's our meeting with Lady Cagalli. I handled it fine at the time, but the amount of stuff I missed going into it kinda weirds me out. I'm usually more meticulous than that!" ... seeing something awful, though... it's true that that problem has some more mundane explanations. Who wouldn't be fried after an experience like that?

Akane lets a little tension out of her shoulders, and lets Alouette address Rikka, too. She listens carefully, thinking about it for a long while. "... Okay. That's a good starting point," she agrees. "Thanks."

... not a lot they can do about it, either, in the moment. So instead...

"... How are you holding up?" she asks of Alouette, settling into her seat a bit.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Alouette's joke gets a small laugh out of Rikka. It... definitely isn't, but sometimes, opsec can skate a little in the face of a meal with friends.

(Only sometimes.)

Akane leans in a little. That smile... Rikka smiles back, just a little - though her eyes track briefly to Akane's hair, noting the new haircut with approval.

They get into it, then. Rikka nods, as Alouette explains that she was young at the time. Alouette looks a little embarrassed, but she's still moving forward with it... Rikka offers her a slight smile, then considers as Alouette makes her suggestion.

"Yeah... That's a good idea, I think." Rikka agrees with a nod and a thoughtful expression as Akane comments on it. The suggestion of asking Hinoki helps, too. Rikka trusts her with a lot, at this point. If anyone could steer her right... it'd be her.

Alouette asks after Akane, then, and Rikka looks between the two of them. She listens as Akane gives her answer, about how there's so much she missed... But Alouette has a good explanation, too.

"...Yeah. I'm not sure anyone's completely on their game right now..." She agrees.

But then the question comes to her, and after a brief moment of hesitation - Rikka nods for confirmation.

"Yes. I thought-" Rikka starts - and stops herself. ...She doesn't need to make excuses for herself. Not with them. "...I approved it myself. I know I shouldn't have."

She nods, then, and smiles back, just slightly.

"...Yeah. I will. I know I can trust her with this." She assures.

But then there's the question of how Alouette's doing - and Rikka looks her way.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette gives Akane an encouraging nod, when she considers checkups and brain scans. "It doesn't need to be a super regular thing. Once a year at the most... and maybe if you're feeling worried about a particularly taxing combat situation." She decides to order what Akane and Rikka are getting, too, as she admits, "It's been years now... and even I still worry about losing my memories again sometimes."

Akane brings up the meeting with Cagalli as a tension point, and Alouette nods. That wasn't really Mobile Corps' purview, but she still read the report. "I don't blame you... a forced marriage, I couldn't believe it either." She'd be weirded out too if she took point on that one. "I don't think it means you failed. GGG isn't small... but the world is quite a big place. It's good to make a strong first impression anyways."

"You're welcome. I'll let her know you two want to talk to her when I get back to work, if you'd like?" Alouette offers, about Hinoki. She's her direct coworker in Blue, so it's not hard to get into contact with her.

She frowns then, but not harshly, when Rikka explains her rationale for using HADES. "Haaah... that's exactly the kind of reckless move I was always chiding Guy for," Alouette replies. "I guess that really does make you a Chief of GGG!" But she regards her more seriously, then, because Rikka makes it clear it wasn't the right choice. "I get the feeling.. that you have to do something or people will die. But I'm sure you already know that you have to trust your allies' judgement. They're counting on you, but you're counting on them, too, right?" She feels that's really the best advice she can offer Rikka on it.

Alouette hesitates, when Akane asks how she's doing. "Well... you wouldn't blame me if I said I was a little concerned, right?" She pokes at her glass a little. "I was on the ground in case the OCU needed rapid response for disaster relief... but part of me wishes I was up there in space with you, too." She admits. "And besides that, anti-Coordinator sentiment is rising again. I want to visit my mom after what happened... but it feels a little risky going back to the AEU right now."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane nods to Rikka, scooting a bit closer to her in her seat as Rikka explains that she self-approved and shouldn't have. It gets a warm look from her and a small smile, rather than worry -- it's reassuring to see Rikka acknowledge that that could be scary, a sign that the concern means something to her.

"... yeah, that's a good point," Akane agrees, when it comes to the idea that no one's on their game. Still, to her that's not a reason to let something that could come from a different place entirely skate. There's a lot they don't know about Galactron, and a lot that isn't known about HADES use -- it was a black box system for so long, after all.

Once a year checkups and brain monitoring... that seems like an okay place to start. And an offer to let Hinoki know ahead of time... "Sure, that sounds great. ... Thanks. I know this is kinda a fraught topic."

When Alouette mentions that recklessness -- Akane considers saying something... and this time, she does! "It's not even that I think it was the wrong call, just... a scary one and one we can't just move on from," Akane says, with a nod.

When Alouette talks about her own situation, Akane runs her finger along the rim of her glass of water. "Yeah, I can get that... I think relief on the ground was probably just as important, though," she reassures her.

Thinking about it a little more, she adds, with a little seriousness, "... Yeah. Yeah, it does. The OCU's a little better on that stuff... to be honest, I wouldn't be entirely comfortable being the parent of a Coordinator in the AEU right now. I think with your 3G work you might be able to sponsor her for residency?"

Rubbing at the back of her head, Akane admits, "Iiii looked up some of this stuff when I was looking at family register changes."

We rate this Half True.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane scoots a bit closer. That warm look... it feels nice. It's good to - address this, get it out in the open rather than keep it to herself.

She turns her attention back to Alouette, then, as she makes a suggestion. And worrying about losing her memories... Rikka nods quietly. It's a terrifying thought. She doesn't blame her for that fear persisting.

As for their meeting with Cagalli... Rikka nods.

"I agree. Even if it didn't go the way we hoped, nothing bad comes out of getting to know each other." Rikka says - and nods again, as Alouette says she'll let Hinoki know. "Thanks... We appreciate it. It'd be good to give her some warning."

Alouette frowns, and Rikka feels just a bit embarrassed... but she can tell she isn't judging her harshly for it. She cracks a small smile. "I guess so... I don't know if I should be proud of it for that..."

Alouette regards her more seriously, and Akane offers hew view of the situation, and Rikka nods quietly.

"...Yeah. I should have - I should have asked Akane first, let her know what I was doing instead of springing it on her as I did it, so we could approach it together." Rikka replies. "And... you're right."

It's something they can't just move on from... and that's why they're here, figuring out the next step.

She listens, then, as Alouette explains her own situation.

"No, not at all..." Rikka agrees with a shake of her head. Of course she'd be concerned. "But, yeah... what Akane said. I think your presence did a lot to help everyone."

Anti-Coordinator sentiment... Rikka nods quietly, frowning. That's something she's been keeping an eye on, too. Her own situation is a little... fraught, in that regard.

Akane has a suggestion, though - and Rikka looks briefly toward her at the mention of family register changes, but she doesn't give it too much thought before looking back toward Alouette.

"I don't know if there's anything we can do about it... but if there's some way to help, let us know? Even if you'd just like someone to accompany you if you decide to go." She offers.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette nods at Rikka's assessment of what happened with Cagalli - even if they couldn't secure a deal, it sounds like they got along with her... and that can be valuable to someone in a situation like Cagalli's. She doesn't linger on that much longer, though, making a mental note to bring up what they talked about the next time she sees Hinoki. "It's fraught... but it's important." She concludes.

"A scary call... I'd agree with that, if it was me in the Operator's seat," Alouette nods. "I think it's good that you're talking about it, and not just letting it skate." She looks over to Rikka then, with a bit of a gentler smile. "Besides, you have way more to be proud of than that." One hasty move when a colony was on the verge of falling doesn't undermine Rikka's many accomplishments.

Akane and Rikka both reinforce that ground relief was just as important as trying to stop the colony. "That's probably true... the OCU was mostly unscathed, but we didn't fully know the situation yet, and people were still scared. Our work was mostly making sure the shelters were up and running." She can't help but spare a thought for the people who were struck by the impact, who didn't have a shelter to fall into.

When she explains her own situation, Akane and Rikka both have offers of her own, that Alouette appreciates. Residency... "I feel a little bad about it, because it's not her fault," She pauses, and tries to correct herself. "It wasn't her choice I was made a Coordinator. But on a practical level, I think I'll look into that. I don't want her to, well... be targeted by anyone again."

"I appreciate that, too. You just got back from vacation in NUNE, so I won't ask you right away... but I'll let you know if there's anything." She smiles. "Honestly, it's good just to get it all off my chest for now."

Still... she gives Akane bit of a knowing look when she haphazardly explains she knows so much about this because she was looking into the family register.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Taking a deep breath, Akane says, "... Yeah. I think even telling me before you swiped instead of after would have helped. I... hearing the approval noise and then hearing you say it was really scary." She reaches out for Rikka's hand and says, softly, "Thanks for thinking about it." She gives Alouette a smile, too; it feels nice to have friends who'll take those concerns on.

She's more focused on Alouette's situation, though, now; she and Rikka have next steps, and that's what's most important there. It's not like they can do something right here, in Chojin, so she --

-- focuses on the shoronpo arriving! The rest of the food will be a bit, but Akane is excited to try those. She takes an experimental bite, and immediately:


Akane leans forward a bit, putting her hand below her mouth and forcing herself to swallow before snagging a napkin and rubbing at her chin.

She orients on Alouette a little more now, and agrees, "If that stuff isn't handled right -- aaah, I'm going to have a tongue blister, this sucks -- like... that can kill people too. In one of my psych classes we talked about a trampling incident in Britannia during the One Year War as an example... I think if you focus on that it'll be easier. There's people who're alive now because you did what you could where you were."

... it's something Akane has to tell herself, too, after Break the World. Knowing that the alternative was Earth's complete destruction... even if they didn't save everyone, there's a stark difference between '25 million' and '2.5 billion.'

When she was deep inside Alexis, she came to know that he saw the world as billions of potential 'Akane Shinjos.'

Being part of keeping those 'billions of Akane Shinjos' alive makes Akane feel a little more like saving this 'Akane Shinjo' was worth it.

On Alouette's mom, though... "... Yeah. Japan's got the fourth lowest Coordinator bashing stats of any nation with a decent-sized economy? And with Orb joining NUNE and the Kingdom of Scandinavia being the way it is, that could become one or two really fast." ... It's a semi-regular discussion topic in Intelligence. These things have knock-on effects for 'who gets targeted by science crime.' "It's probably the right call. If you need any help, let me know, okay?"

(The smile at Akane's comment gets her to furiously wipe her face again to hide that 'caught in the cookie jar' look.)

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It is." Rikka agrees with a nod, as Alouette concludes that it's fraught, but important.

Akane explains how she felt - how it was scary, and Rikka looks toward her as she reaches for her hand. Rikka takes it, holding it gently.

"You're welcome. And... I'm sorry, for putting you through that." Rikka apologizes - and then nods, toward Alouette. "...Yeah. I'm... glad we decided to."

She does smile back, though, as Alouette smiles at her.

"...You're right. We do." She agrees.

And then, the shoronpo arrives! Rikka is eager to try some too, but Akane gets to them first and -

...immediately burns her tongue, apparently. Rikka quickly pushes some water her way, and makes a mental note to wait just a moment on the shoronpo.

Rikka nods, though, as she makes her statement.

"Yeah." She says. It's an important lesson... and it's good to hear it from Akane.

As for Alouette's situation, Rikka nods quietly.

"...Yeah. I wish it wasn't something we had to worry about at all." She murmurs. It would be better if Alouette's mother could continue living there safely... But they have to look at practical concerns now, which Akane brings up. She nods, though, as Alouette says she won't ask them right away, and she smiles, as she says it's good to just get it off her chest.

"I'm glad. You'll always have my ear, if you need it." She says. If they can give her some amount of relief, that's enough.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette is glad Akane and Rikka are able to move forward, not just move ahead, of what happened with HADES. She doesn't interrupt their little moment, but she does nod slowly when Akane explains what exactly about the situation scared her so much. It makes sense, all things considered.

And not long after that, the food arrives! Akane digs in first, maybe to her regret, which Alouette briefly grimaces at. But Rikka has the water situation handled, so Alouette considers taking a more careful bite once it cools down a bit. For now, they have the opportunity to talk a little longer. "It's sad... but you're right. Panic can be deadly, too." Alouette frowns, when Akane goes into her lessons from Psychology. "Thanks... I'll keep that in mind." It's nice knowing you made even a small difference, saved a few lives, even when so many were lost.

Akane lays out the statistics of the situation, with Coordinator discrimination. It's unfortunate what's happening in Orb and Scandinavia, but... "Mmm. It makes me glad I decided to move. I'll probably talk to Chief Akamatsu about my options... and I'll call my mom again, to see where her head's at." She nods. "...I feel like if I don't do it sooner, it'll only get worse." She has no idea what the member states of the NUNE are planning... but it doesn't feel good.

Akane and Rikka both offer their support, and Alouette gives them a relieved smile. "Thanks, both of you. If there's anything else related to your own situations that you want to talk about, just let me know. I'm always here for you both!" She concludes. "The schoronpo's probably cool enough to eat... and we don't want it to get too cold either, so shall we get started?"